28 research outputs found

    Management elements of the emergent metropolitan areas in a transition country: Romania, as case study

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    Complex processes, specific to the countries in transition, have had major impacts on restructuring the territorial management systems. The removal of restrictions of limiting urban expansion, imposed by the totalitarian regime, has allowed the rapid expansion of cities, beyond administrative boundaries, since 1989. The concept of emerging metropolitan area is explained by the multitude of problems posed by the sketching of these areas and especially by their functioning. Synthesizing, there are presented some managerial experiences considered inchoate, of some emerging Romanian metropolitan areas, with an emphasis on Bucharest’s metropolitan area. The conclusions of these descriptive analysis show the complexity of the problems that can occur during the process of building of the metropolitan areas under the circumstances of lack of an inter-municipal cooperation culture. Integrated management takes into account two realities: firstly, that the management of emerging metropolitan areas is trans-scalar, achieving the partial mergence of the management types (including the collegiate one), and secondly, that insuring a multi-level governance without implementing a polycentric intra-metropolitan development policy, is not sufficient

    The efficiency of polycentric development strategies in the context of economic crisis. Case study - the development of Southwest Oltenia region - Romania

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    Romania's polycentric development model was elaborated by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Researches on Territorial Dynamics within the University of Bucharest and by Urbanproiect SA. The elaboration of the polycentric development strategy is based on the human settlements' classification depending on their polarisation capacity and the designing of a polycentric network, able to ensure the territorial complexity necessary to the attenuation of negative impulses from the suprasystems' level. The world economic crisis may be considered the most powerful negative impulse after the Second World War, generating major disfunctionalities at the level of fragile territorial systems. The elaboration of some specific strategies, able to take into account the new challenges given by the global world, is an important preoccupation of the decision factors in order to increase territorial competitiveness


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    The present study is a concise form of some of the researches conducted within the Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Researches on Territorial Dynamics of the University of Bucharest, which had as an objective identifying the relationships between the development of the poles network and the evolution of demographic indicators. The study’s objectives are related to identifying the role of decisional impulses from the development poles level in the functional structuring of the local settlements system. The analyses were done at each census level, and the measures adopted by the decision makers in order to stimulate the economy of development poles were underlined. A special attention was given to the communist period, when decisional impulses were followed by immediate effects at the level of dissipative capacity of towns, towards which the investments allocated in order to develop industry were oriented

    Health Tourism Contribution to the Structural Dynamics of the Territorial Systems with Tourism Functionality

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    AbstractThe study aims to identify the role of health tourism (SPA) in developing the territorial systems, characterized by the tourism functionality, in Romania, for the period 2000-2012, a period marked by spectacular transformations, especially for this economic sector. Tourism has now become a true economic engine, generating an increase in the functional complexity of the territorial system, which is based on exploiting tourism resources. To quantify how tourism has contributed to the economic development of these territorial systems in Romania a database of NACE codes was set up, specific for the tourism activity, for the period 2000-2012, for territorial mainframe systems with functionality resort. Based on this statistical support analyzes on the evolution of the number of companies, number of employees, turnover and profit were made. The results show the important role of health tourism in generating multiplier effects on other components of the economic subsystem. They were defined two categories of territorial systems: territorial systems where tourism plays a complementary role function and territorial systems in which health tourism has a preeminent role in the local economy

    Qualitative changes in the entrepreneurial sector in emerging territorial systems – Craiova case study

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    The goal of the present study is to analyze the complex economic processes within emerging territorial systems, developed around big cities. Economic ventures concentrated inside these urban clusters in a short span of time, and they registered a spectacular evolution, compared to the neighboring areas. Intensification of the linkages between cities with more than 300,000 inhabitants in Romania and the surrounding areas led to the individualization of territorial systems apart, with a spectacular evolution of economic-social processes, which turn those systems into the most dynamic territorial structures. The present study means to identify the causes of those complex processes within emerging territorial systems, the manner of functional organization of the space, and the causes that determine the spectacular evolution of the economic processes within emerging systems


