19 research outputs found
Cleft Lip and Palate in the Dog: Medical and Genetic Aspects
The same types of cleft lip and/or cleft palate (CL/P) that affects humans also naturally affect dogs. Therefore, the dog has become an important spontaneous animal model for the study of human oral clefts. In order to provide an overview of CL/P in dogs to people with an interest in this area, we present in this chapter the main medical aspects, ranging from the etiology to the prevention, and also the main genetic aspects, including inheritance mechanisms and highlighting the homology between the two species, and the most recent molecular findings
Estudo de caracteristicas produtivas e reprodutivas em rebanhos holandeses da região de Arapoti, no estado do Parana
Resumo: Foram estudadas as características produtivas de 9798 lactações de 3290 vacas holandesas no período de 1980 a 1993, pertencentes a 36 rebanhos da região de Arapoti, município de Arapoti, Paraná. Estas vacas são filhas de 418 reprodutores. As médias, os desvios padrão e os coeficientes de variação da produção de leite (PL), produção de gordura (PG), percentagem de gordura (%G) e período de lactação (PLL), foram respectivamente 6399 ± 840kg, 13,1%; 208 ± 28kg, 13,6%; 3,27 ± 0,20%, 6,4% e 304 ± 43dias, 14,1%. Os efeitos de rebanho, ano de parto, reprodutor, frequência de ordenhas e vaca foram significativos para as quatro características estudadas. Estação de parto, grupo genético e origem do reprodutor influenciaram somente a PL e a PG. O efeito de idade ao parto e período de lactação foram significativos para PL, PG, e %G. O PLL ainda foi influenciado pela variedade de pelagem, grupo genético e período de serviço. Para o estudo das características reprodutivas, período de serviço e intervalo entre partos, foram estudadas 6257 lactações de 2348 vacas holandesas, filhas de 356 reprodutores, no período de 1982 a 1992, pertencentes a 35 rebanhos. As médias, os desvios padrão e os coeficiente de variação para o intervalo entre partos e período de serviço foram 396 ± 37 dias , 9,3% e 116 ± 52 dias, 44,5%, respectivamente. Os efeitos de rebanho, ano de parto, estação de parto, reprodutor, ordem de lactação e vaca influenciaram significativamente o intervalo entre partos e o período de serviço. O intervalo entre partos foi influenciado pelo período de lactação. Para o estudo de idade ao primeiro parto foram utilizadas lactações de 2829 novilhas, filhas de 353 reprodutores. A média, o desvio padrão e o coeficiente de variação foram 29,4 ± 3,5 meses e 11,8%, respectivamente. Somente os efeitos de rebanho, ano de parto e reprodutor foram significativos para a idade ao primeiro parto
Characteristics of animal protection non-governmental organizations in the state of Paraná, Brazil: qualitative-quantitative analysis
This study describes characteristics of a sample of 80 dog and cat NGOs. When it comes to the results, we used Content Analysis, t-test and z-test to find the confidence interval for the average time of the NGOs’ existence, and Fisher's exact test to compare the ratio for NGOs with/without shelter. The NGOs are located in 49 of the 399 municipalities of Paraná (12.28%). Curitiba presented the largest number of NGOs (n=16), representing 20% of the total organizations. The average time of existence of NGOs in Paraná is 8.75 ± 7.14 years. The oldest NGO was created in 1972, and the most recent one in 2016, that is, 46 and 2 years old, respectively. Organizations’ main source of income is through donations, in 58.56% (n=65) of the cases; only 7.21% (n=7) of them reported having received government support. Also, 48.75% (n=39) are regulated NGOs, and 56.25% (n=45) of them do not have shelter for reception and housing of dogs and cats. This study concluded that the actions of NGOs supported by civil society, community and government are fundamental to mitigate the overpopulation of dogs.This study describes characteristics of a sample of 80 dog and cat non-governmental organizations (NGOs), in order to present an overview for academic and scientific knowledge. As statistical analysis, we used Content Analysis, t-test and z-test to find the confidence interval for the average time of the NGOs’ existence, and Fisher's exact test to compare the ratio for NGOs with/without shelters. The NGOs are located in 49 of the 399 municipalities of Paraná (12.28%). Curitiba presented the largest number of NGOs (n=16), representing 20% of the total organizations. The average time of existence of NGOs in Paraná is 8.75 ± 7.14 years. The oldest NGO was created in 1972, and the most recent one in 2020. Main source of income of the organizations is donations, in 58.56% (n=65) of the cases; only 7.21% (n=7) of them reported having received government support. Also, 48.75% (n=39) are regulated NGOs, and 56.25% (n=45) of them do not have shelters for reception and housing of dogs and cats. This study concluded that the actions of NGOs supported by civil society, community, and government are fundamental to mitigate dog overpopulation
