1,123 research outputs found

    Sensibilidade de diferentes cultivares de oliveira aos ataques da mosca da azeitona, Bactrocera oleae (Gmel.) e da traça da oliveira, Prays oleae (Bern.).

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    Com o presente estudo pretendeu-se avaliar a diferenças de sensibilidade de três cultivares de oliveira à mosca da azeitona, Bactrocera oleae (Geml.) e/ou a sua preferência pelos adultos da traça da oliveira, Prays oleae (Bern.), para a realização das posturas. Os dados apresentados referem-se a 2000 e 2001, tendo sido obtidos através de amostragens realizadas em seis oliveiras de ‘Cobrançosa’, de ‘Verdeal Transmontana’ e de ‘Madural’. Os resultados obtidos mostram diferenças na data de ocorrência do estado receptivo à postura na geração antófaga da traça da oliveira (estado fenológico D) – que ocorreu cerca de uma semana mais cedo na ‘Madural’ e na ‘Verdeal Transmontana’ do que na ‘Cobrançosa’ –, bem como na maturação dos frutos – tendo sido a ‘Madural’ a mais temporã. A percentagem de frutos atacados pela traça da oliveira foi superior na ‘Cobrançosa’ e na ‘Madural’ comparativamente à ‘Verdeal Transmontana’. No caso da mosca da azeitona, observaram-se diferenças significativas entre cultivares, no que respeita à intensidade do ataque, com valores superiores a 85,0 % na ‘Madural’, em fins de Outubro. A ‘Verdeal Transmontana’ apresentou intensidades de ataque intermédios (superiores a 70,0 %), enquanto a ‘Cobrançosa’ apresentou os ataques mais baixos, com 38,0 %, em 2000 e 59,0 %, em 2001

    Numerical and experimental methods used to evaluate active drag in swimming: a systematic narrative review

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    In swimming, it is necessary to understand and identify the main factors that are important to reduce active drag and, consequently, improve the performance of swimmers. However, there is no up-to-date review in the literature clarifying this topic. Thus, a systematic narrative review was performed to update the body of knowledge on active drag in swimming through numerical and experimental methods.This work is supported by national funds (FCT -Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) with the reference 2020.07194.BD and the project UIDB/DTP/04045/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effect of a six months multicomponent training in elderly's body composition and functional fitness - A before-after analysis

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    The aim of this study was to assess the elderly’s functional fitness and body composition effects between pre and post multicomponent training program with six months of intervention. The sample of this study was composed of 34 volunteered elders with 68 (± 7.55) years old. The body composition was evaluated by a Tanita BC-545, and a functional fitness test assessed the elderly’s functional fitness. The body composition did not present significant changes between the pre- and post-exercise program intervention. The training program increased the upper limbs’ strength levels and upper body flexibility, and aerobic endurance. Different associations between body composition and functional fitness variables were found between pre and post multicomponent training program. In this study, body composition seems not to be affected. However, functional fitness in upper limbs strength, upper body flexibility, and aerobic endurance improved under six months of multicomponent training.Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas do Douro – Penafiel, Portugal. 2Instituto Politécnico de Bragança – Bragança, Portugal. 3Research Center in Sports Health and Human Development – Covilhã, Portugal. *Correponding author: Rua Vitorino da Costa, 96, CEP: 4560-708 Penafiel, Portugal. E-mail: [email protected] Conflict of interests: Nothing to declare. Funding: This research is supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. (project UIDB04045/2020), by Research Center in Sports Health and Human Development, Covilhã, Portugal and Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas do Douroinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of the inter-lap stability and relationship between the race time and start, clean swim, turn and finish variables in elite male junior swimmers’ 200 m freestyle

