19 research outputs found
An updated inventory of the vascular flora of the Cerbaie hills (Tuscany, Italy)
We present an updated list of the vascular flora occurring in the Cerbaie hills (Tuscany), a site of high naturalistic interest. The list is based on a literature survey and on field studies carried out in the years 2010–2022. The Cerbaie hills host a flora of 1,107 specific and subspecific taxa (including 100 naturalized aliens), 32 casual aliens and 10 hybrid taxa. Two taxa are new for Tuscany: Carex oedipostyla and Thalictrum simplex subsp. galioides; 330 taxa are new for the study area. Concerning old records, 344 have been confirmed, while 47 were not confirmed, albeit considered reliable. Moreover, we considered three taxa as locally extinct, 19 as doubtfully occurring, and three as wrongly reported. Despite the low elevation of the study area, life forms and chorotypes show marked Eurosiberian affinities, in agreement with the temperate and continental climate
Contributi alla flora vascolare di Toscana. VII (357-439)
New localities and/or confirmations concerning 83 specific and subspecific plant taxa of Tuscan vascular flora, belonging to 71 genera and 33 families are presented: Carpobrotus (Aizoaceae), Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae), Leucojum (Amaryllidaceae), Anacyclus, Andryala, Carduus, Centaurea, Cichorium, Erigeron, Helichrysum, Helminthotheca, Hieracium, Limbarda, Pilosella, Scolymus, Sonchus, Tagetes, Urospermum, Xanthium (Asteraceae), Mahonia (Berberidaceae), Myosotis (Boraginaceae), Biscutella, Ionopsidium, Raphanus, Rapistrum (Brassicaceae), Buxus (Buxaceae), Vaccaria (Caryophyllaceae), Cistus (Cistaceae), Calystegia, Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae), Cymodocea (Cymodoceaceae), Cyperus (Cyperaceae), Amorpha, Emerus, Lathyrus, Lotus, Ononis, Trifolium, Vicia (Fabaceae), Quercus (Fagaceae), Geranium (Geraniaceae), Myriophyllum (Haloragaceae), Malva (Malvaceae), Epipogium, Himantoglossum (Orchidaceae), Orobanche (Orobanchaceae), Osyris (Santalaceae), Oxalis (Oxalidaceae), Pinus (Pinaceae), Anisantha, Avellinia, Avena, Corynephorus, Crypsis, Cutandia, Elytrigia, Lolium, Panicum, Polypogon, Sporobolus (Poaceae), Rumex (Polygonaceae), Lysimachia (Primulaceae), Eranthis, Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae), Rubus (Rosaceae), Crucianella, Galium (Rubiaceae), Verbascum (Scrophulariaceae), Solanum (Solanaceae), Tamarix (Tamaricaceae), Viola (Violaceae). In the end, the conservation status of the units and eventual protection of the cited biotopes are discussed
Contributi per una flora vascolare di Toscana. XI (664-738)
Vengono presentate nuove località e/o conferme relative 75 taxa specifici e sottospecifici di piante vascolari della flora vascolare toscana, appartenenti a 67 generi e 41 famiglie: Delosperma (Aizoaceae),
Dysphania (Amaranthaceae), Leucojum, Nothoscordum (Amaryllidaceae), Bupleurum, Coriandrum (Apiaceae), Araujia (Apocynaceae),
Lemna (Araceae), Hydrocotyle (Araliaceae), Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae), Bellevalia (Asparagaceae), Asphodelus (Asphodelaceae), Artemisia, Crepis, Eclipta, Erigeron, Hieracium, Senecio, Symphyotrichum,
Tolpis (Asteraceae), Symphytum (Boraginaceae), Alyssum, Cardamine,
Eruca, Isatis (Brassicaceae), Valerianella (Caprifoliaceae), Petrorhagia,
Scleranthus (Caryophyllaceae), Commelina (Commelinaceae), Dichondra (Convolvulaceae), Sedum (Crassulaceae), Diospyros (Ebenaceae),
Moneses (Ericaceae), Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae), Medicago, Trifolium
(Fabaceae), Myriophyllum (Haloragaceae), Juncus (Juncaceae), Salvia,
Teucrium (Lamiaceae), Broussonetia (Moraceae), Spiranthes (Orchidaceae), Phelipanche (Orobanchaceae), Papaver (Papaveraceae), Passiflora
(Passifloraceae), Cedrus, Pseudotsuga (Pinaceae), Bromopsis, Calamagrostis, Cenchrus, Drymochloa, Melica, Oloptum, Phleum, Sporobolus,
