1,116 research outputs found

    Avaliação da satisfação dos jovens sobre as sessões de mediação de conflitos

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    En la actualidad experimentamos comportamientos violentos cada vez más graves, incluso considerados delictivos. Para algunos, es el resultado de los cambios en las estructuras sociales, para otros, de diferentes de razones económicas y, por último, hay quienes tratan de analizar esta situación por la falta de competencias que permiten tratar las situaciones de conflicto en un modo positivo/colaborativo. En este tercer grupo de razones, se propone una intervención directa e incisiva sobre los temas, especialmente en los jóvenes. Sancionar no es suficiente, es importante darse cuenta de que es necesario crear en las personas condiciones de aprendizaje en el marco de las habilidades relacionales. Con este fin, se han diseñado estructuras y procedimientos de mediación que podrían llenar este vacío, en particular en las escuelas. Pero, si en la literatura se encuentran referencias a estas estructuras y procedimientos de mediación, nos encontramos, sin embargo, con una ausencia casi total de datos sobre la evaluación de mediaciones por parte de sus usuarios. Por lo tanto, porque nuestra experiencia nos está permitiendo reconocer los efectos de las mediaciones en las habilidades personales y relacionales y un incremento en favor de una mejora de los contextos de las relaciones interpersonales, es importante entender cómo los jóvenes evalúan las mediaciones realizadas. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la realidad bajo la perspectiva de 36 jóvenes que respondieron al cuestionario para evaluar la satisfacción de participar en sesiones de mediación.Currently, we experience increasingly serious violent behaviors, even considered themselves criminals. For some, it is the result of change in social structures, for others, of various social-economic reasons and, finally, there are those who try to analyze this situation by the absence of skills that make it possible to deal with conflict situations in a positive/collaborative way. Focusing in this third group of reasons, it is advocated a direct and incisive intervention on the subjects, especially in young people. Punish just isn’t enough, it is important to realize the individuals creating learning conditions within the framework of relational skills. To this end, it has been designed structures and mediation procedures that could fill this gap, in particular in schools. But, if in the literature we find references to these structures and mediation procedures, we are faced, however, with an almost total absence of data on the evaluation of mediations by their users. Thus, because our experience was allowing us to recognize the effects of mediations in personal and relational skills increment in favor of better interpersonal relations contexts, it matters to understand how young people evaluate the mediations performed. This study aims to analyze the reality under the perspective of 36 young people who replied to the questionnaire for assessing satisfaction in participating in mediation sessions.Atualmente vivenciam-se comportamentos violentos cada vez mais graves, chegando mesmo a considerarem-se criminosos. Para uns, é o resultado da mudança das estruturas sociais, para outros, de razões socioeconómicas várias e, por fim, há quem procure analisar esta situação pela ausência de habilidades que possibilitem lidar com situações de conflito de forma positiva/colaborativa. Focalizando-se neste terceiro grupo de razões, advoga-se uma intervenção direta e incisiva nos sujeitos, especialmente nos jovens. Punir apenas não é suficiente, importa perceber os indivíduos criando condições de aprendizagem no âmbito das habilidades relacionais. Para o efeito, conseguiu-se conceber estruturas e procedimentos de mediação que permitissem preencher este vazio, em concreto nas escolas. Mas, se na literatura encontramos referências a estas estruturas e procedimentos de mediação, deparamonos, contudo, com uma quase total ausência de dados sobre a avaliação das mediações pelos seus destinatários. Assim, porque a nossa experiência foi-nos permitindo reconhecer os efeitos das mediações no incremento de habilidades pessoais e relacionais em prol de melhores contextos de convivencia interpessoal, interessa compreender como os jovens avaliam as mediações realizadas. O presente estudo pretende analisar esta realidade sob a perspetiva de 36 jovens que preencheram o questionário de avaliação da satisfação na participação em sessões de mediação.peerReviewe

    Emerging insights from the evolving framework of structural abstraction

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    Only recently ‘abstraction from objects’ has attracted attention in the literature as a form of abstraction that has the potential to take account of the complexity of students’ knowing and learning processes compatible with their strategy of giving meaning. This paper draws attention to several emerging insights from the evolving framework of structural abstraction in students’ knowing and learning of the limit concept of a sequence. Particular ideas are accentuated that we need to understand from a theoretical point of view since they reveal a new way of understanding knowing and learning advanced mathematical concepts

    Cognitive processes underlying mathematical concept construction: The missing process of structural abstraction

