5 research outputs found

    Bibliometric analysis and evaluation of the journal Medicina Oral Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal (2008-2018)

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    In 2008 the journal Medicina Oral Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal was included in Journal Citation Reports. To appraise its evolution and current status, this study carried out a bibliometric analysis and evaluation of the journal for the period 2008-2018. From the Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports we obtained the indicators Journal Impact Factor (JIF), 5-year JIF, JIF without self-cites, Eigenfactor score and Article Influence score (2010-2017); and from the Core Collection database the following variables: number and article types, institutions and countries of origin of the authors (2008-2018), and the variable cited and citing journal data in 2017. Twelve articles/year (n=132) were randomly selected to gather: the time between submittal and acceptance of an article, number of authors/article, representation of each section, gender of first author, and funding. The journal occupied the third quartile of the JCR from 2010 to 2017, when it moved up to the second quartile. From 2008 to 2018 it published a total of 1,518 documents, 90% articles and 9.5% reviews. Sixty countries were represented, 48.68% of the documents coming from Spain, and overall 1,293 institutions were involved. Between submittal and acceptance of articles, the average time was 134.42 days, without differences between years. The mean of authors/article was 5.15, increasing over time. The sections most represented were Oral Medicine and Pathology, and Oral Surgery. There were no differences regarding the gender of the first author, and in general the authors did not provide information about funding received. The bibliometric results indicate a steadily improving position of this journal, along with a tendency to reduce self-citation. The time between reception of an article and its acceptance was very stable, the number of authors per article showed an increase, and there was a nearly equal representation of males and females as the first author

    Hormonal study in patients with prostate cancer with PSA at diagnosis between 4-10 ng/ml and PSA free/total <20%

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    Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los parámetros hormonales en pacientes con adenocarcinoma de próstata con PSA entre 4-10 ng/ml (cociente libre/total <20%) en el momento del diagnóstico. Material y Métodos: Desde enero a diciembre de 2014, se incluyen en este estudio hombres con PSA entre 4-10 ng/ ml y cociente libre/total <20%, candidatos a biopsia de próstata. Se excluyen del estudio pacientes que estén tomando inhibidores de la 5 alfa-reductasa y pacientes con biopsias de próstata previamente realizadas. Se analiza edad, PSA total, testosterona total, libre y biodisponible, FSH, LH, SHBG, 17-hidroxiprogesterona, Androstendiona, volumen prostático (medido por ecografía transrectal), cocientes testosterona total/PSA, testosterona libre/PSA, testosterona biodisponible/PSA y Densidad de PSA, testosterona total/volumen próstata, testosterona libre/volumen próstata y testosterona biodisponible/volumen próstata. Análisis estadístico con SPSS 20.0 y significación estadística p≤0.05. Resultados: Un total de 109 pacientes han sido incluídos, sólo el 44.9% de los mismos presenta adenocarcinoma de próstata en la biopsia, incluyéndose en este estudio. Destaca un volumen prostático de 37.6 cc, una densidad PSA de 0.24, unos niveles de testosterona total de 4.51 ng/ml, de testosterona libre de 0.076 ng/ml y de testosterona biodisponible de 1.94 ng/ml. Además es destacable un cociente testosterona total/volumen próstata de 0.15, testosterona libre/volumen próstata de 0.002 y testosterona biodisponible/volumen próstata de 0.06. Existe relación lineal positiva y significativa entre niveles de PSA y grado de Gleason y entre SHBG y grado de Gleason. Además se observa relación lineal negativa y significativa entre el volumen de próstata y el ratio testosterona/PSA. Conclusión: Los niveles de PSA y SHBG se asocian con un mayor gleason de la biopsia y por tanto con un mayor riesgo histológico.Objective: The aim of this study is to analyze the hormonal parameters in patients with prostate adenocarcinoma with PSA between 4-10 ng / ml (free / total ratio <20%) at the time of diagnosis. Material and Methods: From January to December 2014 were included in this study men with PSA between 4-10 ng / ml and free / total <20%, candidates for prostate biopsy ratio. Excluded from the study patients taking inhibitors of 5 alpha-reductase and patients with prostate biopsies previously made. Parameters analyzed: Age, total PSA, total, free and bioavailable testosterone, FSH, LH, SHBG, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, Androstenedione, prostate volume (measured by transrectal ultrasound), ratios total testosterone/PSA, free testosterone/PSA, bioavailable testosterone/PSA and PSA density, total testosterone/prostate volume, free testosterone/prostate volume and bioavailable testosterone/prostate volume. Statistical analysis with SPSS 20.0 and statistical significance p≤0.05. Results: A total of 109 patients were included, only 44.9% of them presented prostate adenocarcinoma on biopsy, including in this study. A prostate volume of 37.6 cc with a PSA density of 0.24, total testosterone levels of 4.51 ng/ml, free testosterone 0.076 ng/ml and bioavailable testosterone 1.94 ng/ml. It is also remarkable ratio total testosterone/prostate volume of 0.15, free testosterone/prostate volume of 0.002 and bioavailable testosterone/prostate volume of 0.06. There is a significant linear relationship between PSA and Gleason score and between SHBG and Gleason score. Besides significant negative linear relationship between volume and prostate testosterone/PSA ratio was observed. Conclusion: PSA levels and SHBG levels are associated with a higher Gleason biopsy and therefore with greater histological risk

