36 research outputs found

    Advanced Understanding of the Tropopause Inversion Layer: High-Resolution GPS-RO Observations and Reanalyses

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    The upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) is a region of the atmosphere that acts as a 'transition' between the two layers and consequently has properties from both. Within this region, a fine-scale feature is located: the Tropopause Inversion Layer (TIL), which consists of a sharp temperature inversion at the tropopause and the corresponding high static stability values aloft. The latter theoretically affects the dispersion relations of atmospheric waves like Rossby or Inertia-Gravity waves and hampers stratosphere-troposphere exchange (STE), which is why the TIL is established as an important feature of the UTLS. The present thesis aims to improve the observational knowledge about the TIL by analyzing high-resolution GPS radio-occultation (GPS-RO) data globally. The focus is on day-to-day and synoptic-scale TIL variability, a novel approach to build upon the climatological point of view from earlier TIL studies. Also, a dynamical mechanism for TIL enhancement is studied and quantified: the transient tropopause modulation by equatorial and extratropical waves, and the resulting net TIL enhancement. The role of this transient wave modulation mechanism has not been investigated in TIL literature, and its quantification from GPS-RO observations puts it among the most important TIL enhancing processes. Lastly, the paradigm that data assimilation worsens the representation of the TIL in reanalyses, valid a decade ago, has been tested in modern systems: the ERA-Interim reanalysis and the ECMWF forecasts. Both systems show TIL improvement by data assimilation increments, updating the earlier status quo. As a whole, this thesis significantly improves our knowledge about observed properties of the TIL and the mechanisms responsible for its formation and maintenance, and shows that reanalyses are a valuable tool for TIL research

    The tropical tropopause inversion layer: variability and modulation by equatorial waves

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    The tropical tropopause layer (TTL) acts as a transition layer between the troposphere and the stratosphere over several kilometers, where air has both tropospheric and stratospheric properties. Within this region, a fine-scale feature is located: the tropopause inversion layer (TIL), which consists of a sharp temperature inversion at the tropopause and the corresponding high static stability values right above, which theoretically affect the dispersion relations of atmospheric waves like Rossby or inertia–gravity waves and hamper stratosphere–troposphere exchange (STE). Therefore, the TIL receives increasing attention from the scientific community, mainly in the extratropics so far. Our goal is to give a detailed picture of the properties, variability and forcings of the tropical TIL, with special emphasis on small-scale equatorial waves and the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO). We use high-resolution temperature profiles from the COSMIC satellite mission, i.e., ∼ 2000 measurements per day globally, between 2007 and 2013, to derive TIL properties and to study the fine-scale structures of static stability in the tropics. The situation at near tropopause level is described by the 100 hPa horizontal wind divergence fields, and the vertical structure of the QBO is provided by the equatorial winds at all levels, both from the ERA-Interim reanalysis. We describe a new feature of the equatorial static stability profile: a secondary stability maximum below the zero wind line within the easterly QBO wind regime at about 20–25 km altitude, which is forced by the descending westerly QBO phase and gives a double-TIL-like structure. In the lowermost stratosphere, the TIL is stronger with westerly winds. We provide the first evidence of a relationship between the tropical TIL strength and near-tropopause divergence, with stronger (weaker) TIL with near-tropopause divergent (convergent) flow, a relationship analogous to that of TIL strength with relative vorticity in the extratropics. To elucidate possible enhancing mechanisms of the tropical TIL, we quantify the signature of the different equatorial waves on the vertical structure of static stability in the tropics. All waves show, on average, maximum cold anomalies at the thermal tropopause, warm anomalies above and a net TIL enhancement close to the tropopause. The main drivers are Kelvin, inertia–gravity and Rossby waves. We suggest that a similar wave modulation will exist at mid- and polar latitudes from the extratropical wave mode

    New insights into Rossby wave packet properties in the extratropical UTLS using GNSS radio occultations

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    The present study describes Rossby wave packet (RWP) properties in the upper-troposphere and lower-stratosphere (UTLS) with the use of Global Navigation Satellite System radio occultation (GNSS-RO) measurements. This global study covering both hemisphere's extratropics is the first to tackle medium and synoptic-scale waves with GNSS-RO. We use one decade of GNSS-RO temperature and pressure data from the CHAMP, COSMIC, GRACE, Metop-A, Metop-B, SAC-C and TerraSAR-X missions; combining them into one gridded dataset for the years 2007–2016. Our approach to extract RWP anomalies and their envelope uses Fourier and Hilbert transforms over longitude without pre- or post-processing the data. Our study is purely based on observations, only using ERA-Interim winds to provide information about the background wind regimes. The RWP structures that we obtain in the UTLS agree well with theory and earlier studies, in terms of coherent phase/group propagation, zonal scale and distribution over latitudes. Furthermore, we show that RWP pressure anomalies maximize around the tropopause, while RWP temperature anomalies maximize right above tropopause height with a contrasting minimum right below. RWP activity follows the zonal-mean tropopause during all seasons. RWP anomalies in the lower stratosphere are dynamically coupled to the upper troposphere. They are part of the same system with a quasi-barotropic structure across the UTLS. RWP activity often reaches up to 20 km height and occasionally higher, defying the Charney–Drazin criterion. We note enhanced amplitude and upward propagation of RWP activity during sudden stratospheric warmings. We provide observational support for improvements in RWP diagnostics and wave trend analysis in models and reanalyses. Wave quantities follow the tropopause, and diagnosing them on fixed pressure levels (which the tropopause does not follow) can lead to aliasing. Our novel approach analysing GNSS-RO pressure anomalies provides wave signals with better continuity and coherence across the UTLS and the stratosphere, compared to temperature anomalies. Thus, RWP vertical propagation is much easier to analyse with pressure data

