408 research outputs found

    In vivo absorption spectroscopy of tumor sensitizers with femtosecond white light

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    A system based on a femtosecond white-light continuum and a streak camera was used for recordings of the in vivo absorption spectra of the tumor-seeking agent disulphonated aluminum phthalocyanine. Measurements for different drug doses were performed on tumor tissue (muscle-implanted adenocarcinoma) and normal muscle tissue in rats. It was found that the shape of the spectrum is tissue dependent. The peak of the absorption spectrum is blueshifted in tumor tissue as compared with the muscle. Thus the contrast in the drug-related absorption can be altered by up to a factor of 2 from the primary drug molecular-concentration contrast between normal muscle and tumor by the proper selection of the illumination wavelength

    Au Nanoparticles Decorated Graphene-Based Hybrid Nanocomposite for As(III) Electroanalytical Detection

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    Electrochemical sensors integrating hybrid nanostructured platforms are a promising alternative to conventional detection techniques for addressing highly relevant challenges of heavy metal determination in the environment. Hybrid nanocomposites based on graphene derivatives and inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) are ideal candidates as active materials for detecting heavy metals, as they merge the relevant physico-chemical properties of both the components, finally leading to a rapid and sensitive current response. In this work, a hybrid nanocomposite formed of reduced graphene oxide (RGO) sheets, surface functionalized by π-π interactions with 1-pyrene carboxylic acid (PCA), and decorated in situ by Au NPs, was synthesized by using a colloidal route. The hybrid nanocomposite was characterized by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy with respect to the corresponding single components, both bare and deposited as a layer-by-layer junction onto the electrode. The results demonstrated the high electrochemical activity of the hybrid nanocomposite with respect to the single components, highlighting the crucial role of the nanostructured surface morphology of the electrode and the PCA coupling agent at the NPs-RGO interphase in enhancing the nanocomposite electroactivity. Finally, the Au NP-decorated PCA-RGO sheets were tested by anodic stripping voltammetry of As(III) ion—a particularly relevant analyte among heavy metal ions—in order to assess the sensing ability of the nanocomposite material with respect to its single components. The nanocomposite has been found to present a sensitivity higher than that characterizing the bare components, with LODs complying with the directives established by the U.S. EPA and in line with those reported for state-of-the-art electrochemical sensors based on other Au-graphene nanocomposites

    On-going frontal alpha rhythms are dominant in passive state and desynchronize in active state in adult gray mouse lemurs

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    The gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) is considered a useful primate model for translational research. In the framework of IMI PharmaCog project (Grant Agreement n°115009, www.pharmacog.org), we tested the hypothesis that spectral electroencephalographic (EEG) markers of motor and locomotor activity in gray mouse lemurs reflect typical movement-related desynchronization of alpha rhythms (about 8-12 Hz) in humans. To this aim, EEG (bipolar electrodes in frontal cortex) and electromyographic (EMG; bipolar electrodes sutured in neck muscles) data were recorded in 13 male adult (about 3 years) lemurs. Artifact-free EEG segments during active state (gross movements, exploratory movements or locomotor activity) and awake passive state (no sleep) were selected on the basis of instrumental measures of animal behavior, and were used as an input for EEG power density analysis. Results showed a clear peak of EEG power density at alpha range (7-9 Hz) during passive state. During active state, there was a reduction in alpha power density (8-12 Hz) and an increase of power density at slow frequencies (1-4 Hz). Relative EMG activity was related to EEG power density at 2-4 Hz (positive correlation) and at 8-12 Hz (negative correlation). These results suggest for the first time that the primate gray mouse lemurs and humans may share basic neurophysiologic mechanisms of synchronization of frontal alpha rhythms in awake passive state and their desynchronization during motor and locomotor activity. These EEG markers may be an ideal experimental model for translational basic (motor science) and applied (pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions) research in Neurophysiology

    Monitoring Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Through Time Domain Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy in Breast Cancer Patients: Preliminary Clinical Results

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    The purpose of this clinical study is to monitor NeoAdjuvant Chemotherapy through time domain Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy, correlate the optical results with conventional imaging techniques and pathological response and eventually predict the efficacy of NAC in breast cancer patients. Our seven wavelength (635 -1060 nm) optical mammograph is used to perform non-invasive measurements on patients undergoing NAC in this study. The broad spectral range helps us to fully analyze tissue composition, that includes hemoglobin, water lipids and collagen concentration, to track the tumor response during the course of the therapy. In this paper, we present the preliminary results of five patients

    Preliminary Evidence of the Efficacy of Time-Resolved Broad-Spectrum Optical Mammography in Monitoring Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy

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    We present initial results of a clinical trial involving breast cancer patients under neoadjuvant chemotherapy, monitored through our time-resolved optical mammograph. Besides hemoglobin, water and lipids, we assess collagen concentration systematically for the first time

    Detection of internal quality in kiwi with a new optical technique (TDRS)

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    A compact system based on time-resolved diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (TDRS) has been developed to measure internal fruit quality parameters and has been applied to the non-destructive estimation of firmness, sugar content and acidity of kiwifruits. This new optical technique, developed in medical applications and related areas, provides a complete optical characterisation of a diffusive sample as it estimates at the same time and independently the light absorption inside the tissues and the scattering across them. The working principle of the technique is the analysis of the attenuation and broadening of the time-distribution of the remitted light, and the correct interpretation with a proper theoretical model. This main advantage compared to conventional optical techniques (which are only able to register the global attenuation spectrum) added to the compact, portable prototype developed along a three-year work opens the possibilities of this new measurement method in the food industry

    Statistics of maximum photon penetration depth in a two-layer diffusive medium

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    We present numerical results for the probability density function f(z) and for the mean value of photon maximum penetration depth in a two-layer diffusive medium. Both time domain and continuous wave regime are considered with several combinations of the optical properties (absorption coefficient, reduced scattering coefficient) of the two layers, and with different geometrical configurations (source detector distance, thickness of the upper layer). Practical considerations on the design of time domain and continuous wave systems are derived. The methods and the results are of interest for many research fields such as biomedical optics and advanced microscopy
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