6 research outputs found

    A Peptide–Nucleic Acid Replicator Origin for Life

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    Evolution requires self-replication. But, what was the very first self-replicator directly ancestral to all life? The currently favoured RNA World theory assigns this role to RNA alone but suffers from a number of seemingly intractable problems. Instead, we suggest that the self-replicator consisted of both peptides and nucleic acid strands. Such a nucleopeptide replicator is more feasible both in the light of the replication machinery currently found in cells and the complexity of the evolutionary path required to reach them. Recent theoretical and mathematical work supports this idea and provide a blueprint for future investigations

    Characterization of near-miss connectivity-invariant homogeneous convex polyhedral cages

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    Following the discovery of a nearly symmetric protein cage, we introduce the new mathematical concept of a near-miss polyhedral cage (p-cage) as an assembly of nearly regular polygons with holes between them. We then introduce the concept of the connectivity-invariant p-cage and show that they are related to the symmetry of uniform polyhedra. We use this relation, combined with a numerical optimization method, to characterize some classes of near-miss connectivity-invariant p-cages with a deformation below 10% and faces with up to 17 edges

    Reciprocal Nucleopeptides as the Ancestral Darwinian Self-Replicator

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    Even the simplest organisms are too complex to have spontaneously arisen fully-formed, yet precursors to first life must have emerged ab initio from their environment. A watershed event was the appearance of the first entity capable of evolution: the Initial Darwinian Ancestor. Here we suggest that nucleopeptide reciprocal replicators could have carried out this important role and contend that this is the simplest way to explain extant replication systems in a mathematically consistent way. We propose short nucleic- acid templates on which amino-acylated adapters assembled. Spatial localization drives peptide ligation from activated precursors to generate phosphodiester-bond-catalytic peptides. Comprising autocatalytic protein and nucleic acid sequences, this dynamical system links and unifies several previous hypotheses and provides a plausible model for the emergence of DNA and the operational code

    Artificial Protein Cage with Unusual Geometry and Regularly Embedded Gold Nanoparticles

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    Artificial protein cages have great potential in a number of areas including cargo capture and delivery and as artificial vaccines. Here, we investigate an artificial protein cage whose assembly is triggered by gold nanoparticles. Using biochemical and biophysical methods we were able to determine both the mechanical properties and the gross compositional features of the cage which, combined with mathematical models and biophysical data, allowed the structure of the cage to be predicted. The accuracy of the overall geometrical prediction was confirmed by the cryo-EM structure determined to sub-5 Ă… resolution. This showed the cage to be nonregular but similar to a dodecahedron, being constructed from 12 11-membered rings. Surprisingly, the structure revealed that the cage also contained a single, small gold nanoparticle at each 3-fold axis meaning that each cage acts as a synthetic framework for regular arrangement of 20 gold nanoparticles in a three-dimensional lattice

    Shape-Morphing of an Artificial Protein Cage with Unusual Geometry Induced by a Single Amino Acid Change

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    Artificial protein cages are constructed from multiple protein subunits. The interaction between the subunits, notably the angle formed between them, controls the geometry of the resulting cage. Here, using the artificial protein cage, “TRAP-cage”, we show that a simple alteration in the position of a single amino acid responsible for Au(I)-mediated subunit–subunit interactions in the constituent ring-shaped building blocks results in a more acute dihedral angle between them. In turn, this causes a dramatic shift in the structure from a 24-ring cage with an octahedral symmetry to a 20-ring cage with a C2 symmetry. This symmetry change is accompanied by a decrease in the number of Au(I)-mediated bonds between cysteines and a concomitant change in biophysical properties of the cage

    An ultra-stable gold-coordinated protein cage displaying reversible assembly

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    Symmetrical protein cages have evolved to fulfil diverse roles in nature, including compartmentalization and cargo delivery1, and have inspired synthetic biologists to create novel protein assemblies via the precise manipulation of protein–protein interfaces. Despite the impressive array of protein cages produced in the laboratory, the design of inducible assemblies remains challenging2,3. Here we demonstrate an ultra-stable artificial protein cage, the assembly and disassembly of which can be controlled by metal coordination at the protein–protein interfaces. The addition of a gold (i)-triphenylphosphine compound to a cysteine-substituted, 11-mer protein ring triggers supramolecular self-assembly, which generates monodisperse cage structures with masses greater than 2 MDa. The geometry of these structures is based on the Archimedean snub cube and is, to our knowledge, unprecedented. Cryo-electron microscopy confirms that the assemblies are held together by 120 S–Aui–S staples between the protein oligomers, and exist in two chiral forms. The cage shows extreme chemical and thermal stability, yet it readily disassembles upon exposure to reducing agents. As well as gold, mercury(ii) is also found to enable formation of the protein cage. This work establishes an approach for linking protein components into robust, higher-order structures, and expands the design space available for supramolecular assemblies to include previously unexplored geometries