343 research outputs found

    O linguajar multifário: os estrangeiros e suas línguas na ficção de Mário de Andrade

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    In his modernist search for a literary language wich could reflect spoken Brazilian language, Mário de Andrade subtly registered the language of the strangers in the country. The shock between Portuguese and other languages became an admirable stylistical resource, which was used in different ways to present stranger characters: from the use of national stereotypes to the search for a sociolinguistical and psycholinguistical correspondence of the phenomenon of integration, in the case of Italian, to a subtle use of language in a psychoanalytical sense, in the case of German and especially French, when the lapsus pronounced by the immigrants in their mother-tongue enter the narration with their hidden senses, acquiring a proper life and creating lel to the action.Na procura modernista de uma linguagem literária que respeitasse a língua viva falada no Brasil, Mário de Andrade registrou finamente as falas dos imigrados no país. O choque entre o português e as línguas "outras" se tornou um recurso estilístico admirável, utilizado de diversas maneiras na apresentação de personagens estrangeiros: do aproveitamento de estereótipos nacionais a uma busca de correspondência sociolingüística e psicolingüística do fenômeno da integração (no caso do italiano), até chegar (no caso do alemão e sobretudo do francês) a um uso sutilíssimo da linguagem em sentido psicanalítico, quando os lapsos pronunciados pelos imigrados em sua própria língua se insinuam na narração com seus sentidos ocultos, chegando a adquirir uma vida autônoma e a criar um enredo paralelo ao da ação

    Chapter Quattro viaggi nel tempo, rimanendo in città: cronotopi nella narrativa brasiliana contemporanea

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    If the concept of time-space, associated to the travel, usually refers to a space-temporal changing from a subject, the aim of this work is to reflect on the possibility to use the same concept for a different process, that involves space and time in other positions regarding to the subject, or else the physical immobility and the research during the time. In the last years some famous Brazilian novels deal not only with actual themes, but they find again their present origins in places cancelled by the urban palimpsest: the senzalas and the slavery live again in the echos of very different works as Becos da memória by Conceição Evaristo (2006), Passageiro do fim do dia by Rubens Figueiredo (2010), and O amor dos homens avulsos by Victor Heringer (2016)

    "Parlo assim para facilitar": la lingua italiana nelle Novelas paulistanas e nei Contos de Belazarte

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    L'analisi linguistica dei racconti di Mário de Andrade e Alcântara Machado incentrati sugli immigrati italiani a San Paolo rivela un uso sorprendentemente variegato delle interferenze linguistiche dell'italiano sul portoghese, utilizzate come risorsa non solo in senso realistico, ma anche e soprattutto per creare effetti stilistici inconsueti.A análise lingüística dos contos de Mário de Andrade e Alcântara Machado, focados nos imigrados italianos em São Paulo, revela um uso surpreendentemente diverso das interferências do italiano no português, utilizadas como recurso não só realístico, mas sobretudo para criar efeitos estilísticos inéditos

    Recovery in cognitive motor dissociation after severe brain injury: A cohort study.

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    To investigate the functional and cognitive outcomes during early intensive neurorehabilitation and to compare the recovery patterns of patients presenting with cognitive motor dissociation (CMD), disorders of consciousness (DOC) and non-DOC. We conducted a single center observational cohort study of 141 patients with severe acquired brain injury, consecutively admitted to an acute neurorehabilitation unit. We divided patients into three groups according to initial neurobehavioral diagnosis at admission using the Coma Recovery Scale-Revised (CRS-R) and the Motor Behavior Tool (MBT): potential clinical CMD, [N = 105]; DOC [N = 19]; non-DOC [N = 17]). Functional and cognitive outcomes were assessed at admission and discharge using the Glasgow Outcome Scale, the Early Rehabilitation Barthel Index, the Disability Rating Scale, the Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning, the Functional Ambulation Classification Scale and the modified Rankin Scale. Confirmed recovery of conscious awareness was based on CRS-R criteria. CMD patients were significantly associated with better functional outcomes and potential for improvement than DOC. Furthermore, outcomes of CMD patients did not differ significantly from those of non-DOC. Using the CRS-R scale only; approximatively 30% of CMD patients did not recover consciousness at discharge. Our findings support the fact that patients presenting with CMD condition constitute a separate category, with different potential for improvement and functional outcomes than patients suffering from DOC. This reinforces the need for CMD to be urgently recognized, as it may directly affect patient care, influencing life-or-death decisions


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    A autora relata sua experiência como enfermeira voluntária num ambulatório de Pediatria pertencente a uma entidade assistencial privada sem fins lucrativos.The author describes her activities as volunteer in a pediatric health center belonging to a private non profit organization

    The velo-uvulo-pharyngeal lift or "roman blinds" technique for treatment of snoring: a preliminary report