    Impact of North Atlantic SST and Jet Stream anomalies on European Heat Waves

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    European heat waves have increased during the two recent decades. Particularly 2015 and 2018 were characterized by a widespread area of cold North Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in early summer as well as positive surface temperature anomalies across large parts of the European continent during later summer. The European heat wave of 2018 is further suggested to be induced by a quasi-stationary and high-amplified Rossby wave pattern associated with the so-called quasi-resonant amplification (QRA) mechanism. In this study, we evaluate the North Atlantic SST anomalies and the QRA theory as potential drivers for European heat waves for the first time in combination by using the ERA-5 reanalysis product. A composite and correlation study reveals that cold North Atlantic SST anomalies in early summer favour a more undulating jet stream and a preferred trough-ridge pattern in the North Atlantic–European sector. Further we found that cold North Atlantic SSTs promote a stronger double jet occurrence in this sector. Thus, favorite conditions for a QRA signature are evident together with a necessary preconditioning of a double jet. However, our wave analysis covering two-dimensional probability density distributions of phase speed and amplitude does not confirm a relationship between cold North Atlantic SSTs and the QRA theory, compositing cold SSTs, high double jet indices (DJIs) or both together. Instead, we can show that cold North Atlantic SST events enhance the dominance of transient waves. In the presence of a trough during cold North Atlantic events, we obtain a slow-down of the transient waves, but not necessarily an amplification or stationarity. The deceleration of the transient waves result in a longer duration of a trough over the North Atlantic accompanied by a ridge downstream over Europe, triggering European heat episodes. Although a given DJI preconditioning may also be subject to the onset of certain QRA events, our study found no general relation between cold North Atlantic SST events and the QRA diagnostics. Our study highlights the relevance of cold North Atlantic SSTs for the onset of high European temperatures by affecting travelling jet stream undulations (but without involving QRA in general). Further attention should be drawn not only to the influence of North Atlantic SST year-to-year variability, but also to the effect of the North Atlantic warming hole as a negative SST anomaly in the long term, which is projected to evolve through climate change

    The relation between European heat waves and North Atlantic SSTs: a two-sided composite study

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    The occurrence of extreme weather events has increased during the two last decades. European heat waves are responsible for social, economic and environmental damage and are projected to increase in magnitude, frequency and duration under global warming, heightening the interest about the contribution of different drivers. By using the ERA5 Re-analysis product, we performed a two-sided composite analysis to investigate a potential relation between North Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and the near-surface air temperature (T2m) over the European continent. Here, we show that in the presence of cold North Atlantic SSTs during summer, the distribution of European T2m shifts towards positive anomalies a few days later, increasing the likelihood for heat waves. During these events a predominant wave number three pattern in addition to regionally confined Rossby wave activity contribute to a trough-ridge pattern in the North Atlantic-European sector. Specifically, five of 17 European heat waves within the period of 1979 to 2019 could be related to a cold North Atlantic SST event a few days in advance. In the upstream analysis we identify eleven of 17 European heat waves co-existent with cold North Atlantic SSTs. In order to confirm the crucial role of North Atlantic SSTs for European heat waves, we analysed output from a coupled climate model, HadGEM3, with three different horizontal resolutions. The high-resolution run revealed the closest resemblance to the ERA5 data, suggesting that mechanisms on the mesoscales (<50 km) play a role in the relationship between North Atlantic SSTs and European T2m. Results also highlight the importance of using a climate model with a high horizontal resolution for the purpose of studying the variability of European heat waves. Based upon our results, conducted with ERA5 Re-analysis and HadGEM3 data, North Atlantic SSTs provide potential predictive skill of European heat waves

    Validation of HOAPS Rain Retrievals against OceanRAIN In-Situ Measurements over the Atlantic Ocean

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    The satellite-derived HOAPS (Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data) precipitation estimates have been validated against in-situ precipitation measurements from optical disdrometers, available from OceanRAIN (Ocean Rainfall And Ice-phase precipitation measurement Network) over the open-ocean by applying a statistical analysis for binary estimates. In addition to using directly collocated pairs of data, collocated data were merged within a certain temporal and spatial threshold into single events, according to the observation times. Although binary statistics do not show perfect agreement, simulations of areal estimates from the observations themselves indicate a reasonable performance of HOAPS to detect rain. However, there are deficits at low and mid-latitudes. Weaknesses also occur when analyzing the mean precipitation rates; HOAPS underperforms in the area of the intertropical convergence zone, where OceanRAIN observations show the highest mean precipitation rates. Histograms indicate that this is due to an underestimation of the frequency of moderate to high precipitation rates by HOAPS, which cannot be explained by areal averaging

    Tropopause sharpening by data assimilation

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    Data assimilation was recently suggested to smooth out the sharp gradients that characterize the tropopause inversion layer (TIL) in systems that did not assimilate TIL-resolving observations. We investigate whether this effect is present in the ERA-Interim reanalysis and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) operational forecast system (which assimilate high-resolution observations) by analyzing the 4D-Var increments and how the TIL is represented in their data assimilation systems. For comparison, we also diagnose the TIL from high-resolution GPS radio occultation temperature profiles from the COSMIC satellite mission, degraded to the same vertical resolution as ERA-Interim and ECMWF operational analyses. Our results show that more recent reanalysis and forecast systems improve the representation of the TIL, updating the earlier hypothesis. However, the TIL in ERA-Interim and ECMWF operational analyses is still weaker and farther away from the tropopause than GPS radio occultation observations of the same vertical resolution