540 research outputs found

    Beyond Napster: Debating the Future of Copyright on the Internet - Introductory Remarks

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    A painterly approach to human skin

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    technical reportRendering convincing human figures is one of the unsolved goals of computer graphics. Previous work has concentrated on modeling physics of human skin. We have taken a different approach. We are exploring techniques used by artists, specifically artists who paint air-brushed portraits. Our goal is to give the impression of skin without extraneous physical details such as pores, veins, and blemishes. In this paper, we provide rendering algorithms which are easy to incorporate into existing shaders, making rendering skin for medical illustration, computer animations, and other applications fast and simple. We accomplish this by using algorithms for real time drawing and shading of silhouette curves. We also build upon current non-photorealistic lighting methods using complementary colors to convey 3D shape information. Users select areas from a scanned art work and manipulate these areas to create shading models. The flexibility of this method of generating a shading model allows users to portray individuals with different skin tones or to capture the look and feel of a work of art

    Imaging speech production using fMRI

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    Human speech is a well-learned, sensorimotor, and ecological behavior ideal for the study of neural processes and brain-behavior relations. With the advent of modern neuroimaging techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the potential for investigating neural mechanisms of speech motor control, speech motor disorders, and speech motor development has increased. However, a practical issue has limited the application of fMRI to issues in spoken language production and other related behaviors (singing, swallowing). Producing these behaviors during volume acquisition introduces motion-induced signal changes that confound the activation signals of interest. A number of approaches, ranging from signal processing to using silent or covert speech, have attempted to remove or prevent the effects of motioninduced artefact. However, these approaches are flawed for a variety of reasons. An alternative approach, that has only recently been applied to study single-word production, uses pauses in volume acquisition during the production of natural speech motion. Here we present some representative data illustrating the problems associated with motion artefacts and some qualitative results acquired from subjects producing short sentences and orofacial nonspeech movements in the scanner. Using pauses or silent intervals in volume acquisition and block designs, results from individual subjects result in robust activation without motion-induced signal artefact. This approach is an efficient method for studying the neural basis of spoken language production and the effects of speech and language disorders using fMRI

    Solvable Groups, Free Divisors and Nonisolated Matrix Singularities II: Vanishing Topology

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    In this paper we use the results from the first part to compute the vanishing topology for matrix singularities based on certain spaces of matrices. We place the variety of singular matrices in a geometric configuration of free divisors which are the "exceptional orbit varieties" for repesentations of solvable groups. Because there are towers of representations for towers of solvable groups, the free divisors actually form a tower of free divisors EnE_n, and we give an inductive procedure for computing the vanishing topology of the matrix singularities. The inductive procedure we use is an extension of that introduced by L\^{e}-Greuel for computing the Milnor number of an ICIS. Instead of linear subspaces, we use free divisors arising from the geometric configuration and which correspond to subgroups of the solvable groups. Here the vanishing topology involves a singular version of the Milnor fiber; however, it still has the good connectivity properties and is homotopy equivalent to a bouquet of spheres, whose number is called the singular Milnor number. We give formulas for this singular Milnor number in terms of singular Milnor numbers of various free divisors on smooth subspaces, which can be computed as lengths of determinantal modules. In addition to being applied to symmetric, general and skew-symmetric matrix singularities, the results are also applied to Cohen--Macaulay singularities defined as 2 x 3 matrix singularities. We compute the Milnor number of isolated Cohen--Macaulay surface singularities of this type in C4\mathbb{C}^4 and the difference of Betti numbers of Milnor fibers for isolated Cohen--Macaulay 3--fold singularities of this type in C5\mathbb{C}^5.Comment: 53 pages. To appear in Geometry & Topology. Changes in response to helpful referee: replace the erroneous Corollary 6.2 with a new version, specify that we consider 2x3 Cohen-Macaulay singularities, calculate more entries of Table 5, improve wording, format for publicatio

