773 research outputs found

    End user’s resistance to change from project team’s perspective

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    Nowadays organizations compete in dynamic and global business environment where competition is fierce and to survive the organizations need to change their operations and functions constantly (Agboola & Salawu 2011, 235, 241). Furthermore, the usage of information systems has become a necessity for the organizations (Chen, Liu & Chen) and thus, organizations use a lot of money and resources to develop their systems (Stoica & Brouse 2013, 728). However, the information system development projects often fail (Stoica & Brouse 2013, 728) and one of the reasons for the failure is the resistance to change (RTC). The RTC is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon (Hirschheim & Newman 1988, 400) and there is no simple solution how to mitigate its impact on the project outcome. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the project team and the end users and further the end users resistance to change from project team’s perspective. The objective was to find out how project team can influence on end users resistant behavior and enhance readiness for change and further, what kind of tools and methods the project team can use. The systematic literature review was made on two concepts, namely the IS project failures and the resistance to change. The empirical data was gathered through interviews and the collected data was encoded and analyzed based on the Grounded Theory methodology. The project team’s influence on end users’ RTC is limited due to the complex and multifaceted nature of the RTC formation. However, some conclusions can still be made from the gathered data. The project team can mainly influence on the end users’ RTC through the interaction between the project team and end users for instance the quality and timing of the information, the listening of end users’ concerns, and finding a mutual language. Furthermore, the collaboration within the team, the visibility of the team and planning carefully the resources for the project are important factors in the formation of end users’ RTC

    Analysts’ forecast accuracy in an unlisted company

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    Abstract. The purpose of this study is to investigate the optimism of analysts and the impact of the forecast period length on the accuracy of forecasts in unlisted companies. Previous research shows an optimistic bias towards forecasts by analysts in listed companies, and forecast error is positively correlated with the length of the forecast period. However, there is a lack of previous research on forecast optimism and accuracy for unlisted companies. This study aims to bridge this research gap and contribute to the understanding of forecast behavior in this context. The research questions and hypotheses of this study are derived from previous studies. Hypothesis 1 states that analysts make optimistic forecasts at the beginning of the fiscal year, while Hypothesis 2 proposes a positive correlation between forecast errors and the length of the forecast period. The data used in the study includes analysts’ one-year-ahead forecasts and the actual earnings and EBITDA figures for the corresponding period. The findings of this study reveal that analysts’ earnings forecasts in unlisted companies are also optimistic. Furthermore, the accuracy of these forecasts diminishes as the forecasted period extends. The accuracy of earnings forecasting significantly decreases from the seventh month onward, indicating that analysts can effectively forecast the first seven months. In contrast, there is no observed significant deterioration in the accuracy of EBITDA forecasting over time within the fiscal year. Thus, while the hypothesis regarding earnings is supported, the hypothesis concerning EBITDA is not supported by the results. In conclusion, this thesis contributes to the understanding of analysts’ forecasting behavior in unlisted companies. The results highlight the importance of considering the forecasted periods’ length and the positive bias when evaluating the analysis in unlisted companies. It is recommended to be meticulous for investors and financiers when relying on analysts’ long-term forecasts for unlisted companies. Further investigation is required to explore the accuracy and optimism of forecasts with a greater sample size. The study confirms the hypothesis that analysts tend to be optimistic when forecasting earnings for unlisted companies. This finding suggests the need for further research to explore the sources of this optimism and understand the underlying reasons, especially regarding the generalizable optimism

    Novel Architectonic Solutions for Industrial Log: Five Examples of Contemporary Architecture

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    There is a growing demand on using log as a construction material. In addition, production technology and technical properties of log products have undergone rapid changes in the era of industrial production. Examples for use of industrial log, that are architecturally suitable for the requirements of new uses, are few. For these reasons in this paper, it is explored what are the properties of industrial log building, and what kind of novel, structurally characteristic architectonic solutions for industrial log emerge in contemporary architecture. Besides a literature review, a qualitative analysis on five examples of contemporary architecture is conducted. As results, we showcase several novel architectonic solutions for industrial log. The first category of results, overall configuration of logs, includes entireties of logs that are structurally bearing, but also entireties where the logs act in other function than as structurally bearing. Entireties of logs are supported by next two categories – joining of logs and properties of individual logs, which can both be seen as components of the overall configuration. This study creates basis for further research on architectural possibilities of industrial logs. In addition, findings of this research can serve as an inspiration for designing architects and log house industry

    Perceptions of Log and Log Buildings among Finnish Architectural and Building Industry Professionals

