1,713 research outputs found

    Density-dependent natural selection in Drosophila: adaptation to adult crowding

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    The effects of adult crowding on two components of fitness were studied in three sets of Drosophila melanogaster populations, subjected to life-stage-specific, density-dependent natural selection in the laboratory for over 50 generations. Three days of crowding, early in adult life, were observed to increase mortality significantly during the episode of crowding, as well as decrease subsequent fecundity. Populations selected for adaptation to high adult densities suffered significantly lower mortality during episodes of adult crowding, as compared to populations selected specifically for adaptation to larval crowding, as well as control populations typically maintained at low larval and adult densities. Moreover, populations adapted to larval crowding seemed to be adversely affected by adult crowding to a greater extent than the controls, raising the possibility of trade-offs between adaptations to larval and adult crowding, respectively. Preliminary evidence suggests that the populations adapted to adult crowding may have evolved a propensity to stay away from the food medium, which is where most deaths occur when adults are crowded in culture vials

    International Telecommunication Union-Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) P.837-6 and P.837-7 performance to estimate Indonesian rainfall

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    The cognitive radio technology can improve the efficiency of spectrum utilization byproviding dynamic spectrum access to unoccupied frequency bands. Spectrum sensing is one of the key technologies of cognitive radio networks. The spectrum sensing performance of cognitive radio networks will be greatly reduced in the low SNR environment, especially when using energy detection. Because the stochastic resonance system can improve the energy detection system output SNR .To improve the spectrum sensing performance of cognitive radio networks in the low SNR environment, the stochastic resonance of the single-mode nonlinear optical system is applied to spectrum sensing based on the energy detection method in this paper. The simulation results show that in the low SNR environment, the energy detection based on stochastic resonance of the single-mode nonlinear optical system has better performance than traditional energy detection

    Spectrum Sensing Based on Monostable Stochastic Resonance in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    The cognitive radio technology can provide dynamic spectrum access and improve the efficiency of spectrum utilization. Spectrum sensing is one of the key technologies of cognitive radio networks. The spectrum sensing performance of cognitive radio networks will be greatly reduced in the low SNR environment, especially when using energy detection. Due to the monostable stochastic resonance system can improve the energy detection system output SNR, a monostable stochastic resonanceis applied to spectrum sensing based on the energy detection method of cognitive radio networks in this paper. The simulation results show that in the low SNR environment, when the false alarm probability is constant, the proposed spectrum sensing based on monostable stochastic resonance has better performance than traditional energy detection

    Bacteria in the apical root canals of teeth with apical periodontitis

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    Background/PurposeBacteria in the tooth root canal may cause apical periodontitis. This study examined the bacterial species present in the apical root canal of teeth with apical periodontitis. Antibiotic sensitivity tests were performed to evaluate whether these identified bacterial species were susceptible to specific kinds of antibiotics.MethodsSelective media plating and biochemical tests were used first to detect the bacterial species in samples taken from the apical portion of root canals of 62 teeth with apical periodontitis. The isolated bacterial species were further confirmed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry.ResultsWe found concomitant presence of two (32 teeth) or three species (18 teeth) of bacteria in 50 (80.6%) out of 62 tested teeth. However, only 34 bacterial species were identified. Of a total of 118 bacterial isolates (83 anaerobes and 35 aerobes), Prophyromonas endodontalis was detected in 10; Bacteroides, Dialister invisus or Fusobacterium nucleatum in 9; Treponema denticola or Enterococcus faecalis in 8; Peptostreptococcus or Olsenella uli in 6; and Veillonella in 5 teeth. The other 25 bacterial species were detected in fewer than five teeth. Approximately 80–95% of bacterial isolates of anaerobes were sensitive to ampicillin/sulbactam (Unasyn), amoxicillin/clavulanate (Augmentin), cefoxitin, and clindamycin. For E. faecalis, 85–90% of bacterial isolates were sensitive to gentamicin and linezolid.ConclusionRoot canal infections are usually caused by a mixture of two or three species of bacteria. Specific kinds of antibiotic can be selected to control these bacterial infections after antibiotic sensitivity testing

    The Pharmacological Effects and Pharmacokinetics of Active Compounds of Artemisia capillaris.

