108 research outputs found

    Functional consequences of subunit diversity in RNA polymerases II and V

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    SummaryMultisubunit RNA polymerases IV and V (Pol IV and Pol V) evolved as specialized forms of Pol II that mediate RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) and transcriptional silencing of transposons, viruses, and endogenous repeats in plants. Among the subunits common to Arabidopsis thaliana Pols II, IV, and V are 93% identical alternative ninth subunits, NRP(B/D/E)9a and NRP(B/D/E)9b. The 9a and 9b subunit variants are incompletely redundant with respect to Pol II; whereas double mutants are embryo lethal, single mutants are viable, yet phenotypically distinct. Likewise, 9a or 9b can associate with Pols IV or V but RNA-directed DNA methylation is impaired only in 9b mutants. Based on genetic and molecular tests, we attribute the defect in RdDM to impaired Pol V function. Collectively, our results reveal a role for the ninth subunit in RNA silencing and demonstrate that subunit diversity generates functionally distinct subtypes of RNA polymerases II and V

    Relationships between transcription, silver staining and chromatin organization of nucleolar organizers in Secale cereale

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    Summary. The nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) are composed of hundreds of rRNA genes, typically spanning several megabases. Cytologically, NORs include regions that are highly condensed and regions that are decondensed, the latter corresponding to regions at which associated proteins stain intensively with silver (Ag-NORs) and where active rRNA gene transcription is thought to occur. To test the relationship between rRNA gene activity, NOR silver staining, and rDNA (genes coding for rRNA) chromatin condensation, we used the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor 5-azacytidine to evaluate the correlation between the epigenetic regulation of rRNA genes and NOR silver staining in the plant Secale cereale. Following 5-azacytidine treatment, we observed an increase in rRNA gene transcription as well as a reduction in the number of cells showing a significant difference in the size of the silver-stained domains in the two NORs. These transcriptional changes occurred concomitantly with an increase in nuclear and nucleolar size and were associated with the reallocation of most of the rDNA from perinucleolar heterochromatin into the nucleolus. Collectively, these results suggest that rRNA gene transcription, silver staining, and NOR decondensation are interrelated in S. cereale

    Heterochromatic siRNAs and DDM1 Independently Silence Aberrant 5S rDNA Transcripts in Arabidopsis

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    5S ribosomal RNA gene repeats are arranged in heterochromatic arrays (5S rDNA) situated near the centromeres of Arabidopsis chromosomes. The chromatin remodeling factor DDM1 is known to maintain 5S rDNA methylation patterns while silencing transcription through 5S rDNA intergenic spacers (IGS). We mapped small-interfering RNAs (siRNA) to a composite 5S rDNA repeat, revealing a high density of siRNAs matching silenced IGS transcripts. IGS transcript repression requires proteins of the heterochromatic siRNA pathway, including RNA polymerase IV (Pol IV), RNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE 2 (RDR2) and DICER-LIKE 3 (DCL3). Using molecular and cytogenetic approaches, we show that the DDM1 and siRNA-dependent silencing effects are genetically independent. DDM1 suppresses production of the siRNAs, however, thereby limiting RNA-directed DNA methylation at 5S rDNA repeats. We conclude that DDM1 and siRNA-dependent silencing are overlapping processes that both repress aberrant 5S rDNA transcription and contribute to the heterochromatic state of 5S rDNA arrays

    A concerted DNA methylation/histone methylation switch regulates rDNA gene dosage control and nucleolar dominance

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    Eukaryotes regulate the effective dosage of their ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, expressing fewer than half of the genes at any one time. Likewise, genetic hybrids displaying nucleolar dominance transcribe rRNA genes inherited from one parent but silence the other paraental set.We show that rRNA gene dosage control and nucleolar dominance utilize a common mechanis

    The Arabidopsis Chromatin-Modifying Nuclear siRNA Pathway Involves a Nucleolar RNA Processing Center

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    SummaryIn Arabidopsis thaliana, small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) direct cytosine methylation at endogenous DNA repeats in a pathway involving two forms of nuclear RNA polymerase IV (Pol IVa and Pol IVb), RNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE 2 (RDR2), DICER-LIKE 3 (DCL3), ARGONAUTE4 (AGO4), the chromatin remodeler DRD1, and the de novo cytosine methyltransferase DRM2. We show that RDR2, DCL3, AGO4, and NRPD1b (the largest subunit of Pol IVb) colocalize with siRNAs within the nucleolus. By contrast, Pol IVa and DRD1 are external to the nucleolus and colocalize with endogenous repeat loci. Mutation-induced loss of pathway proteins causes downstream proteins to mislocalize, revealing their order of action. Pol IVa acts first, and its localization is RNA dependent, suggesting an RNA template. We hypothesize that maintenance of the heterochromatic state involves locus-specific Pol IVa transcription followed by siRNA production and assembly of AGO4- and NRPD1b-containing silencing complexes within nucleolar processing centers

    The NRPD1 N-terminus contains a Pol IV-specific motif that is critical for genome surveillance in Arabidopsis

