57 research outputs found

    Modelling and analysis of traffic networks based on graph transformation

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    This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the Symposium on Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems, FORMS/FORMATS 2004 , held in Braunschweig on 2004We present the formal definition of a domain specific visual language (Traffic) for the area of traffic networks. The syntax has been specified by means of meta-modelling. For the semantics, two approaches have been followed. In the first one, graph transformation is used to specify an operational semantics. In the second one we include timing information and a denotational semantics is defined in terms of Timed Transition Petri Nets (TTPN). The transformation from the Traffic formalism into TTPN was also defined by graph transformation. Both approaches have been used for the analysis of Traffic models. The ideas have been implemented in the AToM3 tool and are illustrated with examples.Juan de Lara’s work has been partially sponsored by a grant from the E.U. SEGRAVIS research network (HPRN-CT-2002-00) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (TIC2002-01948). Hans Vangheluwe gratefully acknowledges partial support for this work by a National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Individual Research Grant

    Meta-modelling hybrid formalisms

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    Proceedigns of 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control Systems DesignPersonal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. S. Lacoste-Julien, H. Vangheluwe J. de Lara, and P. J. Mosterman, "Meta-modelling hybrid formalisms", 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, Taipei, China, 2004, pp. 65-70This article demonstrates how meta-modelling can simplify the construction of domain-and formalism-specific modelling environments. Using AToM3 (a tool for multi-formalism and meta-modelling developed at McGill University), a model is constructed of a hybrid formalism, HS, that combines event scheduling constructs with ordinary differential equations. From this specification, an HS-specific visual modelling environment is synthesized. For the purpose of this demonstration, a simple hybrid model of a bouncing ball is modelled in this environment. It is envisioned that the future of modelling and simulation in general, and more specifically in hybrid dynamic systems design lies in domain-specific computer automated multi-paradigm modelling (CAMPaM) which combines multi-abstraction, multi-formalism, and meta-modelling. The small example presented in this article demonstrates the feasibility of this approac

    Cyber-Physical Systems Can Make Emergency Response Smart

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    This paper from the Humanitarian Technology: Science, Systems and Global Impact 2015 conference proceedings discusses the Smart Emergency Response System prototype built in the context of the SmartAmerica Challenge 2013-2014 by a team of nine organizations led by MathWorks

    A Simulation Environment for Hybrid Dynamic Systems

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    This report describes the architecture and implementation of a simulator environment for models of physical systems with mixed continuous/discrete, hybrid, behavior in the DSblock 4.0 model specification format

    An Environment for the Integrated Modelling of Systems with Complex Continuous and Discrete Dynamics

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    The modelling and simulation of sophisticated technical systems is a demanding task. On the one hand, the physical part consists of a large number of subsystems which exhibit predominantly continuous dynamics, sometimes with (infrequent) discontinuities. On the other hand, the distributed computerised control systems constitute complex discrete-time and discrete-event systems that require completely different modelling and simulation methods. For an evaluation of the behaviour and the performance of the overall systems, both types of models have to be combined and simulated efficiently. This contribution presents the requirements for a modelling environment for such systems and discusses an approach that consists of object-oriented modelling and efficient simulation of the physical part using the physical systems modelling language MODELICA, a software environment for the definition of discrete-event models using various formalisms, and the integration of both parts of the system via model translation. The coordination of both parts is performed by the MODELICA simulator. The modelling environment called DES/M (discrete-event systems for Modelica) supports the interoperation of different domain specific discrete-event formalisms. To illustrate the usage of the environment, a laboratory batch plant model is presented. A more elaborate example is described in another contribution in this volume (Mosterman et al., 2002)