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    Log as building material is undergoing rapid technological changes due to the introduction of industrially developed lamella log. This new material expands the technological repertoire that is available to architects when designing with log. Furthermore, various societal trends relating to ecology, occupant health, and contemporary architectural expression are potentially altering the status and desirability of log as a building material. Thus, from the point of view of architectural research, the log as a building material should be re-investigated. In this paper, our aim is to scrutinise log and log construction through exploring how log is currently perceived as a material among Finnish building professionals. For this purpose, we analyse interviews conducted with 15 professionals in Finland. To gain these research materials, we utilised a method where a traditional semi-structured interview is combined with an in-situ interview in a pavilion construct built by our research team. We complement these materials with brief reviews into wood research and the history of log construction in Finland

    Hajauta ja hallitse

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    Hallinnon hajauttamiskomitean (komiteanmietintö 1986:12) yhtenä sihteerinä toiminut kirjoittaja käsittelee artikkelissaan komitean työn lähtökohtia, tavoitteita ja ehdotuksia. Ehdotusten käsittelyssä keskitytään toisaalta hallintoa yleisesti koskeviin ja toisaalta opetus- ja aikuiskasvatushallintoa erityisesti koskeviin ehdotuksiin

    Individuality Included

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    Only a few percent of new detached houses in Finland are designed by architects. Most people planning to build a house use only free design services included in the price of house delivery. This means for example that a building engineer designs the house based on some standard model, which he changes according to discussions between sales person and customer. This often results in seemingly generic houses that do not capture most value of the plot. Log houses make no exception in the Finnish market, even if they are a somewhat luxury product abroad. Why do not people in Finland use architects for designing their log houses? Is it because of the price of the design work? How does the log manufacturer’s system of configuring houses work without architects? Are log house companies satisfied with the current system? Could mass customization strategies be suitable for developing design and production processes of log houses? This paper presents results of studying the need and supply of individuality of log houses, and current house design processes that let users participate configuring their new log homes in Finland. The study was carried out via consumer study and interviews of log house industry’s managing directors and sales personnel. All of these companies are building non-speculative individually-commissioned houses, building houses to meet customers’ individual orders rather than for stock. Based on our consumer study, there is a great demand for individual houses. Only 8,8% of the consumers would choose a standard house model. However only 10% of respondents would prefer a unique house designed by an architect, while 68.9% would prefer a modified standard model. Most important reason for not using architect is the price of the design work. This results in contradiction, since consumers want an individual house, but are not ready to pay for designing. Surprisingly, all interviewed managing directors of log house companies said they produce only individual houses. Customers always want some modifications even in the standard models, and that results in designing each house anew. This has a negative effect on the profits of the companies, since design work is included in the price of the house delivery. What customers might not realize is that when design work is done at the risk of house builders or even sales people, it is done with as little effort and cost as possible. Since the existing design process of log houses produces often seemingly generic but always laboriously planned houses, there would be need for improvement. Systematization of individual choices could benefit log house companies in terms of design resources. And If mass customization approach would bring architectural quality available to a broader group of new log house dwellers, they would benefit, too

    Tämän päivän ihminen kotimatkan maisemissa

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    Keveitä mekkoja ja kasvukipuja: Tyttönä olemisen ristiriitaista historiaa

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    Kirja-arvio teoksesta: Henna Karppinen-Kummunmäki, Tyttöjen vuosisadat. Lasten ja nuorten historiaa keskiajalta 1800-luvulle. Avain, 2022. 175 s

    Pretreatment categories, process alternatives and material characteristics in enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulose