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    The aims of this study were to: (1) assess the stability (mean and normative) of the lap performance, and a set of clean swim and turn variables of junior male swimmers in the 200 m freestyle, and; (2) verify the relationship between the start, clean swim, turn, and finish phases in the 200 m freestyle. Seventy-six individual races in the 200 m freestyle at the 2019 long-course LEN European Junior Championships were analysed. Start, clean swim, turn, and finish variables were assessed. The lap performance showed a significant variance. The highest variation was verified between the first and third lap (Coefficient of Variation = 7.37%). The clean swim and the total turn also presented a significant variance. Normative stability indicated a moderate to very-high stability for all variables. All phases of the race had significant correlations with the final race time (p < 0.001). The total turn (i.e., the total time spent to perform the turn), specifically turn #3, showed the largest correlation with the total race performance. The significant correlation between all phases of the race and the final race time indicates that coaches and swimmers should customise the swimmers’ preparation and race strategy at major international competitions, based on the individual characteristics of each swimmerTo LEN and Spiideo AB for providing the video clips. This project was supported by the National Funds through FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (UIDB/DTP/04045/2020)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Physical growth of schoolchildren from the Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Comparison with the CDC-2000 reference using the LMS method

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    Objective: To analyse the physical growth of a representative school population sample from the Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in comparison with the reference proposed by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC-2000). Methods: The sample was composed of 5100 individuals (2730 girls and 2370 boys), aged 6-18 years. Body weight-for-age and height-for-age percentiles were obtained using the LMS method. Statistical and graphical comparisons were made with the corresponding percentiles of the CDC-2000 reference, estimated using the same method. Results: Overall, the calculated values of the L (asymmetry) and the S (variability) parameters were quite similar to the CDC-2000 reference values. However, M(median) was substantially different from the reference used in the study, mainly in schoolchildren over 12-13 years of age of both genders. The magnitude of the deficits of height-for-age and body weight-for-age observed in the schoolchildren from the Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil, varied from 4 to 6 cm and from 3 to 6 kg, respectively. Conclusion: The body weight-for-age and height-for-age percentiles of schoolchildren population in the Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil differed substantially from those referenced

    Using wearables to monitor swimmers’ propulsive force to get real-time feedback and understand its relationship to swimming velocity

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    Evidence on the role of propulsion compared to drag in swimming, based on experimental settings, is still lacking. However, higher levels of propulsion seem to lead to faster swimming veloci- ties. The aim of this study was to understand the variation in a set of kinematic and kinetic variables between two swimming sections and their relationship to swimming velocity. The sample consisted of 15 young adult recreational swimmers (8 males: 20.84 ± 2.03 years; 7 females: 20.13 ± 1.90 years). Maximum swimming velocity and a set of kinematic and kinetic variables were measured during two consecutive sections of the swimming pool. Differences between sections were measured and the determinants of swimming velocity were analyzed. Swimming velocity, propulsive force, and the other kinematic and kinetic variables did not change significantly (p < 0.05) between sections (only the intra-cyclic fluctuation of swimming velocity decreased significantly, p = 0.005). The modeling identified the propulsive force, stroke length, and active drag coefficient as the determinants of swimming velocity. Swimming velocity was determined by the interaction of kinematic and kinetic variables, specifically propulsive force and active drag coefficientThis research was funded by FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, grant number UIDB/DTP/04045/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Las clases de natación en el contexto escolar durante un período de doce semanas mejoran las habilidades acuáticas y la coordinación motora en niños brasileños

