16 research outputs found

    Intelektualiųjų technologijų taikymai modeliuojant karybos uždavinius

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    By using information bases of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the system of computer algebraMAPLE, created system for planning military actions and estimating capabilities of a military unit to execute a certain task. Using GIS it possible to carry out the engineer estimation of the terrain. A visibility instrument has been created which indicates visibility on the battlefield from several chosen terrain places. Actions of each individual soldier on the battlefield are modeled, the impact of random factors is estimated and a “digital experiment” of a would-be attack is carried out and results represented on the map.  Naudojantis Geografinių informacinių sistemų (GIS) informacinėmis bazėmis ir kompiuterinės algebros paketu MAPLE sukurta sistema leidžianti planuoti kovinius veiksmus ir įvertinti kovinio dalinio galimybes įvykdyti užduotį. Panaudojant GIS, galima atlikti inžinerinį vietovės įvertinimą. Sukurtas matomumo įrankis, kuris nurodo matomumą iš pasirinktų vietovės vietų. Modeliuojami kiekvieno atskiro kario veiksmai kovos lauke, įvertinama atsitiktinių faktorių įtaka, atliekamas būsimo puolimo „skaitmeninis eksperimentas“ ir rezultatai atvaizduojami žemėlapyje. &nbsp

    Pasirenkamojo dalyko „Intelektualiosios technologijos karyboje“ dėstymo ypatumai

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    Make use of the computer algebra package MAPLE and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) databases. Offered information system, which can simulate a military unit steps and the capacity to carry out the task and display the results of digital experiments on a map. Use Monte Carlo method for simulating the individual soldier’s actions on the battlefield, assess the influence of random factors. The artillery impact assessed carried out and the results displayed on the digital map. It is proposed psychological testing program. With this program is possible determined professional purposefulness, of the organizational and communication skills, leadership, and other personal characteristics of the soldiers.Naudojantis Monte Karlo metodu, modeliuojami atskiro kario veiksmai kovos lauke, įvertinama atsitiktinių faktorių įtaka, atliekamas artilerijos poveikio įvertinimas ir rezultatai atvaizduojami žemėlapyje. Pateikta psichologinio testavimo programa, leidžianti tirti kario profesinį kryptingumą, organizacinius ir komunikacinius gebėjimus, lyderio ir kitas asmenybės savybes

    The simulation of an infantry attack using geographical information systems

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    An infantry attack over a specific terrain is modeled. A stochastic method described in our previous study is used. In this model, the position of each soldier during the attack is approximately defined by a square [10 × 10 m] on the battlefield. Making use of the possibilities inherent in a three‐dimensional digital map, a visibility matrix is made up, i. e. the indication whether the enemy sees the soldier in a specific case is given. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Application of geographical information systems in modelling of military operations

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    The algorithm of the stochastic model of combat is given in article. Random functions describing the basic processes of combat (movement of military personnel, detection of the enemy, firing and its results, etc.) are recorded. Corresponding mathematical expressions and numerical evaluations are given. Application of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technologies and three‐dimensional map in planning battle tactics are discussed. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Investigation of recoil force influence on dynamic parameters of carrier M113

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    Dynamic processes of the armored personnel carrier M113 are investigated in this paper. The model of the system is reduced to seven degrees of freedom (DOF). Six schemes of different integrations were investigated; it was determined that integration schemes with variable time steps allow to reduce calculation time within the applicable range of the calculation error. The weapon’s impact on the dynamic processes of the vehicle is investigated on the uneven terrain. The influence of the standard weaponry on the oscillation peculiarities of the M113 when the vehicle is standing still, moves on the uneven terrain is analyzed. Also, possibilities to use 30 mm cannon on the carrier M113 are examined

    Optional subject “Intelligent technologies in warfare” instructional features

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    Make use of the computer algebra package MAPLE and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) databases. Offered information system, which can simulate a military unit steps and the capacity to carry out the task and display the results of digital experiments on a map. Use Monte Carlo method for simulating the individual soldier’s actions on the battlefield, assess the influence of random factors. The artillery impact assessed carried out and the results displayed on the digital map. It is proposed psychological testing program. With this program is possible determined professional purposefulness, of the organizational and communication skills, leadership, and other personal characteristics of the soldiers