Fish consumption and consumer awareness aspects of possible mycotoxin contamination in fish in Curitiba-PR, Southern Brazil
The global per capita consumption of fish reached a record of 20.5 kg in 2018, thus demonstrating the sector’s importance. A potential risk to consider when consuming fish is the indirect intake of mycotoxins by humans when consuming fish from intensive fish farming fed with potentially contaminated mycotoxins. The aim of this study was to evaluate fish consumption and consumer awareness of possible mycotoxin contamination in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. The information was obtained through a questionnaire applied at supermarkets in 5 different city regions, obtaining 358 respondents. Descriptive analysis was performed on the data, followed by Spearman’s correlation analysis between the responses. It was observed that demographic data (e.g., age, gender, and social class) significantly influenced fish consumption frequency. Thus, 64.80% of respondents preferred tilapia meat over other fish species, 89.91% of people are unaware of mycotoxins, and 93.95% of people do not know what damage mycotoxins cause in human and animal health, and 86.17% of people did not know about any disease related to fish consumption. Schooling had a significant correlation with the aforementioned issues, demonstrating that lower educational levels negatively influence the perception of illnesses caused by food. The most consumed fish is farm-raised tilapia and the consequent possibility of mycotoxin exposure. Respondents are unaware of the possible mycotoxin presence infish and their impact on human health.O consumo per capita global de pescado atingiu seu recorde de 20,5 kg em 2018, demonstrando a importância do setor. Um potencial risco a ser considerado no consumo de pescado é a ingestão indireta de micotoxinas pelos humanos por meio do consumo de peixes provenientes de piscicultura intensiva, alimentados com ração potencialmente contaminada por micotoxinas. O objetivo foi avaliar aspectos do consumo do pescado e da conscientização dos consumidores quanto à sua possível contaminação por micotoxinas em Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. As informações foram obtidas com um questionário aplicado em supermercados de cinco regiões distintas da cidade, obtendo um total de 358 respondentes. Realizou-se análise descritiva dos dados, seguida de análise de correlação de Spearman entre as respostas. Observou-se que dados demográficos influenciaram significativamente a frequência de consumo de pescado (ex. idade, gênero e classe social). Um total de 64,80% dos entrevistados preferiu carne de tilápia em detrimento de outras espécies de peixes, 89,91% das pessoas desconhecem o que são micotoxinas, 93,95% não sabem quais danos as micotoxinas causam à saúde humana e animal e 86,17% não conheciam nenhuma doença relacionada ao consumo de pescado. A escolaridade teve correlação significativa com as questões citadas acima, demonstrando que níveis de escolaridade menores influenciam negativamente a percepção sobre doenças transmitidas por alimentos. O pescado mais consumido é a tilápia de cultivo, indicando a possibilidade de exposição a micotoxinas. Os respondentes desconhecem a possibilidade da presença de micotoxinas em pescado e seus impactos à saúde humana
Survey of wildlife rescued and treated from 2014 to 2016 in Joinville (SC), Brazil
Natural ecosystems are in constant conflict with the growing and disordered urban expansion, arising from the mismanagement of human developments and infrastructure, facing an accelerated rate of deforestation and defaunation. The intense pressure on natural environments impacts the local fauna through various incidents, generating high mortality, such as hit-and-run, window-crashing, attacks by domestic animals, dissemination of diseases and electrocution. The purpose of this study was to carry out a retrospective survey of the wild fauna rescued and treated at a clinic associated with the environmental police in the region of Joinville - SC. A total of 379 wild animals were treated at the clinic from 2014 to 2016. Of these, 262 (69.13%) were birds, 107 (28.23%) mammals, 9 (2.37%) reptiles and 1 (0.26%) amphibian. The