    Presence of histological risk factors in radical cystectomy pieces with tumor and its association with mortality by age

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    Introducción: La probabilidad de padecer un tumor vesical a lo largo de la vida es de más del 4% en hombres y de alrededor del 1,2% en mujeres, incidencia que aumenta con la edad, lo que supone más de 100000 nuevos casos anuales de cáncer vesical en Europa, de los cuales un 30% tendrán invasión muscular. En 2006 provocó el 4,1 % y 1,8 % del total de muertes por cáncer en los varones y las mujeres europeos, por lo que el cálculo del pronóstico es fundamental para optimizar el tratamiento adecuado a cada paciente. Son marcadores de riesgo establecidos la estirpe y el subtipo histológico junto con el grado y el estadio tumoral, al igual que la invasión linfovascular. Hemos realizado un estudio para valorar la relación existente entre la edad y dichos marcadores de riesgo con la mortalidad. Material y Métodos: Se ha realizado un estudio retrospectivo observacional, incluyendo los pacientes que se realizaron cistectomía por tumor infiltrante en el Hospital Universitario San Cecilio de Granada (España) desde enero de 2000 hasta diciembre de 2011. Se recogieron datos sobre características histológicas de la pieza quirúrgica. Resultados: De las 172 cistectomías realizadas durante ese periodo, el 75% se incluyeron en el estudio (129 pacientes) por encontrar en la pieza tumor transicional. La edad media a la cistectomía fue de 66.69 años (35 a 85 años). Prácticamente todos los tumores fueron de alto grado, en un 73% de los casos no existía diferenciación, y la diferenciación escamosa apareció en un 19%. Se observó la presencia de carcinoma in situ en el 7.1%, invasión vascular en 34.6%, linfática en 21.4% y perineural en 19.5%. El patrón de crecimiento fue papilar en 9.3% y sólido en 29.5%. Tras dividir la muestra en grupos: - grupo 1: pacientes con 65 años o menores, y - grupo 2: pacientes mayores de 65 años. Apreciamos que el grupo 1 tenía mayor incidencia de invasión vascular sin diferencias en otros marcadores. La mortalidad fue similar en ambos grupos y no se influyó por la diferencia en la invasión vascular. En los pacientes del grupo 1 en cuya pieza de cistectomía se especifica diferenciación escamosa tienen más riesgo de morir por tumor. En el grupo 2, la invasión vascular se asocia significativamente con el riesgo de mortalidad por tumor y global; la invasión perineural también se asocia con la mortalidad cáncer específica. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con 65 años o menos tienen mayor incidencia de permeación vascular, aunque ésta no influye en la mortalidad. Sin embargo, en pacientes mayores de 65 años, donde la invasión vascular es menos frecuente, ésta afecta más claramente a la mortalidad tanto global como cáncer específica. Otros factores, como la diferenciación escamosa en jóvenes y la permeación perineural en mayores, también influyen sobre la mortalidad específica por tumor.Introduction: The probability of having a bladder cancer over the lifetime is more than 4% in men and about 1.2% in women. This proportion increases with age, representing more than 100,000 new cases of bladder cancer annually in Europe, 30 % of which have muscle invasion. In 2006 caused 4.1% and 1.8% of all cancer deaths in men and women in Europe, so prognosis calculation is essential to optimize the appropriate treatment for each patient. The lineage and the histological subtype along with the tumor stage and grade, as lymphovascular invasion are established like risk markers. We conducted a study to assess the relationship between age and these risk markers with mortality. Material and Methods: We performed a retrospective observational study, including patients who underwent cystectomy for invasive tumor at the University Hospital San Cecilio of Granada (Spain) from January 2000 to December 2011. Data were collected on histology from the surgical specimen. Results: Of the 172 patients who were performed a cystectomy during that period, 75% were included in the study (129 patients) because of finding transitional tumor in the surgical piece. The average age at cystectomy was 66.69 years (35-85 years). Virtually all were high grade tumors, in 73% of cases there was no differentiation, and squamous differentiation appeared by 19%. We observed the presence of carcinoma in situ in 7.1%, vascular invasion by 34.6%, lymphatic by 21.4% and perineural by 19.5%. The pattern of growth was papillary by 9.3% and solid by 29.5%. After dividing the sample into groups: - Group 1: patients 65 years or younger, and - Group 2: patients over 65 years We appreciate that group 1 had a higher incidence of vascular invasion without differences in other markers. Mortality was similar in both groups and was not influenced by the difference in vascular invasion. In patients from group 1 whose cystectomy piece were specified squamous differentiation are more likely to die from tumor. In group 2, vascular invasion was significantly associated with the risk of overall and tumor-specific mortality; also perineural invasion is also associated with cancer-specific mortality. Conclusions: Patients aged 65 years or less have a higher incidence of vascular permeation, although this does not affect mortality. However, in patients over 65 years, where vascular invasion is less common, vascular permeation affects to global and specific cancer mortality more clearly. Other factors, such as squamous differentiation in young patients and perineural permeation in older patients also influence tumor-specific mortality