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    Fractionation of lignocellulose materials to sugars is a major strategy for the production of renewable fuels and chemicals. This study compares the potential of two major pretreatment categories, hydrothermal treatment and delignification, and contributes to scientific understanding of the phenomena behind enzymatic hydrolysability of wheat straw. Delignification was found to allow higher sugar yields. Since enzyme consumption is a key cost of the fractionation process, the optimal yield target depends on enzyme price. To allow yield optimization, a novel empirical model was developed for the process sugar yield as a function of enzyme consumption and hydrolysis time. The usability of the model was demonstrated by comparing the feasibility of different process alternatives for fractionation. The changes in the material properties of lignocellulose by pretreatments were correlated to cellulose hydrolysability, and for the first time, the importance of the different properties was determined statistically. In the order of importance, the hydrolysis yield depended on cellulose surface area, pore accessibility, lignin content, lignin surface chemistry, cellulose crystallinity and hemicellulose content. During enzymatic hydrolysis, the surface area of cellulose correlated linearly with the total cellulose content, but contrary to expectations, hydrolysis did not reveal fresh lignin surfaces. Different rate constraining mechanisms were incorporated in a Michaelis-Menten type kinetic model, and it was found that permanent hydrolysis-dependent enzyme inactivation should be included with the previously well-established effects of product inhibition and reduction of hydrolysability. For improving fractionation processes, different technological solutions were studied. A flow through process was found to improve fractionation by delignification, but no additional improvement was achieved by counter-current operation. By studying and simulating the packing density and flow properties of a packed straw bed, a flow-through process was found to be possible without clogging the straw bed by compaction. The height of an industrial scale column is restricted by the applicable flow rate. With the simulation model, it was possible to determine the maximum volumetric throughput as a function of column height. Recycling of the solid residue during enzymatic hydrolysis was found to be inefficient for enzyme recycling, but efficient for product removal, with similar benefits as sequential hydrolysis. Both processes significantly improved the volumetric productivity of hydrolysis by increasing the solids concentration without reducing yield. Alternatively, this benefit could be redirected into increasing the yield by maintaining reaction volume with additional water, leading to dilution of the hydrolysis conditions.Lignoselluloosamateriaalien fraktiointia ja pilkkomista sokereiksi on tutkittu laajasti uusiutuvien polttoaineiden ja kemikaalien tuottamiseksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa vertailtiin kahden tärkeimmän esikäsittelykategorian, hydrotermisen käsittelyn ja delignifioinnin, vaikutusta vehnän oljesta entsyymihydrolyysillä saatavaan sokerisaantoon ja sen taustalla oleviin ilmiöihin. Suuremmat sokerisaannot saavutettiin delignifioinnilla. Koska entsyymikulutus on yksi prosessin avainkustannuksista, saantotavoite tulisi optimoida entsyymin hinnan mukaan. Tätä varten kehitettiin uusi empiirinen malli sokerisaannolle entsyymikulutuksen ja reaktioajan funktiona, ja mallin käyttöä havainnollistettiin suoraviivaisella kannattavuusanalyysillä eri fraktiointiprosesseille. Esikäsittelyjen vaikutuksia lignoselluloosan materiaaliominaisuuksiin vertailtiin hydrolyysisaantoihin ja eri ominaisuudet asetettiin ensimmäistä kertaa tilastollisesti tärkeysjärjestykseen seuraavasti: selluloosan pinta-ala, huokosrakenne, ligniinin määrä, ligniinin pintakemia, selluloosan kiteisyys ja hemiselluloosan määrä. Selluloosan pinta-ala pieneni lineaarisesti selluloosamäärän kanssa, kun taas ligniinin pinta-ala pysyi lähes muuttumattomana, vaikka hydrolyysin odotettiin paljastavan tuoreita ligniinipintoja. Erilaisia reaktionopeutta laskevia tekijöitä arvioitiin yhdistämällä niitä Michaelis-Menten –tyyppiseen kinetiikkamalliin. Havaittiin että aiemmissa malleissa huomioitujen lopputuoteinhibition ja hydrolysoituvuuden laskun lisäksi malliin on perusteltua lisätä hydrolyysiasteesta riippuva peruuttamaton inhibitiotekijä. Fraktioinnin tehostamiseksi tutkittiin vaihtoehtoisia prosessiratkaisuja. Läpivirtausprosessin havaittiin parantavan sokerisaantoja delignifioinnissa, mutta vastavirtaprosessi ei tuonut lisäparannusta suoraan läpivirtaukseen verrattuna. Olkipedin pakkaustiheyttä ja virtausominaisuuksia määritettiin ja simuloinnin avulla läpivirtausprosessi havaittiin käyttökelpoiseksi suuressa mittakaavassa. Oljen kokoonpuristuminen rajoitti käytettävää virtausnopeutta, mikä taas vaikutti kolonnin kapasiteettiin ja korkeuteen. Kolonnin kapasiteetti määritettiin korkeuden funktiona simuloinnin avulla. Kiintoaineen kierrätys entsyymihydrolyysissä ei toiminut entsyymien kierrätysmenetelmänä, mutta oli sen sijaan tehokas tapa poistaa tuotetta, yhtälailla kuin moninkertainen hydrolyysi. Kumpikin tehosti merkittävästi volumetrista tuottavuutta mahdollistamalla korkeamman kuiva-ainepitoisuuden ilman saannon laskua. Vaihtoehtoisesti hyöty kyettiin ohjaamaan hydrolyysisaannon kasvuksi vakioimalla reaktiotilavuus, jolloin veden lisäys johti kokonaisprosessiolosuhteiden laimenemiseen
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