main causes of referral for clinical care were due to trauma (50.66%), seizures (1.32%) and other causes (48.02%), such as home invasion and orphaned puppies. Among the reasons for traumas, pedestrian accidents were the most prevalent, representing 39.58% of the cases treated, followed by animals found to be debilitated without a defined cause (31.77%), attack by domestic animals (14.58%) and window-crashing (9.89%). The data obtained in this study show a rich diversity of species in Joinville. These species are exposed to several anthropogenic challenges and barriers derived mainly from intense displacement and human invasion, causing many animals to move in order to adapt to urban areas.Os ecossistemas naturais estão em constante conflito com a crescente e desordenada expansão urbana, oriunda da má gestão de empreendimentos e infraestruturas humanas, enfrentando uma acelerada taxa de desmatamento e defaunação. A intensa pressão sobre os ambientes naturais impacta a fauna local através de incidentes variados gerando alta mortalidade, como atropelamentos, colisão em vidraças, ataques por animais domésticos, disseminação de doenças e eletrocussão em redes elétricas. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar um levantamento retrospectivo da fauna silvestre resgatada e atendida em uma clínica conveniada à polícia ambiental na região de Joinville – SC. Um total de 379 animais silvestres foram atendidos na clínica no período de 2014 a 2016. Destes, 262 (69,13%) eram aves, 107 (28,23%) mamíferos, 9 (2,37%) répteis e 1 (0,26%) anfíbio. As principais causas de encaminhamento para atendimento clínico foram devido a traumas (50,66%), apreensões (1,32%) e outras causas (48,02%) como a invasão de residências e filhotes órfãos. Dentre os motivos de traumas, os atropelamentos foram os mais prevalentes, representando 39,58% dos casos atendidos, seguido por animal encontrado debilitado sem causa definida (31,77%), ataque por animal doméstico (14,58%) e colisão com vidraças (9,89%). Os dados obtidos neste estudo mostram uma rica diversidade de espécies em Joinville. Essas espécies são expostas a diversos desafios e barreiras antropogênicas derivadas principalmente do intenso deslocamento e à invasão humana, fazendo com que muitos animais tenham que se deslocar para se adaptar a viver em áreas urbanas
Animal welfare assessment in nine dog shelters of southern Brazil
The present study has tested the Shelter-Quality Protocol (SQ) and its applicability in nine long-term dog shelters in the Curitiba metropolitan area, State of Paran , southern Brazil. Welfare indicators were scored on three different levels including shelter, pen and dogs. Data were qualitatively analyzed, presenting an average of 66.67 ( 27.63) allocated dogs per shelter, receiving only dry food, with meal frequencies varying from once (44.4%), twice a day (33.3%), and ad libitum (22.2%). Water was available ad libitum in 98.5% of pens and was clean in (89.5%) of shelters. Most of the shelters grouped the dogs by size. Animals were kept indoors (41.0%) or entirely outdoors with only close movable shelters (41.3%), from which 78.5% had materials that could hurt the animals. None of the dogs were panting, crowding, or had any stereotypy behavior. No cough, swelling, and ectoparasites were observed. Animals were in satisfactory body-score condition and clean; no lameness was observed. In the human-animal relationship test, 15.3% of animals showed fearful and aggressive reactions. Hence, the level of shelter-quality was feasible and provided relevant information about the Brazilian dog shelter welfare. However, it is important in future studies to include and adopt additional indicators to gather other relevant aspects of dogs’ welfare, such as health management, environmental enrichment, dogs’ socialization, people involved in the chain, rate of adoption, and turnover of dogs.O presente estudo testou o Protocolo Shelter-Quality (SQ) e sua aplicabilidade em nove abrigos de c es de longa permanência na região metropolitana de Curitiba, estado do Paraná, Sul do Brasil. Os indicadores de bem-estar foram pontuados em três níveis diferentes, incluindo abrigo, recinto e cães. Os dados foram analisados qualitativamente, apresentando média de 66,67 ( 27,63) cães alocados por abrigo, que recebem apenas raç˜ão seca, com frequência de alimentação variando entre uma (44,4%), duas vezes ao dia (33,3%) e ad libitum (22,2%). A água estava disponível ad libitum em 98,5% dos currais e era limpa em 89,5% dos abrigos. A maioria destes agrupou os cães por tamanho. Os animais eram mantidos em ambientes fechados (41,0%) ou inteiramente ao