26 research outputs found

    Right ventricular failure in left heart disease: from pathophysiology to clinical manifestations and prognosis

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    Right heart failure (RHF) is a clinical syndrome in which symptoms and signs are caused by dysfunction and/or overload of the right heart structures, predominantly the right ventricle (RV), resulting in systemic venous hypertension, peripheral oedema and finally, the impaired ability of the right heart to provide tissue perfusion. Pathogenesis of RHF includes the incompetence of the right heart to maintain systemic venous pressure sufficiently low to guarantee an optimal venous return and to preserve renal function. Virtually, all myocardial diseases involving the left heart may be responsible for RHF. This may result from coronary artery disease, hypertension, valvular heart disease, cardiomyopathies and myocarditis. The most prominent clinical signs of RHF comprise swelling of the neck veins with an elevation of jugular venous pressure and ankle oedema. As the situation worsens, fluid accumulation becomes generalised with extensive oedema of the legs, congestive hepatomegaly and eventually ascites. Diagnosis of RHF requires the presence of signs of elevated right atrial and venous pressures, including dilation of neck veins, with at least one of the following criteria: (1) compromised RV function; (2) pulmonary hypertension; (3) peripheral oedema and congestive hepatomegaly. Early recognition of RHF and identifying the underlying aetiology as well as triggering factors are crucial to treating patients and possibly reversing the clinical manifestations effectively and improving prognosis

    Myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA. focus on coronary microvascular dysfunction and genetic susceptibility

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    Among the most common causes of death worldwide, ischemic heart disease (IHD) is recognized to rank first. Even if atherosclerotic disease of the epicardial arteries is known as the leading cause of IHD, the presence of myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary artery disease (MINOCA) is increasingly recognized. Notwithstanding the increasing interest, MINOCA remains a puzzling clinical entity that can be classified by distinguishing different underlying mechanisms, which can be divided into atherosclerotic and non-atherosclerotic. In particular, coronary microvascular dysfunction (CMD), classifiable in non-atherosclerotic mechanisms, is a leading factor for the pathophysiology and prognosis of patients with MINOCA. Genetic susceptibility may have a role in primum movens in CMD. However, few results have been obtained for understanding the genetic mechanisms underlying CMD. Future studies are essential in order to find a deeper understanding of the role of multiple genetic variants in the genesis of microcirculation dysfunction. Progress in research would allow early identification of high-risk patients and the development of pharmacological, patient-tailored strategies. The aim of this review is to revise the pathophysiology and underlying mechanisms of MINOCA, focusing on CMD and actual knowledge about genetic predisposition to it

    Multidisciplinary studies on a sick-leader syndrome-associated mass stranding of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) along the Adriatic coast of Italy

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    Mass strandings of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) are rare in the Mediterranean Sea. Nevertheless, in 2014 a pod of 7 specimens stranded alive along the Italian coast of the Central Adriatic Sea: 3 individuals died on the beach after a few hours due to internal damages induced by prolonged recumbency; the remaining 4 whales were refloated after great efforts. All the dead animals were genetically related females; one was pregnant. All the animals were infected by dolphin morbillivirus (DMV) and the pregnant whale was also affected by a severe nephropathy due to a large kidney stone. Other analyses ruled out other possible relevant factors related to weather conditions or human activities. The results of multidisciplinary post-mortem analyses revealed that the 7 sperm whales entered the Adriatic Sea encountering adverse weather conditions and then kept heading northward following the pregnant but sick leader of the pod, thereby reaching the stranding site. DMV infection most likely played a crucial role in impairing the health condition and orientation abilities of the whales. They did not steer back towards deeper waters, but eventually stranded along the Central Adriatic Sea coastline, a real trap for sperm whales

    Tossino-genotipizzazione di Clostridium perfringens mediante protocollo di reazione a catena della polimerasi

