34 research outputs found

    Microleakage study of three adhesive systems

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    The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the efficacy of three hydrophilic dentin adhesive systems to reduce class II restoration microleakage. A total of 60 human molar teeth were used in which two box cavities were made on the distal and mesial surfaces, with a cervical margin in dentin. These cavities were randomly divided into 3 groups (n = 40 each), according to adhesive system tested: G1: OptiBond SOLO®; G2: Amalgambond Plus®; G3: Etch & Prime 3.0®. The cavities were restored with the composite resin Z-100®. The groups were thermocycled 2000 times (5 ± 1ºC and 55 ± 1ºC) with a dwell time of 1 min. The teeth were then immersed in 2% methylene blue, pH 7.0, for 4 h, sectioned and observed with a stereomicroscope MEIJI 2000 (35X). The evaluation was made using scores (0-4) and the results were expressed through the sum of the ranks. G1 = 1994.00; G2 = 2294.00; G3 = 2972.00. The three groups were significantly different. The self-etching adhesive system Etch & Prime 3.0 was less effective in preventing microleakage. The OptiBond SOLO adhesive was the most effective in reducing microleakage in dentin margins when compared with Amalgambond Plus and Etch & Prime 3.0.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia de 3 sistemas adesivos hidrófilos na redução da microinfiltração de restaurações classe II. Foram selecionados 60 dentes molares humanos. Foi realizado em cada dente dois preparos classe II do tipo slot vertical nas superfícies mesial e distal, com margem cervical em dentina. As 120 cavidades foram sorteadas aleatoriamente em 3 grupos (n = 40), de acordo com o sistema adesivo testado G1: OptiBondo SOLO® (Kerr); G2: Amalgambond Plus® (Parkell); G3: Etch & Prime 3.0® (Degussa). As cavidades foram restauradas com resina composta Z 100 (3M/ESPE). As amostras foram termocicladas 2000 vezes (5 ± 1ºC e 55 ± 1ºC), durante 1 min em cada banho. Após a termociclagem, os dentes foram imersos em uma solução de azul de metileno a 2%, pH 7,0, durante 4 h, seccionados e observados em microscópio ótico MEIJI 2000 (35X). A avaliação foi realizada utilizando-se escores (0-4) e os resultados expressos através da soma das ordens. G1: 1994.00; G2: 2294.00; G3: 2972.00. Os 3 grupos foram significativamente diferentes. Os resultados indicaram que o sistema adesivo auto-condiconante Etch & Prime 3.0 foi menos efetivo no controle da microinfiltração marginal. Já o sistema adesivo OptiBond SOLO foi o mais efetivo no controle da microinfiltração quando comparado com o Amalgambond Plus e o Etch & Prime 3.0.194198Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Aspectos micromorfológicos da interface adesiva em função da variação no preparo do espécime

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    The aim of this study was to demonstrate the different micromorphologic aspects of the adhesive interface, which can be observed in fragments of the same specimen in function of variations during the processing for scanning electron microscopy. Resin blocks were cemented on the dentin of the occlusal surfaces of recently extracted third molars and were longitudinally sectioned for observation through SEM. The results showed wide variation in the direction and length of tags. There is need for standardization of the angulation with which the specimens are cut, so as to avoid mistakes in the analysis of the penetration efficacy of adhesive systems.O objetivo deste trabalho foi mostrar os diferentes padrões micromorfológicos da interface adesiva que podem ser encontrados em fragmentos de um mesmo espécime em função da variação de fatores durante o processamento dos mesmos para análise em MEV. Para isso, cilindros de resina foram cimentados na dentina da superfície oclusal de terceiros molares inclusos recém-extraídos e posteriormente seccionados longitudinalmente para observação no MEV. Os resultados obtidos indicaram uma grande variação no direcionamento e comprimento dos "tags". Isso indica a necessidade de uma padronização dos sítios de dentina, angulação de seccionamento dos espécimes e escolha de fragmentos a serem visualizados, a fim de evitar possíveis erros de interpretação ao se analisar a eficiência da penetração dos sistemas adesivos

    Micromorphologic aspects of the adhesive interface in function of variation in the specimen manufacturing

