1,693 research outputs found

    Performance retention of the RB211 powerplant in service

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    An understanding of the mechanisms of deterioration is essential in order that features to counteract performance degradation can be built into the basic design of an engine and nacelle. Furthermore, the interpretation must be continued in service for effective feedback to provide modifications which may be necessary in maintaining a satisfactory performance retention program. The in service assessment must be accurate as to magnitude and causes and this requires consideration of: (1) the powerplant as a complete entity, i.e., the engine components and nacelle including the thrust reverser; (2) measurement of performance in flight rather than by sole reliance on the scaling of test cell data to flight conditions (although some correlation should be possible); and (3) the relationship of engine parts condition to overhaul performance and in flight deterioration level of that engine. These aspects are addressed by consideration of the RB211 engine in service in both the Lockheed L1011 Tristar and Boeing 747 aircraft

    The case for new academic workspaces

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    Executive summary: This report draws upon the combined efforts of a number of estates professionals, architects, academics, designers, and senior managers involved in the planning of new university buildings for the 21st century. Across these perspectives, all would agree – although perhaps for different reasons - that this planning is difficult and that a number of particular considerations apply in the design of academic workspaces. Despite these difficulties, they will also agree that when this planning goes well, β€˜good’ buildings are truly transformational – for both the university as a whole and the people who work and study in them. The value of well-designed buildings goes far beyond their material costs, and endures long after those costs have been forgotten ..

    Artesunate reduces but does not prevent posttreatment transmission of Plasmodium falciparum to Anopheles gambiae.

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    Combination therapy that includes artemisinin derivatives cures most falciparum malaria infections. Lowering transmission by reducing gametocyte infectivity would be an additional benefit. To examine the effect of such therapy on transmission, Gambian children with Plasmodium falciparum malaria were treated with standard regimens of chloroquine or pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine alone or in combination with 1 or 3 doses of artesunate. The infectivity to mosquitoes of gametocytes in peripheral blood was determined 4 or 7 days after treatment. Infection of mosquitoes was observed in all treatment groups and was positively associated with gametocyte density. The probability of transmission was lowest in those who received pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine and 3 doses of artesunate, and it was 8-fold higher in the group that received pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine alone. Artesunate reduced posttreatment infectivity dramatically but did not abolish it completely. The study raises questions about any policy to use pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine alone as the first-line treatment for malaria

    Automated Classification of Breast Cancer Stroma Maturity from Histological Images

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    OBJECTIVE: The tumour microenvironment plays a crucial role in regulating tumour progression by a number of different mechanisms, in particular the remodelling of collagen fibres in tumour-associated stroma, which has been reported to be related to patient survival. The underlying motivation of this work is that remodelling of collagen fibres gives rise to observable patterns in Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stained slides from clinical cases of invasive breast carcinoma that the pathologist can label as mature or immature stroma. The aim of this paper is to categorise and automatically classify stromal regions according to their maturity and show that this classification agrees with that of skilled observers, hence providing a repeatable and quantitative measure for prognostic studies. METHODS: We use multi-scale Basic Image Features (BIF) and Local Binary Patterns (LBP), in combination with a random decision trees classifier for classification of breast cancer stroma regions-ofinterest (ROI). RESULTS: We present results from a cohort of 55 patients with analysis of 169 ROI. Our multi-scale approach achieved a classification accuracy of 84%. CONCLUSION: This work demonstrates the ability of texture-based image analysis to differentiate breast cancer stroma maturity in clinically acquired H&E stained slides at least as well as skilled observers

    Perturbative Calculation of the Adiabatic Geometric Phase and Particle in a Well with Moving Walls

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    We use the Rayleigh-Schr\"odinger perturbation theory to calculate the corrections to the adiabatic geometric phase due to a perturbation of the Hamiltonian. We show that these corrections are at least of second order in the perturbation parameter. As an application of our general results we address the problem of the adiabatic geometric phase for a one-dimensional particle which is confined to an infinite square well with moving walls.Comment: Plain Latex, accepted for publication in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    c-erbB-4 protein expression in human breast cancer