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    RNA-guided surveillance systems constrain the activity of transposable elements (TEs) in host genomes. In plants, RNA polymerase IV (Pol IV) transcribes TEs into primary transcripts from which RDR2 synthesizes double-stranded RNA precursors for small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) that guide TE methylation and silencing. How the core subunits of Pol IV, homologs of RNA polymerase II subunits, diverged to support siRNA biogenesis in a TE-rich, repressive chromatin context is not well understood. Here we studied the N-terminus of Pol IV’s largest subunit, NRPD1. Arabidopsis lines harboring missense mutations in this N-terminus produce wild-type (WT) levels of NRPD1, which co-purifies with other Pol IV subunits and RDR2. Our in vitro transcription and genomic analyses reveal that the NRPD1 N-terminus is critical for robust Pol IV-dependent transcription, siRNA production and DNA methylation. However, residual RNA-directed DNA methylation observed in one mutant genotype indicates that Pol IV can operate uncoupled from the high siRNA levels typically observed in WT plants. This mutation disrupts a motif uniquely conserved in Pol IV, crippling the enzyme's ability to inhibit retrotransposon mobilization. We propose that the NRPD1 N-terminus motif evolved to regulate Pol IV function in genome surveillance

    Spatial and Functional Relationships Among Pol V-Associated Loci, Pol IV-Dependent siRNAs, and Cytosine Methylation in the \u3cem\u3eArabidopsis\u3c/em\u3e Epigenome

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    Multisubunit RNA polymerases IV and V (Pols IV and V) mediate RNA-directed DNA methylation and transcriptional silencing of retrotransposons and heterochromatic repeats in plants. We identified genomic sites of Pol V occupancy in parallel with siRNA deep sequencing and methylcytosine mapping, comparing wild-type plants with mutants defective for Pol IV, Pol V, or both Pols IV and V. Approximately 60% of Pol V-associated regions encompass regions of 24-nucleotide (nt) siRNA complementarity and cytosine methylation, consistent with cytosine methylation being guided by base-pairing of Pol IV-dependent siRNAs with Pol V transcripts. However, 27% of Pol V peaks do not overlap sites of 24-nt siRNA biogenesis or cytosine methylation, indicating that Pol V alone does not specify sites of cytosine methylation. Surprisingly, the number of methylated CHH motifs, a hallmark of RNA-directed de novo methylation, is similar in wild-type plants and Pol IV or Pol V mutants. In the mutants, methylation is lost at 50%–60% of the CHH sites that are methylated in the wild type but is gained at new CHH positions, primarily in pericentromeric regions. These results indicate that Pol IV and Pol V are not required for cytosine methyltransferase activity but shape the epigenome by guiding CHH methylation to specific genomic sites

    An atypical epigenetic mechanism affects uniparental expression of Pol IV-dependent siRNAs.

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    BACKGROUND: Small RNAs generated by RNA polymerase IV (Pol IV) are the most abundant class of small RNAs in flowering plants. In Arabidopsis thaliana Pol IV-dependent short interfering (p4-si)RNAs are imprinted and accumulate specifically from maternal chromosomes in the developing seeds. Imprinted expression of protein-coding genes is controlled by differential DNA or histone methylation placed in gametes. To identify epigenetic factors required for maternal-specific expression of p4-siRNAs we analyzed the effect of a series of candidate mutations, including those required for genomic imprinting of protein-coding genes, on uniparental expression of a representative p4-siRNA locus. RESULTS: Paternal alleles of imprinted genes are marked by DNA or histone methylation placed by DNA METHYLTRANSFERASE 1 or the Polycomb Repressive Complex 2. Here we demonstrate that repression of paternal p4-siRNA expression at locus 08002 is not controlled by either of these mechanisms. Similarly, loss of several chromatin modification enzymes, including a histone acetyltransferase, a histone methyltransferase, and two nucleosome remodeling proteins, does not affect maternal expression of locus 08002. Maternal alleles of imprinted genes are hypomethylated by DEMETER DNA glycosylase, yet expression of p4-siRNAs occurs irrespective of demethylation by DEMETER or related glycosylases. CONCLUSIONS: Differential DNA methylation and other chromatin modifications associated with epigenetic silencing are not required for maternal-specific expression of p4-siRNAs at locus 08002. These data indicate that there is an as yet unknown epigenetic mechanism causing maternal-specific p4-siRNA expression that is distinct from the well-characterized mechanisms associated with DNA methylation or the Polycomb Repressive Complex 2

    Locus-Specific Ribosomal RNA Gene Silencing in Nucleolar Dominance

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    The silencing of one parental set of rRNA genes in a genetic hybrid is an epigenetic phenomenon known as nucleolar dominance. We showed previously that silencing is restricted to the nucleolus organizer regions (NORs), the loci where rRNA genes are tandemly arrayed, and does not spread to or from neighboring protein-coding genes. One hypothesis is that nucleolar dominance is the net result of hundreds of silencing events acting one rRNA gene at a time. A prediction of this hypothesis is that rRNA gene silencing should occur independent of chromosomal location. An alternative hypothesis is that the regulatory unit in nucleolar dominance is the NOR, rather than each individual rRNA gene, in which case NOR localization may be essential for rRNA gene silencing. To test these alternative hypotheses, we examined the fates of rRNA transgenes integrated at ectopic locations. The transgenes were accurately transcribed in all independent transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana lines tested, indicating that NOR localization is not required for rRNA gene expression. Upon crossing the transgenic A. thaliana lines as ovule parents with A. lyrata to form F1 hybrids, a new system for the study of nucleolar dominance, the endogenous rRNA genes located within the A. thaliana NORs are silenced. However, rRNA transgenes escaped silencing in multiple independent hybrids. Collectively, our data suggest that rRNA gene activation can occur in a gene-autonomous fashion, independent of chromosomal location, whereas rRNA gene silencing in nucleolar dominance is locus-dependent
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