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    The purpose of this paper is twofold: On the one hand, this work frames a variety of considerations on cognitive processes underlying mathematical concept construction in two research strands, namely an actions-first strand and an objects-first strand, that mainly shapes past and current approaches on abstraction in learning mathematics. This classification provides the identification of an often overlooked fundamental cognitive process, namely structural abstraction. On the other hand, this work shows a theory-driven and research-based approach illuminating the hidden architecture of cognitive processes involved in structural abstraction that gives new insights into an integrated framework on abstraction in learning mathematics. Based on our findings in empirical investigations, the paper outlines a theoretical framework on the cognitive processes taking place on mental (rather than physical) objects

    Images of abstraction in mathematics education: Contradictions, controversies, and convergences

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    In this paper we offer a critical reflection of the mathematics education literature on abstraction. We explore several explicit or implicit basic orientations, or what we call images, about abstraction in knowing and learning mathematics. Our reflection is intended to provide readers with an organized way to discern the contradictions, controversies, and convergences concerning the many images of abstraction. Given the complexity and multidimensionality of the notion of abstraction, we argue that seemingly conflicting views become alternatives to be explored rather than competitors to be eliminated. We suggest considering abstraction as a constructive process that characterizes the development of mathematical thinking and learning and accounts for the contextuality of students’ ideas by acknowledging knowledge as a complex system

    Fanniidae (Diptera) do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Sudeste do Brasil): inventário das espécies e notas sobre a biologia e distribuição

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    The inventory of the Fanniidae (Diptera) of the Rio de Janeiro State (Atlantic Forest area), with notes on the distribution of the species is presented. The inventory was based on literature and on the exam of Museu Nacional/UFRJ collection. Thirty species distributed in two genera were recorded and five new records were registered. The areas with species records were presented in a map.Foi realizado o levantamento dos Fanniidae (Diptera) do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (área de Mata Atlântica), com notas sobre a distribuição das espécies. O levantamento foi baseado na literatura e no exame da coleção do Museu Nacional/UFRJ. Foram registradas trinta espécies, distribuídas em dois gêneros e cinco novos registros. As áreas de ocorrência das espécies foram assinaladas em mapa

    Muscidae (Diptera) do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Sudeste do Brasil): inventário das espécies e notas sobre a biologia e distribuição

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    The inventory of the Muscidae (Diptera) of the Rio de Janeiro State (Atlantic Forest area), with notes on the distribution of the species, is presented. The inventory was based on literature and on material deposited in Museu Nacional/UFRJ, DZUP/UFPR, and UFRRJ collections. A total number of 232 species distributed in 49 genera were recorded and 44 new records were registered. The known occurrence areas of each species were mapped.No presente estudo foi realizado o levantamento dos Muscidae (Diptera) do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (área de Mata Atlântica), com notas sobre a distribuição das espécies. O levantamento foi baseado na literatura e no exame da coleção do Museu Nacional/UFRJ, do DZUP/UFPR e UFRRJ. Foram registradas 232 espécies, distribuídas em 49 gêneros e 44 novos registros foram assinalados. As áreas de ocorrência conhecidas para cada espécie foram mapeadas

    Compartilhamento do conhecimento na unidade de internação neonatal do Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

