52 research outputs found

    A Cryptic Frizzled Module in Cell Surface Collagen 18 Inhibits Wnt/β−Catenin Signaling

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    Collagens contain cryptic polypeptide modules that regulate major cell functions, such as cell proliferation or death. Collagen XVIII (C18) exists as three amino terminal end variants with specific amino terminal polypeptide modules. We investigated the function of the variant 3 of C18 (V3C18) containing a frizzled module (FZC18), which carries structural identity with the extracellular cysteine-rich domain of the frizzled receptors. We show that V3C18 is a cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycan, its topology being mediated by the FZC18 module. V3C18 mRNA was expressed at low levels in 21 normal adult human tissues. Its expression was up-regulated in fibrogenesis and in small well-differentiated liver tumors, but decreased in advanced human liver cancers. Low FZC18 immunostaining in liver cancer nodules correlated with markers of high Wnt/β−catenin activity. V3C18 (Mr = 170 kD) was proteolytically processed into a cell surface FZC18-containing 50 kD glycoprotein precursor that bound Wnt3a in vitro through FZC18 and suppressed Wnt3a-induced stabilization of β−catenin. Ectopic expression of either FZC18 (35 kD) or its 50 kD precursor inhibited Wnt/β−catenin signaling in colorectal and liver cancer cell lines, thus downregulating major cell cycle checkpoint gatekeepers cyclin D1 and c-myc and reducing tumor cell growth. By contrast, full-length V3C18 was unable to inhibit Wnt signaling. In summary, we identified a cell-surface signaling pathway whereby FZC18 inhibits Wnt/β−catenin signaling. The signal, encrypted within cell-surface C18, is released by enzymatic processing as an active frizzled cysteine-rich domain (CRD) that reduces cancer cell growth. Thus, extracellular matrix controls Wnt signaling through a collagen-embedded CRD behaving as a cell-surface sensor of proteolysis, conveying feedback cues to control cancer cell fate

    Basement Membrane Zone Collagens XV and XVIII/Proteoglycans Mediate Leukocyte Influx in Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion

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    Collagen type XV and XVIII are proteoglycans found in the basement membrane zones of endothelial and epithelial cells, and known for their cryptic anti-angiogenic domains named restin and endostatin, respectively. Mutations or deletions of these collagens are associated with eye, muscle and microvessel phenotypes. We now describe a novel role for these collagens, namely a supportive role in leukocyte recruitment. We subjected mice deficient in collagen XV or collagen XVIII, and their compound mutant, as well as the wild-type control mice to bilateral renal ischemia/reperfusion, and evaluated renal function, tubular injury, and neutrophil and macrophage influx at different time points after ischemia/reperfusion. Five days after ischemia/reperfusion, the collagen XV, collagen XVIII and the compound mutant mice showed diminished serum urea levels compared to wild-type mice (all

    Collagen XVIII in tissue homeostasis and dysregulation:lessons learned from model organisms and human patients

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    Abstract Collagen XVIII is a ubiquitous basement membrane (BM) proteoglycan produced in three tissue-specific isoforms that differ in their N-terminal non-collagenous sequences, but share collagenous and C-terminal non-collagenous domains. The collagenous domain provides flexibility to the large collagen XVIII molecules on account of multiple interruptions in collagenous sequences. Each isoform has a complex multi-domain structure that endows it with an ability to perform various biological functions. The long isoform contains a frizzled-like (Fz) domain with Wnt-inhibiting activity and a unique domain of unknown function (DUF959), which is also present in the medium isoform. All three isoforms share an N-terminal laminin-G-like/thrombospondin-1 sequence whose specific functions still remain unconfirmed. The proteoglycan nature of the isoforms further increases the functional diversity of collagen XVIII. An anti-angiogenic domain termed endostatin resides in the C-terminus of collagen XVIII and is proteolytically cleaved from the parental molecule during the BM breakdown for example in the process of tumour progression. Recombinant endostatin can efficiently reduce tumour angiogenesis and growth in experimental models by inhibiting endothelial cell migration and proliferation or by inducing their death, but its efficacy against human cancers is still a subject of debate. Mutations in the COL18A1 gene result in Knobloch syndrome, a genetic disorder characterised mainly by severe eye defects and encephalocele and, occasionally, other symptoms. Studies with gene-modified mice have elucidated some aspects of this rare disease, highlighting in particular the importance of collagen XVIII in the development of the eye. Research with model organisms have also helped in determining other structural and biological functions of collagen XVIII, such as its requirement in the maintenance of BM integrity and its emerging roles in regulating cell survival, stem or progenitor cell maintenance and differentiation and inflammation. In this review, we summarise current knowledge on the properties and endogenous functions of collagen XVIII in normal situations and tissue dysregulation. When data is available, we discuss the functions of the distinct isoforms and their specific domains

