270 research outputs found

    MPA in Labor: Securing the Pearl Cays of Nicaragua

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    Implementation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) has always a step-zero, i.e., an initial phase when the idea is incepted, communicated and negotiated among stakeholders. What happens during this phase is likely to have an impact later on. If not done right, the management of the MPA may encounter problems at later stage that will be difficult to correct. Inspired by this working theory, this article describes the effort to establish the Pearl Cays off the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua as a protected area. This case-study illustrates the critical actions to be taken during step-zero, i.e., what needs to be considered and done before an MPA is formally declared. The area investigated consists of a number of small islands (cays) and coral reefs, fishing grounds and marine turtle nesting areas. Throughout history, the cays have played an important role in sustaining livelihoods of nearby communities. Although the idea of an MPA was originally conservation, the communities saw it as an opportunity to regain ownership and control of the cays. By Nicaraguan law, in order to establish protected areas, consultation and approval from local people is required. In the case of the Pearl Cays, this has proved difficult. The article demonstrates how MPA initiatives must sometimes relate to already ongoing complex social processes in the area where they are to be instigated

    MiR-34a Represses Numbl in Murine Neural Progenitor Cells and Antagonizes Neuronal Differentiation

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    MicroRNA (miRNA) function is required for normal animal development, in particular in differentiation pathways from stem cell and precursor populations. In neurogenesis, it is becoming increasingly appreciated that miRNAs act at many stages to ensure proper progression. In this study we examined the role of miR-34a in neural progenitor cells (NPC) derived from murine embryonic cortex. We found that over-expression of miR-34a in NPC significantly reduced the neuron yield upon in vitro induction of differentiation. MiR-34a has several predicted targets in the Notch pathway, which operates to balance progenitor self-renewal and differentiation during cortical neurogenesis. We tested several Notch pathway players for regulation by miR-34a in undifferentiated NPC, and found that mRNA and protein levels of Numbl, a negative regulator of Notch signaling, as well as two downstream pro-neural genes usually blocked by Notch signaling, NeuroD1 and Mash1, were diminished, while Notch1 and Cbf1 transcripts were enhanced by miR-34a over-expression. Using a luciferase reporter assay, we verified the Numbl 3′-UTR as a direct miR-34a target. Correspondingly, knock-down of endogenous miR-34a resulted in increased Numbl, NeuroD1 and Mash1, and reduced Notch1 transcript levels. Together these results implicate Numbl as a physiologically relevant target of miR-34a in NPC, allowing for enhanced Notch signaling and inhibition of neuronal differentiation. This work extends our understanding of miR-34a-mediated control of cell differentiation from cancer to mammalian nervous system development

    Félix, évêque de Messine (591-593)... et aussi ses liens prétendus avec Augustin de Cantorbéry

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    Pietri Charles, Pietri Luce. Félix, évêque de Messine (591-593)... et aussi ses liens prétendus avec Augustin de Cantorbéry. Hestiasis. Studi di tarda antichità offerti a Salvatore Calderone, dans Studi tardoantichi, VI, Messine, 1989 [1996], p. 191-199. In: Christiana respublica. Éléments d’une enquête sur le christianisme antique. Rome : École Française de Rome, 1997. pp. 385-391. (Publications de l'École française de Rome, 234

    Église universelle et Respublica chrìstiana selon Grégoire Le Grand

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    Pietri Charles, Pietri Luce. Église universelle et Respublica chrìstiana selon Grégoire Le Grand. Memorìam sanctorum venerantes. Miscellanea in onore di Mons. Victor Saxer, Studi di Antichità cristiana, P.I.A.C., XLVIII, Cité du Vatican, 1992, p. 647-665. In: Christiana respublica. Éléments d’une enquête sur le christianisme antique. Rome : École Française de Rome, 1997. pp. 721-739. (Publications de l'École française de Rome, 234

    Église universelle et Respublica chrìstiana selon Grégoire Le Grand

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    Pietri Charles, Pietri Luce. Église universelle et Respublica chrìstiana selon Grégoire Le Grand. Memorìam sanctorum venerantes. Miscellanea in onore di Mons. Victor Saxer, Studi di Antichità cristiana, P.I.A.C., XLVIII, Cité du Vatican, 1992, p. 647-665. In: Christiana respublica. Éléments d’une enquête sur le christianisme antique. Rome : École Française de Rome, 1997. pp. 721-739. (Publications de l'École française de Rome, 234

    Damase et Théodose. Communion orthodoxe et géographie politique

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    Pietri Charles. Damase et Théodose. Communion orthodoxe et géographie politique. Epektasis. Mélanges patristiques offerts au cardinal Jean Daniélou, Paris, 1972, p. 627-634. In: Christiana respublica. Éléments d’une enquête sur le christianisme antique. Rome : École Française de Rome, 1997. pp. 347-354. (Publications de l'École française de Rome, 234

    Note préliminaire

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    Pietri Charles. Note préliminaire. In: Deux constitutions, la Ve République et la République italienne. Parallèles et commentaires. Actes du colloque organisé par l'Associazione Italia-Francia et l'École française de Rome, du 1er au 3 décembre 1980. Rome : École Française de Rome, 1988. pp. 7-8. (Publications de l'École française de Rome, 112

    R. Turcan. Sénèque et les religions orientales

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    Pietri Charles. R. Turcan. Sénèque et les religions orientales. In: Revue de l'histoire des religions, tome 178, n°2, 1970. pp. 214-215

    Tabula gratulatoria

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    Pietri Charles. Tabula gratulatoria. In: Les Carrache et les décors profanes. Actes du colloque de Rome (2-4 octobre 1986) Rome : École Française de Rome, 1988. pp. 11-12. (Publications de l'École française de Rome, 106