496 research outputs found

    Using glacier seismicity for phase velocity measurements and Green's function retrieval

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    High-melt areas of glaciers and ice sheets foster a rich spectrum of ambient seismicity. These signals not only shed light on source mechanisms (e.g. englacial fracturing, water flow, iceberg detachment, basal motion) but also carry information about seismic wave propagation within glacier ice. Here, we present two approaches to measure and potentially monitor phase velocities of high-frequency seismic waves (≥1 Hz) using naturally occurring glacier seismicity. These two approaches were developed for data recorded by on-ice seasonal seismic networks on the Greenland Ice Sheet and a Swiss Alpine glacier. The Greenland data set consists of continuous seismograms, dominated by long-term tremor-like signals of englacial water flow, whereas the Alpine data were collected in triggered mode producing 1-2 s long records that include fracture events within the ice (‘icequakes'). We use a matched-field processing technique to retrieve frequency-dependent phase velocity measurements for the Greenland data. In principle, this phase dispersion relationship can be inverted for ice sheet thickness and bed properties. For these Greenland data, inversion of the dispersion curve yields a bedrock depth of 541 m, which may be too small by as much as 35 per cent. We suggest that the discrepancy is due to lateral changes in ice sheet depth and bed properties beneath the network, which may cause unaccounted mixing of surface wave modes in the dispersion curve. The Swiss Alpine icequake records, on the other hand, allow for reconstruction of the impulse response between two seismometers. The direct and scattered wave fields from the vast numbers of icequake records (tens of thousands per month) can be used to measure small changes in englacial velocities and thus monitor structural changes within the ic

    Simultaneous-FETI and Block-FETI: robust domain decomposition with multiple search directions.

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    International audienceDomain Decomposition methods often exhibit very poor performance when applied to engineering problems with large heterogeneities. In particular for heterogeneities along domain interfaces the iterative techniques to solve the interface problem are lacking an efficient preconditioner. Recently a robust approach, named FETI-Geneo, was proposed where troublesome modes are precomputed and deflated from the interface problem. The cost of the FETI-Geneo is however high. We propose in this paper techniques that share similar ideas with FETI-Geneo but where no pre-processing is needed and that can be easily and efficiently implemented as an alternative to standard Domain Decomposition methods. In the block iterative approaches presented in this paper, the search space at every iteration on the interface problem contains as many directions as there are domains in the decomposition. Those search directions originate either from the domain-wise preconditioner (in the Simultaneous FETI method) or from the block structure of the right-hand side of the interface problem (Block FETI). We show on 2D structural examples that both methods are robust and provide good convergence in the presence of high heterogeneities, even when the interface is jagged or when the domains have a bad aspect ratio. The Simultaneous FETI was also efficiently implemented in an optimized parallel code and exhibited excellent performance compared to the regular FETI method

    The rheophysics of two athermal systems: dry granular media and non-Brownian suspensions

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    Summary The steady-state, pressure-controlled simple shear flow constitutes a paradigm for the study of flows of dense athermal systems such as dry grains or non-Brownian suspensions. The introduction of two dimensionless numbers called inertial and viscous was an important step. In an attempt to provide a common rheophysical framework to both systems, we relate their flow properties in the dense regime close to jamming transition to two basic constitutive laws or equations of state : both the free volume and the ratio of shear stress to particle pressure (in excess of a static friction coefficient) vary as power laws, with system-dependent exponents, of a Deborah number. The first law is derived from the Boltzmann equation expressed in the approximation of relaxation. The second law is deduced from the expression of the probability for a particle to belong to a transient cluster of particles in contact

    Population genetics of abnormal haemoglobins in Burkina Faso, West Africa

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    Les fréquences géniques des hémoglobines A (HbA), HbS et HbC, ont été étudiées au Burkina-Faso (BF) ainsi que dans une région avoisinante du Niger : Ayorou. La fréquence d'HbS est plus élevée dans le Sahel (Nord du BF et Ayorou) que dans la zone de savane. L'inverse est trouvé pour HbC. Les résultats essentiels de ce travail sont : (a) la confirmation d'un pic de la fréquence génique de HbC dans le centre du BF (plateau Mossi); (b) une corrélation négative entre les fréquences de HbS et HbC. Cavalli-Sforza et Bodmer ont observé que cette corrélation atteint une intensité significativement différente de celle qui est attendue, par suite de la relation allélique entre HbS et HbC; (c) la comparaison de ces résultats avec les données rassemblées par Livingstone montre une modification de la valeur sélective des différents génotypes au cours des dernières années. Les individus AS ont une valeur sélective plus basse et les AA et SS en ont une plus haute. Nos données sont favorables à l'hypothèse du relâchement partiel de la sélection dans cette région. (Résumé d'auteur

    Simulations numériques du comportement de pâtes granulaires concentrées

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    Les suspensions non browniennes très concentrées en régime de Stokes sont étudiées par simulation numérique, en ne gardant que les interactions hydrodynamiques dominantes (lubrification) entre particules voisines. Le contact solide est possible en raison de leur rugosité de surface. En écoulement stationnaire on trouve des lois de comportement analogues à celles des matériaux granulaires, dont on met en évidence la sensibilité à la micromécanique du contact (rôle du frottement, effets non-newtoniens liés aux forces à courte portée) et les liens avec la microstructure

    Tumor cells convert immature myeloid dendritic cells into TGF-β–secreting cells inducing CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cell proliferation

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    The mechanisms through which regulatory T cells accumulate in lymphoid organs of tumor-bearing hosts remain elusive. Our experiments indicate that the accumulation of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (T reg cells) expressing FoxP3 and exhibiting immunosuppressive function originates from the proliferation of naturally occurring CD25+ T cells and requires signaling through transforming growth factor (TGF)–β receptor II. During tumor progression, a subset of dendritic cells (DCs) exhibiting a myeloid immature phenotype is recruited to draining lymph nodes. This DC subset selectively promotes the proliferation of T reg cells in a TGF-β–dependent manner in mice and rats. Tumor cells are necessary and sufficient to convert DCs into regulatory cells that secrete bioactive TGF-β and stimulate T reg cell proliferation. In conclusion, tumor expansion can stimulate T reg cells via a specific DC subset

    High quality phased assembly of grape genome offer new opportunities in chimera detection

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    In perennial plants and especially those propagated through cuttings, several genotypes can coexist in a single individual, thus leading to chimeras. When the variant induces a noticeable phenotype modification, it can lead to a new cultivar. Viticulture already took economic advantage of this natural phenomenon: for instance, the berry skin of ‘Pinot gris’ derived from ‘Pinot noir’ by the selection of a chimera. Chimeras could also impact other crucial traits without being visually identified. Periclinal chimera where the variant has entirely colonized a cell layer is the most stable and can be propagated through cuttings. In grapevine, two functional cell layers are present in leaves, L1 and L2. However, lateral roots are formed from the L2 cell layer only. Thus, comparing DNA sequences of roots and leaves could allow chimera detection. In this study we used new generation Hifi long reads sequencing and recent bioinformatics tools applied to ‘Merlot’ to detect periclinal chimeras. Sequencing of ‘Magdeleine Noire des Charentes’ and ‘Cabernet franc’, the parents of ‘Merlot’, allowed haplotype resolved assembly. Pseudomolecules were built with few contigs, in some occasions only one per chromosome. This high resolution allowed haplotype comparison. Annotation from PN40024 was transferred to all pseudomolecules. Through variant detection, periclinal chimeras were found on both haplotypes. These results open new perspectives on chimera detection, which is an important resource to improve cultivars through clonal selection or breed new ones. Detailed results will be presented and discussed
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