120 research outputs found

    Autoxidation of lipids in parchment

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    Historic parchment is a macromolecular material, which is complex due to its natural origin, inhomogeneity of the skin structure, unknown environmental history and potential localised degradation. Most research into its stability has so far focussed on thermal and structural methods of analyses. Using gas chromatographic analysis of the atmosphere surrounding parchment during oxidation, we provide the experimental evidence on the production of volatile aldehydes, which can be the products of lipid autoxidation. Oxidation of parchment with different aldehyde emissions was additionally followed in situ using chemiluminometry and the same techniques were used to evaluate the oxidation of differently delipidised parchment. It was shown that the production of peroxides and the emission of aldehydes from the material decrease with lower lipid content. Building on this evidence, we can conclude that the presence of lipids (either initially present in the skin or resulting from conservation intervention) leads to oxidative degradation of collagen and that the non-destructive analysis of the emission of volatiles could be used as a quick tool for evaluation of parchment stability

    Ocenjevanje dejavnosti in sodelovanja

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    Elektrolitsko markiranje farmakov z [sup]99mTCIN[sup]131J

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    Funkcijsko usposabljanje z glasbo – funb na nevrološkem oddeleku URI Soča

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    Functional training with music (DMT) is one of the modern approaches in occupational therapy. It is intended for persons with central nervous system (CNS) impairment or disease. Persons with CNS have difficulties in several aspects of human functioning. The basic aim of DMT is preserving or restoring body functions – the functions of the nervous system, muscular and skeletal systems and movement-related functions, the functions of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, sensory functions, oral and speech functions as well as general and specific mental functions. DMT influences on the establishment of motor, process and communication skills – position, movement, coordination, strength and strain, energy, use of knowledge, time organisation, adaptability, establishing relations and information exchange. The essence of DMT is to encourage the performance of movement patterns, Elements of movement patterns originate from: sensorimotor integration, neuro-therapeutic approach and motor learning. It is based on the model of International classification of functioning disability and health (ICF) and comprises of four sets: preparation for dancing, dancing while seated, dancing and socializing. The evaluation instruments used to monitor the effects of DTM are Functional independence measure (FIM) and Evaluation of Structured Activity - ESA. Music is a therapeutic medium which by means of melody and rhythm increases emotional stability, sense of control and stress reduction. At the University Rehabilitation Institute of the Republic of Slovenia - Soča, the first test DMT programme was initiated as early as 2001 for the patients after CVI. The protocol was designed and outlined by Occupational therapy manager Uri Soča MS. Zdenka Pihlar. The purpose of this article is to represent DMT therapeutic practise used in Neurology Department of URI SOČA, which includes patients suffering head trauma, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.Funkcijsko usposabljanje z glasbo ( FUNB) je eden od sodobnih pristopov v delovni terapiji. Namenjen je osebam z okvaro ali boleznijo osrednjega živčnega sistema. Osebe z okvaro CŽS imajo težave na več področjih človekovega funkcioniranja. Osnovni namen FUNB-a je ohranjanje oziroma ponovno vzpostavljanje telesnih funkcij – funkcije živčevja, mišičja in okostja ter z gibanjem povezanih funkcij, funkcije srčno-žilnega, dihalnega sistema, funkcije čutil, glasovne in govorne funkcije, ter splošne in specifične duševne funkcije. FUNB vpliva na vzpostavljanje motoričnih, procesnih in komunikacijskih spretnosti- položaj, gibanje, koordinacijo, moč in napor, energijo, uporabo znanja, časovno organizacijo, spretnost prilagajanja, vzpostavljanja odnosov, izmenjave informacij. Bistvo FUNB-a je, da s pomočjo glasbe vzpodbujamo izvedbo gibalnih vzorcev, kateri elementi izhajajo iz: senzomotorične integracije, nevroterapevtskega pristopa in motoričnega učenja. Zasnovan je po modelu Mednarodne Kvalifikacije Funkcioniranja (MKF). Sestavljajo ga štirje sklopi: priprava na ples, ples sede, ples, druženje. Ocenjevalni inštrumenti s katerimi spremljamo učinek so FIM in Ocenjevanje Strukturirane Aktivnosti – OSA. Glasba je terapevtski medij, ki z močjo melodije in ritma vpliva na čustveno stabilnost, občutek prevzema kontrole in redukcijo stresa. Prvi poskusni program FUNB smo na Univerzitetnem rehabilitacijskem inštitutu Republike Slovenije – Soča zasnovali že leta 2001 za paciente po možganski kapi. Idejno zasnovo za protokol je zasnovala vodja delovne terapije Uri Soča Zdenka Pihlar. Namen prispevka je predstaviti FUNB na 1. nevrološkem oddelku URI SOČA, kjer so vključeni pacienti po nezgodni poškodbi glave, z multiplo sklerozo in Parkinsonovo boleznijo

