14 research outputs found

    Disminución del riesgo cardiovascular medido mediante el índice media-carotídeo tras cirugía metabólica en varones: implicación de mediadores inflamatorios, lesión entelial y testosterona circulante

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    La obesidad constituye un problema de salud importante con un aumento de prevalencia mundial en los últimos años. Su presencia se asocia a un aumento en la mortalidad total así como a un aumento de las comorbilidades de muchas enfermedades, incluyendo varios factores de riesgo cardiovascular como la diabetes mellitus tipo II, la hipertensión arterial, la hipercolesterolemia, los estados protrombóticos, y la apnea-hipopnea del sueño. En los últimos 10 años, el uso de procedimientos quirúrgicos (cirugía bariátrica, de la obesidad o metabólica) para el tratamiento de la obesidad grave ha aumentado de forma progresiva como consecuencia de la mayor eficacia de esta frente al tratamiento médico de la obesidad. Los estudios publicados que muestran resultados a largo plazo de la cirugía, incluyen la resolucion de muchas complicaciones metabólicas asociadas así como la de otros trastornos endocrinológicos como el síndrome del ovario poliquístico en mujeres o el hipogonadismo secundario en varones. Entre los marcadores del riesgo cardiovascular habitualmente empleados, el incremento del grosor de la íntima-media carotídea (cIMT) se ha asociado con la aterosclerosis sistémica y los eventos cardiovasculares. Esta técnica no invasiva que usa la ecografía de alta resolución es ampliamente empleada como predicción de futuros infartos agudos de miocardio o ictus y por tanto, es considerada como un marcador clínico pronóstico. La cirugía metabólica ha demostrado disminuir el cIMT en estudios previos. Sin embargo, los estudios comparando dicho efecto en grupos homogéneos de pacientes con similar riesgo cardiovascular o comparando distintas técnicas quirúrgicas son escasos. Por otro lado, la mitad de los varones con obesidad que son candidatos a cirugía metabólica pueden presentar un hipogonadismo secundario asociado, que en la mayoría de los casos se resuelve tras la cirugía. Sin embargo, aunque en otras causas de hipogonadismo en varones es bien conocido que existe un aumento del riesgo y de la mortalidad cardiovascular, en el caso del hipogonadismo secundario a la obesidad no está claro que sea un factor de riesgo independiente. Nuestra hipóteis plantea una reducción del riesgo cardiovascular medido mediante el cIMT tras la cirugía metabólica, acompañado del descenso en las cifras de testosterona. De confirmarse esta hipótesis, podría plantearse la indicación quirúrgica en varones obesos con hipogonadismo asociado, para disminuir su riesgo cardiovascular y no sólo las cifras de testosterona, pudiendo ser la cirugía metabólica la terapia que redujese la ateromatosis coronaria en este tipo de pacientes