    Cerebral Blood Flow Measurement Using fMRI and PET: A Cross-Validation Study

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    An important aspect of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is the study of brain hemodynamics, and MR arterial spin labeling (ASL) perfusion imaging has gained wide acceptance as a robust and noninvasive technique. However, the cerebral blood flow (CBF) measurements obtained with ASL fMRI have not been fully validated, particularly during global CBF modulations. We present a comparison of cerebral blood flow changes (ΔCBF) measured using a flow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery (FAIR) ASL perfusion method to those obtained using H215O PET, which is the current gold standard for in vivo imaging of CBF. To study regional and global CBF changes, a group of 10 healthy volunteers were imaged under identical experimental conditions during presentation of 5 levels of visual stimulation and one level of hypercapnia. The CBF changes were compared using 3 types of region-of-interest (ROI) masks. FAIR measurements of CBF changes were found to be slightly lower than those measured with PET (average ΔCBF of 21.5 ± 8.2% for FAIR versus 28.2 ± 12.8% for PET at maximum stimulation intensity). Nonetheless, there was a strong correlation between measurements of the two modalities. Finally, a t-test comparison of the slopes of the linear fits of PET versus ASL ΔCBF for all 3 ROI types indicated no significant difference from unity (P > .05)

    Accelerating Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping using Compressed Sensing and Deep Neural Network

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    Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is an MRI phase-based post-processing method that quantifies tissue magnetic susceptibility distributions. However, QSM acquisitions are relatively slow, even with parallel imaging. Incoherent undersampling and compressed sensing reconstruction techniques have been used to accelerate traditional magnitude-based MRI acquisitions; however, most do not recover the full phase signal due to its non-convex nature. In this study, a learning-based Deep Complex Residual Network (DCRNet) is proposed to recover both the magnitude and phase images from incoherently undersampled data, enabling high acceleration of QSM acquisition. Magnitude, phase, and QSM results from DCRNet were compared with two iterative and one deep learning methods on retrospectively undersampled acquisitions from six healthy volunteers, one intracranial hemorrhage and one multiple sclerosis patients, as well as one prospectively undersampled healthy subject using a 7T scanner. Peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), structural similarity (SSIM) and region-of-interest susceptibility measurements are reported for numerical comparisons. The proposed DCRNet method substantially reduced artifacts and blurring compared to the other methods and resulted in the highest PSNR and SSIM on the magnitude, phase, local field, and susceptibility maps. It led to 4.0% to 8.8% accuracy improvements in deep grey matter susceptibility than some existing methods, when the acquisition was accelerated four times. The proposed DCRNet also dramatically shortened the reconstruction time by nearly 10 thousand times for each scan, from around 80 hours using conventional approaches to only 30 seconds.Comment: 10 figure

    Using BOLD-fMRI to Compute the Respiration Volume per Time (RTV) and Respiration Variation (RV) with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in the Human Connectome Development Cohort

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    In many fMRI studies, respiratory signals are unavailable or do not have acceptable quality. Consequently, the direct removal of low-frequency respiratory variations from BOLD signals is not possible. This study proposes a one-dimensional CNN model for reconstruction of two respiratory measures, RV and RVT. Results show that a CNN can capture informative features from resting BOLD signals and reconstruct realistic RV and RVT timeseries. It is expected that application of the proposed method will lower the cost of fMRI studies, reduce complexity, and decrease the burden on participants as they will not be required to wear a respiratory bellows.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Using A One-Class Compound Classifier To Detect In-Vehicle Network Attacks

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    The Controller Area Network (CAN) in vehicles provides serial communication between electronic control units that manage en- gine, transmission, steering and braking. Researchers have recently demonstrated the vulnerability of the network to cyber-attacks which can manipulate the operation of the vehicle and compromise its safety. Some proposals for CAN intrusion detection systems, that identify attacks by detecting packet anomalies, have drawn on one-class classi cation, whereby the system builds a decision surface based on a large number of normal instances. The one-class approach is discussed in this paper, together with initial results and observations from implementing a classi er new to this eld. The Compound Classier has been used in image processing and medical analysis, and holds advantages that could be relevant to CAN intrusion detection.<br/

    Saguenay Youth Study : a multi-generational approach to studying virtual trajectories of the brain and cardio-metabolic health

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    This paper provides an overview of the Saguenay Youth Study (SYS) and its parental arm. The overarching goal of this effort is to develop trans-generational models of developmental cascades contributing to the emergence of common chronic disorders, such as depression, addictions, dementia and cardio-metabolic diseases. Over the past 10 years, we have acquired detailed brain and cardio-metabolic phenotypes, and genome-wide genotypes, in 1029 adolescents recruited in a population with a known genetic founder effect. At present, we are extending this dataset to acquire comparable phenotypes and genotypes in the biological parents of these individuals. After providing conceptual background for this work (transactions across time, systems and organs), we describe briefly the tools employed in the adolescent arm of this cohort and highlight some of the initial accomplishments. We then outline in detail the phenotyping protocol used to acquire comparable data in the parents