Tragus (Poaceae), Stuckenia (Potamogetonaceae), Lysimachia (Primulaceae), Anemone, Aquilegia (Ranunculaceae), Eriobotrya (Rosaceae),
Crucianella (Rubiaceae), Verbascum (Scrophulariaceae), Typha (Typhaceae), Urtica (Urticaceae), Viola (Violaceae). Infine, viene discusso lo
status di conservazione delle entità e gli eventuali vincoli di protezione
dei biotopi segnalati.New localities and/or confirmations concerning 75 specific and subspecific plant taxa of Tuscan vascular flora, belonging to 67 genera and 41 families are presented: Delosperma (Aizoaceae), Dysphania (Amaranthaceae), Leucojum, Nothoscordum (Amaryllidaceae), Bupleurum, Coriandrum (Apiaceae), Araujia (Apocynaceae), Lemna (Araceae), Hydrocotyle (Araliaceae), Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae), Bellevalia (Asparagaceae), Asphodelus (Asphodelaceae), Artemisia, Crepis, Eclipta, Erigeron, Hieracium, Senecio, Symphyotrichum, Tolpis (Asteraceae), Symphytum (Boraginaceae), Alyssum, Cardamine, Eruca, Isatis (Brassicaceae), Valerianella (Caprifoliaceae), Petrorhagia, Scleranthus (Caryophyllaceae), Commelina (Commelinaceae), Dichondra (Convolvulaceae), Sedum (Crassulaceae), Diospyros (Ebenaceae), Moneses (Ericaceae), Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae), Medicago, Trifolium (Fabaceae), Myriophyllum (Haloragaceae), Juncus (Juncaceae), Salvia, Teucrium (Lamiaceae), Broussonetia (Moraceae), Spiranthes (Orchidaceae), Phelipanche (Orobanchaceae), Papaver (Papaveraceae), Passiflora (Passifloraceae), Cedrus, Pseudotsuga (Pinaceae), Bromopsis, Calamagrostis, Cenchrus, Drymochloa, Melica, Oloptum, Phleum, Sporobolus, Tragus (Poaceae), Stuckenia (Potamogetonaceae), Lysimachia (Primulaceae), Anemone, Aquilegia (Ranunculaceae), Eriobotrya (Rosaceae), Crucianella (Rubiaceae), Verbascum (Scrophulariaceae), Typha (Typhaceae), Urtica (Urticaceae), and Viola (Violaceae). In the end, the conservation status of the units and eventual protection of the cited biotopes are discussed
Contributi per una flora vascolare di Toscana. VIII (440-506)
New localities and/or confirmations concerning 67 specific and subspecific plant taxa of Tuscan vascular flora, belonging to 59 genera and 37 families are presented: Alisma (Alismataceae), Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae), Leucojum, Sternbergia, Tristagma (Amaryllidaceae), Aloe (Asphodelaceae), Erigeron, Galinsoga, Hieracium, Rhagadiolus, Silybum, Soliva, Taraxacum (Asteraceae), Impatiens (Balsaminaceae), Berberis (Berberidaceae), Cardamine (Brassicaceae), Opuntia (Cactaceae), Cephalaria, Sixalix, Succisa (Caprifoliaceae), Silene (Caryophyllaceae), Convolvulus, Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae), Aeonium (Crassulaceae), Scirpus (Cyperaceae), Equisetum (Equisetaceae), Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae), Astragalus, Trifolium (Fabaceae), Quercus (Fagaceae), Crocus (Iridaceae), Juncus (Juncaceae), Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae), Peplis (Lythraceae), Maclura (Moraceae), Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae), Oenothera (Onagraceae), Anacamptis, Orchis (Orchidaceae), Orobanche (Orobanchaceae), Callitriche, Veronica (Plantaginaceae), Alopecurus, Eleusine, Glyceria, Phleum (Poaceae), Persicaria, Polygonum (Polygonaceae), Groenlandia (Potamogetonaceae), Clematis, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae), Rhamnus (Rhamnaceae), Fragaria, Potentilla, Pyracantha (Rosaceae), Galium (Rubiaceae), Sparganium (Typhaceae), Vitis (Vitaceae). In the end, the conservation status of the units and eventual protection of the cited biotopes are discussed
Contributi per una flora vascolare di Toscana. VIII (440-506) [Contributions for a vascular flora of Tuscany. VIII (440-506)]
Contributions for a vascular flora of Tuscany. VIII (440-506).
