38 research outputs found

    Oxidation of 2-mercaptopyridine N-oxide upon iodine agent: structural and FT-IR studies on charge-assisted hydrogen bonds CAHB(+) and I…I halogen interactions in 2,2′-dithiobis(pyridine N-oxide) ionic cocrystal

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    2-Mercaptopyridine N-oxide (I) undergoes spontaneous dimerization to the disulfide form due to reaction with iodine acting as an oxidizing reagent. As a result, a di-N-oxide disulfide derivative of pyridine is obtained. During the process of crystallization, one of N-oxide groups undergoes protonation and a cation form of disulfide moiety cocrystallizes with I3 − counterion forming a salt structure. Therefore, in the crystalline state, the 2,2′-dithiobis(pyridine N-oxide) molecule exists in a not observed previously form of monocation. Interestingly, the protonated N-oxide group does not form hydrogen-bonded salt bridges (of the CAHB(±) type with I3 − anions) but prefers to be involved in intermolecular interactions with the unprotonated N-oxide group of the adjacent molecule This results in formation of intermolecular CAHB(+) hydrogen bridges finally linking molecules into infinite chains. The crystal structure is also stabilized by other various noncovalent interactions, including iodine...iodine and sulfur...iodine contacts

    Street art in light of copyright law

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    Street art to dynamicznie rozwijający się rodzaj sztuki sięgający czasów antycznych. Pomimo znaczenia historycznego i wciąż rosnącego zainteresowania sztuką uliczną, brak w prawie polskim odniesień do tworzących w tym gatunku sztuki artystów. W pracy podjęto próbę zdefiniowania street art i jego zakresu przedmiotowego, skupiając się głównie na graffiti jako jednym z najpopularniejszych rodzajów tej sztuki. Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie skomplikowanej relacji prawnej łączącej artystów i właścicieli budynków stających się mimowolnymi właścicielami nośników tej sztuki, a także odnalezienie przepisów, które mogą być adekwatne do problemów z którymi mają oni styczność. W pracy skupiono się także na istotnych i wysoce kłopotliwych sytuacjach dotyczących prawa autorskiego oraz autorów sztuki ulicznej. Ponadto, zwrócono uwagę na dozwolony użytek i podlegające mu prawo panoramy pod kątem street art. Demonstrując liczne przykłady konfliktów między zainteresowanymi podmiotami, praca wskazuje na potrzebę wprowadzenia niezbędnych regulacji prawnych mających za zadanie uporządkowanie ww. relacji.Street art is a dynamically growing genre of art dating back to the ancient times. Despite the historical significance and ever-growing interest in street art, there are no references in Polish law to the artists creating this art. The thesis attempts to define street art and its subject matter, focusing mainly on graffiti as one of the most popular types of this art. The aim of the thesis was to examine the complex legal relationship between artists and building owners who become involuntary owners of the medium of the works and to find regulations that may be relevant to the problems they face. The paper also focuses on relevant and highly troublesome situations concerning copyright law and street art authors. In addition, attention has been paid to fair use and the panorama law in terms of street art. Demonstrating numerous examples of conflicts between stakeholders, the thesis points to the need for the introduction of necessary legal regulations aimed at ordering the above mentioned relations

    Product placement. Regulation in Polish and European law.

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    W dzisiejszych czasach lokowanie produktu to jedna z najważniejszych form reklamy, która wciąż zyskuje popularność, a terytorium, na którym jest widoczna nieustannie się powiększa. Praca licencjacka ma na celu zbadanie i omówienie prawnych aspektów lokowania produktu. Przybliżona została w niej definicja tej formy reklamy, jej początki, a także wskazano obszary utworów, na których została zaobserwowana. W pracy omówiono również problemy prawne związane z lokowaniem produktu, w tym obejście zakazu reklamy alkoholu i wyrobów tytoniowych. Ponadto odwołano się do kilku przykładów naruszeń prawa związanych z tą formą reklamy. Została również przedstawiona problematyka prawa do integralności utworu w obliczu lokowania produktu w utworach, które już powstały. Praca podkreśla znaczenie istnienia aktów prawnych dotyczących lokowania produktu w każdej dziedzinie utworów w jakiej się ono znajduje.Nowadays product placement is one of the most important types of advertisement that constantly gains popularity and its territory is still expanding. The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to explore and discuss the legal aspects of product placement. There has been introduced the definition of this type of advertisement, its beginnings as well as different areas of works where it has been observed. In the thesis different legal issues have been discussed including the bypassing of banned advertising of alcohol and tobacco products. Furthermore, there have been brought up several examples of violations of law connected to product placement. The has also been presented the issue of the right to the integrity of the work against product placement in works that have already been made. The thesis emphasizes the importance of the presence of legal acts related to product placement in every area of works that product placement is present in

