52 research outputs found

    Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery (MRgFUS) treatment for uterine fibroids

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    Magnetic Resonance-guided focused Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS) is gaining popularity as an alternative to medical and surgical interventions in the management of symptomatic uterine fibroids. Studies have shown that it is an effective non-invasive treatment with minimal associated risks as compared to myomectomy and hysterectomy. MRgFUS can be offered to a majority of patients suffering from symptomatic uterine fibroids. It has been suggested that the use of broader inclusion criteria as well as the mitigation techniques makes it possible to offer MRgFUS to a much larger subset of patients than previously believed. This paper will describe how MRgFUS treatment for uterine fibroids is performed at the University of Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    A practical guide to photoacoustic tomography in the life sciences

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    The life sciences can benefit greatly from imaging technologies that connect microscopic discoveries with macroscopic observations. One technology uniquely positioned to provide such benefits is photoacoustic tomography (PAT), a sensitive modality for imaging optical absorption contrast over a range of spatial scales at high speed. In PAT, endogenous contrast reveals a tissue's anatomical, functional, metabolic, and histologic properties, and exogenous contrast provides molecular and cellular specificity. The spatial scale of PAT covers organelles, cells, tissues, organs, and small animals. Consequently, PAT is complementary to other imaging modalities in contrast mechanism, penetration, spatial resolution, and temporal resolution. We review the fundamentals of PAT and provide practical guidelines for matching PAT systems with research needs. We also summarize the most promising biomedical applications of PAT, discuss related challenges, and envision PAT's potential to lead to further breakthroughs

    Childhood statelessness

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    Derzeit ist die Zahl der weltweit vertriebenen Menschen so hoch, wie es zuletzt beim Zweiten Welktkrieg es der Fall war. Dabei wird dem Zusammenhang zwischen Zwangsvertreibung und Staatenlosigkeit in Europa nur wenig Beachtung geschenkt. Während sich die Flüchtlingssituation in Europa weiterentwickelt, gibt es einige Bedenken hinsichtlich der Gefahr, dass eine "staatenlose Generation" in Europa heranwachsen wird. Die vorliegende Masterarbeit analysiert das Problem der Staatenlosigkeit bei Kindern von Flüchtlingen und Asylsuchenden in den Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union und untersucht geeignete Schutz- und Präventionsmaßnahmen. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht insbesondere die Staatenlosigkeit in der Kindheit als ein Phänomen in Europa und untersucht, sowie die Frage ob Staatenlosigkeit eine Bedrohung für in Europa geborene Kinder von Flüchtlingen und Asylsuchenden darstellt. Die Arbeit versucht auch das Recht von Kindern auf eine Nationalität besser verständlich zu machen, indem sie den relevanten Rechtsrahmen untersucht. Außerdem analysiert die Arbeit die aktuelle Situation in Europa und beleuchtet mögliche Ursachen für die Flüchtlingssituation. Schließlich wird das Engagement der europäischen Länder zur vollständigen Verwirklichung des Rechts von Kindern auf Staatsangehörigkeit untersucht und allgemeine Empfehlungen für künftige Überlegungen geboten.While more people are forcibly displaced in the world today than at any other time since World War II, there is often limited attention on the connection between forced displacement and childhood statelessness. For instance, as the refugee situation in Europe evolved, there has been some concerns over the risk of a “stateless generation” being born in Europe. The current thesis analyses the issue of statelessness for children born to refugees and asylum seekers in member states of the European Union and examines suitable protection and prevention policies. In particular, the present paper explores childhood statelessness as a phenomenon in Europe and looks at whether statelessness poses a threat for children of refugees and asylum seekers born in Europe. In addition, it attempts a better understanding of children’s right to a nationality by examining the relevant legal framework. Moreover, the thesis analyses the current situation in Europe and highlights possible causes related to the refugee context. Finally, it examines European’s states commitment to the full realisation of the children’s right to a nationality and identifies general recommendations for future consideration