    Economics of Meat Production as a Supplementary Activity in Pig Farming

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    Osnovni cilj raziskave je bila ekonomska analiza kmetijske proizvodnje in ocena investicije v predelavo mesa. Primarna dejavnost na kmetiji je vzreja tekačev. Razvit je bil tehnološko-ekonomski model s podmodeli za lastno pridelana žita in krmila z glavnimi tehnološko-ekonomskimi parametri. Osrednja uporabljena metoda je bila metoda kalkulacij skupnih stroškov. Z namenom povečanja ekonomske varnosti se kmetija odloča o nadaljnji predelavi mesa v končne proizvode. Zato se je v nadaljevanju ocenil finančni vložek v investicijo dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetiji, in sicer na podlagi finančne analize stroškov in koristi. Parametri, ki so se ocenjevali, so neto sedanja vrednost (NSV), interna stopnja donosnosti (ISD) in obdobje povračila investicije. Rezultati analize kažejo, da je vzreja tekačev ob upoštevanju lastne cene žit ekonomsko upravičena (Ke = 1,10). Koeficient ekonomičnosti mesa iz tunke (Ke = 1,23), salam (Ke = 1,63), zaseke (Ke = 1,15) in prekajenih reber (Ke = 1,54) je pokazal, da je predelava mesa ekonomsko učinkovitejša kot primarna proizvodnja vzreje tekačev. Načrtovana investicija se ob predpostavljeni 5,50 % obrestni meri in konstantnem letnem denarnem toku povrne v 4. letu. V raziskavi smo se seznanili tudi z upravnim postopkom in zakonodajo na področju dopolnilne dejavnosti predelave mesa na kmetiji, torej od predelave do končnega proizvoda.The main goal of the research was the economic analysis of the agricultural production and evaluation of investments in meat processing. The primary activity on the studied farm is pig rearing. A technological and economic model was developed with sub-modules for self-provided cereal and feedstock, with main technological-economic parameters. The central method used was the method of calculating total costs. In order to increase economic security, the farm decided to take on further processing of meat into finished products. Consequently, the financial contribution to the investment of the supplementary activity on the farm was assessed on the basis of the Financial Cost Benefit Analysis. The parameters to be evaluated were NSV, ISD and the period of the investment return. The results of the analysis showed that rearing of pigs, taking into account the price of the self-provided cereals, is economically justifiable (Ke = 1.10). The economy coefficient of the "tunka" meat (a combination of meat and minced lard) (Ke = 1.23), salamis (Ke = 1.63), minced lard (Ke = 1.15) and smoked ribs (Ke = 1.54) showed that meat processing is economically more efficient than pig rearing as the primary production activity. The planned investment is reimbursed at an assumed 5.50% interest rate and at a constant annual cash flow in the 4th year. In the study we also got acquainted with the administrative procedures and legislations in the field of supplementary meat processing activities on a farm, that is, from processing to final product

    Wireless public key infrastructure

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