ar livre, apenas com abrigos móveis próximos (41,3%), dos quais 78,5% possu am materiais que pudessem machucar os animais. Nenhum dos cães estava ofegante, aglomerado ou com comportamento estereotipado. Não foram observados tosse, inchaço e ectoparasitas. Os animais estavam em condição corporal satisfatória e limpos; nenhuma claudicação foi observada. No teste de relação humano-animal, 15,3% dos animais apresentaram reações de medo e agressão. Assim, o nível de qualidade do abrigo foi viável e forneceu informações relevantes sobre o bem-estar do abrigo de cães brasileiros. No entanto, é importante em estudos futuros incluir e adotar indicadores adicionais para reunir outros aspectos relevantes do bem-estar dos cães, como gestão da saúde, enriquecimento ambiental, socialização dos animais, pessoas envolvidas na cadeia, taxa de adoção e rotatividade de cães
Characterization and in vitro susceptibility profile of bacterial samples harvest from canine chronic otitis
This study aimed to identify which are the most frequent bacteria evolved in cases of chronic otitis in dogs in the metropolitan region of Curitiba, as well to determine their in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility. Data of positive bacterial culture from dogs affected by chronic or recurrent otitis were compiled from the records of the veterinary hospital of Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba, southern Brazil. In a period of 16 months, a total of 83 bacterial cultures were performed, resulting in 192 isolates. All isolates were submitted to antimicrobial susceptibility tests, based on the Kirby-Bauer technique using 17 drugs from 8 antibiotic classes (?-lactams, aminoglycosides, lincosamides, macrolides, polypeptides, quinolones, tetracyclines, and amphenicols). The five most frequent bacterial isolates were Staphylococcus spp. (58.32%), Proteus spp. (14.58%), Escherichia coli (9.90%) and Pseudomonas spp. (8.33%). The four most effective antibiotics were amikacin (13.29%), neomycin (24.47%), gentamicin (25.52%) and tobramycin (26.70%); however, these aminoglycosides may cause ototoxicity, and their use should be restricted when the tympanic membrane is intact. Quinolones also showed antimicrobial effectiveness, with 29.17% of the isolates showing resistance to ciprofloxacin and 29.69% to enrofloxacin. According to the results, it can be concluded that aminoglycosides and quinolones were effective against microorganisms of canine chronic otitis
From the Approach to the Concept: One Health in Latin America-Experiences and Perspectives in Brazil, Chile, and Colombia
Professionals throughout the world have been working to assess the interdisciplinary interaction and interdependence between health and wellbeing in a constantly changing environment. The One Health concept was developed to encourage sustainable collaborative partnerships and to promote optimal health for people, animals, plants, the environment, and the whole planet. The dissemination of scientific discoveries and policies, by working directly with diverse communities, has been one of the main goals for Global One Health. The One Health concept has also been referred or related to as "One Medicine, One Medicine-One Health, One World-One Health, EcoHealth," and Planetary Health," depending on each fundamental view and approach. In Latin America, despite the concept still being discussed among health professionals and educators, several One Health initiatives have been used daily for more than decades. One Health action has been applied especially in rural and underserved urban areas where low socioeconomic status, lack of health professionals, and scarcity of medical resources may require professionals to work together. Local communities from diverse social and economic statuses, including indigenous populations have been working with institutions and social organizations for many years, accomplishing results through grassroots movements. These "bottom-up" socio-community approaches have also been tools for the prevention and control of diseases, such practice has preceded the One Health concepts in Latin American countries. It is strongly believed that collaborative, multidisciplinary, political, and economic initiatives with prosocial focus may become investments toward obtaining significant results in the face of global, economic and health challenges; working for a healthier world with inclusivity, equity, and equality. In this study, it is briefly presented how the One Health approach has been initiated and developed in Latin America, highlighting the events and actions taken in Brazil, Chile, and Colombia