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    Il DNA estratto da due raccolte di ceppi di Clostridium perfringens è stato sottoposto a un protocollo di reazione a catena della polimerasi (PCR) mediante PCR multiplex per evidenziare la presenza di geni cpa, cpb1, cpetx, cpi e PCR duplex per i geni cpe e cpb2 che codificano, rispettivamente, le tossine α, β1, ε, ι, enterotossina e β2. Le due raccolte hanno riguardato ceppi di C. perfringens, 19 di origine cunicola e 41 provenienti da specie animali differenti. Tutti i campioni di DNA sono risultati positivi per il gene cpa, rilevato singolarmente o in combinazione con il gene cpb2. L’evidenziazione del gene cpa ha caratterizzato il 63,2% dei ceppi di origine cunicola e il 76,9% dei ceppi isolati nelle altre specie animali. Il genotipo cpa+cpb2 è risultato presente in 7 ceppi (36,8%) di origine cunicola e in 9 ceppi (21,9%) provenienti da specie animali differenti. Nel coniglio, le lesioni patologiche associate all’isolamento di C. perfringens sono risultate, principalmente, forme di enteropatie non infiammatorie. Nelle specie diverse dal coniglio, C. perfringens è stato isolato prevalentemente in animali con enteropatie a carattere congestizio-emorragico ma anche con lesioni traumatiche fatali, malattie degenerative e organi in autolisi post-mortem. Nessuna chiara correlazione è stata osservata tra la positività per il gene della tossina β2 e quadri patologici specie-specifici

    Toxin genotyping of Clostridium perfringens strains using a polymerase chain reaction protocol

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    A polymerase chain reaction protocol consisting of a multiplex to identify the cpa, cpb1, cpetx, cpi genes and a duplex to identify the cpe and cpb2 genes encoding for a, b1, e, i, enterotoxin and b2 toxins, respectively, was applied to DNA extracted from two collections of Clostridium perfringens strains. The first collection involved 19 isolates from rabbits. The second collection of 41 isolates came from routine necropsies. The cpa gene alone, or in association with the cpb2 gene, was detected in all DNA samples examined. The cpa gene, together with cpb2 gene, were detected in seven of the rabbit C. perfringens strains (36.8%) and in nine isolates from necropsies (21.9%). The cpa gene was found in 63.2% of rabbit strains and 76.9% of strains from other animal species. In rabbits, the pathological lesions associated with C. perfringens detection were predominantly forms of non-inflammatory enteropathies. In other species, C. perfringens was mainly associated with congestive-haemorrhagic enteropathy, but also with fatal traumatic lesions, degenerative diseases and organs with post-mortem autolysis. No clear correlation was observed between detection of b2 toxin gene and species-specific pathological features

    A Pilot Study to Develop an Assessment Tool for Dogs Undergoing Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) in Italy. An Overview on the National Implementation of TNR Programmes

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    A descriptive analysis, inter-observer and test–retest reliability of the animal-based measures (ABMs) included in the protocol were performed. This study aimed at the development of a welfare assessment protocol for dogs recruited in the trap-neuter-release (TNR) programmes and the description of the implantation of these programmes in Italy. Nine Italian regions carried out TNR programmes. A varied scenario, along with some critical issues, emerged. Fifty dogs were recruited and assessed simultaneously by two assessors to determine the reliability of ABMs included in the protocol. A subsample of ten dogs were assessed three times to assess test–retest reliability. All females were neutered against 36% of males. Most dogs were adults (58%) and of a large size (68%). Vaccine prophylaxis and parasitic prevention were regular in 13% and 76% of dogs, respectively. Few dogs showed lameness, evidence of pain, other clinical problems, or thermal discomfort. Overall, 82% of dogs did not show fear or aggression to unfamiliar people. The level of agreement between the two assessors was quite high, ranging from substantial (0.61–0.80) to perfect (1) for the majority of measures. This study highlighted some critical issues in TNR implementation and the suitability of the protocol as a tool for animal welfare assessment

