467 research outputs found


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    Architecture fill mind, and result of mind and also that concept applied into development area can enrich and glorious arrange human life healthyly and fair. Esteeming Architecture masterpiece, intrinsically personal problem. Someone assess it different each other as according to level of his critical ability. But require to be enhanced that, Architecture is more than just composition of form. Architecture is a human being expression, become its assessment must also from human aspect. Architect or candidate of architect in his experience and at a period to his education instruct at ability to designing the construct environment which can build fair to the construct environment and physical requirement satisfaction, emotion, and its social user which care to environment. In explaining to the observer and user later, hence an Architect or candidate of architect shall able to communicated his masterpiece. This matter needed some kinds of Technique of Architecture Communications

    Editorial Introduction: Urban-Rural Regeneration and Cultural Sustainability

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    In the current rapid urbanization view of most countries in the world, it is important to pay attention to legislation and policy development, the improvement of adequate infrastructure and basic services, urban planning and design. This will create an inclusive, tough, prosperous economic environment and maximize the benefits of agglomeration. Sustainable urban rural development remains one of the most pressing global challenges of the twenty-first century. Central and local governments and their partners should pay greater attention to one another and work together to build on a more harmonious, fair, inclusive and environmentally sustainable planned environment at the urban-rural scale. According to the UN-HABITAT Global Activity Report 2015, the world has experienced rapid urbanization. In 2008, the urban population exceeded the rural population. By 2050, it is expected that two thirds of the world's population will live in urban areas. With more than half of humanity living in cities, it is estimated that urban areas account for 70% of the world's gross domestic product and therefore have led to economic growth and prosperity (UN-HABITAT, 2015)

    Spatial patterns on traditional houses in Java as an effort to preserve historic buildings

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    Java Island can be divided into several cultural areas of Banten and Sunda in West Java, while in Central Java and East Java there are Pesisir Kilen, Pesisir Wetan, Banyumas, Bagelen, Negarigung, Mancanegari, Surabaya, Tanah Sabrang Wetan and Madura (Koentjaraningrat 1994: 27). Traditional buildings have been a silent witness to how life in the past was run and its influence on the life order of society at that time and has the original building characteristics of Indonesian society in that era and functionally have special purpose and purpose which influence the process of the establishment of the building. This study is expected to provide a benefit form of development of science related to traditional houses in general that can be applied in building architecture. The method used in this paper is the study description descriptions, namely exposing and analyzing spatial patterns in some traditional houses in Java. The method of data collection is done by looking for literature studies on the issues to be discussed, namely the literature of several studies that have been done and has been published in the form of scientific papers. From the discussion of the pattern of space to some traditional houses on the island of Java, there are similar patterns, although in the arrangement of space there is in one mass of buildings and mass plural

    Pengaruh Jarak Waktu Pemberian Kejutan Dingin Pada Pembentukan Individu Triploid Ikan Patin (Pangasius SP)

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    The aim of this study was to know the effect of temperature shock gift time distance from fertilization on the triploidy individual process, persentage of hatching rate and survival rate of larva patin catfish. Temperature shock gift time distance treatment from fertilization process is given each 120 second, 180 second, 240 second and 300 second in temperature 40C during 90 second. Each treatment is done as much as 3 times. Hatch and larva maintenance is done in aquarium and hapa for fingerling activity. The result shows that temperature shock gift time distance treatment from fertilization process gives real result on the triploidy individual procces in patin catfish (p<0,05). Highest percentage triploidy individual is got in temperature shock gift time distance from fertilization process 180 second as big as 83,33 %. The growth level patin catfish day 28 show enhanced in line with individual percentage enhanced triploidy from each treatment. The highest growth rate is got from temperature shock gift time distance treatment from fertilization process as big as 11,13 %

    Automedicación en adultos mayores con enfermedades crónicas - degenerativas no infecciosas que asisten a la consulta externa del Subcentro de Salud el Valle, Cuenca - 2015