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    Artemisia capillaris Thunb. (A.capillaris, Yin-Chen in Chinese) is a traditional medicinal herb with a wide spectrum of pharmacological properties ranging from effects against liver dysfunction to treatments of severe cirrhosis and cancer. We used relevant keywords to search electronic databases, including PubMed, Medline, and Google Scholar, for scientific contributions related to this medicinal herb and the pharmacokinetics of its components. The pharmaceutical effects of A.capillaris contribute to the treatment not only of viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular hepatoma, but also metabolic syndrome, psoriasis, and enterovirus in the clinic. The bioactive compounds, including scoparone, capillarisin, scopoletin, and chlorogenic acid, exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antisteatotic, antiviral, and antitumor properties, reflecting the pharmacological effects of A.capillaris. The pharmacokinetics of the main bioactive compounds in A. capillaris can achieve a maximum concentration within 1 hour, but only chlorogenic acid has a relatively long half-life. Regarding the use of the A. capillaris herb by health professionals to treat various diseases, the dosing schedule of this herb should be carefully considered to maximize therapeutic outcomes while lessening possible side effects

    Description of variation of genlculate's features of _Phyllodiaptomustunguidus_ shen et Tai and sex-linked inheritance of Calanoida in freshwater

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    In the present paper, variation of genlculate's features of _Phyllodiaptomustunguidus_ shen et Tai of Calanoida are described.The authors find that the right first antenna of female species has changed into genlculate and first antenna of male species changed into genlculate, which can be explained by X-sex-linked inheritance. This isn't a disease but a genetic characteristic that is better for the living of the species

    Identification and phenotypic plasticity of Pseudanabaena catenata from the Svalbard archipelago

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    A filamentous benthic cyanobacteria, strain USMAC16, was isolated from the High Arctic Svalbard archipelago, Norway, and a combination of morphological, ultrastructural and molecular characterisation (16S rRNA gene sequence) used to identify to species level. Cell dimensions, thylakoid arrangement and apical cell shape are consistent with the Pseudanabaena genus description. The molecular characterisation of P. catenata gave 100% similarity with Pseudanabaena catenata SAG 1464-1, originally reported from Germany. Strain USMAC16 was cultured under a range of temperature and photoperiod conditions, in solid and liquid media, and harvested at exponential phase to examine its phenotypic plasticity. Under different culture conditions, we observed considerable variations in cell dimensions. The longest cell (5.91±0.13 μm) was observed at 15°C under 12:12 light:dark, and the widest cell (3.24±0.06 μm) at 4°C under 12:12 light: dark in liquid media. The study provides baseline data documenting the morphological variation of P. catenata in response to changing temperature regimes

    Producing Daily and Embedded Hourly Rainfall Data Using a Novel Weather Generator

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    The number of worldwide extreme drought and flood events has risen significantly in recent years. Many studies confer that climate change may cause more intensive and extreme events. Simulating the impact of climate change often requires weather data as inputs to assessment models. Stochastic weather generators have been developed to produce weather data with the same temporal resolution based on the outputs of GCMs. Reservoir simulation normally uses operational rules in daily and hourly time steps for water supply and flood reduction, respectively. Simulating consecutive drought and flood events simultaneously requires a weather generator to produce different temporal resolution data. This work develops a continuous weather generator to generate daily and hourly precipitation data for regular wet days and severe storms, respectively. Daily rainfall data is generated for regular wet days using Exponential distribution or Weibull distribution, while the total rainfall data for severe storms is generated using the Pearson type III or Log Pearson type III distribution. Moreover, hourly rainfall is determined based on generated hyetographs. Simulation results indicate that the proposed continuous weather generator can generate daily and hourly rainfall reasonably. The proposed weather generator is thus highly promising for use in evaluating how climate change impacts reservoir operations that are significantly influenced by more frequent and intensive consecutive drought and flood events

    A Spectrum Sensing Method Based on Signal Feature and Clustering Algorithm in Cognitive Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks

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    In order to solve the problem of difficulty in determining the threshold in spectrum sensing technologies based on the random matrix theory, a spectrum sensing method based on clustering algorithm and signal feature is proposed for Cognitive Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. Firstly, the wireless communication signal features are obtained according to the sampling signal covariance matrix. Then, the clustering algorithm is used to classify and test the signal features. Different signal features and clustering algorithms are compared in this paper. The experimental results show that the proposed method has better sensing performance

    Factors Affecting Daughter Cells' Arrangement during the Early Bacterial Divisions

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    On agar plates, daughter cells of Escherichia coli mutually slide and align side-by-side in parallel during the first round of binary fission. This phenomenon has been previously attributed to an elastic material that restricts apparently separated bacteria from being in string. We hypothesize that the interaction between bacteria and the underneath substratum may affect the arrangement of the daughter bacteria. To test this hypothesis, bacterial division on hyaluronic acid (HA) gel, as an alternative substratum, was examined. Consistent with our proposition, the HA gel differs from agar by suppressing the typical side-by-side alignments to a rare population. Examination of bacterial surface molecules that may contribute to the daughter cells' arrangement yielded an observation that, with disrupted lpp, the E. coli daughter cells increasingly formed non-typical patterns, i.e. neither sliding side-by-side in parallel nor forming elongated strings. Therefore, our results suggest strongly that the early cell patterning is affected by multiple interaction factors. With oscillatory optical tweezers, we further demonstrated that the interaction force decreased in bacteria without Lpp, a result substantiating our notion that the side-by-side sliding phenomenon directly reflects the strength of in-situ interaction between bacteria and substratum
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