11 research outputs found

    Henkisen kehityksen kaksi mallia

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    Of the two models of mental development referred to by the author, one is the prevailing “model of the expert” where the main aim of intellectual education is a wide store of scientific knowledge and the use of expertise in the solving of problems. Thanks to the model, science and technology have developed enormously starting from the Renaissance. The other model is referred to by the author as the model of mental growth of the Ancient times, the “model of the sage”. In this way, the article is an examination the usefulness of the models – on the part of wisdom there is a special emphasis on creative ability to survive – in a person’s life situations and life course. The author uses the models of mental growth for constructing a further synthesis, a model of bipolar expertise.Henkisen kehityksen kaksi mallia. Kirjoittajan tarkoittamista henkisen kehityksen kahdesta mallista toinen on vallitseva kasvatuksen malli, joka asettaa intellektuaalisen kasvatuksen päätavoitteiksi laajan tieteellisen tiedon varaston sekä asiantuntemuksen käytön ongelmaratkaisuissa. Sen ansiosta on tiede ja tekniikka kehittyneet suunnattomasti aina renessanssista lähtien. Toista mallia kirjoittaja luonnehtii antiikin henkisen kasvun malliksi, ”viisauden malliksi”. Artikkelissa eritellään näin mallien käyttökelpoisuutta – viisauden osalta erityisesti luovaa selviytymiskykyä – ihmisen elämäntilanteissa ja elämän kulussa. Kirjoittaja konstruoi henkisen kasvun mallien pohjalta edelleen synteesin, kaksinapaisen asiantuntemuksen mallin

    Zemsta, czyli o alienacji pewnej metody [dokument dźwiękowy]

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    26 min, format mp3, 128 kbit/s

    Dlaczego nie 8/7 ( magazyn po roku) [dokument dźwiękowy]

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    40 min, format mp3, 128 kbit/s

    Discretization process impact on compressed radar signal parameters

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    W artykule przedstawiono istotę zjawiska wywołanego dyskretyzacją radarowego sygnału złożonego. Dokonano próby jakościowej oraz ilościowej oceny wpływu tego zjawiska na parametry sygnału radarowego po kompresji. Do rozważań przyjęto sygnał z liniową modulacją częstotliwości (LMCz). Badanymi parametrami sygnału były: względny poziom maksymalnego listka bocznego (PSL) oraz straty sygnału użytecznego wywołane niedopasowaniem (LPG). Rozważania zilustrowano przykładowymi wynikami badań symulacyjnych. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników dokonano próby sformułowania wniosków praktycznych.Modem techniques of digital signal processing are the basis of modem radar receiver systems. It causes that radar characteristics are created among others by digitization procedure including its additional products. That is why awareness concerning these products presence and their qualitative and quantitative estimation is difficult to overestimate. An example of such a product is an effect of an echo — pulse leading edge random position with relation to a nearest discrete time value determined by an AD converter sampling clock. This effect influence on signal characteristics at the output of the digital compression filter is very important. The essence of the phenomenon caused by radar chirp signal digitization is presented in the paper. To be more precise - efforts leading to qualitative and quantitative estimation of this phenomenon influence on radar signal after compression were undertaken. The LFM signal was chosen into consideration. Tested signal parameters were as follows: relative level of a peak side lobe (PSL) and echo signal loses caused by a mismatch. Considerations are illustrated by simulation test results. Practical conclusions were taken on the basis of the achieved results

    The priority assignment for detected targets in multifunction radar

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    In a multifunction radar there is necessity to manage its very limited resources. This management should concern, among others, detected targets importance description. So information of those with lower priority will be refreshed more rarely. Presented paper describes system that assigns ranks for all detected objects in real time and then puts targets in order of priority. The system is based on structure of artificial neuron. Methods of neuron learning are discussed

    The Application of the Data Fusion Methods in the Multifunction Radar Resources Management

