116 research outputs found

    E-Government as an Integrative Public Service Platform

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    In the article, a comprehensive analysis of theoretical aspects of the formation of “e-government” was carried out in the context of the development of new state management. Factors affecting the formation and development of e-government in Russia have been identified.The authors argue that the application of new and improved e-government tools is an important task in the context of improving the efficiency of public and municipal governance. The use of “e-government” technologies and tools makes the process of public administration more open, as citizens receive the necessary level of awareness about the results of the activities of public authorities. The advantages of developing interactive interaction between state administration bodies and citizens through expansion of activities of state ports, multifunctional centers of provision of state and municipal services, as well as state automated systems are justified

    Crystal Undulator As A Novel Compact Source Of Radiation

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    A crystalline undulator (CU) with periodically deformed crystallographic planes is capable of deflecting charged particles with the same strength as an equivalent magnetic field of 1000 T and could provide quite a short period L in the sub-millimeter range. We present an idea for creation of a CU and report its first realization. One face of a silicon crystal was given periodic micro-scratches (grooves), with a period of 1 mm, by means of a diamond blade. The X-ray tests of the crystal deformation have shown that a sinusoidal-like shape of crystalline planes goes through the bulk of the crystal. This opens up the possibility for experiments with high-energy particles channeled in CU, a novel compact source of radiation. The first experiment on photon emission in CU has been started at LNF with 800 MeV positrons aiming to produce 50 keV undulator photons.Comment: Presented at PAC 2003 (Portland, May 12-16

    Prognostic criteria of heart rate variability at the daily monitoring

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    The data of comparative researches of parameters of heart rate variability on the basis of daily ECG registration with regard circadian oscillations of heart rate. Shown significant reduction in both temporary and spectral indices of daily variability of a heart rhythm in adolescents with scoliosis without significant imbalance parasympathetic and sympathetic departments of ANS. These changes indicate violations of interaction between different parts of ANS in providing functionality driving rhythm and demonstrated reduction of adaptational possibilities of the organism, which leads to a heightened risk of violations of the regulation of the heart rate in this group of adolescentsПриведены данные сравнительного исследования показателей вариабельности сердечного ритма на основе суточной регистрации ЭКГ с учетом циркадных колебаний ритма сердца. Показано достоверное снижение как временных, так и спектральных показателей суточной вариабельности сердечного ритма у подростков со сколиозом без выраженного дисбаланса парасимпатического и симпатического отделов ВНС. Данные изменения указывают на нарушения взаимодействия между различными звеньями ВНС в обеспечении функции вождения ритма и свидетельствуют о снижении адаптационных возможностей организма, что ведет к повышенному риску развития нарушений регуляции сердечного ритма в данной группе подростко

    Stationary waves in a superfluid exciton gas in quantum Hall bilayers

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    Stationary waves in a superfluid magnetoexciton gas in nu = 1 quantum Hall bilayers are considered. The waves are induced by counter-propagating electrical currents that flow in a system with a point obstacle. It is shown that stationary waves can emerge only in imbalanced bilayers in a certain diapason of currents. It is found that the stationary wave pattern is modified qualitatively under a variation of the ratio of the interlayer distance to the magnetic length d/l. The advantages of use graphene-dielectric-graphene sandwiches for the observation of stationary waves are discussed. We determine the range of parameters (the dielectric constant of the layer that separates two graphene layers and the ratio d/l) for which the state with superfluid magnetoexcitons can be realized in such sandwiches. Typical stationary wave patterns are presented as density plotsComment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Адаптивная система управления автоматизированным резаком для сотового наполнителя

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    This article presents the results of control system development оf an automated complex for cutting honeycomb or cellular filler, which consists of several modules performed on various software and hardware platforms and combined into a single system. On the control computer, the following are implemented: an interface module, a planning and control module written in the C ++, and a machine vision module written in the Python. The KUKA controller has a module for communication with a computer and a movement module written using the Kuka Robot Language. The interface module is required to interact with the operator, the planning and control module, and the robot information exchange module. The planning and control module performs the functions of generating sequence of elementary operations and moving points, compiling control programs and executing them. The machine vision module, using a machine vision camera, takes a series of images of the workpiece, by which the boundaries of the workpiece are identified, the edges of the cellular filler are recognized, and the coordinates of the optimal cut points are calculatedВ данной статье представлены результаты разработки системы управления автоматизированным комплексом резки сотового заполнителя, который состоит из нескольких модулей, выполненных на различных программно-аппаратных платформах и объединенных в единую систему. На управляющем компьютере реализованы: модуль интерфейса, модуль планирования и управления, написанный на языке C++, и модуль машинного зрения, написанный на языке Python. Контроллер KUKA имеет модуль для связи с компьютером и модуль движения, написанный на языке роботов Kuka. Интерфейсный модуль необходим для взаимодействия с оператором, модулем планирования и управления и модулем обмена информацией о роботе. Модуль планирования и управления выполняет функции формирования последовательности элементарных операций и перемещения точек, составления управляющих программ и их выполнения. Модуль машинного зрения с помощью камеры машинного зрения делает серию снимков заготовки, по которым идентифицируются границы заготовки, распознаются края ячеистого заполнителя, рассчитываются координаты оптимальных точек срез

    Nuclear Track Emulsion in Search for the Hoyle’s State in Dissociation of Relativistic 12C Nuclei

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    Study of production of ensembles of alpha-particle triples associated with the Hoyle state (the second excited state 0+ 2 of the 12 C nucleus) in peripheral dissociation of relativistic 12C nuclei is started. Stacks of pellicles of nuclear track emulsion exposed to 12C of energy from hundreds MeV to few GeV per nucleon serve as the material of the study. The Hoyle state decays are reconstructed via measurements of emission angles of α-particles with accuracy that allows one to identify the unstable 8Be nucleus. A role in the Hoyle state of alpha-particle bonds corresponding to 8Be is determined