    Flecainide how and when. a practical guide in supraventricular arrhythmias

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    Transcatheter ablation was increasingly and successfully used to treat symptomatic drug refractory patients affected by supraventricular arrhythmias. Antiarrhythmic drug treatment still plays a major role in patient management, alone or combined with non-pharmacological therapies. Flecainide is an IC antiarrhythmic drug approved in 1984 from the Food and Drug Administration for the suppression of sustained ventricular tachycardia and later for acute cardioversion of atrial fibrillation and for sinus rhythm maintenance. Currently, flecainide is mostly used for sinus rhythm maintenance in atrial fibrillation (AF) patients without structural cardiomyopathy although recent studies enrolling different patient populations have demonstrated a good effectiveness and safety profile. How should we interpret the results of the CAST after the latest evidence? Is it possible to expand the indications of flecainide, and therefore, its use? This review aims to highlight the main characteristics of flecainide, as well as its optimal clinical use, delineating drug indications and contraindications and appropriate monitoring, based on the most recent evidence

    Pathophysiological adaptations to walking and cycling in primary pulmonary hypertension

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    Exercise tolerance inversely correlates with the severity of the disease in patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH). Cycling and walking protocols are commonly utilized in the evaluation of exercise intolerance in IPAH, but little information exists on possible differences in ventilatory and gas exchange adaptations to these exercise modalities. In a group of patients with moderate to severe IPAH (n = 13), we studied the ventilatory, cardiovascular and gas exchange adaptations to maximal incremental walking (W) and maximal incremental cycling (C). During W, compared to C, the ventilatory equivalents for CO2 Output (V'(E)/V'CO2) were significantly higher either expressed as the rate of increment (56 5 vs. 45 +/- 3; P < 0.0001) or as the absolute values at anaerobic threshold (AT) and at peak exercise. At AT, the increase in V'(E)/V'CO2 during W was associated with a significant lower value of end-tidal carbon dioxide. At peak W, compared to peak C, dyspnea sensation was higher and arterial oxygen saturation (SPO2) was lower (87 +/- 2 vs. 91 +/- 2, P < 0.001). In patients with IPAH the physiologic information obtained with W are different from those obtained with C. Tolerance to W exercise is limited by high ventilatory response and dyspnea sensation. W should be used to assess the degree of lung gas exchange inefficiency and arterial O-2 desaturation during exercise

    First report of Trichinella pseudospiralis in a wolf (Canis lupus italicus)

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    Within the genus Trichinella, Trichinella pseudospiralis is the only recognized non-encapsulated species known to infect mammals and birds. In October 2020, larvae recovered from muscle tissues of a wolf (Canis lupus italicus) originating from Molise Region, Central Italy, were molecularly confirmed as those of Trichinella britovi and T. pseudospiralis. This is the first detection of T. pseudospiralis from a wolf. In Italy, this zoonotic nematode was detected in a red fox (Vulpes vulpes), three birds (Strix aluco, Athene noctua, Milvus milvus) and five wild boars (Sus scrofa), and was also identified as the etiological agent of a human outbreak of trichinellosis in 2015. Since T. pseudospiralis is rarely reported from carnivore mammals in comparison to the encapsulated species frequently detected in these hosts, this finding opens the question of the role of carnivores as reservoirs for this parasite

    Trichinella britovi Larval Biomass in Wild Canids in the Abruzzi Region, Italy

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    This study estimated the larval biomass of larvae of Trichinella britovi in wild canids in annual batches of carcasses recovered from the Abruzzi region, Italy, during 2013–2020. The larval biomass decreased from about six million larvae in 2013 to less than three million in 2019–2020. The province of L’Aquila (99 positive specimens out of 109) was the territory most interested by Trichinella infection. As the larval biomass correlates with the larvae per gram, muscle mass and number of positive carcasses, it could be a better indicator to assess Trichinella infection in wildlife than the prevalence alone, which correlates with only positive carcasses and the examined ones