188 research outputs found

    Far-infrared and submillimeter-wave conductivity in electron-doped cuprate La_{2-x}Ce_xCuO_4

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    We performed far-infrared and submillimeter-wave conductivity experiments in the electron-doped cuprate La_{2-x}Ce_xCuO_4 with x = 0.081 (underdoped regime, T_c = 25 K). The onset of the absorption in the superconducting state is gradual in frequency and is inconsistent with the isotropic s-wave gap. Instead, a narrow quasiparticle peak is observed at zero frequency and a second peak at finite frequencies, clear fingerprints of the conductivity in a d-wave superconductor. A far-infrared conductivity peak can be attributed to 4Delta_0, or to 2Delta_0 + Delta_spin, where Delta_spin is the resonance frequency of the spin-fluctuations. The infrared conductivity as well as the suppression of the quasiparticle scattering rate below T_c are qualitatively similar to the results in the hole-doped cuprates.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures include

    The R.I. Pimenov unified gravitation and electromagnetism field theory as semi-Riemannian geometry

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    More then forty years ago R.I. Pimenov introduced a new geometry -- semi-Riemannian one -- as a set of geometrical objects consistent with a fibering pr:MnMm. pr: M_n \to M_m. He suggested the heuristic principle according to which the physically different quantities (meter, second, coulomb etc.) are geometrically modelled as space coordinates that are not superposed by automorphisms. As there is only one type of coordinates in Riemannian geometry and only three types of coordinates in pseudo-Riemannian one, a multiple fibered semi-Riemannian geometry is the most appropriate one for the treatment of more then three different physical quantities as unified geometrical field theory. Semi-Euclidean geometry 3R54^{3}R_5^4 with 1-dimensional fiber x5x^5 and 4-dimensional Minkowski space-time as a base is naturally interpreted as classical electrodynamics. Semi-Riemannian geometry 3V54^{3}V_5^4 with the general relativity pseudo-Riemannian space-time 3V4,^{3}V^4, and 1-dimensional fiber x5,x^5, responsible for the electromagnetism, provides the unified field theory of gravitation and electromagnetism. Unlike Kaluza-Klein theories, where the 5-th coordinate appears in nondegenerate Riemannian or pseudo-Riemannian geometry, the theory based on semi-Riemannian geometry is free from defects of the former. In particular, scalar field does not arise. PACS: 04.50.Cd, 02.40.-k, 11.10.KkComment: 16 pages, 2 figures. Submited to Physics of Atomic Nucle

    Renewable resources as energy-efficient sources

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    This article provides the information about the concept of renewable resources as energy-efficient sources, its classification, methods of using, including the most innovative which are realized nowadays. The study offers a comprehensive description of all types of renewable energetic resources, exciting at this moment

    Optical realization of magneto-intersubband oscillations

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    We report on the optical realization of the magneto-intersubband oscillations that have been measured in the sub-terahertz transmittance of a GaAs quantum well with two subbands occupied. Following their dc analogue, the oscillations are periodic in the inverse magnetic field with the period governed by the subband gap. Their magnitude and polarization dependence accurately follow the presented simplified version of the dynamic magneto-intersubband oscillations equation that naturally combines dc magneto-intersabband oscillations with microwave-induced resistance oscillations (MIRO). Simultaneously measured photoresistance also reveals its strong sensitivity to the sign of the circular polarization, proving the used theoretical modeling.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Four-loop verification of algorithm for Feynman diagrams summation in N=1 supersymmetric electrodynamics

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    A method of Feynman diagrams summation, based on using Schwinger-Dyson equations and Ward identities, is verified by calculating some four-loop diagrams in N=1 supersymmetric electrodynamics, regularized by higher derivatives. In particular, for the considered diagrams correctness of an additional identity for Green functions, which is not reduced to the gauge Ward identity, is proved.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Anisotropic conductivity of Nd_{1.85}Ce_{0.15}CuO_{4-\delta} films at submillimeter wavelengths

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    The anisotropic conductivity of thin Nd1.85_{1.85}Ce0.15_{0.15}CuO4δ_{4-\delta} films was measured in the frequency range 8 cm1<ν<^{-1}<\nu < 40 cm1^{-1} and for temperatures 4 K <T<300<T<300 K. A tilted sample geometry allowed to extract both, in-plane and c-axis properties. The in-plane quasiparticle scattering rate remains unchanged as the sample becomes superconducting. The temperature dependence of the in-plane conductivity is reasonably well described using the Born limit for a d-wave superconductor. Below T_{{\rm C}%} the c-axis dielectric constant ϵ1c\epsilon_{1c} changes sign at the screened c-axis plasma frequency. The temperature dependence of the c-axis conductivity closely follows the linear in T behavior within the plane.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Polynomial reconstruction of electric charge distribution on the conductive plate caused by external electric field

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    The paper proposes an original method of calculating the charge distribution on the surface of the conductive plate introduced into the external electrostatic field. The authors managed to obtain the polynomials which allow to solve the integral equation that establishes the relationship between charge distribution of the conductive plate and the potential distribution of the external field and the potential on the surface of the plate. The proposed algorithms solutions are valid in the presence of axial symmetry of the field and the plate. Examples of calculation of conductor charge distribution in the presence of external field by using a polynomial expansion have been presented. The comparisons of results calculated by the polynomial method and by known analytical solutions have been given

    Mechanical activation influence on the morphological properties of La[2]O[3]-TiO[2]-B

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    The influence of mechanical activation of the powder mixture used to obtain the high-perfomance cathode for accelerating engineering with the SHS-method has been explored. The mechanically processed mixtures have been morphologically analyzed. The optimal modes of mechanical activation have been determined for the mixture

    Terahertz Conductivity at the Verwey Transition in Magnetite

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    The complex conductivity at the (Verwey) metal-insulator transition in Fe_3O_4 has been investigated at THz and infrared frequencies. In the insulating state, both the dynamic conductivity and the dielectric constant reveal a power-law frequency dependence, the characteristic feature of hopping conduction of localized charge carriers. The hopping process is limited to low frequencies only, and a cutoff frequency nu_1 ~ 8 meV must be introduced for a self-consistent description. On heating through the Verwey transition the low-frequency dielectric constant abruptly decreases and becomes negative. Together with the conductivity spectra this indicates a formation of a narrow Drude-peak with a characteristic scattering rate of about 5 meV containing only a small fraction of the available charge carriers. The spectra can be explained assuming the transformation of the spectral weight from the hopping process to the free-carrier conductivity. These results support an interpretation of Verwey transition in magnetite as an insulator-semiconductor transition with structure-induced changes in activation energy.Comment: 6 Pages, 3 Figure

    High-field AFMR in single-crystalline La_{0.95}Sr_{0.05}MnO_3: Experimental evidence for the existence of a canted magnetic structure

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    High-field antiferromagnetic-resonance (AFMR) spectra were obtained in the frequency range 60 GHz < \nu < 700 GHz and for magnetic fields up to 8 T in twin-free single crystals of La_{0.95}Sr_{0.05}MnO_3. At low temperatures two antiferromagnetic modes were detected, which reveal different excitation conditions and magnetic field dependencies. No splitting of these modes was observed for any orientation of the static magnetic field excluding the phase-separation scenario for this composition. Instead, the full data set including the anisotropic magnetization can be well described using a two-sublattice model of a canted antiferromagnetic structure.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure