96 research outputs found

    Using Partial Orders for the Efficient Verification of Deadlock Freedom and Safety Properties

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    This article presents an algorithm for detecting deadlocks in concurrent finite-state systems without incurring most of the state explosion due to the modeling of concurrency by interleaving. For systems that have a high level of concurrency, our algorithm can be much more efficient than the classical exploration of the whole state space. Finally, we show that our algorithm can also be used for verifying arbitrary safety properties

    Verifying Properties of Large Sets of Processes with Network Invariants

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    On (Omega-)regular model checking

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    peer reviewedChecking infinite-state systems is frequently done by encoding infinite sets of states as regular languages. Computing such a regular representation of, say, the set of reachable states of a system requires acceleration techniques that can finitely compute the effect of an unbounded number of transitions. Among the acceleration techniques that have been proposed, one finds both specific and generic techniques. Specific techniques exploit the particular type of system being analyzed, for example, a system manipulating queues or integers, whereas generic techniques only assume that the transition relation is represented by a finite-state transducer, which has to be iterated. In this article, we investigate the possibility of using generic techniques in cases where only specific techniques have been exploited so far. Finding that existing generic techniques are often not applicable in cases easily handled by specific techniques, we have developed a new approach to iterating transducers. This new approach builds on earlier work, but exploits a number of new conceptual and algorithmic ideas, often induced with the help of experiments, that give it a broad scope, as well as good performances

    Memory Efficient Algorithms for the Verification of Temporal Properties

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    peer reviewedaudience: researcherThis paper addresses the problem of designing memory-efficient algorithms for the verification of temporal properties of finite-state programs. Both the programs and their desired temporal properties are modeled as automata on infinite words (Büchi automata). Verification is then reduced to checking the emptiness of the automaton resulting from the product of the program and the property. This problem is usually solved by computing the strongly connected components of the graph representing the product automaton. Here, we present algorithms which solve the emptiness problem without explicitly constructing the strongly connected components of the product graph. By allowing the algorithms to err with some probability, we can implement them with a randomly accessed memory of size O(n) bits, where n is the number of states of the graph, instead of O(n log n) bits that the presently known algorithms require

    Simulating reachability using first-order logic with applications to verification of linked data structures

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    This paper shows how to harness existing theorem provers for first-order logic to automatically verify safety properties of imperative programs that perform dynamic storage allocation and destructive updating of pointer-valued structure fields. One of the main obstacles is specifying and proving the (absence) of reachability properties among dynamically allocated cells. The main technical contributions are methods for simulating reachability in a conservative way using first-order formulas--the formulas describe a superset of the set of program states that would be specified if one had a precise way to express reachability. These methods are employed for semi-automatic program verification (i.e., using programmer-supplied loop invariants) on programs such as mark-and-sweep garbage collection and destructive reversal of a singly linked list. (The mark-and-sweep example has been previously reported as being beyond the capabilities of ESC/Java.)Comment: 30 pages, LMC

    Propositional Dynamic Logic for Message-Passing Systems

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    We examine a bidirectional propositional dynamic logic (PDL) for finite and infinite message sequence charts (MSCs) extending LTL and TLC-. By this kind of multi-modal logic we can express properties both in the entire future and in the past of an event. Path expressions strengthen the classical until operator of temporal logic. For every formula defining an MSC language, we construct a communicating finite-state machine (CFM) accepting the same language. The CFM obtained has size exponential in the size of the formula. This synthesis problem is solved in full generality, i.e., also for MSCs with unbounded channels. The model checking problem for CFMs and HMSCs turns out to be in PSPACE for existentially bounded MSCs. Finally, we show that, for PDL with intersection, the semantics of a formula cannot be captured by a CFM anymore

    The Tableau Method for Temporal Logic: An Overview

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    peer reviewedAn overview of the tableau decision method for propositional temporal logic is presented. The method is described in detail for linear time temporal logic. It is then discussed how it can be applied to other variants of temporal logic like branching time temporal logic and extensions of linear time temporal logic. Finally, applications of temporal logics to computer science are reviewed
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