447 research outputs found

    Putting the Text back into Context: A Codicological Approach to Manuscript Transcription

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    Textual scholars have tended to produce editions which present the text without its manuscript context. Even though digital editions now often present single-witness editions with facsimiles of the manuscripts, nevertheless the text itself is still transcribed and represented as a linguistic object rather than a physical one. Indeed, this is explicitly stated as the theoretical basis for the de facto standard of markup for digital texts: the Guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). These explicitly treat texts as semantic units such as paragraphs, sentences, verses and so on, rather than physical elements such as pages, openings, or surfaces, and some scholars have argued that this is the only viable model for representing texts. In contrast, this chapter presents arguments for considering the document as a physical object in the markup of texts. The theoretical arguments of what constitutes a text are first reviewed, with emphasis on those used by the TEI and other theoreticians of digital markup. A series of cases is then given in which a document-centric approach may be desirable, with both modern and medieval examples. Finally a step forward in this direction is raised, namely the results of the Genetic Edition Working Group in the Manuscript Special Interest Group of the TEI: this includes a proposed standard for documentary markup, whereby aspects of codicology and mise en page can be included in digital editions, putting the text back into its manuscript context

    Learner Anxiety and Professional Practice Self-efficacy in Nursing Education

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the affective component of learner engagement (Linnenbrink & Printrich, 2003); more specifically students’ perceptions of learner anxiety and self-efficacy for professional practice in clinical nursing education. This study identified the factors in clinical learning contexts that contribute to learner anxiety, the differences among these factors in real and simulated learning contexts, and finally, the teaching and learning strategies that minimize learner anxiety and positively enhance self-efficacy for professional nursing practice. A convenience sample of 186 students from three university nursing programs in Ontarioparticipated in a two-phased mixed methods study, reflecting a response rate of 72%. In phase one, participants were asked to respond to four self-report instruments: the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) (Spielberger, 1983), the Factors Contributing to Anxiety in Clinical Learning (Pierazzo, 2013), the Teaching and Learning Strategies that Enhance Professional Practice Self-Efficacy in Clinical Learning (Pierazzo, 2013) and a demographic questionnaire requesting gender and age. In phase two, a total of 31 participants participated in one of three focus groups. The results of the study confirm that nursing students do experience feelings of anxiety during clinical learning in both real and simulated contexts, although their state and trait anxiety is similar to the average college student. The participants identified specific factors that contribute to feelings of learner anxiety in both real and simulated learning contexts. Findings reveal that in both contexts, nursing students perceive preparation for patient care as the first subscale of factors most likely to contribute to perceptions of anxiety. Following this, patient acuity in real contexts and learning processes in simulated contexts was the second subscale of factors. In terms of single factor ranking, three of the top five factors for both contexts were the same: feeling unsure about my ability; making a mistake in patient care; and being watched by others as I provide care. Making a mistake while caring for patients was the factor contributing most to anxiety in real clinical contexts, whereas being watched by others contributed most to anxiety in simulated contexts. In terms of themes describing teaching and learning strategies to enhance professional practice self-efficacy in situations of anxiety, there were both similar and unique differences between the two learning contexts. The teaching strategy identified by students as contributing to their self-efficacy in both contexts was the teachers’ interaction with the student, specifically positive encouragement, constructive feedback and challenges critical thinking. Distinct differences in teaching strategies for both contexts were related to specific elements of the learning process within each context. Learner strategies on the other-hand revealed similar themes in both learning contexts, although being self-directed and looking for new learning opportunities seemed to be more prevalent in real clinical contexts. The findings in this study have implications for nursing educators by contributing to a better understanding of affective learner engagement in clinical education and ensuring safe patient care during the learning process

    Le codage en TEI des brouillons de Proust : vers l’édition numérique

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    International audienceThis article discusses some of the issues connected with the modelling and the development of an online tool for the display of the writing process of some pages of Marcel Prous

