279 research outputs found

    The stellar population of Sco OB2 revealed by Gaia DR2 data

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    Sco OB2 is the nearest OB association, extending over approximately 2000 sq.deg. on the sky. Only its brightest members are already known (from Hipparcos) across its entire size, while studies of its lower-mass population refer only to small portions of its extent. In this work we exploit the capabilities of Gaia DR2 measurements to search for Sco OB2 members across its entire size and down to the lowest stellar masses. We use both Gaia astrometric and photometric data to select association members, using minimal assumptions derived mostly from the Hipparcos studies. Gaia resolves small details in both the kinematics of individual Sco OB2 subgroups and their distances from the Sun. We develop methods to explore the 3D kinematics of stellar populations covering large sky areas. We find ~11000 pre-main sequence (PMS) Sco OB2 members (with <3% contamination), plus ~3600 MS candidate members with a larger (10-30%) field-star contamination. A higher-confidence subsample of ~9200 PMS (and ~1340 MS) members is also selected (<1% contamination for the PMS), affected however by larger (~15%) incompleteness. We classify separately stars in compact and diffuse populations. Most members belong to a few kinematically distinct diffuse populations, whose ensemble outlines the association shape. Upper Sco is the densest part of Sco OB2, with a complex spatial and kinematical structure, and no global pattern of motion. Other dense subclusters are found in Upper Centaurus-Lupus and in Lower Centaurus-Crux. Most clustered stars appear to be younger than the diffuse PMS population, suggesting star formation in small groups which rapidly disperse and dilute, while keeping memory of their original kinematics. We also find that the open cluster IC 2602 has a similar dynamics to Sco OB2, and its PMS members are evaporating and forming a ~10 deg halo around its double-peaked core.Comment: 27 pages, 37 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Symbiotic stars in X-rays II: faint sources detected with XMM-Newton and Chandra

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    We report the detection, with Chandra{\it Chandra} and XMM-Newton{\it Newton}, of faint, soft X-ray emission from four symbiotics stars that were not known to be X-ray sources. These four object show a β\beta-type X-ray spectrum, i.e. their spectra can be modeled with an absorbed optically thin thermal emission with temperatures of a few million degrees. Photometric series obtained with the Optical Monitor on board XMM-Newton{\it Newton} from V2416 Sgr and NSV 25735 support the proposed scenario where the X-ray emission is produced in a shock-heated region inside the symbiotic nebulae.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables; A&A publishe

    FUV variability of HD 189733. Is the star accreting material from its hot Jupiter?

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    Hot Jupiters are subject to strong irradiation from the host stars and, as a consequence, they do evaporate. They can also interact with the parent stars by means of tides and magnetic fields. Both phenomena have strong implications for the evolution of these systems. Here we present time resolved spectroscopy of HD~189733 observed with the Cosmic Origin Spectrograph (COS) on board to HST. The star has been observed during five consecutive HST orbits, starting at a secondary transit of the planet (ϕ\phi ~0.50-0.63). Two main episodes of variability of ion lines of Si, C, N and O are detected, with an increase of line fluxes. Si IV lines show the highest degree of variability. The FUV variability is a signature of enhanced activity in phase with the planet motion, occurring after the planet egress, as already observed three times in X-rays. With the support of MHD simulations, we propose the following interpretation: a stream of gas evaporating from the planet is actively and almost steadily accreting onto the stellar surface, impacting at 7090deg70-90\deg ahead of the sub-planetary point.Comment: 35 pages, 19 Figures. Accepted for publication to Ap

    X-ray flares on the UV Ceti-type star CC Eridani: a "peculiar" time-evolution of spectral parameters

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    Context: Weak flares are supposed to be an important heating agent of the outer layers of stellar atmospheres. However, due to instrumental limitations, only large X-ray flares have been studied in detail until now. Aims: We used an XMM-Newton observation of the very active BY-Dra type binary star CC Eri in order to investigate the properties of two flares that are weaker than those typically studied in the literature. Methods: We performed time-resolved spectroscopy of the data taken with the EPIC-PN CCD camera. A multi-temperature model was used to fit the spectra. We inferred the size of the flaring loops using the density-temperature diagram. The loop scaling laws were applied for deriving physical parameters of the flaring plasma. We also estimated the number of loops involved in the observed flares. Results: A large X-ray variability was found. Spectral analysis showed that all the regions in the light curve, including the flare segments, are well-described by a 3-T model with variable emission measures but, surprisingly, with constant temperatures (values of 3, 10 and 22 MK). The analysed flares lasted ~ 3.4 and 7.1 ks, with flux increases of factors 1.5-1.9. They occurred in arcades made of a few tens of similar coronal loops. The size of the flaring loops is much smaller than the distance between the stellar surfaces in the binary system, and even smaller than the radius of each of the stars. The obtained results are consistent with the following ideas: (i) the whole X-ray light curve of CC Eri could be the result of a superposition of multiple low-energy flares, and (ii) stellar flares can be scaled-up versions of solar flares.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    VLT/Flames observations of the star forming region NGC 6530