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    The study presented has the purpose of highlighting the role and importance of tourism in the development of the local economy of the touristic system Băile Felix – Băile 1 Mai, Bihor County, Romania. This fact is concluded from the results of several analyses and corelations between the following factors : the numbers of companies, employees, fiscal value and recorded profit between the years 2000-201

    Vulnerability Analysis of the Cultural Heritage Sites—The Roman Edifice with Mosaic, Constanta, Romania

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    Heritage monuments are religious, historical, strategic, or civil edifices and could be deteriorated or even damaged due to their exposure to natural and anthropogenic hazards. The Roman Edifice with Mosaic (II-IV A.D.), the largest civil edifice (2040 m2) in Eastern Europe, is an ancient civil edifice built on the steep cliff in the western part of the Black Sea, Constanta, Romania, and is exposed to geomorphological and hydrogeological processes, which are affected by degradation. The main objective of this paper is to assess the current state of this ancient historical site in relation to environmental instability and offer scientific support for the rehabilitation process through interdisciplinary and non-destructive methods. Geophysical methods had been applied to comparatively analyze the spatial variations and flows of groundwater around the Roman Edifice with Mosaic in 2008 and 2019. Geomorphological hazards had already been inventoried and mapped. The results emphasize the state of degradation of the Roman mosaic pavement and ancient walls, mainly through high variations in the deposits’ moisture due to poor maintenance, which caused suffosion, and slip processes, bringing the mosaic into a high vulnerability range. The vulnerability map of the Roman Edifice with Mosaic environment is a necessary tool for continuously improving risk management because it clearly emphasizes the sectors that still have hazards

    Using fractal analysis in modeling the dynamics of forest areas and economic impact assessment:Maramureș County, Romania, as a case study

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    This study uses fractal analysis to quantify the spatial changes of forest resources caused by an increase of deforested areas. The method introduced contributes to the evaluation of forest resources being under significant pressure from anthropogenic activities. The pressure on the forest resources has been analyzed for Maramureș County, one of the most deforested counties in Romania. In order to evaluate this, the deforested areas were calculated for the period of 2001–2014, by using the Global Forest Change 2000–2014 database. The Fractal Fragmentation Index (FFI) and Fixed Grid 2D Lacunarity (FG2DL) were used to quantify the degree of fragmentation and dispersion of the forested areas, and thereby the extent to which a forest area is affected by deforestation. The process of quantifying the pressure on forested areas included the creation of a database for the period of 2000–2014 containing economic activities (turnover) related to woody recourses, important indicators of forest exploitation. Taken together, the results obtained indicate a dramatic increase in deforested areas (over 19,122 ha in total for the period of analysis), in Maramureș County

    Use of Fractal Analysis in the Evaluation of Deforested Areas in Romania

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    Spectacular spatial dynamics of forest areas is one of the biggest challenges for the scientific world, concerned with completing the methodologies devoted to new methodological approaches, to provide new information that is indispensable in assessing the impact of deforestation within the ecosystem. In this study, we analyzed the evolution of the deforested areas, using the fractal fragmentation index (FFI). The research is based on high-resolution satellite images of forest areas between 2000 and 2017. The use of fractal algorithms allowed the modeling of the grinding patterns, identifying obvious differences between compact and fragmented cuts. Information is needed especially in the evaluation of the areas cleared because of illegal actions. Research has shown spectacular increases in deforestation in the mountain area, the northern and central groups of the Eastern Carpathians being the most fragmented geographical regions in Romania. The study showed that deforestation led to the fragmentation of forests, which generates major natural changes. The results obtained can contribute to the identification of new approaches in national forest fund management policies by establishing a critical fragmentation threshold