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    Snoring is caused by vibrating anatomical structures in the upper aerodigestive tract. It can be treated surgically and non-surgically, although resective procedures are associated with high postoperative morbidity and failure rate. We describe a new non-resective surgical procedure called the velo-uvulo-pharyngeal lift in which the soft palate is lifted, shortened, advanced and stiffened by means of permanent threads anchored to fibro-osseous attachments at the level of the posterior nasal spine and both pterygoid hamuli. Four adult patients (median age 44.5 years; range 42-65) affected by snoring and mild obstructive sleep apnoea-hypopnoea syndrome (apneoa-hypopnoea index, AHI < 20) requiring septal surgery under general anesthesia also underwent velo-uvulo-pharyngeal lift. There were no significant intra- or post-operative complications, and all of the patients reported immediate snoring relief. The main complaints were slight pain and a sensation of local fullness, both of which spontaneously disappeared within two days. The subjective clinical improvement in snoring was confirmed during post-operative follow-up (median 15.5 months; range 6-25), as was the stable reshaping of the soft velo-uvulo-pharyngeal tissues and enlargement of the mesopharyngeal space. There was also a decrease in daytime sleepiness. Our preliminary results suggest that velo-uvulo-pharyngeal lift is a simple, cost-effective and minimally invasive means of widening the mesopharyngeal space in snoring patients with or without mild sleep apnoea-hypopnoea syndrome. The widening of the mesopharyngeal space prevents contact-induced wall vibrations and its inspiratory obstruction causing hypopnoea and apnoea. It can also be combined with other procedures if indicated


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    The Author reports some of her activities as a volunteer nurse in a Pediatric Out-Patient Clinic operated by a non profit private institution. She describes the health education program for mothers on the introduction of soy bean in the menu. She also tells about the organization of a cash fund from which patients can borrow money to buy medication.A Autora relata sua experiência como enfermeira voluntária em um ambulatório de Pediatria pertencente a uma entidade assistencial privada sem fins lucrativos. Descreve o programa de educação das mães sobre a introdução da soja na alimentação. Refere também a instituição de um serviço de empréstimo para a compra de medicamentos

    A Focus on Subtle Signs and Motor Behavior to Unveil Awareness in Unresponsive Brain-Impaired Patients: The Importance of Being Clinical.

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    Brain-injured patients in a state of cognitive motor dissociation (CMD) exhibit a lack of command following using conventional neurobehavioral examination tools but a high level of awareness and language processing when assessed using advanced imaging and electrophysiology techniques. Because of their behavioral unresponsiveness, patients with CMD may seem clinically indistinguishable from those with a true disorder of consciousness that affects awareness on a substantial level (coma, vegetative state/unresponsive wakefulness state, or minimally conscious state minus). Yet, by expanding the range of motor testing across limb, facial, and ocular motricity, we may detect subtle, purposeful movements even in the subset of patients classified as vegetative state/unresponsive wakefulness state. We propose the term of clinical CMD to describe patients showing these slight but determined motor responses and exhibiting a characteristic akinetic motor behavior as opposed to a pyramidal motor system behavior. These patients may harbor hidden cognitive capabilities and significant potential for a good long-term outcome. Indeed, we envision CMD as ranging from complete (no motor response) to partial (subtle clinical motor response) forms, falling within a spectrum of progressively better motor output in patients with considerable cognitive capabilities. In addition to providing a decisional flowchart, we present this novel approach to classification as a graphical model that illustrates the range of clinical manifestations and recovery trajectories fundamentally differentiating true disorders of consciousness from the spectrum of CMD

    Brainstem Sparing in Human Prion Disease: Sleep and Autonomic Function in a Long Survival Case Report

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    Abstract Background: The prion diseases are characterized by sleep disruption, with FFI typically characterized also by severe autonomic dysfunction and sympathetic hyperactivity. We report the results of an extensive neurophysiological and autonomic assessment in a CJD patient carrying the D178 mutation with the uncommon homozygosity for valine at codon 129. Results: A 47years old female presented with a memory impairment followed by progressive cognitive deficits and ataxia. The clinical picture slowly worsened to a state of akinetic mutism in about 2 years, and the patient died six years after the onset of symptoms. Repeated PSG and long-term actigraphic recordings, showed a peculiar, previously undescribed, pattern characterized by conservation of a rudimental circadian and ultradian rhythm, despite dramatic sleep micro-structure deterioration. We also observed a normal autonomic physiological response to orthostatic challenge and normal dynamic autonomic modulation during wake and sleep. The post-mortem brain pathology study, showed that neuronal loss was substantial in the cerebral cortex, diencephalon and thalami, but not in brainstem nuclei. Conclusions: We hypothesize that, despite a dramatic neurological picture (i.e. akinetic mutism) and a severe sleep micro-structural alteration, the persistence of an autonomic modulation and the persistence of a rudimental circadian and ultradian oscillation, are related to the relatively conserved anatomo-functional integrity of foundamental neuronal systems in the brainstem