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    The Type 1 family of growth factor receptors includes epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), c- erb B-2, c- erb B-3 and c- erb B-4. Overexpression of the first two members is associated with poorer prognosis in patients with breast carcinoma. In this study we examined the expression of c- erb B-4 protein using the monoclonal antibody HFR-1. A total of 127 consecutive cases of primary operable invasive breast carcinoma presenting between 1975 and 1977 were studied. All patients were managed by simple mastectomy or conservation surgery with radiotherapy and no adjuvant therapy given. Long-term follow-up was maintained. Routine, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumour samples were used and sections were stained immunohistochemically using the Duet StreptABC method. Immunoreactivity was classified using a simple semi-quantitative scoring method. Protein expression was generally low but definite positive cytoplasmic, membranous and nuclear reactivity was identified in 58%, 41% and 25% of cases respectively. Expression at all three sites demonstrated significant inverse associations were histological grade. In addition, membrane accentuation correlated inversely with the Nottingham Prognostic Index (NPI), while cytoplasmic reactivity showed a positive association with c- erb B-3 expression. No significant associations were found with disease-free interval or survival. The results of this study demonstrate that higher levels of c- erb B-4 protein expression are associated with a more differentiated histological phenotype in contrast to the other members of the Type 1 family. Larger series with extended follow-up will be required to ascertain definitively the prognostic value of c- erb B-4 expression in breast carcinoma. Β© 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Macrophages orchestrate the expansion of a proangiogenic perivascular niche during cancer progression

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    Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are a highly plastic stromal cell type that support cancer progression. Using single-cell RNA sequencing of TAMs from a spontaneous murine model of mammary adenocarcinoma (MMTV-PyMT), we characterize a subset of these cells expressing lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronic acid receptor 1 (Lyve-1) that spatially reside proximal to blood vasculature. We demonstrate that Lyve-1+ TAMs support tumor growth and identify a pivotal role for these cells in maintaining a population of perivascular mesenchymal cells that express Ξ±-smooth muscle actin and phenotypically resemble pericytes. Using photolabeling techniques, we show that mesenchymal cells maintain their prevalence in the growing tumor through proliferation and uncover a role for Lyve-1+ TAMs in orchestrating a selective platelet-derived growth factor–CC–dependent expansion of the perivascular mesenchymal population, creating a proangiogenic niche. This study highlights the inter-reliance of the immune and nonimmune stromal network that supports cancer progression and provides therapeutic opportunities for tackling the disease

    Chloroquine/Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine for Gambian Children with Malaria: Transmission to Mosquitoes of Multidrug-Resistant Plasmodium falciparum

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    OBJECTIVES: In the Gambia, chloroquine (CQ) plus sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) is the first-line antimalarial treatment. Plasmodium falciparum parasites carrying mutations associated with resistance to each of these drugs were present in 2001 but did not cause a significant loss of therapeutic efficacy among children receiving the combination CQ/SP. We measured their effect on parasite transmission to Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes. DESIGN: We conducted a single-blind, randomised, controlled trial with follow-up over 28 d. Mosquito feeding experiments were carried out 7, 10, or 14 d after treatment. SETTING: The study took place in the town of Farafenni and surrounding villages in the Gambia. PARTICIPANTS: Participants were 500 children aged 6 mo to 10 y with uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria. INTERVENTIONS: Children were randomised to receive CQ, SP, or CQ/SP. OUTCOME MEASURES: Outcomes related to transmission were determined, including posttreatment gametocyte prevalence and density. Infectiousness was assessed by membrane-feeding A. gambiae mosquitoes with blood from 70 gametocyte-positive patients. Mutations at seven loci in four genes associated with drug resistance were measured pre- and posttreatment and in the midguts of infected mosquitoes. RESULTS: After SP treatment, the infectiousness of gametocytes was delayed, compared to the other two treatment groups, despite comparable gametocyte densities. Among bloodmeal gametocytes and the midguts of infected mosquitoes, the presence of the four-locus multidrug-resistant haplotype TYRG (consisting of mutations pfcrt-76T, pfmdr1-86Y, pfdhfr-59R, and pfdhps-437G) was associated with significantly higher oocyst burdens after treatment with the combination CQ/SP. CONCLUSIONS: Parasites with a multidrug-resistant genotype had a substantial transmission advantage after CQ/SP treatment but did not have a significant impact on in vivo efficacy of this drug combination. Protocols that include measuring transmission endpoints as well as therapeutic outcomes may be a useful strategy when monitoring the evolution of drug resistance in malaria parasites in vivo
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