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    The aim of this study was to demonstrate the different micromorphologic aspects of the adhesive interface, which can be observed in fragments of the same specimen in function of variations during the processing for scanning electron microscopy. Resin blocks were cemented on the dentin of the occlusal surfaces of recently extracted third molars and were longitudinally sectioned for observation through SEM. The results showed wide variation in the direction and length of tags. There is need for standardization of the angulation with which the specimens are cut, so as to avoid mistakes in the analysis of the penetration efficacy of adhesive systems.O objetivo deste trabalho foi mostrar os diferentes padrões micromorfológicos da interface adesiva que podem ser encontrados em fragmentos de um mesmo espécime em função da variação de fatores durante o processamento dos mesmos para análise em MEV. Para isso, cilindros de resina foram cimentados na dentina da superfície oclusal de terceiros molares inclusos recém-extraídos e posteriormente seccionados longitudinalmente para observação no MEV. Os resultados obtidos indicaram uma grande variação no direcionamento e comprimento dos tags. Isso indica a necessidade de uma padronização dos sítios de dentina, angulação de seccionamento dos espécimes e escolha de fragmentos a serem visualizados, a fim de evitar possíveis erros de interpretação ao se analisar a eficiência da penetração dos sistemas adesivos.34034

    La diabetes mellitus, el abuso de drogas durante el embarazo y el riesgo de malformaciones craneofaciales y anomalías relacionadas

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    Objetivos: esta investigación estableció la prevalencia de diabetes mellitus (DM) y el abuso de drogas en madres de niños con malformaciones creaneofaciales (MCF). Métodos: 325 mujeres que tuvieron hijos (0-3 años) con malformaciones fueron entrevistadas. Se obtuvieron datos referentes a: tipo de diabetes; uso de drogas lícitas o ilícitas durante el embarazo; circunferencia de la cintura; y, glucemia en ayunas en la primera consulta prenatal. Resultados: el veintisiete por ciento de las mujeres tenían DM. Entre estas, el 89% tuvieron DM gestacional, el 5,5% DM tipo 1 y el 5,5% DM tipo 2. La prevalencia de DM en madres de hijos con MCF fue de 27%. Esto es significativamente más alto que el promedio de la población brasileña afectada por esa enfermedad, que es de 7,6% (pObjective: to assessed the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) and drug abuse in mothers of children with orofacial clefts (OFC). Methods: 325 women who had children (0-3y) with clefts were interviewed. Data regarding type of diabetes, use of legal/illegal drugs during pregnancy, waist girth and fasting blood sugar at the first prenatal consult were collected. Results: twenty seven percent of the women had DM, out of these, 89% had gestational DM, 5,5% type 1 DM and 5,5% type 2 DM. The prevalence of DM in mothers of children with OFC was 27%, it is significantly higher than the average Brazilian population which is 7.6% (pObjetivos: avaliar a prevalência de diabetes mellitus (DM) e o uso de drogas em mães de crianças com fissuras orofaciais (FOF). Método: 325 mulheres que tiveram filhos (0-3 anos) com fissuras foram entrevistadas. Os dados referentes tipo de diabetes, uso de drogas lícitas / ilícitas durante a gravidez, circunferência abdominal e glicemia em jejum na primeira consulta pré-natal foram coletados. Resultados: vinte e sete por cento das mulheres tinham DM. Destes, 89% tinham DM gestacional, 5,5% DM tipo 1 e 5,5% DM tipo 2. A prevalência de DM em mães de crianças com FOF foi de 27%, significativamente mais elevado que a média da população brasileira que é de 7,6% (

    Diabetes mellitus and drug abuse during pregnancy and the risk for orofacial clefts and related abnormalities

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    Abstract Objective: to assessed the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) and drug abuse in mothers of children with orofacial clefts (OFC). Methods: 325 women who had children (0-3y) with clefts were interviewed. Data regarding type of diabetes, use of legal/illegal drugs during pregnancy, waist girth and fasting blood sugar at the first prenatal consult were collected. Results: twenty seven percent of the women had DM, out of these, 89% had gestational DM, 5,5% type 1 DM and 5,5% type 2 DM. The prevalence of DM in mothers of children with OFC was 27%, it is significantly higher than the average Brazilian population which is 7.6% (p<0.01) (OR=4.5, 95%CI=3.5-5.8). Regarding drug abuse during pregnancy, 32% of the mothers used drugs and a significant positive correlation was observed between drug abuse and the occurrence of clefts and other craniofacial anomalies (p=0.028) (OR=2.87; 95%CI=1.1-7.4). Conclusions: DM and drug abuse during pregnancy increases the risk for OFC and related anomalies and early diagnosis of DM and prevention of drug abuse, especially in pregnant women, should be emphasized

    The effect of light-curing source and mode on microtensile bond strength to bovine dentin

