1,170 research outputs found

    Dynamical Instability of Holographic QCD at Finite Density

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    In this paper we study the dynamical instability of Sakai-Sugimoto's holographic QCD model at finite baryon density. In this model, the baryon density, represented by the smeared instanton on the worldvolume of the probe D8-\overline{D8} mesonic brane, sources the worldvolume electric field, and through the Chern-Simons term it will induces the instability to form a chiral helical wave. This is similar to Deryagin-Grigoriev-Rubakov instability to form the chiral density wave for large N_c QCD at finite density. Our results show that this kind of instability occurs for sufficiently high baryon number densities. The phase diagram of holographic QCD will thus be changed from the one which is based only on thermodynamics. This holographic approach provides an effective way to study the phases of QCD at finite density, where the conventional perturbative QCD and lattice simulation fail.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures;v2. add thermodynamics discussion; v4. Treatment of the instanton energy changed and QGP analysis added. Some figures replaced and added, including the phase diagra

    Chlorophyll dephytylase 1 and chlorophyll synthase: a chlorophyll salvage pathway for the turnover of photosystems I and II

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    Chlorophyll (Chl) is made up of the tetrapyrrole chlorophyllide and phytol, a diterpenoid alcohol. The photosynthetic protein complexes utilize Chl for light harvesting to produce biochemical energy for plant development. However, excess light and adverse environmental conditions facilitate generation of reactive oxygen species, which damage photosystems I and II (PSI and PSII) and induce their turnover. During this process, Chl is released, and is thought to be recycled via dephytylation and rephytylation. We previously demonstrated that Chl recycling in Arabidopsis under heat stress is mediated by the enzymes chlorophyll dephytylase 1 (CLD1) and chlorophyll synthase (CHLG) using chlg and cld1 mutants. Here, we show that the mutants with high CLD1/CHLG ratio, by different combinations of chlg‐1 (a knock‐down mutant) and the hyperactive cld1‐1 alleles, develop necrotic leaves when grown under long‐ and short‐day, but not continuous light conditions, owing to the accumulation of chlorophyllide in the dark. Combination of chlg‐1 with cld1‐4 (a knock‐out mutant) leads to reduced chlorophyllide accumulation and necrosis. The operation of CLD1 and CHLG as a Chl salvage pathway was also explored in the context of Chl recycling during the turnover of Chl‐binding proteins of the two photosystems. CLD1 was found to interact with CHLG and the light‐harvesting complex‐like proteins OHP1 and LIL3, implying that auxiliary factors are required for this process.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100004663Peer Reviewe

    Assessing Computational Amino Acid β-Turn Propensities with a Phage-Displayed Combinatorial Library and Directed Evolution

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    SummaryStructure propensities of amino acids are important determinants in guiding proteins' local and global structure formation. We constructed a phage display library—a hexa-HIS tag upstream of a CXXC (X stands for any of the 20 natural amino acids) motif appending N-terminal to the minor capsid protein pIII of M13KE filamentous phage—and developed a novel directed-evolution procedure to select for amino acid sequences forming increasingly stable β-turns in the disulfide-bridged CXXC motif. The sequences that emerged from the directed-evolution cycles were in good agreement with type II β-turn propensities derived from surveys of known protein structures, in particular, Pro-Gly forming a type II β-turn. The agreement strongly supported the notion that β-turn formation plays an active role in initiating local structure folding in proteins

    Epidemiology of acute otitis media among young children: A multiple database study in Taiwan

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    Background/PurposeAcute otitis media (AOM) is a common complication of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) among children. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the epidemiology of AOM among young children in Taiwan, including the age incidence and seasonality by combining multiple databases.MethodsTwo country-based questionnaire survey studies had been conducted to evaluate the experience of otitis media (OM) among young children: one in 2007 and the other between 2005 and 2010. The number of OM cases (5% of population younger than 7 years) in 2005 and annual visiting rates for URTI from 2005 to 2010 obtained from the National Health Insurance Research Database of Taiwan were collected and comprised the third database. The fourth database comprised ambulatory visits of children with OM to a medical center in central Taiwan between 2005 and 2010.ResultsData from a total of 1099 questionnaires were entered into Database I in 2007, and data from 9705 questionnaires between 2005 and 2010 comprised Database II. There were 86,702 children (younger than 7 years, representing 5% of the whole population for this age group) retrieved from Database III in 2007, and 5,904 cases of OM in children between 2005 and 2010 in a hospital. In Database I, 7.46% children experienced at least one episode of AOM compared with 9.21% in Database II for children aged 5 years and younger. In Database III, 13.2% children younger than 7 years had AOM in 2005. The peak season of AOM among children was from March to May (Databases III and IV).ConclusionAOM was thought to be a very common disease among children; however, this comparative analysis showed that the overall prevalence of AOM among children younger than 5 years was only 20%, much lower than in other countries. AOM was more prevalent during the spring season, and still was similarly common after age 2 years

    Factors Affecting Daughter Cells' Arrangement during the Early Bacterial Divisions