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    This study aimed to verify the effects of 12 weeks of swimming lessons implemented in age school Brazilian children’s aquatic skills and motor coordination. Fifty children aged 6 to 10 years old (mean ± SD: 8.34 ± 1.10 years), participated in one swimming lesson per week provided by the school curriculum. Each child was evaluated for their aquatic skills (17 skills checklist) and motor coordination (Körperkoordinationstest Für Kinder test–KTK) before and after the swimming program. This study showed significant improvements in the sum of scores obtained in swimming skills evaluation (31.40 ± 12.89 vs. 46.90 ± 10.73 points, p < .01, d = 3.38). Large effects were found in water orientation and adjustment at the vertical position, breath control, horizontal buoyancy, body position at ventral, dorsal gliding and at longitudinal rotation, front and back somersaults, leg kicking with breath control, feet-first/head-first entries, autonomy in a deep pool and vertical buoyancy and immersion at deep water. The sum of scores in motor coordination assessment increased from 140.64 ± 41.94 to 175.20 ± 41.39 points (p < .01, d = 1.56). These results showed that 12 weeks of swimming practices, even conditioned by state school context (i.e., once a week), allowed Brazilian children aged 6-10 years old to increase aquatic skills and motor coordination.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar los efectos de las clases de natación durante un período de 12 semanas en las habilidades acuáticas y la coordinación motora en niños brasileños. Cincuenta niños entre los 6 y los 10 años de edad (media ± DE: 8.34 ± 1.10 años) participaron una vez por semana en una clase de natación ofrecida por el plan de estudios escolar. Cada niño fue evaluado en cuanto a sus habilidades acuáticas (lista de verificación de 17 habilidades) y coordinación motora (Körperkoordinationstest Für Kinder test - KTK) antes y después del programa de natación. Los resultados del estudio mostraron mejoras significativas en la suma de las puntuaciones obtenidas en la evaluación de las habilidades de natación (31.40 ± 12.89 frente a 46.90 ± 10.73 puntos, p < .01, d = 3.38). Se observaran efectos importantes en la orientación y el ajuste del agua en la posición vertical, en el control de la respiración, en la flotabilidad horizontal, en la posición del cuerpo en la posición ventral, en el deslizamiento dorsal y la rotación longitudinal, en los saltos mortales hacia adelante y hacia atrás, en los empujes con las piernas con control de la respiración, pies primero / cabeza primero entradas, en la autonomía en piscina profunda y flotabilidad vertical y inmersión en aguas profundas. La suma de las puntuaciones en la evaluación de la coordinación motora aumentó de 140.64 ± 41.94 a 175.20 ± 41.39 puntos (p < .01, d = 1.56). Estos resultados mostraron que 12 semanas de prácticas de natación, incluso condicionadas por el contexto de la escuela estatal (es decir, una vez por semana), permitieron a los niños brasileños de 6 a 10 años aumentar de forma significativa la preparación acuática y la coordinación motora.This work is supported by national funding through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the project UIDB/04045/2020. The authors would like to acknowledge the support of SINTEGO, Secretaria de Estado da Educação de Goiás and Secretaria Municipal de Educação da Cidade de Itumbiara-GO.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Meta-scale mountain grassland observatories uncover commonalities as well as specific interactions among plant and non-rhizosphere soil bacterial communities.

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    Interactions between plants and bacteria in the non-rhizosphere soil are rarely assessed, because they are less direct and easily masked by confounding environmental factors. By studying plant vegetation alliances and soil bacterial community co-patterning in grassland soils in 100 sites across a heterogeneous mountain landscape in the western Swiss Alps, we obtained sufficient statistical power to disentangle common co-occurrences and weaker specific interactions. Plant alliances and soil bacterial communities tended to be synchronized in community turnover across the landscape, largely driven by common underlying environmental factors, such as soil pH or elevation. Certain alliances occurring in distinct, local, environmental conditions were characterized by co-occurring specialist plant and bacterial species, such as the Nardus stricta and Thermogemmatisporaceae. In contrast, some generalist taxa, like Anthoxanthum odoratum and 19 Acidobacteria species, spanned across multiple vegetation alliances. Meta-scale analyses of soil bacterial community composition and vegetation surveys, complemented with local edaphic measurements, can thus prove useful to identify the various types of plant-bacteria interactions and the environments in which they occur