    The translation of humour in the american sitcom modern family

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    El presente estudio surge de la comparación del corpus, la comedia de situación –o sitcom– Modern Family, en su versión original con los dos modos de traducción audiovisual más populares en España, el doblaje y el subtitulado. El estudio se centra en el análisis de aspectos humorísticos que definen a este tipo de género y en los posibles cambios a los que se debe someter el texto para ajustarse a las convenciones impuestas, de modo que pueda ser aceptado por los espectadores meta del mismo modo que por los espectadores de origen. La elección del corpus no fue una decisión arbitraria, sino que viene respaldada por la gran aceptación que ha tenido tanto en Estados Unidos como en España y por su fantástico índice de audiencia en ambos países. De este modo, su análisis destaca las características que lo definen y que lo hacen tan atractivo. El número cada vez mayor de productos audiovisuales crea la necesidad de investigar y formar a los profesionales de la traducción para poder cubrir esta realidad. La investigación en esta área relativamente joven puede ser muy beneficiosa y rentable para todos, desde las productoras hasta los propios espectadores. El estudio ofrece una investigación de la literatura existente que versa sobre la traducción audiovisual, así como sobre el concepto del humor y sus implicaciones en la traducción de textos audiovisuales. También se investiga sobre el humor lingüístico y la definición del concepto de estereotipo, entendiéndolo como fuente de humor. Posteriormente, se procede a la identificación de los elementos humorísticos en el texto origen y su comparación con sus versiones doblada y subtitulada y se presentan los resultados obtenidos de dicho análisis, así como la tendencia traductora en cada caso. A lo largo de la disertación, se seleccionan aquellas escenas que basan su humor en diferentes estereotipos, así como en recursos y estrategias empleadas para su creación. Los elementos lingüísticos, como estrategia para la consecución de dicho propósito, son especialmente interesantes como fuente de información acerca del trabajo del traductor y de las soluciones adoptadas en cada versión. Aparte del análisis de estereotipos, se contempla el lenguaje como otra fuente humorística, categoría que también aporta información valiosa para el estudio. El trabajo se ha desarrollado mediante la comparación de las tres versiones (origen, doblada y subtitulada) y los elementos humorísticos incluidos en cada caso, con el objetivo de observar qué tendencias o soluciones son preferibles a otras según el contexto en el que se enmarcan. Una vez finalizadas las transcripciones, tanto de la versión original como de las versiones doblada y subtitulada, se ha elaborado un análisis pormenorizado de cada clip seleccionado, asociando dicho análisis a los elementos destacados en la sección teórica. Para su realización se han tomado como referencia a autores como Martínez Sierra (2004, 2008, 2009), Nash (1985), Delabastita (1996), Hurtado (2001) y Gonzalez-Vera (2012), quienes describen y clasifican los diferentes tipos de humor y definen el concepto de estereotipo. El estudio realizado pretende ser un análisis de los textos del corpus, en sus tres versiones, en el que se destacan los elementos humorísticos característicos en cada una de ellas y se clasifican de acuerdo con las propuestas de los anteriores autores. De este modo, es posible comparar las estrategias empleadas en cada una de sus versiones. Este análisis permite discernir cuáles han sido los procedimientos más recurrentes adoptados por el traductor en cada uno de los casos y dependiendo del contexto de cada uno de los clips. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido demostrar que la carga humorística incluida en el texto en versión original se mantiene en gran medida –69,84 % (44 de los 63 ejemplos analizados)–. Estos datos demuestran que el corpus, en todas sus versiones, cumple con los requisitos del género, cuyo principio fundamental es el humor. Además, en la mayoría de dichos ejemplos (el 41,27 %, es decir, en 26 de los 63 analizados) se han utilizado los mismos elementos y estrategias en las tres versiones. Entre los elementos más recurrentes a la hora de la creación de contenido humorístico se encuentran los lingüísticos, seguidos de los relativos a la comunidad e instituciones. En cuanto a los estereotipos más recurrentes se encuentran el nacional, homosexual, de género, de edad, de Barbie y pueblerino. Aparte de esta clasificación, se ha establecido otra que incorpora aquellos ejemplos con contenido humorístico, basado en el propio lenguaje, que no han podido incluirse en la categorización anterior, pero que en sí mismos constituyen una categoría individual dada la gran cantidad de ejemplos detectados (42 casos). La presente investigación ha permitido constatar que el gran éxito del corpus radica en la temática de la serie, la presentación de una típica familia estadounidense en formato de falso documental que la ha hecho atractiva al público de ambos países, dato que se ha demostrado gracias a su gran cuota de audiencia. El amplio porcentaje de contenido humorístico incluido en el texto origen que se ha transmitido a los textos meta, tanto en sus versiones doblada como subtitulada, justifica su popularidad, que podría haberse resentido o incluso podría haberse cuestionado si no se hubiera conseguido trasvasar el humor. <br /

    Slower growth during lactation rescues early cardiovascular and adipose tissue hypertrophy induced by fetal undernutrition in rats

