23 research outputs found

    Análise da capacidade de vedamento bacteriano na interface entre implante e pilar em dois sistemas de junção / Analysis of bacterial sealing capacity at the interface between implants and abutments in two joining systems

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    Avaliar in vitro a contaminação bacteriana na interface implante-pilar em implantes dentários com conexões dos tipos hexágono interno e hexágono externo, por meio de análise microbiológica. Foram analisados 24 conjuntos (n = 12), os quais foram divididos nos seguintes grupos: conexão hexágono interno (HI); conexão hexágono externo (HE); controle positivo (CP) e controle negativo (CN). Todos os grupos foram contaminados no interior do implante com Escherichia coli, exceto o grupo CN. Em seguida, os pilares foram conectados, aplicado torque de 20 N e os conjuntos foram imersos em uma solução de caldo Brain Heart Infusion (BHI), onde foram mantidos durante 14 dias. Os conjuntos foram desconectados por contra torque e porções do caldo de cultura foram coletadas e plaqueadas em Ágar BHI por 24 horas, para observar a formação das unidades formadoras de colônias (CFUs). Depois, foi realizada a coleta de uma porção das CFUs para esfregaço e coloração de Gram. Após os 14 dias, houve turbidez do meio e presença de depósitos em 6/11 tubos de ensaio do hexágono interno e 5/11 para hexágono externo, não havendo diferença estatística (p > 0,05) entre os grupos. Foi confirmado o crescimento dos bacilos Gram-negativos, onde foi possível visualizar a presença de Escherichia coli nas placas correspondentes aos tubos de ensaio que apresentaram turbidez anteriormente. Os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que o tipo de implante não beneficia a redução da contaminação bacteriana através da conexão implante-pilar

    Procedimentos conservadores para restabelecimento da estética anterior

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    A Odontologia atual está direcionada em executar procedimentos cada vez menos invasivos sem perder a objetividade, tais como função e estética. Como tais procedimentos, podemos citar o clareamento dentário e a utilização de resinas compostas diretas, que nos fazem praticar o conceito de uma Odontologia minimamente invasiva. Este artigo tem o objetivo de demonstrar, através de alguns procedimentos conservadores, a possibilidade de se obter resultados satisfatórios

    Influence of dental exposure to oral environment on smear layer removal and collagen exhibition after using different conditioning agents

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    Although in vitro studies have shown encouraging results for root surface conditioning with demineralizing agents, in vivo studies have failed to show its benefits in periodontal healing. This can be attributed to several factors, among which, the hypermineralization of dental surface. Therefore, this in vitro study compared, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the effect of root surface conditioning with different conditioners (1% and 25% citric acid, 24% EDTA and 50 mg/mL tetracycline hydrochloride) in impacted teeth and in teeth that had their roots exposed to the oral environment. One trained examiner assessed the SEM micrographs using a root surface modification index. There was a tendency of more root surface modification in the group of impacted teeth, suggesting that the degree of root mineralization influences its chemical demineralization

    A arte de copiar: restauração estética anterior

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    Atualmente, os pacientes buscam cada vez mais estética, e o profissional deve ser capaz de suprir a necessidade da demanda atual. Para isso, os profissionais devem estar atentos a não somente devolver funcionalidade a seus procedimentos restauradores, mas acima de tudo buscar excelência estética. Entre esses procedimentos, as restaurações adesivas diretas são capazes de mimetizar o que é artificial, tornando as restaurações naturais. Esse artigo tem o objetivo de expor uma sequência clínica, de certa maneira simplificada, em que o profissional conseguiu uma restauração altamente estética

    Use of salivary biomarkers for diagnosis of periodontal disease activity: a literature review