    Maxillary Lesion Presenting As A First Sign Of Multiple Myeloma: Case Report

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    Plasma cell neoplasia is a lymphoid neoplastic proliferation of B cells. This denomination encloses multiple myeloma (MM), solitary bone plasmacytoma and extramedullary plasmacytoma. MM consists of a clonal proliferation of plasma cells based in the bone marrow, with various degrees of differentiation. Neoplastic cells usually produce great amounts of monoclonal light or heavy chains of immunoglobulin that can be detected in serum or urine. The disease is more frequently in men and the average age at diagnosis is about 60 years. The diagnosis is established by blood and urine exams and medullary biopsy. Patients may present renal failure, bone pain, fatigue, recurrent infections and nervous system dysfunction. Oral manifestations may be the first sign of MM, highlighting the importance of the dentist in the early diagnosis of the disease. Treatment involves mainly irradiation and chemotherapy and the prognosis is generally poor. This paper reports a case of a 65 years old black female who had a complaint of a painful mass in the maxilla that prompted a MM diagnosis. © Medicina Oral.125E344E347Seoane, J., Aguirre-Urizar, J.M., Esparza-Gomez, G., Suarez-Cunqueiro, M., Campos-Trapero, J., Pomareda, M., The spectrum of plasma cell neoplasia in oral pathology (2003) Med Oral, 8, pp. 269-280Lae, M.E., Vencio, E.F., Inwards, C.Y., Unni, K.K., Nascimento, A.G., Myeloma of the jaw bones: A clinicopathologic study of 33 cases (2003) Head Neck, 25, pp. 373-381Ozdemir, R., Kayiran, O., Oruc, M., Karaaslan, O., Kocer, U., Ogun, D., Plasmacytoma of the hard palate (2005) J Craniofac Surg, 16, pp. 164-169Currie, W.J., Hill, R.R., Keshani, D.K., An unusual cause of maxillary tuberosity enlargement (1994) Br Dent J, 177, pp. 60-62Kyle, R.A., Gertz, M.A., Witzig, T.E., Lust, J.A., Lacy, M.Q., Dispenzieri, A., Review of 1027 patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (2003) Mayo Clin Proc, 78, pp. 21-33Gray, S.T., Antunovic, D.M., White, A.E., Non secretory multiple myeloma involving the maxilla: Report of a case with update of biology and new approaches to management (1997) Oral Oncol, 33, pp. 136-140Kyle, R.A., Multiple myeloma: An odyssey of discovery (2000) Br J Haematol, 111, pp. 1035-1044Zachriades, N., Papanicolaou, S., Papavassiliou, D., Vairaktaris, E., Triantafyllou, D., Mezitis, M., Plasma cell myeloma of the jaws (1987) Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 16, pp. 510-515Kyle, R.A., Multiple myeloma: Review of 869 cases (1975) Mayo Clin Proc, 50, pp. 29-40Epstein, J.B., Voss, N.J., Stevenson-Moore, P., Maxillofacial manifestations of multiple myeloma. An unusual case and review of the literature (1984) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol, 57, pp. 267-271Mateo Arias, J., Molina Martinez, M., Borrego, A., Mayorga, F., Amyloidosis of the submaxillary gland (2003) Med Oral, 8, pp. 66-70Reboiras Lopez, M.D., Garcia Garcia, A., Antunez Lopez, J., Blanco Carrion, A., Gandara Vila, P., Gandara Rey, J.M., Anaesthesia of the right lower hemilip as a first manifestation of multiple myeloma. Presentation of a clinical case (2001) Med Oral, 6, pp. 168-172Hsi, E.D., Yegappan, S., Lymphoma Immunophenotyping: A New Era in Paraffin-Section Immunohistochemistry (2001) Advances in Anatomic Pathology, 8, pp. 218-239Bayer-Garner, I.B., Prieto, V.G., Smoller, B.R., Detection of clonality with kappa and lambda immunohistochemical analysis in cutaneous plasmacytomas (2004) Arch Pathol Lab Med, 128, pp. 645-648Shin, J.S., Stopyra, G.A., Warhol, M.J., Multhaupt, H.A.B., Plasmacytoma with aberrant expression of myeloid markers, T-cell markers, and cytokeratin (2001) The Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry, 49, pp. 791-792Rosai, J., (2004) Rosai and Ackerman's Surgical Pathology, pp. 2099-2105. , St Louis: Mosby CoDurie, B.G.M., Stock-Novack, D., Salmon, S.E., Finley, P., Beckord, J., Crowley, J., Prognostic Value of Pretreatment Serum-2 Microglobulin in Myeloma: A Southwest Oncology Group Study (1990) Blood, 75, pp. 823-83