    Collagen XIII and other ECM components in the assembly and disease of the neuromuscular junction

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    Abstract Alongside playing structural roles, the extracellular matrix (ECM) acts as an interaction platform for cellular homeostasis, organ development, and maintenance. The necessity of the ECM is highlighted by the diverse, sometimes very serious diseases that stem from defects in its components. The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is a large peripheral motor synapse differing from its central counterparts through the ECM included at the synaptic cleft. Such synaptic basal lamina (BL) is specialized to support NMJ establishment, differentiation, maturation, stabilization, and function and diverges in molecular composition from the extrasynaptic ECM. Mutations, toxins, and autoantibodies may compromise NMJ integrity and function, thereby leading to congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMSs), poisoning, and autoimmune diseases, respectively, and all these conditions may involve synaptic ECM molecules. With neurotransmission degraded or blocked, muscle function is impaired or even prevented. At worst, this can be fatal. The article reviews the synaptic BL composition required for assembly and function of the NMJ molecular machinery through the lens of studies primarily with mouse models but also with human patients. In‐depth focus is given to collagen XIII, a postsynaptic‐membrane‐spanning but also shed ECM protein that in recent years has been revealed to be a significant component for the NMJ. Its deficiency in humans causes CMS, and autoantibodies against it have been recognized in autoimmune myasthenia gravis. Mouse models have exposed numerous details that appear to recapitulate human NMJ phenotypes relatively faithfully and thereby can be readily used to generate information necessary for understanding and ultimately treating human diseases

    Image-based assessment of microvascular function and structure in collagen XV- and XVIII-deficient mice

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    Collagen XV and XVIII are ubiquitous constituents of basement membranes. We aimed to study the physiological roles of these two components of the permeability barrier non-invasively in striated muscle in mice deficient in collagen XV or XVIII by dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI). Structural information was obtained with transmission electron microscopy (TEM). MR data were analysed by two different analysis methods to quantify tissue perfusion and microcirculatory exchange parameters to rule out data analysis method-dependent results. Control mice (C57BL/6J Ola/Hsd strain) or mice lacking either collagen XV (Col15a1−/−) or XVIII (Col18a1−/−) were included in the study. MR images were acquired using a preclinical system using gadodiamide (Gd-DTPA-BMA, molecular weight 0.58 kDa) as a tracer. Exchange capacity (permeability (P)–surface area (S) product relative to blood flow (FB)) was increased in test mice compared to controls, but the contributions from P, S, and FB were different in these two phenotypes. FB was significantly increased in Col18a1−/−, but slightly decreased in Col15a1−/−. PS was significantly increased only in Col18a1−/− even though P was increased in both phenotypes suggesting S might also be reduced in Col15a1−/− mice. Immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy demonstrated alterations in capillary density and morphology in both knockout mouse strains in comparison to the control mice. Both collagen XV and XVIII are important for maintaining normal capillary permeability in the striated muscle. DCE-MRI and the perfusion analyses successfully determined microvascular haemodynamic parameters of genetically modified mice and gave results consistent with more invasive methods

    Collagen XV, a multifaceted multiplexin present across tissues and species

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    Abstract Type XV collagen is a non-fibrillar collagen that is associated with basement membranes and belongs to the multiplexin subset of the collagen superfamily. Collagen XV was initially studied because of its sequence homology with collagen XVIII/endostatin whose anti-angiogenic and anti-tumorigenic properties were subjects of wide interest in the past years. But during the last fifteen years, collagen XV has gained growing attention with increasing number of studies that have attributed new functions to this widely distributed collagen/proteoglycan hybrid molecule. Despite the cumulative evidence of its functional pleiotropy and its evolutionary conserved function, no review compiling the current state of the art about collagen XV is currently available. Here, we thus provide the first comprehensive view of the knowledge gathered so far on the molecular structure, tissue distribution and functions of collagen XV in development, tissue homeostasis and disease with an evolutionary perspective. We hope that our review will open new roads for promising research on collagen XV in the coming years

