720 research outputs found

    Current situation and future prospects for beef production in Europe — A review

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    Publication history: Accepted - 26 April 2018; Published online - 24 May 2018.The European Union (EU) is the world’s third largest producer of beef. This contributes to the economy, rural development, social life, culture and gastronomy of Europe. The diversity of breeds, animal types (cows, bulls, steers, heifers) and farming systems (intensive, extensive on permanent or temporary pastures, mixed, breeders, feeders, etc) is a strength, and a weakness as the industry is often fragmented and poorly connected. There are also societal concerns regarding animal welfare and environmental issues, despite some positive environmental impacts of farming systems. The EU is amongst the most efficient for beef production as demonstrated by a relative low production of greenhouse gases. Due to regional differences in terms of climate, pasture availability, livestock practices and farms characteristics, productivity and incomes of beef producers vary widely across regions, being among the lowest of the agricultural systems. The beef industry is facing unprecedented challenges related to animal welfare, environmental impact, origin, authenticity, nutritional benefits and eating quality of beef. These may affect the whole industry, especially its farmers. It is therefore essential to bring the beef industry together to spread best practice and better exploit research to maintain and develop an economically viable and sustainable beef industry. Meeting consumers’ expectations may be achieved by a better prediction of beef palatability using a modelling approach, such as in Australia. There is a need for accurate information and dissemination on the benefits and issues of beef for human health and for environmental impact. A better objective description of goods and services derived from livestock farming is also required. Putting into practice “agroecology” and organic farming principles are other potential avenues for the future. Different future scenarios can be written depending on the major driving forces, notably meat consumption, climate change, environmental policies and future organization of the supply chain

    Biological controls for standardization and interpretation of adaptive immune receptor repertoire profiling

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    Use of adaptive immune receptor repertoire sequencing (AIRR-seq) has become widespread, providing new insights into the immune system with potential broad clinical and diagnostic applications. However, like many high-throughput technologies, it comes with several problems, and the AIRR Community was established to understand and help solve them. We, the AIRR Community's Biological Resources Working Group, have surveyed scientists about the need for standards and controls in generating and annotating AIRR-seq data. Here, we review the current status of AIRR-seq, provide the results of our survey, and based on them, offer recommendations for developing AIRR-seq standards and controls, including future work. Keywords: B-cell Receptor (BCR); IG; T-cell Receptor (TCR); TR; antibody; immunoglobulin; immunology; inflammation; next generation sequencing (NGS)

    Exploring Trading Strategies and Their Effects in the Foreign Exchange Market

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    One of the most critical issues that developers face in developing automatic systems for electronic markets is that of endowing the agents with appropriate trading strategies. In this article, we examine the problem in the foreign exchange (FX) market, and we use an agent‐based market simulation to examine which trading strategies lead to market states in which the stylized facts (statistical properties) of the simulation match those of the FX market transactions data. Our goal is to explore the emergence of the stylized facts, when the simulated market is populated with agents using different strategies: a variation of the zero intelligence with a constraint strategy, the zero‐intelligence directional‐change event strategy, and a genetic programming‐based strategy. A series of experiments were conducted, and the results were compared with those of a high‐frequency FX transaction data set. Our results show that the zero‐intelligence directional‐change event agents best reproduce and explain the properties observed in the FX market transactions data. Our study suggests that the observed stylized facts could be the result of introducing a threshold that triggers the agents to respond to periodic patterns in the price time series. The results can be used to develop decision support systems for the FX market

    Various Statistical Approaches to Assess and Predict Carcass and Meat Quality Traits

