46 research outputs found

    PV Integration in Minor Historical Centers: Proposal of Guide-criteria in Post-earthquake Reconstruction Planning☆

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    Abstract One of the main challenges in next years will be the retrofit of existing built heritage. Even the most ancient settlements, to avoid the absolute neglect, will have to consider a "contemporary" and environmentally aware vision of refurbishment. In Italian territories hit by earthquake, this challenge is already today a potential for their life return: BIPV, or in general PV implementation, is one of the possible ways to be faced for ensuring a renewable contribution in the perspective of "Nearly-Zero Energy Settlements". The presented study, after synthesizing some main key-strategies for PV introduction at landscape, urban and building scale, focuses on the definition of reference requirements and practical findings useful in the proposal of guide-criteria for urban re-planning of minor historical centers. The outcomes could also be used in the ongoing reconstruction process, for defining innovative and sustainable strategies for PV implementation in minor (nearly-zero energy) historical centers

    Performance Analyses of the D'aDif Pavilion☆

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    Abstract All over the world, during the past as well as today, different kinds of buildings in different climate zones use the envelope, and in particular way the cover, to operate on the inner thermal and visual comfort. Vernacular tradition shows that textile skins allow creating adaptive envelopes that integrate principles of active control. This paper presents the results of the optimization design process of an adaptive umbrella configured in a double covering system for a small temporal pavilion. The pavilion is characterized by a small inner space with changeable dimensions and an adaptive enclosure. Materials like coated fabrics as well as lightweight structures like aluminum frames are combined together and used in an innovative architectural solution. Due to the transient nature of the analyzed building, the great challenge is to guarantee an adequate level of inner thermal comfort all over the year and in different climate zones and conditions. The research starts from the assumption that membranes combined with lightweight structures provide some special properties to temporal small buildings, like easy transportability and installation. The umbrella, used in a double roof consisting of three different textile layers, define an active responsive covering directly controlled by users in order to obtain shading and air flow permeability depending on the seasons and the environmental conditions. The computerized analysis has been carried out by means of the software package Energy Plus which allowed the simulation of a wide range of alternatives for the external envelope (cover, materials, layers, air gaps etc.) and the comparison of the performance in several climatic conditions to respond to user's requirements

    energy simulation and optimization of a double ventilation chimney in a historical building in l aquila italy

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    Abstract The paper presents the operation mode of a ventilation chimney placed in a historical building through the use of Design Builder, a modeling and dynamical simulation software. The aim is to verify the improvement of the comfort level and energy efficiency of the simulated environments through the usage of the duct as a passive ventilation system. The method adopted to intervene in a complex system, such as that represented by historic buildings, is to enhance the preexisting architectural values through their conversion into devices able to improve the performance of the building in terms of CO 2 and energy consumption reduction. The case study is Palazzo Bruni-Riga, a valuable building located in the historic center of L'Aquila. The building has a double ventilation duct, probably also used as a light-pipe, in correspondence of two windowless rooms of similar dimensions. The dynamical simulations presented concern the analysis of the passive ventilation duct and its effects on the thermo-hygrometric well-being of the modeled rooms. The goal of this paper and this research in general, is that the wise use of such devices installed in times when there were no air conditioning systems, allows you to better use the ventilation chimneys, and have the maximum thermal indoor comfort, with the minimum effort and use of mechanical systems. Through the simulations it was possible to verify that through the use of the ventilation chimney, it is possible to have the indoor comfort conditions, by checking the Fanger indices for the data obtained from the simulations carried out

    Cultural Heritage and earthquakes: a multidisciplinary approach to restoration sites

