37 research outputs found

    Lahad Datu Standoff and Its Impacts on the GE13 Results in Sabah

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    The so-called ‘Lahad Datu Standoff’ was a brief security crisis from early February 2013, when a group of several hundred rag-tag militiamen from Simunul and Tawi-Tawi islands in the neighboring southern Philippines who arrived by boats in Sabah and began occupying several villages. Proclaiming themselves as the ‘Royal Army of the Sulu Sultanate’, the gunmen represented the heirs of a long-defunct kingdom, which once controlled the territory until the late nineteenth century. The self-proclaimed Sultan of Sulu, Jamalul Kiram III, who was directing the militant incursion, insisted that Sabah was rightfully part of his kingdom. While engaging police in several firefights, the insurgents beheaded and mutilated several captured Malaysian security personnel, prompting Malaysian forces to deploy fighter jets in a successful operation to flush out the intruders. According to media reports, individuals in the highest levels of the Malaysian government were suspicious of a conspiracy, especially considering the highly unusual timing of the Sulu operation, which was so close to elections in both Malaysia and the Philippines. Najib Razak, the Malaysian Prime Minister, expressed concern that the Lahad Datu crisis would negatively affect the ongoing status of Sabah as a Barisan Nasional (BN) ‘fixed-deposit’ state for votes. Meanwhile, the opposition leaders had been increasingly successful in highlighting local issues such as marginalisation in national development initiatives, Sabah’s oil royalty, corruption among local UMNO leaders, illegal immigrants, dissatisfaction on federal-states relations and the integrity of election process. Nevertheless, despite the crisis in Lahad Datu and the success of opposition leaders in highlighting local issues, Sabah (and Sarawak) once again became the key determinants of who forms the majority in the Malaysian parliament. Specifically, BN won 22 of 25 parliamentary seats in Sabah (and 25 of 31 parliamentary seats in Sarawak). Analysing various sources such as books, journals, newspapers and blogs, this paper will argue that the Lahad Datu standoff was the Barisan Nasional’s ‘lifesaver’ in Sabah

    Komunikasi timbal balik : cara menjalin hubungan dan menghindari konflik

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    191 p.; 21 cm

    Komunikasi Timbal Balik : Cara Menjalin Hubunga Dan Menghindari Konflik

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    Pemahaman budaya merupakan salah satu faktor krusial yang menentukan kesuksesan bisnis dalam kancah global. Bila faktor budaya diabaikan, bisnis bisa berantakan. Buku ini merangkum 100 kisah unik kesalahpahaman lintas budaya dan akibatnya, di antaranya: Maskapai penerbangan EMU berusaha masuk Australia, padahal Emu adalah nama jenis burung khas Australia yang tidak bisa terbang. Mobil Matador yang artinya pembunuh dipasarkan di Puerto Riko yang tingkat kecelakaan lalu lintasnya tinggi. Kampanye promosi Schweppes Tonic Water di Italia diterjemahkan menjadi Schweppes Toilet Water. Produsen makanan bayi Gerber memakai kemasan bergambar bayi cakep imut-imut di Afrika tanpa menyadari bahwa mayoritas konsumen buta huruf di sana terbiasa dengan produk yang memasang gambar isi produk di label kemasan. Dan masih banyak kasus-kasus lainnya. Ada pepatah yang mengatakan “Orang pintar belajar dari pengalamannya sendiri, namun orang bijak belajar dari pengalaman orang lain.” Oleh sebab itu, kita bisa memetik hikmah dari 100 kisah unik yang diungkap buku ini dan berusaha tidak melakukan kesalahan yang sama

    FBA: True Collaboration Amongst Educators and Behavior Analysts

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    Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is the foundation to addressing challenging behaviors and barriers to learning. Participants will learn the importance and benefit of collaboration amongst all members of the educational team as well as details of the necessary steps in ensuring the success of the FBA and success of the student. Attendees will acquire knowledge in the areas of identifying when an FBA is required, data collection (indirect and direct), data analysis, functions of behavior, and replacement behaviors as well as classroom management techniques. A Functional Behavior Assessment is applicable yet not restricted to a classroom setting therefore parents/caregivers and all service providers are welcome and encouraged to attend

    On the Equilibria of Generalized Dynamical Systems

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    This research work presents original properties of the equilibrium critical (ideal) points sets for an important class of generalized dynamical systems. The existence and significant results regarding such points are specified. Strong connections with the Vector Optimization by the Efficiency and the Potential Theory together with its applications following Choquet’s boundaries are provided