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    Publication history: Accepted - 8 April 2020; Published - 22 April 2020.The beef industry is organized around di erent stakeholders, each with their own expectations, sometimes antagonistic. This article first outlines these di ering perspectives. Then, various optimization models that might integrate all these expectations are described. The final goal is to define practices that could increase value for animal production, carcasses and meat whilst simultaneously meeting the main expectations of the beef industry. Di erent models previously developed worldwide are proposed here. Two new computational methodologies that allow the simultaneous selection of the best regression models and the most interesting covariates to predict carcass and/or meat quality are developed. Then, a method of variable clustering is explained that is accurate in evaluating the interrelationships between di erent parameters of interest. Finally, some principles for the management of quality trade-o s are presented and the Meat Standards Australia model is discussed. The “Pareto front” is an interesting approach to deal jointly with the di erent sets of expectations and to propose a method that could optimize all expectations togethe

    Contributions of tenderness, juiciness and flavor liking to overall liking of beef in Europe

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    peer-reviewedThis study evaluated the contributions of sensory traits to overall liking in Europe. Perceptions by untrained consumers of tenderness, juiciness, flavor liking and overall liking were determined using the Meat Standards Australia protocols. According to European consumer testing with European beef samples, flavor liking was the most important contributor (39%) to beef overall liking, followed by tenderness (31%) and juiciness (24%) (P 0.94). The improvement in tenderness over the last decades may explain the highest contribution of flavor liking nowadays. Flavor liking is therefore the main driver of variability in overall liking. Juiciness is the least robust trait which could be influenced by other traits during consumer perception. For outstanding steaks, each sensory trait should have excellent scores and high contributions to overall liking. For medium cuts, one sensory trait with a low score has the potential to be compensated by other traits with higher scores and more emphasis will be placed on the trait with the lowest perception.European Commissio

    General Practitioners' opinions on their practice in mental health and their collaboration with mental health professionals

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    BACKGROUND: Common mental health problems are mainly treated in primary care settings and collaboration with mental health services is needed. Prior to re-organisation of the mental health care offer in a geographical area, a study was organized: 1) to evaluate GPs' opinions on their day-to-day practice with Patients with Mental Health Problems (PMHP) and on relationships with Mental Health Professionals (MHPro); 2) to identify factors associated with perceived need for collaboration with MHPro and with actual collaboration. METHODS: All GPs in the South Yvelines area in France (n = 492) were informed of the implementation of a local mental health program. GPs interested in taking part (n = 180) were invited to complete a satisfaction questionnaire on their practice in the field of Mental Health and to include prospectively all PMHP consultants over an 8-day period (n = 1519). For each PMHP, data was collected on demographic and clinical profile, and on needs (met v. unmet) for collaboration with MHPro. RESULTS: A majority of GPs rated PMHP as requiring more care (83.4%), more time (92.3%), more frequent consultations (64.0%) and as being more difficult to refer (87.7%) than other patients. A minority of GPs had a satisfactory relationship with private psychiatrists (49.5%), public psychiatrists (35%) and social workers (27.8%). 53.9% had a less satisfactory relationship with MHPro than with other physicians. Needs for collaboration with a MHPro were more often felt in caring for PMHP who were young, not in employment, with mental health problems lasting for more than one year, with a history of psychiatric hospitalization, and showing reluctance to talk of psychological problems and to consult a MHPro. Needs for collaboration were more often met among PMHP with past psychiatric consultation or hospitalization and when the patient was not reluctant to consult a MHPro. Where needs were not met, GP would opt for the classic procedure of mental health referral for only 31.3% of their PMHP. CONCLUSION: GPs need targeted collaboration with MHPro to support their management of PMHP, whom they are willing to care for without systematic referral to specialists as the major therapeutic option

    Qualité de la viande pour un avenir durable - Qualité sensorielle, normes et solutions innovantes pour le commerce

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    Publication history: Published - 28 April 2020.This meeting/workshop has been organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in collaboration with the organizers of the 2019 International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST). The international UNECE meeting/workshop was focused on sustainable meat quality and standards; the latest developments in the area of eating quality; innovative solutions for sustainable meat trade; food integrity, traceability of meat and blockchain technologies; as well as sustainable solutions to food loss/waste prevention in the meat sector. Presentations of speakers are available on http://www.unece.org/index.php?id=51442
