3 research outputs found

    Spatial- and size-related shifts in feeding habits of the common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) in the Southeast Pacific Ocean

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    Feeding habits of common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) were investigated in the Southeast Pacific Ocean using stomach content analysis. Stomachs were collected from 1506 individuals ranging between 18 and 187 cm in fork length. The fish were caught by longliner boats in 2009-2017. Based on percentage of wet weight (%W-i), percentage of number (%N-i), and frequency of occurrence (%O-i), flyingfishes were the predominant prey, followed by the cephalopods jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) and argonaut (Argonauta spp.). Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) detected significant differences between zones (p = 110 cm), DR decreased from 13.0 +/- 22.1 to 3.7 +/- 0.7 BM day(-1). The present results contribute to improve the understanding of dolphinfish feeding habits in the Southeast Pacific Ocean.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research was funded by the Andalusian Government (P12-RNM733, FEDER-UCA18-107069), CEI center dot MAR Foundation (CEIJ19C02.1), and Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (CTM2017-82808-R, AEI/FEDER, EU)

    Notas sobre la biologĂ­a del tiburĂłn mamona Mustelus lunulatus (Carcharhiniformes: Triakidae) en el PacĂ­fico Central ecuatoriano

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    Mustelus lunulatus is the most important shark demersal species in the landings of the Ecuadorian artisanal fishery, this study was carried out to expand the knowledge about size, sex, type of growth (isometric or allometric) and reproductive aspects in males of the species. Biological traits of the sicklefin smooth-hound shark, M. lunulatus, caught in the Pacific coast of Ecuador were assessed by examining 199 individuals ranging from 41.2 to 135.0 cm in total length (TL). The means TL did not show significant differences between sexes. The sex ratio was not different from 1:1 and the weight-length relationship did not showed significant differences between males and females. Both sexes have a growth of isometric type (b males= 3.05 and b females= 3.15). Total length at sexual maturity (TL50) of male M. lunulatus, calculated from the clasper condition, was estimated to be 97.2 cm. The present study provides new information regarding the biology of M. lunulatus in Ecuadorian waters

    Notas sobre la biologĂ­a del tiburĂłn mamona Mustelus lunulatus (Carcharhiniformes: Triakidae) en el PacĂ­fico Central ecuatoriano

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    Mustelus lunulatus is the most important shark demersal species in the landings of the Ecuadorian artisanal fishery, this study was carried out to expand the knowledge about size, sex, type of growth (isometric or allometric) and reproductive aspects in males of the species. Biological traits of the sicklefin smooth-hound shark, M. lunulatus, caught in the Pacific coast of Ecuador were assessed by examining 199 individuals ranging from 41.2 to 135.0 cm in total length (TL). The means TL did not show significant differences between sexes. The sex ratio was not different from 1:1 and the weightlength relationship did not showed significant differences between males and females. Both sexes have a growth of isometric type (b males= 3.05 and b females= 3.15). Total length at sexual maturity (TL50) of male M. lunulatus, calculated from the clasper condition, was estimated to be 97.2 cm. The present study provides new information regarding the biology of M. lunulatus in Ecuadorian waters.Mustelus lunulatus is the most important shark demersal species in the landings of the Ecuadorian artisanal fishery, this study was carried out to expand the knowledge about size, sex, type of growth (isometric or allometric) and reproductive aspects in males of the species. Biological traits of the sicklefin smooth-hound shark, M. lunulatus, caught in the Pacific coast of Ecuador were assessed by examining 199 individuals ranging from 41.2 to 135.0 cm in total length (TL). The means TL did not show significant differences between sexes. The sex ratio was not different from 1:1 and the weightlength relationship did not showed significant differences between males and females. Both sexes have a growth of isometric type (b males= 3.05 and b females= 3.15). Total length at sexual maturity (TL50) of male M. lunulatus, calculated from the clasper condition, was estimated to be 97.2 cm. The present study provides new information regarding the biology of M. lunulatus in Ecuadorian waters