New localities and/or confirmations concerning 67 specific and subspecific
plant taxa of Tuscan vascular flora, belonging to 59 genera
and 37 families are presented: Alisma (Alismataceae), Amaranthus
(Amaranthaceae), Leucojum, Sternbergia, Tristagma (Amaryllidaceae),
Aloe (Asphodelaceae), Erigeron, Galinsoga, Hieracium, Rhagadiolus,
Silybum, Soliva, Taraxacum (Asteraceae), Impatiens (Balsaminaceae),
Berberis (Berberidaceae), Cardamine (Brassicaceae), Opuntia (Cactaceae),
Cephalaria, Sixalix, Succisa (Caprifoliaceae), Silene (Caryophyllaceae),
Convolvulus, Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae), Aeonium (Crassulaceae),
Scirpus (Cyperaceae), Equisetum (Equisetaceae), Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae),
Astragalus, Trifolium (Fabaceae), Quercus (Fagaceae), Crocus
(Iridaceae), Juncus (Juncaceae), Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae), Peplis
(Lythraceae), Maclura (Moraceae), Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae), Oenothera
(Onagraceae), Anacamptis, Orchis (Orchidaceae), Orobanche
(Orobanchaceae), Callitriche, Veronica (Plantaginaceae), Alopecurus,
Eleusine, Glyceria, Phleum (Poaceae), Persicaria, Polygonum (Polygonaceae),
Groenlandia (Potamogetonaceae), Clematis, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus
(Ranunculaceae), Rhamnus (Rhamnaceae), Fragaria, Potentilla,
Pyracantha (Rosaceae), Galium (Rubiaceae), Sparganium (Typhaceae),
Vitis (Vitaceae). In the end, the conservation status of the units and
eventual protection of the cited biotopes are discussed
Contributi per una flora vascolare di toscana. IX (507-605)
Contributions for a vascular flora of Tuscany. IX (507-605). New localities and/or confirmations concerning 98 specific and subspecific plant taxa of Tuscan vascular flora, belonging to 81 genera and 42 families are presented: Alisma, Baldellia (Alismataceae), Chenopodium (Amaranthaceae), Sternbergia (Amaryllidaceae), Bupleurum (Apiaceae), Vinca (Apocynaceae), Muscari, Polygonatum (Asparagaceae), Carlina, Centaurea, Chondrilla, Filago, Pallenis, Tagetes, Tr a - gopogon, Tyrimnus (Asteraceae), Impatiens (Balsaminaceae), Campsis (Bignoniaceae), Cardamine, Iberis, Isatis, Lepidium, Rorippa (Brassicaceae), Humulus (Cannabaceae), Centranthus (Caprifoliaceae), Atocion, Paronychia, Sabulina, Scleranthus (Caryophyllaceae), Euonymus (Celastraceae), Fumana (Cistaceae), Phedimus, Sedum (Crassulaceae), Juniperus (Cupressacesae), Carex, Cyperus, Schoenus (Cyperaceae), Erica (Ericaceae), Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae), Astragalus, Cytisus, Gleditsia, Lotus, Trifolium, Vicia (Fabaceae), Geranium (Geraniaceae), Philadelphus (Hydrangeaceae), Phacelia (Hydrophyllaceae), Hermodactylus, Iris, Romulea (Iridaceae), Salvia, Ziziphora (Lamiaceae), Gagea, Lilium (Liliaceae), Lindernia (Linderniaceae), Mirabilis (Nyctaginaceae), Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae), Ligustrum (Oleaceae), Oenothera (Onagraceae), Oxalis (Oxalidaceae), Plantago, Veronica (Plantaginaceae), Armeria (Plumbaginaceae), Eleusine, Festuca, Phleum, Setaria, Stipa, Tragu s (Poaceae), Stuckenia (Potamogetonaceae), Anemonoides, Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae), Reseda (Resedaceae), Aphanes, Cotoneaster, Eriobotrya, Malus, Rosa (Rosaceae), Galium (Rubiaceae), Nicotiana, (Solanaceae). In the end, the conservation status of the units and possible protection of the cited biotopes are discussed
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 1
In this contribution, new data concerning the Italian distribution of alien vascular flora are presented. It includes new records, exclusions, and confirmations for Italy or for Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Agave, Arctotheca, Berberis, Bidens, Cardamine, Catalpa, Cordyline, Cotoneaster, Dichondra, Elaeagnus, Eragrostis, Impatiens, Iris, Koelreuteria, Lamiastrum, Lantana, Ligustrum, Limnophila, Lonicera, Lycianthes, Maclura, Mazus, Paspalum, Pelargonium, Phyllanthus, Pyracantha, Ruellia, Sorghum, Symphyotrichum, Triticum, Tulbaghia and Youngia
A global collaboRAtive study of CIC-rearranged, BCOR::CCNB3-rearranged and other ultra-rare unclassified undifferentiated small round cell sarcomas (GRACefUl)
[Background] Undifferentiated small round cell sarcomas (URCSs) represent a diagnostic challenge, and their optimal treatment is unknown. We aimed to define the clinical characteristics, treatment, and outcome of URCS patients.[Methods] URCS patients treated from 1983 to 2019 at 21 worldwide sarcoma reference centres were retrospectively identified. Based on molecular assessment, cases were classified as follows: (1) CIC-rearranged round cell sarcomas, (2) BCOR::CCNB3-rearranged round cell sarcomas, (3) unclassified URCSs. Treatment, prognostic factors and outcome were reviewed.