    Antiviral Drugs in Influenza

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    Flu is a serious health, medical, and economic problem, but no therapy is yet available that has satisfactory results and reduces the occurrence of these problems. Nearly 20 years after the registration of the previous therapy, baloxavir marboxil, a drug with a new mechanism of action, recently appeared on the market. This is a promising step in the fight against the influenza virus. This article presents the possibilities of using all available antiviral drugs specific for influenza A and B. We compare all currently recommended anti-influenza medications, considering their mechanisms of action, administration, indications, target groups, effectiveness, and safety profiles. We demonstrate that baloxavir marboxil presents a similar safety and efficacy profile to those of drugs already used in the treatment of influenza. Further research on combination therapy is highly recommended and may have promising results

    Eco-friendly methods of synthesis and preliminary biological evaluation of sulfonamide derivatives of cyclic arylguanidines

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    The chemotype of arylsulfonamide derivatives of cyclic arylguanidines is a source of molecules with valuable biological activities, including antimicrobial and antitumor properties. The methods of the synthesis presented in the literature are characterized with low selectivity and high environmental nuisance. In this publication, we present a developed alternative and earlier undescribed pathway C, for the synthesis of arylsulfonamide derivatives of cyclic arylguanidines (N-(1H-arylimidazol-2-yl)arylsulfonamides and N-(1,4-dihydroquinazolin-2-yl)arylsulfonamides), including reaction between 2-(methylsulfanyl)-benzimidazole or 2-(methylsulfanyl)-3,4-dihydroquinazoline with arylsulfonamides. We also optimized previously reported methods; A (reaction of 2-aminobenzimidazole or 2-amino-3,4-dihydroquinazoline with arylsulfonyl chlorides) and B (reaction of dimethyl-(arylsulfonyl)carbonodithioimidate with aryldiamines). The conducted research allowed achieving two independent ecological and quick methods of obtaining the desired products. We used ecological methods of ultrasound-assisted or microwave synthesis, solvent-free reactions and a “green” reaction environment. In both pathways, it has proven advantageous to use H(2)O as the solvent and K(2)CO(3) (1 or 3 equivalent) as the basic agent. In the sonochemical variant, the efficiency reached B: 37–89 %, C: 90 % in 60 min (P = 80 W and f = 40 kHz), while in the microwave synthesis it was B: 38–74 %, C: 63–85 % in 0.5–4 min (P = 50 W). Path A led to a complementary substitution product (i.e. 1-(arylsulfonyl)-1H-benzimidazol-2-amine or 1-(arylsulfonyl)-1,4-dihydroquinazolin-2-amine). We obtained a small group of compounds that were tested for cytotoxicity. The 10f (N-(1,4-dihydroquinazolin-2-yl)naphthalene-1-sulfonamide) showed cytotoxic activity towards human astrocytoma cell line 1321 N1. The calculated IC(50) value was 8.22 µM at 24 h timepoint (doxorubicin suppressed 1321 N1 cell viability with IC(50) of 1.1 µM). The viability of the cells exposed to 10f for 24 h dropped to 48.0 % compared to vehicle control, while the cells treated with doxorubicin experienced decline to 47.5 %. We assessed its potential usefulness in pharmacotherapy in the ADMET study, confirming its ability to cross the blood–brain barrier (Pe = 5.0 ± 1.5 × 10(-6) cm/s) and the safety of its potential use in terms of DDI and hepatotoxicity

    New Pharmaceutical Salts of Trazodone

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    New pharmaceutically acceptable salts of trazodone (trazodone hydrogen bromide and trazodone 1-hydroxy-2-naphthonic acid) for the treatment of central nervous system disorders are synthesized and described. Although trazodone salts are poorly crystalline, single-crystal X-ray diffraction data for trazodone 1-hydroxy-2-naphthonic acid were collected and analyzed as well as compared to the previously described crystal structure of commercially available trazodone hydrochloride. The powder samples of all new salts were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and 13C solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Spectroscopic studies were supported by gauge including projector augmented wave (GIPAW) calculations of carbon chemical shielding constants. The main goal of our research was to find salts with better physicochemical properties and to make an attempt to associate them with both the anion structure and the most prominent interactions exhibited by the protonated trazodone cation. The dissolution profiles of trazodone from tablets prepared from various salts with lactose monohydrate were investigated. The studies revealed that salts with simple anions show a fast release of the drug while the presence of more complex anion, more strongly interacting with the cation, effects a slow-release profile of the active substance and can be used for the preparation of the tables with a delay or prolonged mode of action