155 research outputs found

    Partnerstwo strategiczne Metody i środki polityki zagranicznej Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej wobec Rosji

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    Praca naukowa finansowana ze środków na naukę w latach 2010–2013 jako projekt badawczy własny nr N N116 273838. Grant przyznany na podstawie decyzji Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego nr 2738/B/H03/2010/3

    Metody i środki realizacji celów polityki ChRL w relacjach z ASEAN

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    Praca naukowa finansowana ze środków na naukę w latach 2010–2013 jako projekt badawczy własny nr N N116 273838. Grant przyznany na podstawie decyzji Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego nr 2738/B/H03/2010/3

    Vietnam Game Between USA and China

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    Vietnam tries to respond to changing international situations, while attempting to stay in accordance with its own ambitions. China and the USA, the two superpowers, are the most important partners of Vietnamese strategy, which is determined by these two countries. The most important economic partner and ideological ally is China. But both sides have some serious problems to resolve such as maritime disputes. The situation imposes the need to seek counterbalance, a reliable ally who provides protection for its own interests. So Vietnam looks to balance improved relations with China while seeking deeper and multidimensional relations with the USA. The United States offers many advantages that are attractive to Vietnam. Inevitably, economic ties and new projects e.g. TPP, political, cultural and scientific cooperation make up these advantages. However, the United States can only provide support for the Spratly and Paracel Islands’ dispute and improving cooperative measures in the South China Sea with the presence of U.S. naval vessels and dialogue that assists Vietnam defense. Vietnam has again become an element in the American strategy of pivoting to Asia


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    The project was finances by the Polish National Science Centre (Agreement No. UMO-2013/11B/HS5/04121)

    The International Activity of Federal Subjects of the Russian Federation on the Case of the Far East

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    The project was finances by the Polish National Science Centre (Agreement No. UMO-2013/11B/HS5/04121)

    Konflikt o archipelagi na Morzu Południowochińskim i perspektywy jego uregulowania

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    Pomysł na przygotowanie tej monografii pojawił się w związku z chęcią podsumowania bogatego dorobku naukowego samodzielnych pracowników nauki Wydziału Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politologicznych Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Publikacja ma na celu ukazanie eksperckiego potencjału tego zespołu, który zajmuje się bardzo szerokim spektrum międzynarodowych problemów politycznych, społecznych, ekonomicznych i kulturowych. Interdyscyplinarność jest traktowana jako ważny atut prowadzonych przez nas badań politologicznych oraz kulturowych. Jest ona jednocześnie wyrazem konsekwentnego dążenia do posługiwania się nowoczesnymi metoda mi naukowymi, łączącymi harmonijnie wiedzę z zakresu nauk społecznych, humanistycznych i ekonomicznych. Autorzy w swoich opracowaniach podjęli zarówno szczegółowe wątki związane z wyzwaniami strategicznymi występującymi w wybranych regionach świata, jak też bardziej uniwersalne rozważania nad warsztatem badawczym naukowca zajmującego się międzynarodowymi studiami politologicznymi i kulturowymi.Konflikt o wyspy Spratly i Paracele na Morzu Południowochińskim trwa z różnym natężeniem od połowy lat siedemdziesiątych XX w. Głównymi stronami w konflikcie są: Chiny i Wietnam oraz Tajwan, które pretendują do całości wysp Spratly i Paracele oraz w przypadku Spratly do niektórych wysp również Filipiny i niektóre inne państwa regionu. Wyspy mają znaczenie strategiczne, znajdują się na ważnym szlaku handlowym, ponadto przypuszczalnie są bogate w ropę naftową. Mimo podjęcia zobowiązań międzynarodowych periodycznie Chiny prezentują siłę w tym konflikcie, co stwarza poważne zagrożenie dla stabilności regionalnej.The conflict over the Spratly and Paracel Islands has lasted, with different intensity, since the mid-1970s. The main parties are China, Vietnam and Taiwan, who have been claiming sovereignty over whole archipelagos of Spratly and Paracel, as well as the Philippines and some other countries in the region, who have been claiming partial rights to the Spratly Islands. The islands possess a strategic significance, they are situated on an important trade route, and they probably have rich oil deposits. Despite its international commitments, China has used force in the conflict, which creates severe threat for the regional stability

    Building the Diverse Community. Beyond Regionalism in East Asia. Region, regionalism, regionalization – definitions, settlements and research field

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    The processes in East and South Asian became a peculiar subject for global community of international relations in the field. The presented volume is a collection of papers dealing with the processes of regionalization in East and South Asia. We collected papers from different academic unit both from Europe and Asia. Taking regionalization as a core subject of the volume the readers will discover the complexity of ongoing processes in East and South Asia. We present collection of papers from a very different perspectives starting from the theoretical debates, through economic dimensions of integration to political and military scope of regionalization in East and South Asia. The whole volume presents the diversity of understanding among international relations scholars community. By shaping the diverse view we can possess the better and in depth understanding of East Asia

    Biological Soil Crusts of the Great Plains: A Review

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    Biological soil crusts (BSCs), or biocrusts, are composed of fungi, bacteria, algae, and bryophytes (mosses, etc.) that occupy bare soil, entwining soil particles with filaments or rootlike structures and/or gluing them together with polysaccharide exudates to form a consolidated surface crust that stabilizes the soil against erosion. BSCs are common in arid and semiarid regions where vascular plant cover is naturally sparse, maximizing the exposure of surface-dwelling organisms to direct sunlight. Although less prominent and less studied there, BSC organisms are also present in more mesic areas such as the Great Plains where they can be found in shortgrass and mixed-grass prairie, in the badlands of several states, where burrowing animals have created patches of bare soil, on damaged road-cuts, strip-mines, gas and oil drill pads, military training areas, heavily grazed areas, and burn scars. Even where BSCs are not readily visible to the naked eye, many of the organisms are still present. BSC organisms are passively dispersed to the Great Plains as airborne organismal fragments, asexual diaspores, or sexual spores that accompany wind-blown dust from as far away as northern China and Mongolia. BSCs can best be studied and managed by 1) acknowledging their presence; 2) documenting their diversity, abundance, and functional roles; and 3) minimizing unnecessary disturbance, particularly when the soils are dry. This paper describes the current knowledge of Great Plains BSCs in an effort to heighten awareness of these cryptic but crucial ecosystem components and to encourage new research initiatives to better understand and manage them in this biome. Some specific actions may include refined taxonomic and ecologic studies of BSC organisms in underexplored areas, particularly those previously less or not recognized as BSC habitat, and incorporation of techniques to sample airborne organisms

    Global temporal patterns in plant nutrient resorption plasticity

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    Aim Leaf nutrient resorption is a key nutrient conservation trait, which also influences nutrient cycling rates and pools. Most global biogeochemical models assume that resorption is non‐varying at a temporal scale. However, this trait can differ substantially within populations among years. We assessed the commonality of attaining proficient resorption, the factors associated with proficient resorption, as well as the variability of this trait and the factors controlling trait variability


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