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    Low birth weight (LBW) and accelerated growth during lactation are associated with cardiometabolic disease development. LBW offspring from rats exposed to undernutrition during gestation (MUN) develops hypertension. In this rat model, we tested if slower postnatal growth improves early cardiometabolic alterations. MUN dams were fed ad libitum during gestation days 1–10, with 50% of the daily intake during days 11–21 and ad libitum during lactation. Control dams were always fed ad libitum. Pups were maintained with their own mother or cross-fostered. Body weight and length were recorded weekly, and breastmilk was obtained. At weaning, the heart was evaluated by echocardiography, and aorta structure and adipocytes in white perivascular fat were studied by confocal microscopy (size, % beige-adipocytes by Mitotracker staining). Breastmilk protein and fat content were not significantly different between groups. Compared to controls, MUN males significantly accelerated body weight gain during the exclusive lactation period (days 1–14) while females accelerated during the last week; length growth was slower in MUN rats from both sexes. By weaning, MUN males, but not females, showed reduced diastolic function and hypertrophy in the heart, aorta, and adipocytes; the percentage of beige-type adipocytes was smaller in MUN males and females. Fostering MUN offspring on control dams significantly reduced weight gain rate, cardiovascular, and fat hypertrophy, increasing beige-adipocyte proportion. Control offspring nursed by MUN mothers reduced body growth gain, without cardiovascular modifications. In conclusion, slower growth during lactation can rescue early cardiovascular alterations induced by fetal undernutrition. Exclusive lactation was a key period, despite no modifications in breastmilk macronutrients, suggesting the role of bioactive components. Our data support that lactation is a key period to counteract cardiometabolic disease programming in LBW and a potential intervention window for the mothe

    Slower growth during lactation rescues early cardiovascular and adipose tissue hypertrophy induced by fetal undernutrition in rats

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    Low birth weight (LBW) and accelerated growth during lactation are associated with cardiometabolic disease development. LBW offspring from rats exposed to undernutrition during gestation (MUN) develops hypertension. In this rat model, we tested if slower postnatal growth improves early cardiometabolic alterations. MUN dams were fed ad libitum during gestation days 1–10, with 50% of the daily intake during days 11–21 and ad libitum during lactation. Control dams were always fed ad libitum. Pups were maintained with their own mother or cross-fostered. Body weight and length were recorded weekly, and breastmilk was obtained. At weaning, the heart was evaluated by echocardiography, and aorta structure and adipocytes in white perivascular fat were studied by confocal microscopy (size, % beige-adipocytes by Mitotracker staining). Breastmilk protein and fat content were not significantly different between groups. Compared to controls, MUN males significantly accelerated body weight gain during the exclusive lactation period (days 1–14) while females accelerated during the last week; length growth was slower in MUN rats from both sexes. By weaning, MUN males, but not females, showed reduced diastolic function and hypertrophy in the heart, aorta, and adipocytes; the percentage of beige-type adipocytes was smaller in MUN males and females. Fostering MUN offspring on control dams significantly reduced weight gain rate, cardiovascular, and fat hypertrophy, increasing beige-adipocyte proportion. Control offspring nursed by MUN mothers reduced body growth gain, without cardiovascular modifications. In conclusion, slower growth during lactation can rescue early cardiovascular alterations induced by fetal undernutrition. Exclusive lactation was a key period, despite no modifications in breastmilk macronutrients, suggesting the role of bioactive components. Our data support that lactation is a key period to counteract cardiometabolic disease programming in LBW and a potential intervention window for the mothe

    Effect of Supplementation with Coffee and Cocoa By-Products to Ameliorate Metabolic Syndrome Alterations Induced by High-Fat Diet in Female Mice

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    Coffee and cocoa manufacturing produces large amounts of waste. Generated by-products contain bioactive compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, suitable for treating metabolic syndrome (MetS). We aimed to compare the efficacy of aqueous extracts and flours from coffee pulp (CfPulp-E, CfPulp-F) and cocoa shell (CcShell-E, CcShell-F) to ameliorate MetS alterations induced by a high-fat diet (HFD). Bioactive component content was assessed by HPLC/MS. C57BL/6 female mice were fed for 6 weeks with HFD followed by 6 weeks with HFD plus supplementation with one of the ingredients (500 mg/kg/day, 5 days/week), and compared to non-supplemented HFD and Control group fed with regular chow. Body weight, adipocyte size and browning (Mitotracker, confocal microscopy), plasma glycemia (basal, glucose tolerance test–area under the curve, GTT-AUC), lipid profile, and leptin were compared between groups. Cocoa shell ingredients had mainly caffeine, theobromine, protocatechuic acid, and flavan-3-ols. Coffee pulp showed a high content in caffeine, protocatechuic, and chlorogenic acids. Compared to Control mice, HFD group showed alterations in all parameters. Compared to HFD, CcShell-F significantly reduced adipocyte size, increased browning and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and normalized basal glycemia, while CcShell-E only increased HDL. Both coffee pulp ingredients normalized adipocyte size, basal glycemia, and GTT-AUC. Additionally, CfPulp-E improved hyperleptinemia, reduced triglycerides, and slowed weight gain, and CfPulp-F increased HDL. In conclusion, coffee pulp ingredients showed a better efficacy against MetS, likely due to the synergic effect of caffeine, protocatechuic, and chlorogenic acids. Since coffee pulp is already approved as a food ingredient, this by-product could be used in humans to treat obesity-related MetS alterationsThis research was funded by the Knowledge Transfer Project from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM, Madrid, Spain) and AORA Health S.L. (Madrid, Spain), grant number PFTC-19; The Excellence Line (2019–2023) for University Teaching Staff within the Multiannual Agreement between the Community of Madrid (Spain)-UAM; and the Spanish Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research (2021–2023; PEICTI) within the Spanish Recovery, Transformation and Resilience thought the Projects Oriented to the Ecological Transition and to the Digital Transition (Ministry of Science and Innovation; Spain), grant number TED2021-129262A-I00