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    Mechanisms regulating the evolution of pre-main sequence stars can be understood by studying stellar properties such as rotation, disk accretion, internal mixing and binarity. To investigate such properties, we studied a sample of 332 candidate members of the massive and populous star forming region NGC 6530. We want to select cluster members by using different membership criteria,to study the properties of pre-main sequence stars with or without circumstellar disks. We use intermediate resolution spectra including the Li I 6707.8 Angstroms line to derive radial and rotational velocities, binarity and to measure the Equivalent Width of the lithium line; these results are combined with X-ray data to study the cluster membership. Optical-IR data and Halpha spectra, these latter available for a subsample of our targets, are used to classify CTTS and WTTS and to compare the properties of stars with and without disks. We find a total of 237 certain members including 53 binaries. The rotational velocity distributions of stars with IR excesses are statistically different from that of stars without IR excesses, while the fraction of binaries with disks is significantly smaller than that of single stars. Stars with evidence for accretion show circumstellar disks; youth of cluster members is confirmed by the lithium abundance consistent with the initial content. As indicated by the disk-locking picture, stars with disks have in general rotational velocities lower than stars without disks. Binaries in NGC 6530 seem have undergone a significant disk evolution

    XMM-Newton observations of HD189733 during planetary transits

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    We report on two XMM-Newton observations of the planetary host star HD189733. The system has a close in planet and it can potentially affect the coronal structure via interactions with the magnetosphere. We have obtained X-ray spectra and light curves from EPIC and RGS on board XMM-Newton which we have analyzed and interpreted. We reduced X-ray data from primary transit and secondary eclipse occurred in April 17th 2007 and May 18th 2009, respectively. In the April 2007 observation only variability due to weak flares is recognized. In 2009 HD189733 exhibited a X-ray flux always larger than in the 2007 observation. The average flux in 2009 was higher than in 2007 observation by a factor of 45%. During the 2009 secondary eclipse we observed a softening of the X-ray spectrum significant at level of ~3 sigma. Further, we observed the most intense flare recorded at either epochs. This flare occurred 3 ks after the end of the eclipse.The flare decay shows several minor ignitions perhaps linked to the main event and hinting for secondary loops that emit triggered by the main loop. Magneto-Hydro-Dynamical (MHD) simulations show that the magnetic interaction between planet and star enhances the density and the magnetic field in a region comprised between the planet and the star because of their relative orbital/rotation motion. X-ray observations and model predictions are globally found in agreement, despite the quite simple MHD model and the lack of precise estimate of parameters including the alignment and the intensity of stellar and planetary magnetic fields. Future observations should confirm or disprove this hypothesis, by determining whether flares are systematically recurring in the light curve at the same planetary phase.Comment: Accepted for publication on The Astrophysical Journa

    X-ray spectral and timing characteristics of the stars in the young open cluster IC 2391

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    We present X-ray spectral and timing analysis of members of the young open cluster IC 2391 observed with the XMM-Newton observatory. We detected 99 X-ray sources by analysing the summed data obtained from MOS1, MOS2 and pn detectors of the EPIC camera; 24 of them are members, or probable members, of the cluster. Stars of all spectral types have been detected, from the early-types to the late-M dwarfs. Despite the capability of the instrument to recognize up to 3 thermal components, the X-ray spectra of the G, K and M members of the cluster are well described with two thermal components (at kT1_1 \sim 0.3-0.5 keV and kT2_2 \sim 1.0-1.2 keV respectively) while the X-ray spectra of F members require only a softer 1-T model. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test applied to the X-ray photon time series shows that approximately 46% of the members of IC 2391 are variable with a confidence level >>99%. The comparison of our data with those obtained with ROSAT/PSPC, nine years earlier, and ROSAT/HRI, seven years earlier, shows that there is no evidence of significant variability on these time scales, suggesting that long-term variations due to activity cycles similar to that on the Sun are not common, if present at all, among these young stars.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics, in pres