    Da Inquisição Espanhola à metrópole (pós)moderna: o fantástico da opressão em Edgar Allan Poe e Murilo Rubião

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    Este artículo pretende realizar un análisis comparativo entre los cuentos "El Pozo y el Péndulo", de Edgar Allan Poe, y "O bloqueio", de Murilo Rubião, a través del uso de elementos característicos de ficción fantástica. Por lo tanto, el texto analizará, al menos inicialmente, cómo estos elementos trabajan juntos para representar situaciones opresivas que surgen de horrores reales y psicológicos causados, respectivamente, por la Inquisición española y por la exacerbada búsqueda del progreso.This article aims to accomplish a comparative analysis between the short stories “The Pit and the Pendulum”, by Edgar Allan Poe, and “O bloqueio”, by Murilo Rubião. It will take into account the use of characteristic elements of fantastic fiction. Therefore, the text will analyze, initially at least, how these elements work together to represent oppressive situations that arise of real and psychological horrors caused, respectively, by the Spanish Inquisition and by the exacerbated quest for progress.O presente artigo tem como objetivo realizar uma análise comparada entre os contos “O poço e o pêndulo”, de Edgar Allan Poe, e “O bloqueio”, de Murilo Rubião, por meio da consideração do uso de elementos característicos da literatura fantástica. Assim, pretende-se analisar, pelo menos inicialmente, como esses elementos colaboram para a representação de situações de opressão decorrentes dos horrores reais e psicológicos causados, respectivamente, pela Inquisição Espanhola e pela busca exacerbada do progresso

    Validation of numerical codes for impact and explosion cratering: Impacts on strengthless and metal targets

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    Over the last few decades, rapid improvement of computer capabilities has allowed impact cratering to be modeled with increasing complexity and realism, and has paved the way for a new era of numerical modeling of the impact process, including full, three-dimensional (3D) simulations. When properly benchmarked and validated against observation, computer models offer a powerful tool for understanding the mechanics of impact crater formation. This work presents results from the first phase of a project to benchmark and validate shock codes. A variety of 2D and 3D codes were used in this study, from commercial products like AUTODYN, to codes developed within the scientific community like SOVA, SPH, ZEUS-MP, iSALE, and codes developed at U.S. National Laboratories like CTH, SAGE/RAGE, and ALE3D. Benchmark calculations of shock wave propagation in aluminum-on-aluminum impacts were performed to examine the agreement between codes for simple idealized problems. The benchmark simulations show that variability in code results is to be expected due to differences in the underlying solution algorithm of each code, artificial stability parameters, spatial and temporal resolution, and material models. Overall, the inter-code variability in peak shock pressure as a function of distance is around 10 to 20%. In general, if the impactor is resolved by at least 20 cells across its radius, the underestimation of peak shock pressure due to spatial resolution is less than 10%. In addition to the benchmark tests, three validation tests were performed to examine the ability of the codes to reproduce the time evolution of crater radius and depth observed in vertical laboratory impacts in water and two well-characterized aluminum alloys. Results from these calculations are in good agreement with experiments. There appears to be a general tendency of shock physics codes to underestimate the radius of the forming crater. Overall, the discrepancy between the model and experiment results is between 10 and 20%, similar to the inter-code variability.The Meteoritics & Planetary Science archives are made available by the Meteoritical Society and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform February 202

