23 research outputs found

    Study of exclusive one-pion and one-eta production using hadron and dielectron channels in pp reactions at kinetic beam energies of 1.25 GeV and 2.2 GeV with HADES

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    We present measurements of exclusive ensuremathπ+,0 and η production in pp reactions at 1.25GeV and 2.2GeV beam kinetic energy in hadron and dielectron channels. In the case of π+ and π0 , high-statistics invariant-mass and angular distributions are obtained within the HADES acceptance as well as acceptance-corrected distributions, which are compared to a resonance model. The sensitivity of the data to the yield and production angular distribution of Δ (1232) and higher-lying baryon resonances is shown, and an improved parameterization is proposed. The extracted cross-sections are of special interest in the case of pp → pp η , since controversial data exist at 2.0GeV; we find \ensuremathσ=0.142±0.022 mb. Using the dielectron channels, the π0 and η Dalitz decay signals are reconstructed with yields fully consistent with the hadronic channels. The electron invariant masses and acceptance-corrected helicity angle distributions are found in good agreement with model predictions

    The High-Acceptance Dielectron Spectrometer HADES

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    HADES is a versatile magnetic spectrometer aimed at studying dielectron production in pion, proton and heavy-ion induced collisions. Its main features include a ring imaging gas Cherenkov detector for electron-hadron discrimination, a tracking system consisting of a set of 6 superconducting coils producing a toroidal field and drift chambers and a multiplicity and electron trigger array for additional electron-hadron discrimination and event characterization. A two-stage trigger system enhances events containing electrons. The physics program is focused on the investigation of hadron properties in nuclei and in the hot and dense hadronic matter. The detector system is characterized by an 85% azimuthal coverage over a polar angle interval from 18 to 85 degree, a single electron efficiency of 50% and a vector meson mass resolution of 2.5%. Identification of pions, kaons and protons is achieved combining time-of-flight and energy loss measurements over a large momentum range. This paper describes the main features and the performance of the detector system

    Impact of the Coulomb field on charged-pion spectra in few-GeV heavy-ion collisions

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    In nuclear collisions the incident protons generate a Coulomb field which acts on produced charged particles. The impact of these interactions on charged-pion transverse-mass and rapidity spectra, as well as on pion–pion momentum correlations is investigated in Au + Au collisions at SNN\sqrt{^{S}NN} = 2.4 GeV. We show that the low-mt_{t} region (mt_{t} < 0.2 GeV / c2^{2}) can be well described with a Coulomb-modified Boltzmann distribution that also takes changes of the Coulomb field during the expansion of the fireball into account. The observed centrality dependence of the fitted mean Coulomb potential energy deviates strongly from a Apart2/3A_{part}^{2/3} scaling, indicating that, next to the fireball, the non-interacting charged spectators have to be taken into account. For the most central collisions, the Coulomb modifications of the HBT source radii are found to be consistent with the potential extracted from the single-pion transverse-mass distributions. This finding suggests that the region of homogeneity obtained from two-pion correlations coincides with the region in which the pions freeze-out. Using the inferred mean-square radius of the charge distribution at freeze-out, we have deduced a baryon density, in fair agreement with values obtained from statistical hadronization model fits to the particle yields

    Current Status of CVD Diamond Based Beam Detector Developments at the S-DALINAC

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    For future experiments with the HADES and CBM detectors at FAIR in Darmstadt, a radiation hard and fast beam detector is required. The beam detector has to perform precise T0 measurements (σ_{T0} < 50 ps) and should offer beam monitoring capabilities. These tasks can be fulfilled by utilizing single-crystal Chemical Vapor Deposition (scCVD) diamond based detectors. For research and development of such detectors, a test set-up is currently installed at the Superconducting Darmstadt Electron Linear Accelerator (S-DALINAC) of TU Darmstadt. In this contribution the concept and the performance of a prototype beam monitoring system will be discussed. Furthermore the preparatory work of the test set-up at the S-DALINAC will be addressed

    Upgrade of GSI HADES beamline in preparation for high intensity runs

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    HADES is a fixed target experiment using SIS18 heavy-ion beams. It investigates the microscopic properties of matter formed in heavy-ion, proton and pion - induced reactions in the 1-3.5 GeV/u energy regime. In 2014 HADES used a secondary pion beam produced by interaction between high-intensity nitrogen primary beam and a beryllium target. In these conditions beam losses, generated by slow extraction and beam transport to the experimental area, led to activation of the beam line elements and triggered radiation alarms. The primary beam intensity had to be reduced and the beam optics modified in order to keep radiation levels within the allowed limits. Similar beam conditions are requested by HADES experiment for upcoming run in 2018 and in the following years. Therefore, a number of measures have been proposed to improve beam transmission and quality. These measures are: additional shielding, additional beam instrumentation, modification of beam optics and increase of vacuum chambers' apertures in critical locations. The optics study and preliminary results of FLUKA simulations for optimization of location of loss detectors are presented

    First experimental time-of-flight-based proton radiography using low gain avalanche diodes

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    Ion computed tomography (iCT) is an imaging modality for the direct determination of the relative stopping power (RSP) distribution within a patient's body. Usually, this is done by estimating the path and energy loss of ions traversing the scanned volume via a tracking system and a separate residual energy detector. This study, on the other hand, introduces the first experimental study of a novel iCT approach based on time-of-flight (TOF) measurements, the so-called Sandwich TOF-iCT concept, which in contrast to any other iCT system, does not require a residual energy detector for the RSP determination. A small TOF-iCT demonstrator was built based on low gain avalanche diodes (LGAD), which are 4D-tracking detectors that allow to simultaneously measure the particle position and time-of-arrival with a precision better than 100um and 100ps, respectively. Using this demonstrator, the material and energy-dependent TOF was measured for several homogeneous PMMA slabs in order to calibrate the acquired TOF against the corresponding water equivalent thickness (WET). With this calibration, two proton radiographs (pRad) of a small aluminium stair phantom were recorded at MedAustron using 83 and 100.4MeV protons. Due to the simplified WET calibration models used in this very first experimental study of this novel approach, the difference between the measured and theoretical WET ranged between 37.09 and 51.12%. Nevertheless, the first TOF-based pRad was successfully recorded showing that LGADs are suitable detector candidates for TOF-iCT. While the system parameters and WET estimation algorithms require further optimization, this work was an important first step to realize Sandwich TOF-iCT. Due to its compact and cost-efficient design, Sandwich TOF-iCT has the potential to make iCT more feasible and attractive for clinical application, which, eventually, could enhance the treatment planning quality

    Exploring time like tranistions in pp, πp and AA reactions with HADES

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    Radiative transition of an excited baryon to a nucleon with emission of a virtual massive photon converting to dielectron pair (Dalitz decays) provides important information about baryon-photon coupling at low q2 in timelike region. A prominent enhancement in the respective electromagnetic transition Form Factors (etFF) at q2 near vector mesons ρ/ω poles has been predicted by various calculations reflecting strong baryon-vector meson couplings. The understanding of these couplings is also of primary importance for the interpretation of the emissivity of QCD matter studied in heavy ion collisions via dilepton emission. Dedicated measurements of baryon Dalitz decays in proton-proton and pion-proton scattering with HADES detector at GSI/FAIR are presented and discussed. The relevance of these studies for the interpretation of results obtained from heavy ion reactions is elucidated on the example of the HADES results