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    [EN] This paper looks at a multidisciplinary approach to the restoration of sites hit by earthquakes, and illustrates how an integrated approach can successfully combine technical requirements with historical and cultural ones. The methodology presented in this study concerns the “Castello di Fossa” restoration project in central Italy, which was hit by an earthquake in 2009. Cooperation between the two teams working on the project led to the development of new ideas and the definition of an innovative role for the castle within the urban and rural landscape. The project looked at how to improve energetic and structural performance through the retrofitting of the building, whilst at the same time guaranteeing the conservation of its architectural values. Lastly, the results of this joint work undertaken by archaeologists, researchers from the National Research Centre (CNR ITC, L’Aquila) and the University of L’Aquila (DICEAA) and designers, are presented as well as the coherence of the reconstruction.Thanks to the architect Roberta Boccabella, the planner of the restoration project of the Fossa castle, for having made available to the team the architectural survey and the point clouds of the survey carried out with the laser scanner.Thanks to Alessandro Giannangeli and Gabriele Petrucci of ITC-CNR for having carried out, the former the photogrammetric survey of the building and postprocessed the acquired data; and the latter for having performed, starting from the basic material, the parametric model of the castle.Thanks to Serena Calcagni, for having carried out dynamical simulations of the buildings.De Vita, M.; Trizio, I.; Savini, F.; De Berardinis, P. (2018). Cultural Heritage and earthquakes: a multidisciplinary approach to restoration sites. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 3(2):79-88. doi:10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2018.10978SWORD798832Balaras C.A., Argiriou A.A. (2002) Infrared thermography for building diagnostics, Energy Build. n. 34, 171-183. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0378-7788(01)00105-0Bianchini C., Nicastro S. (2018) The definition of the Level of Reliability: a contribution to the transparency of Historical-BIM processes. Dn. Building Information Modeling. Data & Semantics n. 2, 46-60.Brumana R., Della Torre S., Oreni D., Previtali M., Cantini L., Barazzetti L., Franchi A., Banfi F. (2017) HBIM challenge among the paradigm of complexity, tools and preservation: the Basilica di Collemaggio 8 years after the earthquake (L'Aquila). International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences-ISPRS Archives 42(2W5), 97-104. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W5-97-2017Brumana R., Della Torre S., Previtali M., Barazzetti L., Cantini L., Oreni D., Banfi F. (2018), Generative HBIM modelling to embody complexity (LOD, LOG, LOA, LOI): surveying, preservation, site intervention - the Basilica di Collemaggio (L'Aquila). Applied Geomatics July 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12518-018-0233-3Brusaporci S., Trizio I., Ruggieri G., Maiezza P., Tata A., Giannangeli A.(2018) AHBIM per l'analisi stratigrafica dell'architettura storica. Restauro Archeologico vol. 27, n. 1/2018, 112-131.Chiarizia G., Properzi P. (1995), Abruzzo dei castelli. Gli insediamenti fortificati abruzzesi dagli italici all'unità d'Italia. Carsa, Pescara.Chiarizia G., Latini M.L., Properzi P. (2002), Atlante dei castelli d'Abruzzo. Repertorio sistematico delle fortificazioni. Carsa, Pescara.Continenza R., Redi F., Savini F., Tata A., Trizio I. (2018) HBIM for the Archaeology of Standing Buildings: Case Study of the Church of San Cipriano in Castelvecchio Calvisio (L'Aquila, Italy). In: P. Fogliaroni, et al. (eds), Proceedings of Workshops and Posters at the 13th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2017). Springer, Cham, 315-323. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-63946-8_49De Berardinis P., Bartolomucci C., Capannolo L., De Vita M., Laurini E., Marchionni C. (2018) Instruments for assessing historical built environments in emergency contexts: non-destructive techniques for sustainable recovery. Buildings 8(2), 27. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings8020027Della Torre S. (2017) Un bilancio del progetto BHIMM. In S Della Torre (ed.) Built heritage information modelling management/modellazione e gestione e delle informazioni per il patrimonio edilizio esistente. Sistema editoriale Ingenio, [WWW document]. URL https://www.ingenioweb.it/6974-un-bilancio-del-progetto-bhimm (accessed 13 November 2018).Garagnani S. (2015), Semantic Representation of Accurate Surveys for the Cultural Heritage: BIM Applied to the Existing Domain. In: S. Brusaporci (ed.), Handbook of Research on Emerging Digital Tools for Architectural Surveying, Modeling, and Representation, vol. I, 299-317. IGI Global, Hershey. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-4666-8379-2.ch009Italian Council of Ministers (2011) Directive 9 February 2011 of the Council of Ministers. Off. J. Ital. Repub. 47.Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism (2015) Guidelines for Energy Efficiency Improvements in the Cultural Heritage. MiBACT: Rome, Italy.Lo Turco M. (2016) Minimum content of representation in BIM environment: towards a Future National Standard. In T. Empler (ed.) 3D Modeling & BIM: applications and possible future developments. DEI, Roma, 163-171.Lucchi E., Pracchi V. (2013) Efficienza energetica e patrimonio costruito: La sfida del miglioramento delle prestazioni nell'edilizia storica. Maggioli Editore, Milano.Maierhofer C., Krankenhagen R., Myrach P., Meinhardt J., Kalisch U., Hennen C., Mecke R., Seidl T., Schiller, M. (2013) Monitoring of Cracks in Historic Concrete Structures Using Optical, Thermal and Acoustical Methods, in Built Heritage: Monitoring Conservation Management, Toniolo, L.; Boriani, M.; Guidi, G. (eds.). Springer: Switzerland, 625-632.Murphy M., McGovern E., Pavia S. (2009) Historic building information modelling (HBIM). Structural Survey vol. 27, n. 4, 311-327. https://doi.org/10.1108/02630800910985108Nicastro, S. (2016). L'applicazione del BIM come sistema informativo localizzato nel processo di conoscenza del Patrimonio Culturale. In T. Empler (Ed.), 3D Modeling & BIM: applications and possible future developments (pp. 173-183). Roma, IT: DEI.Proietti N., Capitani D., Di Tullio V., Olmi R., Priori S., Riminesi C., Sansonetti A., Tasso F., Rosina, E. (2013) MOdihMA at Sforza Castle in Milano: Innovative Techniques for MOisture Detection in Historical Masonry, in Built Heritage: Monitoring Conservation Management, Toniolo, L.; Boriani, M.; Guidi, G. (eds.). Springer: Switzerland, 1195-1202.Scandurra S., Pulcrano M., Tarantino C., Di Luggo A. (2017) H-BIM Modeling and Historical Reconstruction of Architectural Heritage. Dn n.1/2017, 6-18