    Using Case Study to Examine Simulation in a Problem-based Course

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    Background: In the last decade, simulation-based learning has flourished with the context of professional practice and education. Within this development, the value of enhancing problem-based learning (PBL) with technology, specifically high-fidelity simulation has not been well-investigated. More specifically, baccalaureate nursing students’ perspectives in using a high-fidelity simulation (HFS) activity during a theoretical problem-based nursing course have not been examined. Purpose: This study explored the perceptions of second year nursing students when HFS and PBL were integrated in a theoretical nursing course. Method: In this study, a descriptive, qualitative research design, specifically case study methodology (Stake, 2005) was used to explore the research inquiry. A convenience sample of 19 nursing students were recruited to participate in one of three focus groups. Results: The findings of the study highlighted the educational value of integrating simulation-based learning in a problem-based theoretical nursing course. Students commented on the importance of understanding new knowledge in the classroom context with the following thematic perceptions: 1) bridging theory and practice, 2) integrating knowledge from other courses, 3) enhancing confidence for practice, 4) learning together, and 5) learning in a safe environment. Conclusion: As nursing students engage in problem-based learning, it is valuable to consider opportunities whereby professional practice concepts are better understood with the merging of two active forms of teaching and learning, PBL and simulation- based learning. Résumé : Contexte : Au cours de la dernière décennie, l’apprentissage par simulation s’est répandu dans les milieux de pratique professionnelle et de formation. Par contre, les bénéfices d’associer la technologie, particulièrement la simulation haute-fidélité, à l’apprentissage par problèmes (APP), n’ont pas été suffisamment étudiés. Et plus spécifiquement, le point de vue des étudiants au baccalauréat en sciences infirmières concernant des activités de simulation haute-fidélité (SHF) pendant un cours théorique d’apprentissage par problèmes de soins, n’a pas été examiné. Objectif : La présente étude explorait le point de vue d’étudiants de deuxième année en sciences infirmières concernant l’intégration de la SHF et l’APP dans un cours théorique de sciences infirmières. Méthode : Un devis de recherche descriptif qualitatif, c\u27est-à-dire une étude de cas (Stake, 2005), a été utilisée pour réaliser les travaux de recherche. Un échantillon de convenance a permis de recruter 19 étudiants en sciences infirmières pour participer à l’un de trois groupes de discussion. Résultats : Les résultats de l’étude ont mis en évidence la valeur éducative de l’intégration de l’apprentissage par simulation à l’apprentissage par problèmes dans un cours théorique en sciences infirmières. Les étudiants ont mentionné l’importance de comprendre les nouvelles connaissances en contexte académique avec les points de vue thématiques suivants : 1) créer des liens entre la théorie et la pratique; 2) intégrer des connaissances acquises lors d’autres cours; 3) améliorer la confiance pour la pratique; 4) apprendre ensemble; et 5) apprendre dans un milieu sécuritaire. Conclusion : Lorsque les étudiants en sciences infirmières participent à l’apprentissage par problèmes, il est important de saisir les occasions où la combinaison de deux formes actives d’enseignement et d’apprentissage, à savoir l’apprentissage par problèmes et l’apprentissage par la simulation, mène à une meilleure compréhension des concepts de pratique professionnelle

    O Clube dos Artistas Modernos por Flávio de Carvalho

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    O presente trabalho se refere a parte de um projeto de pesquisa de Iniciação Científica cujo objetivo geral seria em torno dos recortes sobre o Clube dos Artistas Modernos (doravante CAM) feitos e armazenados em álbuns pelo artista Flávio de Carvalho e cujos objetivos específicos seriam a organização de um índice classificado, de um índice onomástico, assim como a reconstituição da programação do clube a partir dos eventos citados nesses recortes. Este trabalho procura ser uma introdução à pesquisa citada, trazendo uma breve apresentação do artista e do clube, além de um panorama da época, situando o leitor para o trabalho que virá a ser desenvolvido em seguida. Assim, procuramos retomar a imagem de Flávio de Carvalho – um tanto quanto esquecido pela bibliografia tradicional referente ao modernismo brasileiro – e contribuir para os estudos sobre o papel do CAM no cenário cultural das décadas de 1920 e 1930

    Editorial Introduction to the Sixth Issue

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    The essays in this issue have been selected from among the papers given at the 2012 TEI Conference, TEI in the C{r/l}oud, held in College Station, Texas, at Texas A&M University. These particular essays focus primarily on the Crowd. Except for our most technical contribution by Lou Burnard which really concerns making the language of TEI Schemas more independent of existing schema languages, they all share an interest in how TEI might function off-piste, as it were—that is, not among the TEI ..