    Geografinių informacinių sistemų taikymo galimybės karinių operacijų modeliavime

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    The algorithm of the stochastic model of combat is given in article. Random functions describing the basic processes of combat (movement of military personnel, detection of the enemy, firing and its results, etc.) are recorded. Corresponding mathematical expressions and numerical evaluations are given. Application of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technologies and three-dimensional map in planning battle tactics are discussed.Lietuviška santrauka. Pateikiamas kovos veiksmus aprašančiojo stochastinio modelio aolgoritmas. Užrašomos atsitiktinės funkcijos, aprašančios pagrindinius kovos veiksmų procesus: karių judėjimą mūšio lauke, priešo aptikimą, šaudymą ir jo pasekmes (pataikė, nepataikė). Pateikiamos atitinkamos matematinės išraiškos, skaitmeniniai įvertinimai. Nagrinėjamos GIS programinės įrangos ir trimačio skaitmeninio žemėlapio panaudojimo galimybės, planuojant mūšio taktiką

    Numerical simulation of the conductivity relaxation in the high resistivity semiconductor

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    A theoretical model describing the relaxation of charge carriers in semiconductors of high resistance under the influence of the laser pulses is presented. It is demonstrated that parameters of the trapping states relevant to the processes of the conductivity relaxation can be defined by fitting the experimental data. Time evolution of the conductivity of the GaAs bulk semiconductor under the influence of nanosecond and picosecond laser pulses is considered. Effect of two laser pulses, when the first one results in population of the trapping state and the second one induces its depopulation, is also considered. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    External ballistics task modelling features / Išorinės balistikos uždavinio modeliavimo ypatumai

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    Based on the solutions of an external ballistics task, tables are made for firearms and tables or computer control programs for heavy weapons. If you shoot in a mountainous area where the height difference between gunner and target can be about a hundred meters, defined skills for firing are necessary. We can make specific tables of firing with firearms in mountainous areas. Mortars are relatively simple and inexpensive weapons, and therefore their management has never been computerised. We have shown that this deficiency can be corrected. The programs described above calculate the required parameters very quickly. Santrauka Remiantis išorinės balistikos uždavinio sprendimais, šaulių ginklams sudaromos lentelės, o sunkiesiems ginklams – lentelės arba kompiuterinės valdymo programos. Jeigu šaudoma kalnuotoje vietovėje, kur aukščių skirtumas tarp šaulio ir taikinio siekia net šimtą metrų, reikia konkrečių įgūdžių. Galima sudaryti specifines šaudymo šaulių ginklais kalnuose lenteles. Minosvaidis yra santykinai paprastas ginklas, todėl jo valdymas nebūna kompiuterizuotas. Parodyta, kad šį trūkumą galima pataisyti. Aprašytos programos per kelias dešimtis sekundžių suskaičiuoja reikiamus parametrus. Reikšminiai žodžiai: modeliavimas, karinės operacijos, minosvaidžio valdymas, geografinės informacinės sistemo

    Pėstininkų atakų modeliavimas panaudojant geografines informacines sistemas

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    An infantry attack over a specific terrain is modeled. A stochastic method described in our previous study is used. In this model, the position of each soldier during the attack is approximately defined by a square [10 x 10 m] on the battlefield. Making use of the possibilities inherent in a three-dimensional digital map, a visibility matrix is made up, i. e. the indication whether the enemy sees the soldier in a specific case is given.Lietuviška santrauka. Modeliuojama pėstininkų ataka konkrecioje vietovėje. Naudojamas stochastinis modelis, aprašytas mūsų ankstyvesniame darbe. Šiame modelyje kario vieta atakos metu apytikriai nusakoma nurodant kvadrato [10 x 10 m] padėtį kovos lauke. Pasinaudojantis trimačio skaitmeninio žemėlapio galimybėmis sudaroma matomumo matrica, t.y. nurodoma, ar konkreciu atveju priešas mato karį