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    On agar plates, daughter cells of Escherichia coli mutually slide and align side-by-side in parallel during the first round of binary fission. This phenomenon has been previously attributed to an elastic material that restricts apparently separated bacteria from being in string. We hypothesize that the interaction between bacteria and the underneath substratum may affect the arrangement of the daughter bacteria. To test this hypothesis, bacterial division on hyaluronic acid (HA) gel, as an alternative substratum, was examined. Consistent with our proposition, the HA gel differs from agar by suppressing the typical side-by-side alignments to a rare population. Examination of bacterial surface molecules that may contribute to the daughter cells' arrangement yielded an observation that, with disrupted lpp, the E. coli daughter cells increasingly formed non-typical patterns, i.e. neither sliding side-by-side in parallel nor forming elongated strings. Therefore, our results suggest strongly that the early cell patterning is affected by multiple interaction factors. With oscillatory optical tweezers, we further demonstrated that the interaction force decreased in bacteria without Lpp, a result substantiating our notion that the side-by-side sliding phenomenon directly reflects the strength of in-situ interaction between bacteria and substratum

    Stability Enhancement of Polymeric Sensing Films Using Fillers

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    Experiments have shown the stability enhancement of polymeric sensing films on mixing the polymer with colloidal filler particles (submicron-sized) of carbon black, silver, titanium dioxide, and fumed silicon dioxide. The polymer films are candidates for potential use as sensing media in micro/nano chemical sensor devices. The need for stability enhancement of polymer sensing films arises because such films have been found to exhibit unpredictable changes in sensing activity over time, which could result in a possible failure of the sensor device. The changes in the physical properties of a polymer sensing film caused by the sorption of a target molecule can be measured by any of several established transduction techniques: electrochemical, optical, calorimetric, or piezoelectric, for example. The transduction technique used in the current polymer stability experiments is based on piezoelectric principles using a quartz-crystal microbalance (QCM). The surface of the QCM is coated with the polymer, and the mass uptake by the polymer film causes a change in the oscillating frequency of the quartz crystal. The polymer used for the current study is ethyl cellulose. The polymer/ polymer composite solutions were prepared in 1,3 dioxolane solvent. The filler concentration was fixed at 10 weight percent for the composites. The polymer or polymer composite solutions were cast on the quartz crystal having a fundamental frequency of about 6 MHz. The coated crystal was subjected to a multistage drying process to remove all measurable traces of the solvent. In each experiment, the frequency of oscillation was measured while the QCM was exposed to clean, dry, flowing air for about 30 minutes, then to air containing a known concentration of isopropanol for about 30 minutes, then again to clean dry air for about 30 minutes, and so forth. This cycle of measurements for varying isopropanol concentrations was repeated at intervals for several months. The figure depicts some of the sensing film stability results for ethyl cellulose polymer, ethyl cellulose-carbon black, and ethyl cellulose-silicon dioxide composite systems. An ethyl cellulose film exhibited a marked decline in response in the first few months of study and settled to a steady average response after about four months. However, response varied widely around the average response for ethyl cellulose film. In contrast, ethyl cellulose- carbon black and ethyl cellulose-silicon dioxide composites also declined in the early months, but showed more repeatable sensing film activity after the initial decline. Similar trends were observed in experiments for ethyl cellulose-titanium dioxide and ethyl cellulose-silver composites

    Certified Robustness of Quantum Classifiers against Adversarial Examples through Quantum Noise

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    Recently, quantum classifiers have been known to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks, where quantum classifiers are fooled by imperceptible noises to have misclassification. In this paper, we propose one first theoretical study that utilizing the added quantum random rotation noise can improve the robustness of quantum classifiers against adversarial attacks. We connect the definition of differential privacy and demonstrate the quantum classifier trained with the natural presence of additive noise is differentially private. Lastly, we derive a certified robustness bound to enable quantum classifiers to defend against adversarial examples supported by experimental results.Comment: Submitted to IEEE ICASSP 202

    Suppressor of K+ transport growth defect 1 (SKD1) interactswith RING-type ubiquitin ligase and sucrose non-fermenting1-related protein kinase (SnRK1) in the halophyte ice plant

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    SKD1 (suppressor of K+ transport growth defect 1) is an AAA-type ATPase that functions as a molecular motor. It was previously shown that SKD1 accumulates in epidermal bladder cells of the halophyte Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. SKD1 knock-down Arabidopsis mutants showed an imbalanced Na+/K+ ratio under salt stress. Two enzymes involved in protein post-translational modifications that physically interacted with McSKD1 were identified. McCPN1 (copine 1), a RING-type ubiquitin ligase, has an N-terminal myristoylation site that links to the plasma membrane, a central copine domain that interacts with McSKD1, and a C-terminal RING domain that catalyses protein ubiquitination. In vitro ubiquitination assay demonstrated that McCPN1 was capable of mediating ubiquitination of McSKD1. McSnRK1 (sucrose non-fermenting 1-related protein kinase) is a Ser/Thr protein kinase that contains an N-terminal STKc catalytic domain to phosphorylate McSKD1, and C-terminal UBA and KA1 domains to interact with McSKD1. The transcript and protein levels of McSnRK1 increased as NaCl concentrations increased. The formation of an SKD1–SnRK1–CPN1 ternary complex was demonstrated by yeast three-hybrid and bimolecular fluorescence complementation. It was found that McSKD1 preferentially interacts with McSnRK1 in the cytosol, and salt induced the re-distribution of McSKD1 and McSnRK1 towards the plasma membrane via the microtubule cytoskeleton and subsequently interacted with RING-type E3 McCPN1. The potential effects of ubiquitination and phosphorylation on McSKD1, such as changes in the ATPase activity and cellular localization, and how they relate to the functions of SKD1 in the maintenance of Na+/K+ homeostasis under salt stress, are discussed
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