    Implication of RAS in Postnatal Cardiac Remodeling, Fibrosis and Dysfunction Induced by Fetal Undernutrition

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    Fetal undernutrition is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Male offspring from rats exposed to undernutrition during gestation (MUN) exhibit oxidative stress during perinatal life and develop cardiac dysfunction in ageing. Angiotensin-II is implicated in oxidative stress-mediated cardiovascular fibrosis and remodeling, and lactation is a key developmental window. We aimed to assess if alterations in RAS during lactation participate in cardiac dysfunction associated with fetal undernutrition. Control dams received food ad libitum, and MUN had 50% nutrient restriction during the second half of gestation. Both dams were fed ad libitum during lactation, and male offspring were studied at weaning. We assessed: ventricular structure and function (echocardiography); blood pressure (intra-arterially, anesthetized rats); collagen content and intramyocardial artery structure (Sirius red, Masson Trichromic); myocardial and intramyocardial artery RAS receptors (immunohistochemistry); plasma angiotensin-II (ELISA) and TGF-β1 protein expression (Western Blot). Compared to Control, MUN offspring exhibited significantly higher plasma Angiotensin-II and a larger left ventricular mass, as well as larger intramyocardial artery media/lumen, interstitial collagen and perivascular collagen. In MUN hearts, TGF-β1 tended to be higher, and the end-diastolic diameter and E/A ratio were significantly lower with no differences in ejection fraction or blood pressure. In the myocardium, no differences between groups were detected in AT1, AT2 or Mas receptors, with MrgD being significantly lower in the MUN group. In intramyocardial arteries from MUN rats, AT1 and Mas receptors were significantly elevated, while AT2 and MrgD were lower compared to Control. Conclusions. In rats exposed to fetal undernutrition, RAS disbalance and associated cardiac remodeling during lactation may set the basis for later heart dysfunction

    Influence of non-osteoporotic treatments in patients on active anti-osteoporotic therapy: evidence from the OSTEOMED registry

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    Producción CientíficaPurpose To evaluate the effect of different non-osteoporotic drugs on the increase or decrease in the risk of incident fragility fractures (vertebral, humerus or hip) in a cohort of patients diagnosed with osteoporosis on active anti-osteoporotic therapy. Methods For this retrospective longitudinal study, baseline and follow-up data on prescribed non-osteoporotic treatments and the occurrence of vertebral, humerus or hip fractures in 993 patients from the OSTEOMED registry were analyzed using logistic regression models. The drugs evaluated with a possible beneficial effect were thiazides and statins, while the drugs evaluated with a possible harmful effect were antiandrogens, aromatase inhibitors, proton pump inhibitors, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, benzodiazepines, GnRH agonists, thyroid hormones, and oral and inhaled corticosteroids. Results Logistic regression analyses indicated that no treatment significantly improved fracture risk, with the only treatments that significantly worsened fracture risk being letrozole (OR = 0.18, p-value = 0.03) and oral corticosteroids at doses ≤ 5 mg/ day (OR = 0.16, p-value = 0.03) and > 5 mg/day (OR = 0.27, p-value = 0.04). Conclusion The potential beneficial or detrimental effects of the different drugs evaluated on fracture risk are masked by treatment with anabolic or antiresorptive drugs that have a more potent action on bone metabolism, with two exceptions: letrozole and oral corticosteroids. These findings may have important clinical implications, as patients receiving these treat- ments are not fully protected by bisphosphonates, which may imply the need for more potent anti-osteoporotic drugs such as denosumab or teriparatide.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    The Role of Adiponectin in the Resolution of Male-Obesity-Associated Secondary Hypogonadism after Metabolic Surgery and Its Impact on Cardiovascular Risk