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    Dissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração Universitária, Florianópolis, 2015.Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar fatores que influenciam o compartilhamento do conhecimento entre profissionais da saúde da Unidade de Internação Neonatal do HU/UFSC. Caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa qualitativa classificada como aplicada, descritiva, de campo, bibliográfica, documental e um estudo de caso. Os participantes escolhidos para este estudo correspondem aos médicos(as), enfermeiros(as) e técnicos(as) de enfermagem que atuam na referida unidade hospitalar. Como critério de seleção dos elementos da amostra, optou-se pela tipicidade e acessibilidade, selecionando-se um representante de cada grupo e em cada turno de trabalho, perfazendo um total de nove sujeitos. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de análise de documentos, consulta à bibliografia relacionada ao tema, observação e entrevista semiestruturada com os componentes da amostra. Os dados coletados foram tratados de forma não estatística por meio da técnica Pattern Matching. A pesquisa resultou na caracterização da atuação dos profissionais de saúde vinculados à Unidade Neonatal do HU/UFSC, evidenciando que, cabe ao corpo médico cuidar quase que exclusivamente do paciente, enquanto o corpo de enfermagem deve também garantir a gestão da Unidade. Como mecanismos de compartilhamento, foi identificado o uso de uma linguagem e visão comum, para os médicos, o uso de manuais e periódicos e, para o corpo de enfermagem, além da interação diária, a participação em eventos, como a Semana da Enfermagem. Como facilitadores, tem-se o uso de uma linguagem padrão e, para os médicos, o comprometimento e o respeito mútuo. Como barreiras, especialmente, para as enfermeiras, falta motivação e confiança entre os pares. Conclui-se que é possível aperfeiçoar o compartilhamento do conhecimento, notadamente, por meio da implantação de uma cultura voltada ao processo.Abstract : This research aims to analyze factors that influence knowledge sharing among health professionals that belong to the neonatal unit of the University Hospital of UFSC. It is characterized as a qualitative research, and classified as an applied, descriptive, field, bibliographical and a documentary research, and as a case study. The chosen participants for this study are doctors, nurses and technical nurses that work in the Hospital. The sample was selected using the typicity and the accessibility criteria, by choosing an agent from each group, which resulted in nine professionals. Data collection was done by using documents, consulting the literature, doing observation and semistructured interview with the sample components. The data collected were treated through Pattern Matching technic. The research resulted in the characterization of the activities developed by the professionals in the Neonatal Unit, showing that, almost exclusively, doctors should take care of the patients, while the nursing staff should also ensure the unit management. As sharing mechanisms, it was identified the use of a common language and a common vision. For the doctors, the use of manuals and of periodicals, and for the nursing staff, beyond the daily interaction, the participation in events such as Week of Nursing. As facilitators, the use of a standard language, and, for doctors, commitment and mutual respect. As barriers, especially for the nurses, lack of motivation and of confidence among peers. We conclude that it is possible to improve knowledge sharing in the Unit, specially through the implementation of a sharing culture

    Consumer Impulsiveness and Purchase Behavior in Emerging Markets: An Abstract

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    Castagna, A. C., Pinto, D. C., & Herter, M. M. (2019). Responsible Consumption during Crisis: Consumer Impulsiveness and Purchase Behavior in Emerging Markets: An Abstract. In P. Rossi, & N. Krey (Eds.), Finding New Ways to Engage and Satisfy Global Customers: Proceedings of the 2018 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress (WMC) (pp. 571-572). (Finding New Ways to Engage and Satisfy Global Customers). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-02568-7_154The effects of economic crisis on consumer behavior affect from unplanned to planned purchases (Quelch and Jocz, 2009). Previous research analyzed how consumers are coping with crisis considering aspects such as low-income consumers (Kumar et al., 2017), household consumption and their financial management (Albert and Escardibul, 2017), and the increase of poverty and reduction of well-being during crisis (Gutierrez-Nieto et al., 2017). Taking into account the few studies on impulsiveness consumption during an economic crisis, the present research extends previous literature by showing that the relationship between consumer income and consumption behavior is processed by responsible behavior during crisis and that consumer impulsiveness will vary according to this responsible behavior. In this sense, this research develops and tests a framework of responsible consumption during crisis that explains changes in purchase behavior in an emerging market context. We conceptualize responsible crisis consumption as the changes in regular habits of consumers to a more rational way of buying, such as shifting for less expensive products and less known brands or reducing expenditures on services. The study was developed in two stages: an exploratory qualitative phase of 12 in-depth interviews with consumers and specialists and a confirmatory quantitative phase with 408 consumers during the recent Brazilian economic crisis (2015–2018). The results using partial least squares structural equations modeling (PLS-SEM) indicate that responsible crisis consumption is an important underlying mechanism between consumer impulsiveness, income level, and purchase behavior. Our findings reveal that consumers, when faced with an economic crisis, develop responsible consumption habits that modify their consumption behavior, especially decreasing services consumption compared to products. Consumers change their purchase habits during a recession by looking for a security status, which means that in this period consumers shift from their general habits to a more rational way of buying. In this sense, our results also report that during the economic crisis, consumers tend to reduce impulsiveness and increase behaviors such as replacing the usual purchase with cheaper products, increasing reflexivity about purchases, decreasing purchases without looking at the price, and increasing the repair of products instead of buying new ones. Theoretically, our findings on responsible crisis consumption reveal that consumers are not only economically affected by recession, but it also triggers psychological mechanisms on consumers by changing their level of impulsiveness and changing their purchase behavior. In managerial terms, the findings help companies and public institutions to understand the changes in purchase behavior in emerging markets.authorsversionpublishe