2,081 research outputs found

    Distribution of Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla (Sonder) Verlaque, Huisman & Procaccini in the Mediterranean Sea

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    The Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla (Sonder) Verlaque, Huisman & Procaccini has been reported for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea along the coast of South Turkey. This NIS is actively expanding into the Eastern and Western Mediterranean Sea. In this paper, we present an overview of the current distribution of this alga in the Mediterranean Sea, based on relevant scientific publications, grey literature and personal observations. New records from the Sicilian coast (Italy) are also reported. Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla was found over a wide range of environmental conditions (depth, light and substratum), suggesting a broad ecological plasticity of this alga which makes it a poten- tial threat for the Mediterranean benthic communities. In this respect, artificial structures, often linked to harbours and maritime traffic, seem to provide suitable habitats for this NIS. Since maritime traffic is intense in the Mediterranean Sea, further expansion of C. taxifolia var. distichophylla in this region is to be expected. For this reason, it is very important to build up an overview on the current distribution of the species and its possible pattern of colonisation in relation to environmental conditions, as well as in view of future climate change scenarios

    Tactile sensing chips with POSFET array and integrated interface electronics

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    This work presents the advanced version of novel POSFET (Piezoelectric Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) devices based tactile sensing chip. The new version of the tactile sensing chip presented here comprises of a 4 x 4 array of POSFET touch sensing devices and integrated interface electronics (i.e. multiplexers, high compliance current sinks and voltage output buffers). The chip also includes four temperature diodes for the measurement of contact temperature. Various components on the chip have been characterized systematically and the overall operation of the tactile sensing system has been evaluated. With new design the POSFET devices have improved performance (i.e. linear response in the dynamic contact forces range of 0.01–3N and sensitivity (without amplification) of 102.4 mV/N), which is more than twice the performance of their previous implementations. The integrated interface electronics result in reduced interconnections which otherwise would be needed to connect the POSFET array with off-chip interface electronic circuitry. This research paves the way for CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) implementation of full on-chip tactile sensing systems based on POSFETs

    Response of benthic macroinvertebrate community decriptors to chemical pollution in the aquatic ecosystem of Fiume Grande and Punta della Contessa saltpans (Brindisi, Italy)

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    EnThe anthropogenic activities that take place in an area are reflected in the quality of the waters in the water bodies into which the area drains;these water bodies thus represent natural tools for monitoring the state of health of the whole catchment area.The objective of this study is to evaluate the sensitivity of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in aquatic ecosystems to perturbations linked to chemical pollution.To this end a study was conducted in the aquatic ecosystems located within the Site of National Interest of Brindisi,performing seasonal samplings in 9 field sites.The analysis of the benthic macroinvertebrate communities entailed taxonomic identification,determination of biomass and evaluation of the body condition of each individual sampled. Taxonomic and non-taxonomic community indices were derived,and their models of variation were described and compared on gradients of concentration of chemical contaminants in the area. The results indicate significant relations between the concentration of heavy metals and descriptors of the size spectra of benthic macroinvertebrates,suggesting that in aquatic ecosystems,descriptors linked to size can be a useful tool in support of bio-monitoring and assessment of ecological risk,considering their ease of application and sensitivity to perturbation pressures in an industrial area

    Do mining activities significantly affect feeding behavior of freshwater benthic macroinvertebrates? A case study in South Sardinia (Italy)

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    We investigated the cascading effects of chemical contaminants on alder leaf detritus quality and the exploitation of this feeding resource by benthic macroinvertebrates (isopods, gastropods, and mayfly nymphs). Trophic behavior and energetics of benthic macroinvertebrates were used to evaluate the effects of contaminants on detritus exploitation. A two-way factorial nested experimental design was used to statistically quantify how leaf detritus origin (polluted and unpolluted streams) and the pollution level of the site selected for microbial conditioning of the detritus could affect the feeding resource quality for aquatic benthic macroinvertebrates, as measured by their trophic behavior (i.e. food selection) and exploitation (i.e. food ingestion). Alder leaves collected from a polluted stream in a former mining area (South-Sardinia, Italy) had Cd, Pb, and Zn concentrations up to 10 times that of leaves collected from an unpolluted stream. When benthic macroinvertebrates were given the option to choose, they all selected leaves from the unpolluted stream and/or those conditioned in the unpolluted stream. Ingestion rates were also significantly affected by both considered factors: leaf origin and conditioning. In addition, synergistic effects strongly increased the chemical contaminant stress on the leaf detritus quality. These results show that the terrestrial component of land–water ecotones affected by mining can be a relevant indirect pathway of chemical stress to benthic macroinvertebrate species

    The litter bag technique for studying detritus decomposition in aquatic ecosystems. A case study in the South of Italy, (Lake Alimini)

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    EnLeaf litter decomposition rates in aquatic ecosystems are known to be related to many different abiotic and biotic factors.A comparative analysis of inter and intra-habitat variations of detritus decay rates across ecosystem types was carried out in the Alimini lake complex (Italy)to assess the relevance of major ecosystem features to detritus processing rates.Overall,the spatial variability of leaf decomposition rates was more pronounced than temporal variability,decomposition rates in the stream being 3.6 and 5.2 times faster than in the freshwater lake and saltmarsh,respectively.Overall,environmental features were relevant factors affecting intra-and inter-habitat variation of reed decay rates

