514 research outputs found

    Scaling near Quantum Chaos Border in Interacting Fermi Systems

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    The emergence of quantum chaos for interacting Fermi systems is investigated by numerical calculation of the level spacing distribution P(s)P(s) as function of interaction strength UU and the excitation energy ϵ\epsilon above the Fermi level. As UU increases, P(s)P(s) undergoes a transition from Poissonian (nonchaotic) to Wigner-Dyson (chaotic) statistics and the transition is described by a single scaling parameter given by Z=(Uϵαu0)ϵ1/2νZ = (U \epsilon^{\alpha}-u_0) \epsilon^{1/2\nu}, where u0u_0 is a constant. While the exponent α\alpha, which determines the global change of the chaos border, is indecisive within a broad range of \sim 2.0, finite value of ν\nu, which comes from the increase of the Fock space size with ϵ\epsilon, suggests that the transition becomes sharp as ϵ\epsilon increases.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Communication

    Antibodies to infliximab and adalimumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in clinical remission:a cross-sectional study

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    Objective. To investigate if antibodies towards biological TNF-α inhibitors (anti-TNFi Abs) are present in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in clinical remission and to relate any anti-TNFi Abs to circulating level of TNF-α inhibitor (TNFi). Methods. Patients with RA, treated with infliximab or adalimumab, and in clinical remission (DAS28(CRP) < 2.6) were included from 6 out-patient clinics. In blood samples, presence of anti-TNFi Abs was determined by radioimmunoassay, and concentration of bioactive TNFi was measured by a cell-based reporter gene assay. Results. Anti-TNFi Abs were present in 8/44 patients (18%) treated with infliximab and 1/49 patients (2%) treated with adalimumab (p=0.012). In the former group, anti-TNFi Abs corresponded with low levels of TNFi (p=0.048). Anti-TNFi Ab-positive patients had shorter disease duration at initiation of TNFi therapy (p=0.023) but were similar for the rest of the compared parameters. Conclusions. In RA patients in clinical remission, anti-TNFi Abs occur frequently in patients treated with infliximab, while they occur rarely in patients treated with adalimumab. Presence of anti-infliximab Abs is accompanied by low or undetectable levels of infliximab. These data suggest that continued infliximab treatment may be redundant in a proportion of RA patients treated with infliximab and in clinical remission

    Meson Exchange Effect on Color Superconductivity

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    We investigate the effects of pion and gluon exchanges on the formation of two-flavor color superconductivity at moderate density, μ<1GeV\mu <1 GeV. The chiral quark model proposed by Manohar and Georgi containing pions as well as gluons is employed to show that the pion exchange reduces substantially the value of the superconducting gap gotten with the gluon exchange only. It turns out that the pion exchanges produce a repulsion between quark-quark pair in a spin and isospin singlet state. We suggest that the phase consisiting of pions, gluons and quarks is one of the candidates of in-medium QCD phase at moderate density.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, minor correction

    Mediated gates between spin qubits

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    In a typical quantum circuit, nonlocal quantum gates are applied to nonproximal qubits. If the underlying physical interactions are short-range (e.g., exchange interactions between spins), intermediate swap operations must be introduced, thus increasing the circuit depth. Here we develop a class of "mediated" gates for spin qubits, which act on nonproximal spins via intermediate ancilla qubits. At the end of the operation, the ancillae return to their initial states. We show how these mediated gates can be used (1) to generate arbitrary quantum states and (2) to construct arbitrary quantum gates. We provide some explicit examples of circuits that generate common states [e.g., Bell, Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ), W, and cluster states] and gates (e.g.,square-root-SWAP, SWAP, CNOT, and Toffoli gates). We show that the depths of these circuits are often shorter than those of conventional swap-based circuits. We also provide an explicit experimental proposal for implementing a mediated gate in a triple-quantum-dot system.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    New anomalous trajectory in Regge theory

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    We show that a new Regge trajectory with \alpha_{f_1} (0) \approx 1 and slope \alpha_{f_1}'(0) \approx 0 explains the features of hadron-hadron scattering and photoproduction of the rho and phi mesons at large energy and momentum transfer. This trajectory with quantum numbers P = C = +1 and odd signature can be considered as a natural partner of the Pomeron which has even signature. The odd signature of the new exchange leads to contributions to the spin-dependent cross sections, which do not vanish at large energy. The links between the anomalous properties of this trajectory, the axial anomaly and the flavor singlet axial vector f_1 (1285) meson are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, REVTeX, 8 figures (9 eps files), version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Anomalous f_1 exchange in vector meson photoproduction asymmetries

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    We perform an analysis of the elastic production of vector mesons with polarized photon beams at high energy in order to investigate the validity of a recently proposed dynamical mechanism based on the dominance of the f_1 trajectory at large momentum transfer. The density matrix characterizing the angular distributions of the vector meson decays is calculated within an exchange model which includes the Pomeron and the f_1. The asymmetries of these decays turn out to be very useful to disentangle the role of these exchanges since their effect depends crucially on their quantum numbers which are different. The observables analyzed are accessible with present experimental facilities.Comment: 10 pages, REVTeX, 4 figures, some figures are corrected, conclusions unchange

    Quantum computing of quantum chaos and imperfection effects

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    We study numerically the imperfection effects in the quantum computing of the kicked rotator model in the regime of quantum chaos. It is shown that there are two types of physical characteristics: for one of them the quantum computation errors grow exponentially with the number of qubits in the computer while for the other the growth is polynomial. Certain similarity between classical and quantum computing errors is also discussed.Comment: revtex, 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spin relaxation of conduction electrons in bulk III-V semiconductors

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    Spin relaxation time of conduction electrons through the Elliot-Yafet, D'yakonov-Perel and Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanisms is calculated theoretically for bulk GaAs, GaSb, InAs and InSb of both nn- and pp-type. Relative importance of each spin relaxation mechanism is compared and the diagrams showing the dominant mechanism are constructed as a function of temperature and impurity concentrations. Our approach is based upon theoretical calculation of the momentum relaxation rate and allows understanding of the interplay between various factors affecting the spin relaxation over a broad range of temperature and impurity concentration.Comment: an error in earlier version correcte

    Resonant Adiabatic Passage with Three Qubits

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    We investigate the non-adiabatic implementation of an adiabatic quantum teleportation protocol, finding that perfect fidelity can be achieved through resonance. We clarify the physical mechanisms of teleportation, for three qubits, by mapping their dynamics onto two parallel and mutually-coherent adiabatic passage channels. By transforming into the adiabatic frame, we explain the resonance by analogy with the magnetic resonance of a spin-1/2 particle. Our results establish a fast and robust method for transferring quantum states, and suggest an alternative route toward high precision quantum gates