    The Enhancement of local Resources: research, Teaching and experimentation in L'Aquila

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    [EN] The construction sector has a major impact on current environmental issues. Through cost-effectiveness, it is possible to encourage construction sector operators to trigger voluntary environmental protection mechanisms. The use of local resources (including waste materials) is one of the possible strategies but requires specific and interdisciplinary training involving many aspects, including context analysis, demolition management, durability and reversibility control, and the ability to identify the performance of the construction system. The paper illustrates a path of research, teaching and experimentations concluded with the design and realization in self-construction of temporary modules, reusing waste materials from post-seismic reconstruction in L¿Aquila.De Gregorio, S.; De Berardinis, P.; Palmero Iglesias, LM. (2020). The Enhancement of local Resources: research, Teaching and experimentation in L'Aquila. TEMA. 6(1):86-95. https://doi.org/10.30682/tema0601hS86956

    The compatibility of off-grid technologies in the rehabilitation of energy network of minor historical centres

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    The research links the issue of recovery of the small Italian historic centres to the environmental issue, proposing the sustainable recovery as opportunity to carry out a virtuous action in the territory. The study of these territories, particularly the inner area of Abruzzo Region affected by the earthquake of April 6, 2009, offers the opportunity to carry out a research that aims to redevelop a heritage abandoned for year, now further compromised by the earthquake. An operational methodology aimed at energetic rehabilitation of the minor centres has been drawn up, which starts from an in-depth knowledge of the investigation area, identifying its peculiarity. Then we analyzed the intervention area and highlighted the applicable technologies through a careful “process of compatibility” (Zordan et al., 2002) with the context. In the present study there is an interest in the topic of energy networks, in their state of use and deterioration and possibility of renewable energy sources integration. In particular, we examine/analyze the off-grid technological systems potentiality and criticality, identifying the possibility of their application in the minor centres

    The Cycle route of the upper Aterno valley: between ecotourism and sustainable mobility

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    Nell’ottica della promozione della mobilità sostenibile e del rilancio e valorizzazione di territori ed alla luce del crescente interesse verso la specifica tematica, la Regione Abruzzo ha avviato uno studio di fattibilità per la realizzazione di una pista polifunzionale nell’Alta Valle dell’Aterno. Il contributo che si intende proporre ha come obiettivo quello di illustrare il percorso decisionale e i risultati che sono stati raggiunti già in tale studio che ha previsto la realizzazione di una dorsale principale e di un sistema di reti, a scopo sia turistico che amatoriale, oltre che come servizio alla mobilità locale. La finalità della ricerca è stata quella di individuare una strategia progettuale facilmente replicabile e di dotare le amministrazioni di uno strumento di programmazione