[Results] In total, 148 patients were identified [88/148 (60%) CIC-rearranged sarcoma (median age 32 years, range 7–78), 33/148 (22%) BCOR::CCNB3-rearranged (median age 17 years, range 5–91), and 27/148 (18%) unclassified URCSs (median age 37 years, range 4–70)]. One hundred-one (68.2%) cases presented with localised disease; 47 (31.8%) had metastases at diagnosis. Male prevalence, younger age, bone primary site, and a low rate of synchronous metastases were observed in BCOR::CCNB3-rearranged cases. Local treatment was surgery in 67/148 (45%) patients, and surgery + radiotherapy in 52/148 (35%). Chemotherapy was given to 122/148 (82%) patients. At a 42.7-month median follow-up, the 3-year overall survival (OS) was 92.2% (95% CI 71.5–98.0) in BCOR::CCNB3 patients, 39.6% (95% CI 27.7–51.3) in CIC-rearranged sarcomas, and 78.7% in unclassified URCSs (95% CI 56.1–90.6; p < 0.0001).[Conclusions] This study is the largest conducted in URCS and confirms major differences in outcomes between URCS subtypes. A full molecular assessment should be undertaken when a diagnosis of URCS is suspected. Prospective studies are needed to better define the optimal treatment strategy in each URCS subtype.This work was supported by the Carisbo Foundation Call for Translational and Clinical Medical Research.Peer reviewe
An updated inventory of the vascular flora of Elba island (Tuscan Archipelago, Italy)
We present an updated list of the vascular flora occurring on Elba island (Tuscan Archipelago). The list is based on bibliographic analysis and field studies carried out in the years 2006–2018. With a total of 1,098 specific and subspecific taxa currently occurring on the island (including 101 naturalized aliens), plus 67 casual aliens and 16 hybrid taxa, Elba shows the highest number of species among the islands of the Tuscan Archipelago. Two taxa are new for Tuscany: Hieracium symphytaceum s.l. and Ophrys exaltata subsp. morisii; 22 taxa are new for the island, 34 have been confirmed, while 326 were reliably recorded previously by other authors, but not confirmed by our study. We excluded 41 taxa and considered doubtful the occurrence of 87. Life forms and chorotypes are in agreement with the Mediterranean climate of the island. Despite this, Elba also hosts a considerable proportion of Eurosiberian taxa. We detected significant differences in chorotypes and life forms spectra among different geographical portions of the island, paralleling distinct bioclimatic patterns. Despite the institution of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park, we are still far from an integrated protection of the island flora. Based on our results, it has been possible to arrange a geodatabase of the flora on the island, useful for its protection
Online databasing of plant diversity data became one of the major issues in biodiversity informatics in recent years. An increasing number of databases is now available concerning nomenclature and taxonomy, herbarium specimens, invasive alien plant monitoring, plant traits, ecology, vegetation, chromosome numbers, plant rDNA sites, genome size, DNA sequences. On the contrary, there are still few publicly available databases storing floristic data, especially at local level (1). Floristic records provide baseline data for researches in plant biology, linking a certain systematic unit to the localities where it is known to occur. Traditionally, printed floras are the “one-stop-shop” to find floristic data for a territory; unfortunately, printed floras are quickly outdated. Therefore, researchers must look for updated data in the scientific literature and herbarium specimens: the longer the time elapsed since the issue of the flora, the heavier the effort.
In consideration of this, in 2013 we have started the project “Wikiplantbase #Toscana” (2) to provide a framework where the full set of georeferenced floristic records of Tuscany can be entered, stored, updated and freely accessed through the Internet. In few months, thousands of data accumulated and, and in summer 2014 we started to modify the platform to store floristic records also for Sardinia. As a result, since 17 November 2014, Wikiplantbase #Sardinia is available online (3), and recently both platforms were upgraded to version 2.0, allowing a wider set or search possibilities.
As of 28 May 2015, Wikiplantbase #Toscana is storing 84149 floristic records, and Wikiplantbase #Sardegna 25000. Concerning the taxonomic coverage, for more than 90% of specific and subspecific taxa known for Tuscany there is at least one record available; while for Sardinia to a lesser extent, is still about 50%, but rapidly growing. The most recorded species are, so far: Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn subsp. aquilinum (Dennstaedtiaceae) for Tuscany (253 records from 161 different localities), and Pistacia lentiscus L. (Anacardiaceae) for Sardinia (292 records from 189 different localities).
The platform’s design allows to store further regional records, so as to support a unified floristic database of the Italian Regions. With minor software tweaking, the online platform Wikiplantbase might be adopted in other contexts, resulting in a well connected network of regional floristic databases suited to exploit the involvement – still largely untapped – of non-academic collaborators, as advocated by citizen science