    Triple primary malignancies in a patient with breast cancer: a rare occurrence

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    Scop. Stadializarea loco-regională și la distanță a tumorilor maligne poate evidenția prezența neoplaziilor sincrone în același organ sau la distanță. Neoplasmele primare sincrone prezente în trei sisteme de organ diferite sunt raportate în literatură cu o incidență de 2.4% -17%. Mirajul primei leziuni poate conduce frecvent spre erori de management terapeutic. Materiale și metode. O pacientă în vârstă de 66 ani, cunoscută cu importantă patologie cardiovasculară și tiroidiană, se prezintă în IRO Iași în urma decelării la palpare a unei formațiuni tumorale mamare stângi în cadranul infero-extern. La examenul clinic, se observă la nivel cutanat în zona sânului stâng o suprafață cu contur neregulat, alcătuită din zone de hipopigmentare și hiperpigmentare. Pacienta este stadializată imagistic pentru afecțiunea mamară – neoplasm ductal invaziv cT2N1 (triplu negativ) și un nodul solid neregulat în segmentul anterior al lobului stâng pulmonar. Decizia Comisiei Multidisciplinare Oncologice este de evaluare PET-CT a nodulului pulmonar, ocazie cu care se infirmă supoziția de metastază pulmonară, dar se evidențiază hipercaptare la nivelul glandei tiroide. Se decide inițierea chimioterapiei neoadjuvante pentru afecțiunea mamară, urmată de intervenție chirurgicală, secvențială, a sânului în bloc cu afecțiunea cutanată și a glandei tiroide. Rezultate. Buletinul histopatologic final a constat în răspuns complet anatomo-patologic al neoplaziei mamare și diagnosticul de microcarcinom tiroidian papilar, respectiv melanom malign cutanat tip Clark II. Pacienta a primit radioterapie adjuvantă pentru cancerul mamar, fiind supravegheată imagistic pentru cancerul tiroidian și cel cutanat. Concluzii. Tumorile maligne sunt definite ca neoplazii primare multiple dacă apar în locuri diferite și/sau aparțin unui grup histologic diferit. Astfel, este evitată clasificarea eronată a tumorilor multiple ca determinări secundare. Cazul prezentat subliniază importanța investigațiilor paraclinice efectuate meticulos pentru stadializarea preterapeutică, detecția cancerelor sincrone având un rol semnificativ în prevenția, diagnosticul și stabilirea tratamentului pacientului, în vederea obținerii celor mai bune rezultate terapeutice.Aim of study. Loco-regional and distant staging of malignant tumors can highlight the presence of synchronous neoplasias in the same organ or at distance. Synchronous primary neoplasms present in three different organ systems are reported in the literature with an incidence of 2.4%-17%. The mirage of the first lesion can often lead to therapeutic management errors. Materials and methods. A 66-year-old female patient, known to have important cardiovascular and thyroid pathology, presented to the IRO Iasi Hospital following palpation of a left mammary tumor in the infero-external quadrant. During the clinical examination, a surface with an irregular outline, made up of an area in which both hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation are present, is observed at the skin level in the area of the left breast. The patient is staged by imaging for the breast condition – invasive ductal neoplasia cT2N1 (triple negative) and an irregular solid nodule in the anterior segment of the left lung lobe. The decision of the Multidisciplinary Oncological Team is to evaluate the PET-CT of the lung nodule, which refutes the position of lung metastasis, but shows hyper-uptake at the level of the thyroid gland. It is decided to initiate neoadjuvant chemotherapy for the breast disease, followed by sequential surgery of the breast en bloc with the skin disease and, after 3 weeks, total thyroidectomy. Results. The final histopathological report consisted of the complete pathological response of the breast cancer and the diagnosis of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma, respectively Clark II type malignant cutaneous melanoma. The patient received adjuvant radiotherapy for breast cancer, being monitored by imaging for thyroid and skin cancer. Conclusions. Malignant tumors are defined as multiple primary neoplasms if they occur in different sites and/or belong to a different histological group. Thus, the wrong classification of multiple tumors as secondary determinations is avoided. The presented case emphasizes the importance of meticulously performed paraclinical investigations for pre-therapeutic staging, the detection of synchronous cancers having a significant role in the prevention, diagnosis and stability of the patient's treatment, in order to obtain the best therapeutic results