    Effetti cardiorespiratori degli sprint ripetuti in giovani calciatori

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    Scopo: Nel calcio la performance dipende da attività caratterizzate da sforzi di breve durata, talora ad alta intensità, con ridotti tempi di recupero. Questo tipo di sforzo può avere maggiore potenzialità aritmogena rispetto a sforzi, anche massimali, iniziati e terminati in modo graduale. Gli sprint ripetuti permettono di valutare la performance e lo stato di allenamento in giovani calciatori. Scopo del nostro lavoro è stato quello di valutare gli effetti degli sprint ripetuti sul sistema cardiorespiratorio in giovani calciatori delle rappresentative regionali siciliane della FIGC. Metodi: Sono stati esaminati 12 calciatori, di età media di 15±1 anni. Per valutare lo stato di fitness cardiorespiratoria sono stati determinati, al test da sforzo incrementale massimale al treadmill (SI), il VO2max in ml.Kg-1.min-1 (VO2maxSI) e la FCmax in bpm (FCmaxSI). Per valutare gli effetti cardiorespiratori degli sprint ripetuti, gli atleti hanno eseguito un test da sforzo al cicloergometro a freno meccanico (SR) che prevedeva 10 sprint massimali “all-out” di 6 sec, intervallati da 30 sec di recupero passivo. Nella serie dei 10 sprint, sono stati determinati il valore più elevato di VO2 in ml.Kg-1.min-1 (VO2maxSR) e di FC in bpm (FCmaxSR). Risultati: Il valore medio di VO2maxSI (56,22±3,93 ml.Kg-1.min-1) indica che i soggetti esaminati hanno un buon livello di potenza aerobica, raggiunta ad una FCmaxSI di 190±8 bpm. I dati di VO2maxSR rilevati al test degli sprint ripetuti evidenziano un valore medio di 42,67±5,57 ml.Kg-1.min-1 (70% del VO2maxSI), raggiunto ad una FCmaxSR di 175±11 bpm (92% della FCmaxSI). Conclusioni: I dati del nostro studio indicano che nei soggetti esaminati gli sprint ripetuti determinano incrementi della frequenza cardiaca rapidi, elevati e persistenti nella fase di recupero. Questo dato deve essere preso in considerazione non solo per la valutazione della performance ma anche nella formulazione dell’idoneità a praticare la disciplina sportiva del calcio

    Sex differences in the determination of prescribed load in ballistic bench press

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    Introduction: The objectives of the present study were twofold: first, to identify the specific relative load at which the concentric motion transforms into a purely propulsive action among women, and second, to compare the load-velocity relationships between men and women during the bench press throw. Methods: Fourteen men and fourteen women participated in a test where they progressively increased the load until reaching their one-repetition maximum (1RM) in the bench press exercise. Linear regression models were employed to elucidate the relationships between load and velocity, as well as load and the propulsive phase (% of total concentric time). Additionally, ANCOVA was utilized to compare the linear regression models between men and women. Results: The results revealed strong and linear associations between load and mean propulsive velocity (MPV) for both men and women, as well as between load and the propulsive phase. Notably, there were significant differences in MPV and the propulsive phase concerning load between men and women. Women transitioned into a fully propulsive concentric phase at approximately 80% of their 1RM, while men achieved this entirely propulsive phase at around 85% of their 1RM. Furthermore, women exhibited reduced velocities when handling lighter relative loads compared to men. Conversely, women demonstrated higher velocities when dealing with loads exceeding 85% of their 1RM in contrast to their male counterparts. Discussion: These findings hold notable implications for prescribing bench press throw loads for women, which should differ from those recommended for men. Further studies are necessary to validate the efficacy of the proposed load recommendations

    The 0.03-10Mo mass function of young open clusters

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    We report the present day mass functions (PDMFs) of 3 young open clusters over a mass range from 30 Jupiter masses to 10~\msunn. The PDMFs of the 3 clusters are remarkably similar, suggesting little impact of specific conditions (stellar density, metallicity, early dynamical evolution) on the mass distribution. Functional forms are provided to allow quantitative comparison with MFs derived in other environments.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in "IMF@50", Corbelli, Palla, Zinnecker ed