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    W referacie poruszono tematykę związaną z zarządzaniem zasobami radaru wielofunkcyjnego. Jako jeden z elementów tego procesu wyróżniono priorytetyzację (rangowanie) zadań realizowanych przez radar. Rangowanie jest wymuszone przez potencjalnie niedostateczne zasoby wymagane do realizacji wszystkich zadań radaru, stąd konieczność szeregowania obsługiwanych przezeń obiektów zgodnie z ich istotnością. W referacie scharakteryzowano dane źródłowe zasilające proces rangowania oraz przedstawiono algorytmy przetwarzania tych danych. Zaprezentowane algorytmy oparto na wybranych metodach fuzji danych. Przedstawiono przebieg i wyniki badań procesu rangowania oraz wyniki badań wpływu zastosowania rangowania na niektóre parametry zarządzania zasobami radaru wielofunkcyjnego.The paper deals with the problem of the multifunction radar resources management (RRM). The objectives of RRM are: optimal (from the radar performance point of view) resources allocation and the device operation control. As a result of RRM, it is expected a matrix containing information for the execution systems: " what, when, and how to do. The main constraints to deal with in the radar work are: time and energy limitations. If it is enough resource to execute all the tasks, the tasks execution is feasible. But in real situation one should not expect such a comfort. Typically neither time nor energy is enough and the questions arises what to do in these circumstances. It is obvious that only selected tasks can be executed, the RRM should answer which of them and in what order. To answer these questions, the structure of the RRM was proposed. First of all it is necessary to rank the tasks in order of their priorities, then to select the most important of them and schedule their execution. RRM is decomposed into two sub-problems, e.g.: ranking and task scheduling. The ranking belongs to the identification problems class, while the scheduling can be treated as an optimization task. The paper presents the data fusion approach to the task ranking. There are numerous examples of utilization of the data fusion tools in order to solve the identification problems. The conclusions from these examples can be following: the neural networks which have the ability to learn from the presented examples have also disadvantage of impossibility of extraction of the gathered knowledge. The internal processes of reasoning are neither well described nor studied, so they are not a good tool for military application, which the multifunction radar is. Fuzzy logic systems (based on the fuzzy sets theory and fuzzy logic) have the advantage of good and clear knowledge representation and ability to relatively easy implementation of the expert knowledge. The good side of the fuzzy systems is their possibility of maintaining and fusion of the imperfect knowledge. The disadvantage is the lack of ability to learn whole the knowledge from the examples. Some hybrid solutions are necessary. Four solutions are presented in the paper: neural, fuzzy, fuzzy — neural and probabilistic — fuzzy. In order to implement data fusion tools, the base test platform was designed and implemented. In fact, the test platform is a complex process of multifunction radar resources management, as well as it deals with the task scheduling problem. In order to evaluate the algorithms presented in the paper, some factors of radar work performance were defined. Presented ranking algorithms have capability of learning with use of the registered data learning set. Algorithms with their knowledge bases were tested and compared. The conclusion is following: the use of ranking process gives approximately two times better performance in task removal/delay aspect. On the other hand, the quality of algorithm (its accuracy) has lower influence on the final result. It means that for the use in radar application the algorithm with the best convergence during learning process and stability should be recommended. It is also important that the algorithm should have clear knowledge representation. These requirements meet two of the presented algorithms: neural - fuzzy and probabilistic - fuzzy. The first one was used against the positional data, the second one gave the best results for identification data. It is important, that overall performance of the presented RRM and ranking algorithms was tested with the use of real registered data, what makes it very interesting from the application point of view

    Synthetic Aperture Radar Using Emitters of Opportunity

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    The capability of a radar imaging system to stay undetected while gathering data is one of the most desired for military reconnaissance systems. This is particularly difficult to achieve for synthetic aperture radar (SAR), that have to emit electromagnetic energy all the time during the operation and to move along a strictly defined route. Therefore the idea of a passive imaging system although encountering many constraints seems to be very interesting. The possibilities of a passive synthetic aperture radar system working with different types of emitters of opportunity are described in the paper. Impact of signal characteristics on image quality and geometry issues are discussed among others. Results of computer simulations of such a system implementing different imaging algorithms as well as the results of the experiment performed with passive SAR system model are presented

    A SAW dispersive filter synthesis based on the spectral theory

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    The selected applications of the surface acoustic wave devices in the area of the signal processing are presented. In the analysis based on the spectral theory, the metallization coefficient of the strips is taken into account. It influences the change of the surface wave velocity of the open and short-circuited strips. The synthesis of the dispersive line based on the theoretical analysis results is presented. The experimental characteristics for the quartz based dispersive line as an application for the radar signal processing is presented

    Humor From The Perspective Of Positive Psychology. Implications For Research On Development In Adulthood

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    The purpose of the article is the presentation of the ways that humor was understood within the current of positive psychology; the state and advances of research on the significance of this property in achieving and safeguarding a "good life” as well as the legitimacy and possibility of applying the theoretical and research approach devised by the mentioned orientation approaches to issues connected with humor to the field of developmental psychology during the life course. A conceptualisation of humor was presented as a character strength comprising the virtue of transcendence in the approach of Peterson and Seligman, a composite of wisdom in the concept of Webster and of a thinking style, experiencing and action in the theory of Martin. A review of research was then undertaken: humor as a virtue imbuing property; humor correlates understood from the perspective of positive psychology; manifestations of its regulative role and individual differences in humor as a resource contributing to individual growth. In the closing paragraphs a suggestion was formulated regarding humor research as a resource that supports positive development, namely, the fulfilment of developmental tasks, overcoming developmental crises and coping with problems connected with ageing

    Do individual wisdom concepts depend on value?

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    Psychological wisdom concepts were reviewed. 304 people aged 18-85 were tested with use of a questionnaire aimed at learning individual (popular) wisdom concepts. Popular wisdom concepts take into account broad declarative and procedural knowledge, life experience of a person and the features of his/her character. Explicitly, under a half of respondents take the following wisdom criteria into account (also acknowledged by the psychological concepts): balancing own profits with concern for others and relation to existential problems, such as sense and direction of life. The respondents lack the consciousness that wisdom is associated with: acting for common (global) good, deep and conscious reflection of value system (consciousness of subjective value system relativity, reflecting on the issue of objective values), the consciousness of limited nature of knowledge and logical thinking and developing relativistic and dialectic thinking. 5 clusters were differentiated, representing popular wisdom concept types. In order to verify the hypothesis about the connection between popular wisdom concepts and the value system of the research participants, value questionnaires were used: Scheler’s (SWS) and Schwarz’s Portrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ). The hypothesis was confirmed. Popular wisdom concepts (what people consider to be wisdom) are connected with values appreciated by them