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    Antecedentes: La automedicación según el MSP 2014, es la administración de un medicamento sin prescripción médica, por iniciativa y a riesgo de cada persona en busca de alivio de una determinada enfermedad o síntoma; esta práctica en el Ecuador se ha convertido en un problema de Salud Pública, por la manera poco responsable e informada de los usuarios y por las graves consecuencias que produce en los adultos mayores. Objetivo: Determinar la automedicación en adultos mayores con enfermedades crónicas – degenerativas no infecciosas que asisten a la Consulta Externa del Subcentro de Salud el Valle, Cuenca - 2015. Métodos y materiales: Es un estudio descriptivo transversal. La población de estudio estuvo constituido por los pacientes adultos mayores con enfermedades crónicas degenerativas no infecciosas que asisten a Consulta externa del SCS el Valle. Técnicas e instrumentos: Se realizó una entrevista directa, para lo cual se utilizó un formulario elaborado por las autoras. Procesamiento de datos y presentación de resultados. Los datos se procesaron mediante los programas SPSS, Microsoft office Excel; los resultados se presentaron en tablas simples y cruzadas con frecuencia y porcentajes. Resultados: La prevalencia de automedicación es del 98.85%, siendo el mayor porcentaje 68.46% en el grupo de 65 a 74 años de edad, según sexo el mayor porcentaje fue el femenino 62.41%. Los medicamentos más consumidos son los analgésicos 57.43%, la causa mayor que lleva a la automedicación es el tiempo que demanda en obtener un turno para recibir atención médica 41.50 %, y el lugar de mayor adquisición son las farmacias 65.99%Background: The Self-medication according to the MSP 2014 is the administration of a drug without a prescription, on the initiative and risk of each person seeking relief from a particular disease or symptom; this practice in Ecuador has become a public health problem by the irresponsible and informed user and the serious consequences that occur in older adults. Objective: To determine the self-medication in older adults with chronic diseases - noninfectious degenerative attending outpatient health sub center El Valle, Cuenca - 2015. Methods and Materials: It is a descriptive study. The population consisted of Aging Patients with chronic degenerative diseases Infectious not attending outpatient SCS El Valle. Techniques and instruments: A direct interview for which a form developed by the authors was used was conducted. Data processing and presentation of results: The data were processed using the SPSS, Microsoft office Word and Excel results and the results are presented in simple tables and cross frequently and percentages. Results: The frequency of self-medication is of 98.85 %, the highest percentage 68.46 % in the age group 65 to 74 years old, according to the female sex was predominant with 62.41 %. The most consumed drugs are analgesics 57.43 % , the major cause that leads to self-medication is the time it takes to get an appointment to receive a turn for medical care 41.50 % , and the place of purchase are pharmacies pharmacies 65.99 %Licenciado en EnfermeríaCuenc

    An investigation of Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) to enhance community development in Mount Ayliff village

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    Lack of community development which includes poverty, unemployment and inequality is still prevalent in South Africa, even after the country has gained its independency in April 1994. South Africa has the highest unemployment and poverty rate, especially in rural areas like Mount Ayliff. This high unemployment, inequality and poverty within the country is an indication that the government is not doing enough in terms of dealing with these triple challenges. The South African government has introduced numerous development and economic policies, programmes and strategies to address unemployment, poverty and enhance community development. These initiatives include Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP), Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR), National Growth Plan (NGP), National Development Plan (NDP) and the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP). The EPWP’s vision is to enhance community development in South African communities through temporary employment and skills development for unemployed youth. EPWP has been unemployment relief in many communities and has employed over five million people since its introduction. This study aims to investigate the role played by the EPWP to enhance community development and employment creation in Mount Ayliff Village. The study followed a qualitative descriptive approach, where secondary sources of data were reviewed to address the research objectives and questions. The main research findings are that the EPWP has played a significant role in enhancing community development in Mount Ayliff Village through provision of employment opportunities, development projects, introducing and empowering youth with skills and training for future permanent employment. Based on the findings, the study recommends that there must be frequent monitoring and evaluation of the EPWP projects to ensure that its goal is achieved and guidelines for recruitment of participants are followed.Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Business and Economic science, 202