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    Male-obesity-associated secondary hypogonadism (MOSH) is a very prevalent entity that may resolve after marked weight loss. Adiponectin (APN) is an adipokine with anti-inflammatory properties that regulates metabolism. Low-circulating APN is associated with obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular risk, along with circulating testosterone. We aimed to evaluate APN changes in men with MOSH (low circulating free testosterone (FT) with low or normal gonadotropins) and without it after metabolic surgery. We look for their possible association with cardiovascular risk measured by carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT). We included 60 men (20 submitted to lifestyle modification, 20 to sleeve gastrectomy, and 20 to gastric bypass) evaluated at baseline and 6 months after. The increase in APN at follow-up was reduction in patients with persistent MOSH (n = 10) vs. those without MOSH (n = 30) and MOSH resolution (n = 20), and the former did not achieve a decrease in cIMT. The increase in APN correlated positively with FT (r = 0.320, p = 0.013) and inversely with cIMT (r = &minus;0.283, p = 0.028). FT inversely correlated with cIMT (r = &minus;0.269, p = 0.038). In conclusion, men without MOSH or with MOSH resolution showed a high increase in APN after weight loss with beneficial effects on cIMT. Those without MOSH resolution failed to attain these effects

    Effect of supplementation with coffee and cocoa by-products to ameliorate metabolic syndrome alterations induced by high-fat diet in female mice

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Editorial Board Members’ Collection Series in “Plant Food Extracts and Phytochemicals”.Coffee and cocoa manufacturing produces large amounts of waste. Generated by-products contain bioactive compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, suitable for treating metabolic syndrome (MetS). We aimed to compare the efficacy of aqueous extracts and flours from coffee pulp (CfPulp-E, CfPulp-F) and cocoa shell (CcShell-E, CcShell-F) to ameliorate MetS alterations induced by a high-fat diet (HFD). Bioactive component content was assessed by HPLC/MS. C57BL/6 female mice were fed for 6 weeks with HFD followed by 6 weeks with HFD plus supplementation with one of the ingredients (500 mg/kg/day, 5 days/week), and compared to non-supplemented HFD and Control group fed with regular chow. Body weight, adipocyte size and browning (Mitotracker, confocal microscopy), plasma glycemia (basal, glucose tolerance test–area under the curve, GTT-AUC), lipid profile, and leptin were compared between groups. Cocoa shell ingredients had mainly caffeine, theobromine, protocatechuic acid, and flavan-3-ols. Coffee pulp showed a high content in caffeine, protocatechuic, and chlorogenic acids. Compared to Control mice, HFD group showed alterations in all parameters. Compared to HFD, CcShell-F significantly reduced adipocyte size, increased browning and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and normalized basal glycemia, while CcShell-E only increased HDL. Both coffee pulp ingredients normalized adipocyte size, basal glycemia, and GTT-AUC. Additionally, CfPulp-E improved hyperleptinemia, reduced triglycerides, and slowed weight gain, and CfPulp-F increased HDL. In conclusion, coffee pulp ingredients showed a better efficacy against MetS, likely due to the synergic effect of caffeine, protocatechuic, and chlorogenic acids. Since coffee pulp is already approved as a food ingredient, this by-product could be used in humans to treat obesity-related MetS alterations.This research was funded by the Knowledge Transfer Project from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM, Madrid, Spain) and AORA Health S.L. (Madrid, Spain), grant number PFTC-19; The Excellence Line (2019–2023) for University Teaching Staff within the Multiannual Agreement between the Community of Madrid (Spain)-UAM; and the Spanish Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research (2021–2023; PEICTI) within the Spanish Recovery, Transformation and Resilience thought the Projects Oriented to the Ecological Transition and to the Digital Transition (Ministry of Science and Innovation; Spain), grant number TED2021-129262A-I00.Peer reviewe