    Urgent urinary diversion by intrinsic or extrinsic obstructive disease of the urinary tract. Percutaneous nephrostomy versus ureteral stent

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    Introducción: La obstrucción de la vía urinaria es una patología urgente que se presenta con relativa frecuencia y que en determinados casos requiere de derivación urinaria inminente. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los resultados y complicaciones en pacientes con obstrucción de la vía urinaria superior tras derivación urinaria con stent ureteral versus nefrostomía percutánea. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo desde 1 Enero de 2011 a 31 Diciembre de 2012 incluyendo 134 pacientes (65 hombres, 69 mujeres) de edad media 61.2 ± 17.4 años procedentes de Urgencias y requirieron derivación urinaria urgente. Se analiza según el tipo de derivación urinaria diferentes parámetros etiológicos, estancia hospitalaria, evolución clínica y analítica y complicaciones. Resultados: De los 134 pacientes, en 89 casos se optó por colocación de stent ureteral y en 45 casos de nefrostomía percutánea. Los pacientes en los que se colocó nefrostomía percutánea eran más añosos y presentaban unos niveles más elevados de creatinina respecto al grupo de stent ureteral de forma significativa. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la evolución clínica o analítica entre una u otra derivación, únicamente en la estancia hospitalaria que fue mayor para los pacientes con nefrostomía debido a la mayor edad, mayores cifras de creatinina al ingreso y mayor comorbilidad. Conclusión: No existen diferencias en los resultados y complicaciones entre stent ureteral y nefrostomía, si bien consideramos el stent ureteral como primera opción ante una obstrucción aguda de la vía, reservando la nefrostomía para casos de obstrucción maligna, sepsis con alteración de parámetros inflamatorios y mayor comorbilidad.Introduction: Obstruction of the urinary tract is a relatively frequent disease and sometimes requires urgent urinary derivation. The objective of this study was to compare outcomes and complications in patients with upper urinary tract obstruction after urinary derivation with ureteral stent or percutaneous nephrostomy. Material and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2012 in 134 patients (65 males, 69 females) with a mean age of 61.2 ± 17.4 yrs who came to our emergency department requiring urgent urinary derivation. Data were gathered on the type of urinary derivation, aetiology, length of hospital stay, clinical and analytical results and complications. Results: A ureteral stent was placed in 89 of the 134 patients and percutaneous nephrostomy in the remaining 45. Creatinine levels and age were significantly higher in the percutaneous nephrostomy versus ureteral stent group. No inter-group differences were found in clinical or analytical outcomes. The hospital stay was longer for the percutaneous nephrostomy patients, attributable to their higher mean age, admission creatinine level, and comorbidities. Conclusions: No differences in outcomes or complications were found between ureteral stent and percutaneous nephrostomy placement. Ureteral stents may be preferable in patients with acute tract obstruction and nephrostomy preferable in patients with malignant obstruction or sepsis with altered inflammatory parameters and a greater comorbidity burden