1,121 research outputs found

    Tensile properties of geosynthetics after installation damage

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    In this paper, data from field installation trials of geosynthetics and laboratory tests are presented and analysed. The influence of several factors was assessed, namely nominal strength and type of geosynthetic, soil, compaction energy and method used to induce installation damage. Visual observations using a scanning electron microscope were performed. From the data collected, reduction factors for installation damage were derived using tensile strength values (traditional approach) and stiffness modulus (for 2% strain). Relative to the stiffness approach, the results obtained indicate that the traditional approach can be conservative. The reduction factors, determined using the traditional approach, were also compared with interval estimates from the literature. To contribute to supporting a shift from a factor of safety approach to a limit state design, bias statistics to correct the deterministic predictions were determined from the results. Different correlations were also established to enable using these results to interpolate reduction factors for similar installation conditions and/or geosynthetics from the same family of products. Installation damage reduction factors should be used in limit state design (ultimate and serviceability). Nevertheless, the stiffness approach can only be used for limit states where tensile failure of the geosynthetics will not occur

    Synergy between mechanical damage and abrasion of a composite geosynthetic and its variability

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    In this paper results of tests to assess the effect of mechanical damage (generally associated with installation processes) and abrasion are presented. Laboratory tests were carried out. The material tested is a composite consisting of two overlapped geosynthetics: a nonwoven geotextile and a woven geogrid. The composite was submitted to each referred agent (mechanical damage and abrasion damage) in isolation and sequentially, in order to assess an eventual synergetic effect. The effect of the damage induced in the short-term mechanical properties of the geosynthetic was assessed. The variability of these properties was assessed by using either 1 or 3 tests per sample. Abrasion damage (either isolated or combined with mechanical damage) was the most critical mechanism, leading to higher reductions of tensile strength. Increasing the number of tests used to characterise the samples from 1 to 3, has reduced the variability of the properties assessed, although the tensile strength values decreased and the peak strain and secant stiffness modulus for 2% strain increased. The number of characterisation tests carried out per sample didn’t affect the trends observed associated with the damage induced. Some synergisms were observed for mechanical and abrasion damag

    Tensile and hydraulic properties of geosynthetics after mechanical damage and abrasion laboratory tests

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    Installation damage of geosynthetics occurs during their handling, positioning on the ground and the placing and compacting of fill material. Abrasion is a common damage mechanism where there is cyclic relative motion (friction) between a geosynthetic and contact soil. This paper presents the laboratory test results of mechanical damage and abrasion performed on six geosynthetics. The in isolation and combined effects on mechanical, hydraulic and physical properties of the geosynthetics were assessed. Results show that the effects of induced mechanical and abrasion damage essentially depend on the geosynthetic structure. For the most affected materials, strength losses after abrasion (in isolation and combined with mechanical damage) are higher than after the induced mechanical damage. Therefore, for most geosynthetics studied, abrasion is the conditioning mechanism which most affects their tensile strength. An increase of the characteristic opening size of the geosynthetics was observed, while their permittivity did not increase. This may be caused by differences in the test set-ups

    Flume tests on fine soil reinforced with geosynthetics – walls of the salt pans (Aveiro lagoon, Portugal)

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    This paper presents exploratory work on the use of geosynthetics for reinforcing fine soils, particularly for applications in the Aveiro lagoon, Portugal. The behaviour of local fine soil reinforced with geosynthetics under hydraulic actions was studied using flume tests. The case study was a typical cross section of the walls of the salt pans of the Aveiro lagoon. A preliminary design of a structure was done, for different reinforcements (geogrid, geocomposite, association of geogrid and geotextile). Local soil was collected and characterised using laboratory tests. The flume tests included performing permeability, erosion and overtopping tests, for actions typical of the lagoon environment. The models reinforced with geogrid GGR exhibited the highest global permeability, due to the difficulty of soil lumps to penetrate the geogrid openings. Although this type of reinforcement provides low resistance to erosion, promoting vegetation growth or including other elements can reduce surface erosion. The other reinforcements (sheets) enabled containing the soil. Non-uniformity of the soil compaction caused local differences of permeability. Thus, ensuring uniform compaction on site is necessary; however it can be challenging, particularly for fine soils. The results indicate that seepage is likely to induce some clogging of the reinforcements. The reinforced soil models tested exhibited higher permeability and lower resistance to erosion and overtopping than the traditional solution (soil matrix with vegetation). The results indicate that a possible alternative solution for the walls could use fibre reinforcement. Further work is necessary to ensure adequate (low) permeability of new solutions for these wall

    Overlay networks for intelligent transportation systems

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Major de Telecomunicações. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Tensile properties of geosynthetics after installation damage

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    n this paper, data from field installation trials of geosynthetics and laboratory tests are presented and analysed. The influence of several factors was assessed, namely nominal strength and type of geosynthetic, soil, compaction energy and method used to induce installation damage. Visual observations using a scanning electron microscope were performed. From the data collected, reduction factors for installation damage were derived using tensile strength values (traditional approach) and stiffness modulus (for 2% strain). Relative to the stiffness approach, the results obtained indicate that the traditional approach can be conservative. The reduction factors, determined using the traditional approach, were also compared with interval estimates from the literature. To contribute to supporting a shift from a factor of safety approach to a limit state design, bias statistics to correct the deterministic predictions were determined from the results. Different correlations were also established to enable using these results to interpolate reduction factors for similar installation conditions and/or geosynthetics from the same family of products. Installation damage reduction factors should be used in limit state design (ultimate and serviceability). Nevertheless, the stiffness approach can only be used for limit states where tensile failure of the geosynthetics will not occur

    Reinforcement with geosynthetics of walls of the saltpans of the Aveiro lagoon

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    The aim of this article is to investigate the solution for the reinforcement of the walls of the saltpans of the Aveiro lagoon by using geosynthetics. For that purpose literature research has been done to collect both the properties and the geometry of the walls and of the soils. Simultaneously, methods for the design of reinforced soils using geosynthetics were collected, particularly to allow the consideration of two types of backfill soil: granular and fine. So, two solutions for such walls were studied using granular and fine soils, respectively. The design methods used were the ones proposed by: Jewell (1996) and Rogbeck et al. (2002) for granular soils and Naughton et al. (2001) for fine soils. Finally, the verification of the external stability of the profiles of a selected wall has been made using the methodology described in Eurocode 7: EN1997-1: 2004

    Effect of geosynthetic reinforcement inclusion on the strength parameters and bearing ratio of a fine soil

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    This paper reports an investigation on the beneficial effects of reinforcing a fine soil with a geosynthetic (reinforcement geocomposite) and their behaviour under loading. The effectiveness of the reinforcement was investigated through triaxial and California Bearing Ratio, CBR, tests. The triaxial tests showed that including the reinforcement provided additional confinement to the reinforced soil samples, causing an increase in the corresponding strength parameters. However, the reinforcement decreased the secant stiffness modulus of the composite material, particularly for low strains. The CBR tests were performed on soaked samples, compacted for different initial water content values. The influence of increasing the number of reinforcement layers was also analysed. The results showed that the reinforced samples had a maximum bearing capacity larger than the unreinforced material. The reinforcing mechanisms observed in the CBR tests were membrane tension support and bearing capacity increase. Increasing the number of reinforcement layers induced an improved response of the soil-geosynthetic composite material, particularly for a water content lower than the optimum. An increase in the initial water content induced reductions of the bearing capacity of the soil, with different values, depending on position of the initial value relative to the optimum water content
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