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of different light-curing techniques on the microtensile bond strength of hybrid and packable resin composite to dentin. The null hypotheses were that different light-curing techniques do not affect the adhesion of resin composites to tooth structure and that different resin composites do not have a similar bond to dentin. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred four box-shaped buccal preparations were made and dentin/enamel adhesive was applied according to the manufacturer's instructions (Single Bond 3M ESPE). A hybrid resin composite (Filtek Z250, A2, 3M ESPE) or a packable resin composite (Solitaire 2, A2, Heraeus Kulzer) were inserted in bulk and polymerized using one of these techniques (n = 13): (a) Soft-start (SS) using a halogen lamp (QTH); (b) LED low intensity; (c) Plasma arc (PAC) curing for 6 s for packable resin composite and 3 s for the hybrid resin composite; (d) Conventional (C) QTH curing for 40 s. Afterwards, specimens were thermocycled 1,000 times between 5 degrees C and 55 degrees C in tap water, and were sectioned into beams with a rectangular cross-sectional area of approximately 1 mm2. Microtensile bond strength testing was performed using a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. RESULTS: Bond strength means +/- (SD) in MPa were: Filtek Z250: SSQTH = 17.9 (5.4); LED = 17.9 (6.4); PAC = 16.8 (6.8); CQTH = 16.1 (4.6). Solitaire 2: SSQTH = 12.4 (6.4); LED = 15.5 (4.3); PAC = 16.2 (4.4); CQTH = 13.8 (5.7). The data were structured in a split-plot design and analyzed by a two-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests (alpha = 0.05). CONCLUSION: The light-curing method did not significantly affect bond strengths. However, the bond strengths of the packable resin composite were significantly lower than those of the hybrid resin composite for all polymerization techniques, suggesting that the restorative material itself might be a more critical factor in adhesion than the curing method

    Effect of techniques of composite resin insertion and polymerization on microleakage and microhardness

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da técnica de ativação e de inserção da resina composta sobre a microinfiltração marginal e microdureza em restaurações classe II. Foram preparadas 180 cavidades que foram divididas em 6 grupos: G1 - incremento único + ativação convencional; G2 - incrementos vestíbulo-linguais + ativação convencional; G3 - incremento único + ativação "soft-start"; G4 - incrementos vestíbulo-linguais + ativação "soft-start"; G5 - incremento único + ativação progressiva; G6 - incrementos vestíbulo-linguais + ativação progressiva. Todas as cavidades foram restauradas com o sistema Z100/Single Bond (3M). Após 1.000 ciclos térmicos (5 e 55ºC), os espécimes foram imersos em solução aquosa de azul de metileno a 2%, por 4 horas e a microinfiltração foi avaliada. Metade dos espécimes foram incluídos em resina de poliestireno e a microdureza Knoop foi avaliada. Após o teste Kruskal-Wallis, não foi observada diferença significativa (p >; 0,05) entre todas as técnicas de ativação e de inserção quanto à microinfiltração. Quanto à microdureza, após os testes análise de variância (2 fatores) e Tukey, não houve diferença significativa entre as técnicas restauradoras empregadas (p >; 0,05), porém a ativação progressiva (G5 e G6) apresentou menor dureza Knoop (p ; 0.05) between the polymerization and insertion techniques as to microleakage. Regarding microhardness, the two-way ANOVA and the Tukey test did not reveal statistical differences between the restorative techniques (p >; 0.05), but progressive polymerization (G5 and G6) was associated with smaller Knoop microhardness values (p < 0.05): G = 144.11; G2 = 143.89; G3 = 141.14; G4 = 142.79; G5 = 132.15; G6 = 131.67. It was concluded that the evaluated polymerization and insertion techniques did not affect marginal microleakage, but a decrease in microhardness occurred when progressive polymerization was carried out

    Influence of load cycling on marginal microleakage with two self-etching and two one-bottle dentin adhesive systems in dentin

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of occlusal load cycling on cervical microleakage of proximal slot restorations located in dentin, using two self-etching and two one-bottle dentin adhesive systems. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 240 proximal slot cavities were prepared in 120 bovine teeth and divided into two groups, one with load cycling and one without. The groups were then subdivided into four subgroups according to the adhesive system used (Experimental EXL 547 Self-etching 3M, Clearfil SE Bond, Single Bond, and Optibond Solo Plus) and restored following the manufacturers' instructions. The teeth were then submitted to mechanical load cycling with a force of 80 N and a frequency of 5 Hz, simultaneously over both restorations of each tooth, for a total of 50,000 cycles per specimen. All specimens were subsequently immersed in a 2% methylene blue solution (pH 7.0), and sectioned to examine the extent of dye penetration under a stereomicroscope (40X). RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference (p = 0.00002) between the loaded and unloaded teeth. However, a statistically significant difference was observed between the adhesive systems used. The experimental self-etching EXL 547 presented the lowest mean microleakage, but was only statistically significantly different from the Single Bond loaded and unloaded groups and the Clearfil SE Bond unloaded group. CONCLUSION: The application of 50,000 loading cycles did not affect the microleakage of the two self-etching and the two one-bottle adhesive systems evaluated. In vitro mechanical load cycling is an important factor to consider when evaluating the performance of adhesive systems under simulated masticatory conditions