    Phytoplankton Size Structure and Diversity in the Transitional System of the Aquatina Lagoon (Southern Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean)

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    The Aquatina Lagoon (Southern Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Ecoregion) is a transitional water ecosystem with great ecological and socio-economic interest. Anthropogenic activities around the lagoon (e.g., agriculture and tourism) and hydrology can affect the environmental quality and biodiversity of the lagoon. Herein, the dynamics and diversity of phytoplankton communities were studied before and after the opening of a new canal connecting the lagoon with the sea, by using different approaches based on an evaluation of the size and structure of the phytoplankton as well as the taxonomic analyses. The lagoon depicted time-related fluctuations in chemical-physical parameters. The phytoplankton trend was characterized by an increase in abundance and biomass in summer, when pico-sized autotrophs dominated. Generally, nano-sized phytoflagellates dominated the community, while micro-sized dinoflagellates and diatoms were less abundant. An increase in the phytoplankton taxa number was observed throughout the years. All the analyzed parameters were generally relatively homogeneous before the opening of the channel, while some quantitative differences among stations were observed in the second sampling period. Considering the statistical evidence, both environmental and biological parameters were affected by the “dilution” effect exerted by marine water inputs. This research supports the evidence that phytoplankton is a good indicator of the environmental status, and the obtained results contribute to the implementation of management strategies for the conservation of transitional water ecosystems

    An integrated approach towards the nutritional assessment of the Sardinian donkey: a tool for clinical nutritionists

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    The aims of the current study were to establish: i) a species-specific approach for nutritional assessment during clinical checks on Sarda breed adult donkeys, and ii) a suitable equation for body weight prediction, which at present is lacking. A total of 18 adult donkeys were sampled and the following criteria were recorded: body weight (BW), body condition score (BCS), muscular mass index (MMI), along with somatometric measures (height at withers; chest girth) and metabolic profiles of each individual. The species-specific nutritional assessment based on the integrated approach turned out to correlate significantly (P<0.05) with the body condition score and levels of Na, P and cholesterol in blood. The parametric equation for predicting the BW (y=0.353a+0.443b-7.62, where a= height at withers in cm; b= chest girth in cm) closely fit the determined BW, with a standard error of SE=±5 kg BW

    The Lagoons of Corfu: multiple impacts, conservation strategies and economic exploitations

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    In the Island of Corfu there are seven lagoons which have different biological and chemical characteristics and also different impacts and human interventions. In this research, a preliminary description of the lagoons is reported using available data from the literature. The lagoons of Corfu have been poorly studied from the point of view of ecological functuins and biodiversity. Specifically the lagoons are: 1.Lagoon Korission, it is the largest lagoon of Corfu. Located in the southwest of the island has an area of 600hectares approximately. Works like a fish farm and is protected area Natura 2000. The main intervention of the lagoon is the increasing of the human activities in the area of the lagoon; 2. Lagoon Chalkiopoulou, the second largest lagoon of Corfu, it has a total size of 180 hectares. There was a fish farm fifteen years ago. It is estimated that the last seventy years the lagoon has lost about 1/3 of its extent. This lagoon has received the most and the major intervention is the reduction in the area in order to create the Airport of Corfu; 3.Lagoon Antinioti, it is located northeast of Corfu and it has a total size of 100 hectares with the marshland Kounoufadi which is part of the lagoon. Works like a fish farm and is included in the protected areas Natura 2000. The main interference of the area has been done on the part of the marshland Kounoufadi where twenty years ago have been put polders by the municipality of Corfu in order to build a Municipal Stadium; 4. Lagoon Alykes Lefkimmis, it is a small lagoon of about 30 hectares in the southeast of Corfu. Along with former Alykes Lefkimmis is included in the protected areas Natura 2000. There is not significant human intervention in the lagoon in addition with the former Saline of Lefkimmi (which forms a single ecosystem) for which the area has decreased due to residential use. Three small lagoons in the area of Erimitis which is in the northeast part of Corfu, there are 3 small lagoon ecosystems (Akoli, Vromolimni and Avlaki) located on the northeast coast of Corfu. Each of these has a size of 2-4hectares. The most remarkable is that the lagoon Akoli in the past served as a fish farm and had an artificial orifice communicating with the sea. Such abandonment of this orifice it is noticed a decrease in the depth of the lagoon

    An Overview of {DNA}-Based Applications for the Assessment of Benthic Macroinvertebrates Biodiversity in Mediterranean Aquatic Ecosystems

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    none4Abstract: The loss of aquatic biodiversity is increasing at a rapid rate globally. There is a worldwide effort to protect, preserve and restore aquatic ecosystems. For efficient biodiversity monitoring and reliable management tools, comprehensive biodiversity data are required. The abundance and species diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates are commonly used as indicators of the aquatic ecosystem condition. Currently, macroinvertebrate species biodiversity assessment is based on morpho-taxonomy, which could be enhanced by recent advances in DNA-based tools for species identification. In particular, DNA metabarcoding has the potential to identify simultaneously many different taxa in a pool of species and to improve aquatic biomonitoring significantly, especially for indicator species. This review is focused on the current state of DNA-based aquatic biomonitoring using benthic macroinvertebrates in the Mediterranean region.openEftychia Tzafesta; Francesco Zangaro; Valeria Specchia; Maurizio PinnaTzafesta, Eftychia; Zangaro, Francesco; Specchia, Valeria; Pinna, Maurizi
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