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    Periodontal disease is an infectious disease characterized by the connective tissue destruction and consequent alveolar bone loss in response to plaque accumulation on the tooth surface. The clinical diagnosis of periodontal disease is based both on clinical examination involving the evaluation of probing depth and radiographic examination of alveolar bone loss but these examinations are not enough to determine the activity of the disease process. For that reason, it has been proposed to seek predictive disease markers in an attempt to assess the disease activity and so, evaluate the efficacy of the periodontal disease treatment. The aim of this review is to present recent advances in the development of proteomic, genomics and microbial biomarkers and potential clinical applications. It was concluded that periodontal treatment based on assessing the levels of salivary biomarkers emerges as a promising method in near future and will become an integral part of the evaluation of periodontal health

    Degree of conversion of polymer-matrix composite assessed by FTIR analysis

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    Aims and objectives: The behavior of polymer-matrix composite is dependent on the degree of conversion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of conversion of two resin cements following storage at 37°C immediately, 24 and 48 hours, and 7 days after light-curing by FTIR analysis. Materials and methods: The specimens were made in a metallic mold and cured with blue LED with power density of 500 mW/cm2 for 30 seconds. The specimens were pulverized, pressed with KBr and analyzed with FTIR following storage times. Statistical analysis used: ANOVA (two-way) and Tukey's post hoc. Results: To the polymer-matrix composites between 24 and 48 hours does not show a significant increase (p > 0.05), however, the highest values were found after 7 days. Conclusion: The polymer-matrix composites used in this study showed similarity on the degree of conversion and increased of according to the time of storage

    Development of medium voltage installation works in an electrical contracting firm

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    Keskijännitteiksi määritellään sähkönjakelutekniikassa yleisesti 1–36 kilovoltin jännitteet. Keskijännitelaitteistojen turvallisuuden ja luotettavuuden takaamiseksi laitteistojen rakentamisessa ja ylläpidossa on kiinnitettävä erityistä huomiota säädösten noudattamiseen ja oikeaan toimintaan rakennus- ja huoltoprosesseissa. Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin keskijännitteisten sähkölaitteistojen rakennus- käytönjohtoja huoltotöitä sähköurakointiyrityksen näkökulmasta. Työ tehtiin talotekniikkaurakoitsija Saipu Oy:lle. Rakennusten sähköurakoinnissa keskijännitetöihin kuuluvat sähkönkäyttäjien muuntamoiden ja niihin liittyvien sisäisten keskijänniteverkkojen asennustyöt. Lisäksi sähköurakointiyrityksen palveluvalikoimaan voivat kuulua keskijännitelaitteistojen käytönjohto- ja huoltotyöt. Työssä tutkittiin kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja haastattelututkimuksen avulla keskijännitelaitteistoihin liittyviä säädöksiä ja teknisiä periaatteita sekä laitteistojen käytönjohtajuuksia ja muuntamoiden määräaikaishuoltoja. Käytännön osuuden työssä muodosti liikerakennuksen kiinteistömuuntamon rakentaminen. Työn tuloksena tuotettiin yrityksen projektipäälliköille ja käytön johtajille toimintaohjeet kiinteistömuuntamon rakennus- ja huoltoprosesseihin. Tutkimustulosten perusteella esitettiin lisäksi kehitysehdotuksia muuntamon rakentamiseen ja huoltoon sekä sähkölaitteiston käytön johtajana toimimiseen.In electricity distribution, medium voltage is commonly defined as 1–36 kilovolts. To ensure safety and reliability of medium voltage electrical equipment, it is especially important to take regulations into account and act correctly in building and maintenance processes of the equipment. The aim of this master’s thesis was to study medium voltage installations, operational supervision and maintenance of medium voltage electrical equipment. The thesis was written for Saipu Oy which is a building services contractor. In electrical contracting, medium voltage installation works include installations of distribution substations owned by electricity users. In addition, electrical contractors can offer operational supervision and maintenance service for medium voltage electrical equipment. Regulations and technical principles related with medium voltage equipment, operational supervision and maintenance of distribution substations were studied by means of literature review and interview study. As a practical part of the thesis, a medium voltage distribution substation was built to a commercial building. Based on the results of the study, instructions for building and maintenance processes of distribution substations were created for project managers and operational supervisors. In addition, development proposals were made for medium voltage installations, operational supervision and maintenance of medium voltage electrical equipment