    Cooperation between Apoptotic and Viable Metacyclics Enhances the Pathogenesis of Leishmaniasis

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    Mimicking mammalian apoptotic cells by exposing phosphatidylserine (PS) is a strategy used by virus and parasitic protozoa to escape host protective inflammatory responses. With Leishmania amazonensis (La), apoptotic mimicry is a prerogative of the intramacrophagic amastigote form of the parasite and is modulated by the host. Now we show that differently from what happens with amastigotes, promastigotes exposing PS are non-viable, non-infective cells, undergoing apoptotic death. As part of the normal metacyclogenic process occurring in axenic cultures and in the gut of sand fly vectors, a sub-population of metacyclic promastigotes exposes PS. Apoptotic death of the purified PS-positive (PSPOS) sub-population was confirmed by TUNEL staining and DNA laddering. Transmission electron microscopy revealed morphological alterations in PSPOS metacyclics such as DNA condensation, cytoplasm degradation and mitochondrion and kinetoplast destruction, both in in vitro cultures and in sand fly guts. TUNELPOS promastigotes were detected only in the anterior midgut to foregut boundary of infected sand flies. Interestingly, caspase inhibitors modulated parasite death and PS exposure, when added to parasite cultures in a specific time window. Efficient in vitro macrophage infections and in vivo lesions only occur when PSPOS and PS-negative (PSNEG) parasites were simultaneously added to the cell culture or inoculated in the mammalian host. The viable PSNEG promastigote was the infective form, as shown by following the fate of fluorescently labeled parasites, while the PSPOS apoptotic sub-population inhibited host macrophage inflammatory response. PS exposure and macrophage inhibition by a subpopulation of promastigotes is a different mechanism than the one previously described with amastigotes, where the entire population exposes PS. Both mechanisms co-exist and play a role in the transmission and development of the disease in case of infection by La. Since both processes confer selective advantages to the infective microorganism they justify the occurrence of apoptotic features in a unicellular pathogen

    Effects of bleaching with carbamide peroxide gels on microhardness of restoration materials

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    The objective of this in vitro study was to quantitatively assess the effects of bleaching with 10 and 15% carbamide peroxide (CP) on restoration materials by performing superficial microhardness analysis. Acrylic cylindrical containers (4 x 2 mm) were filled with the following restoration products: Charisma (Heraues Kulzer, Vila Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Brazil), Durafill VS (Heraeus Kulzer), Vitremer (3M, Sumaré, São Paulo, Brazil), Dyract (Dentsply, Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), and Permite C (SDI, São Pauio, São Paulo, Brazil). Sixty samples were prepared of each restoration material. Twenty samples received bleaching treatment with 10% CP, 20 samples received bleaching treatment with 15% CP, and 20 samples were kept submerged in artificial saliva, which was replaced daily. The treatment consisted of immersion of the specimens in 1 cm3 of CP at 10 and 15% for 6 hours per day during 3 weeks, whereupon the test specimens were washed, dried, and kept immersed in artificial saliva for 18 hours. Then the test and control specimens were analyzed using a microhardness gauge. The Knoop Hardness Number (KHN) was taken for each test and control specimen at five different locations by applying a 25 g force for 20 seconds. The values obtained were transformed into KHNs and the mean was calculated. The data were submitted to statistical analysis by analysis of variance and Tukey test, p < .05. The means/standard deviations were as follows: Charisma: CP 10% 38.52/4.08, CP 15% 34.31/6.13, saliva 37.36/4.48; Durafill VS: CP 10% 18.65/1.65, CP 15% 19.38/2.23, saliva 18.27/1.43; Dyract AP: CP 10% 30.26/2.81, CP 15% 28.64/5.44, saliva 33.88/3.46; Vitremer: CP 10% 28.15/3.04, CP 15% 17.40/3.11, saliva 40.93/4.18; and Permite C: CP 10% 183.50/27.09, CP 15% 159.45/5.78, saliva 215.80/26.15. A decrease in microhardness was observed for the materials Dyract AP, Vitremer, and Permite C after treatment with CP at 10 and 15%, whereas no effect on either of the two composites (Charisma and Durafill) was verified. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The application of the carbamide peroxide gels at 10 and 15% did not alter the microhardness of the composite resins Charisma and Durafill. In situ and clinical studies are necessary to enable one to conclude that the reduction in microhardness of the materials effectively results in clinical harm to the restorations