    Haavan paraneminen ja arpeutumisen häiriöt

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    Tiivistelmä Ihohaavan nopea paraneminen on yksilön selviytymisen kannalta ratkaisevaa ihon elintärkeän suojaustehtävän vuoksi. Haavan paranemiseen liittyy useita kudosta korjaavia biologisia vasteita kuten hemostaasi, tulehdus, erilaisten solujen migraatio haava-alueelle, niiden jakautuminen ja erilaistuminen, angiogeneesi sekä sidekudoksen muodostus ja muokkaus. Häiriöt näissä tapahtumissa johtavat haavan kroonistumiseen tai liiallisen arpikudoksen muodostumiseen. Tarkastelemme akuutin haavan paranemisen vaiheita sekä arpeutumisen häiriöitä eli hypertrofisia arpia ja keloideja, jotka voivat aiheuttaa merkittävää toiminnallista ja kosmeettista haittaa. Haavan paranemiseen ja arven muodostumiseen liittyvien solu- ja molekyylitason mekanismien ymmärtäminen on ensiarvoisen tärkeää kehiteltäessä uusia hoitomenetelmiä palovammoista tai muista traumoista johtuvien laajojen ihoalueiden arpeutumisen ehkäisemiseen.Summary Wound healing and pathological scarring Efficient healing of skin wounds is crucial because of the vital barrier function of the skin. Multiple tightly coordinated regenerative responses are involved in the healing process, including hemostasis, migration of various cell types into the wound, inflammation, angiogenesis, and formation of the extracellular matrix. This review summarizes the phases of acute wound healing and excessive scarring which can lead to formation of hypertrophic scars or keloids, the two types of fibrotic scars that can cause significant functional or aesthetic disadvantage. Understanding of the mechanisms of wound healing is pivotal for developing new therapies to prevent fibrotic scarring of large skin wounds caused by burns or other traumas

    Autoimmune antibodies to collagen XIII in myasthenia gravis patients

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    Abstract Introduction: Evaluation of the nerve fascicular structure can be useful in diagnosing nerve damage, but it is a very challenging task with 3T MRI because of limited resolution. In this pilot study, we present the feasibility of high‐resolution 7T MRI for examining the nerve fascicular structure. Methods: A 3‐dimensional (3D) gradient‐spoiled sequence was used for imaging peripheral nerves in extremities. Images acquired with different in‐plane resolutions (0.42 × 0.42 mm vs. 0.12 × 0.12 mm), and different main field strengths (7T vs. 3T) were compared. Results: The individual nerve fascicles were identified at 0.12 × 0.12 mm resolution in both field strengths but not at 0.42 × 0.42 mm resolution. The fascicular structure was more sharply depicted in 7T images than in 3T images. Discussion: High‐resolution 3D imaging with 7T MRI demonstrated feasibility for imaging nerve fascicular structures

    Toward understanding scarless skin wound healing and pathological scarring [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Abstract The efficient healing of skin wounds is crucial for securing the vital barrier function of the skin, but pathological wound healing and scar formation are major medical problems causing both physiological and psychological challenges for patients. A number of tightly coordinated regenerative responses, including haemostasis, the migration of various cell types into the wound, inflammation, angiogenesis, and the formation of the extracellular matrix, are involved in the healing process. In this article, we summarise the central mechanisms and processes in excessive scarring and acute wound healing, which can lead to the formation of keloids or hypertrophic scars, the two types of fibrotic scars caused by burns or other traumas resulting in significant functional or aesthetic disadvantages. In addition, we discuss recent developments related to the functions of activated fibroblasts, the extracellular matrix and mechanical forces in the wound environment as well as the mechanisms of scarless wound healing. Understanding the different mechanisms of wound healing is pivotal for developing new therapies to prevent the fibrotic scarring of large skin wounds