    Designing the Sustainable Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Heritage to Enhance the Local Context

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    [EN] Since the European Year of Cultural Heritage, adaptive reuse is considered a strategy for intervention on historical buildings and territories to preserve and enhance artifacts, cities, and communities. Adaptive reuse can also generate social and economic benefits. This work looks at adaptive reuse in the context of industrial heritage, which represents an excellent test benchmark because of its intrinsic architectural characteristics and its localization in the city suburbs. The paper puts forward a methodological approach, verified through the application to a case study, which analyzes both the local context and the building. This study concludes using the data obtained to define an adaptive reuse project with positive repercussions for the community, the environment, and the local economy.This research was funded by "Fondazione Filauro" University of L'Aquila and by the Short Term Mobility program of the Italian National Research Council.De Gregorio, S.; De Vita, M.; De Berardinis, P.; Palmero Iglesias, LM.; Risdonne, A. (2020). Designing the Sustainable Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Heritage to Enhance the Local Context. Sustainability. 12(21):1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/su122190591201221Orientamenti Europei per Sostenere il Riutilizzo Adattivo Degli Edifici Storici nel 2019–2020https://www.archeomatica.it/editoriali/orientamenti-europei-per-sostenere-il-riutilizzo-adattivo-degli-edifici-storici-nel-2019-2020Leeuwarden Declaration 2018https://www.ace-cae.eu/activities/events/2018/built-heritage-conference/Trizio, I., De Vita, M., Ruggieri, A., & Giannangeli, A. (2020). THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL PARK OF NAVELLI (ITALY) IN THE RECONSTRUCTION PLAN: HYPOTHESIS OF ADAPTIVE REUSE. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIV-M-1-2020, 929-936. doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-xliv-m-1-2020-929-2020Romeo, E., Morezzi, E., & Rudiero, R. (2015). Industrial Heritage: Reflections on the Use Compatibility of Cultural Sustainability and Energy Efficiency. Energy Procedia, 78, 1305-1310. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2015.11.145Blagojević, M. R., & Tufegdžić, A. (2016). The new technology era requirements and sustainable approach to industrial heritage renewal. Energy and Buildings, 115, 148-153. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.07.062Ifko, S. (2016). Comprehensive Management of Industrial Heritage Sites as A Basis for Sustainable Regeneration. Procedia Engineering, 161, 2040-2045. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2016.08.800Liu, F., Zhao, Q., & Yang, Y. (2018). An approach to assess the value of industrial heritage based on Dempster–Shafer theory. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 32, 210-220. doi:10.1016/j.culher.2018.01.011Xie, P. F. (2015). A life cycle model of industrial heritage development. Annals of Tourism Research, 55, 141-154. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2015.09.012Florentina-Cristina, M., George-Laurenţiu, M., Andreea-Loreta, C., & Constantin, D. C. (2014). Conversion of Industrial Heritage as a Vector of Cultural Regeneration. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 122, 162-166. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.01.1320Martínez Pino, J. (2018). The New Holistic Paradigm and the Sustainability of Historic Cities in Spain: An Approach Based on the World Heritage Cities. Sustainability, 10(7), 2301. doi:10.3390/su10072301Foster, G. (2020). Circular economy strategies for adaptive reuse of cultural heritage buildings to reduce environmental impacts. 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    PV Integration in Minor Historical Centers: Proposal of Guide-criteria in Post-earthquake Reconstruction Planning

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    Abstract One of the main challenges in next years will be the retrofit of existing built heritage. Even the most ancient settlements, to avoid the absolute neglect, will have to consider a "contemporary" and environmentally aware vision of refurbishment. In Italian territories hit by earthquake, this challenge is already today a potential for their life return: BIPV, or in general PV implementation, is one of the possible ways to be faced for ensuring a renewable contribution in the perspective of "Nearly-Zero Energy Settlements". The presented study, after synthesizing some main key-strategies for PV introduction at landscape, urban and building scale, focuses on the definition of reference requirements and practical findings useful in the proposal of guide-criteria for urban re-planning of minor historical centers. The outcomes could also be used in the ongoing reconstruction process, for defining innovative and sustainable strategies for PV implementation in minor (nearly-zero energy) historical centers