10 research outputs found

    Nowoczesne rozwi膮zania konstrukcyjne hal 艂ukowych dla budownictwa rolniczego

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    The paper presents evaluation methods of arch-shaped corrugated steel roof capacity used in an agricultural construction. The arch-shaped corrugated steel roof is easy to install, to use and less expensive than the traditional construction of agricultural buildings. The specific of structure poses many design problems related to the local buckling of profiled sheets. The article presents normative design methods, the most common design errors, trends research methods and numerical calculations.W artykule zaprezentowano metody oceny no艣no艣ci nowoczesnych konstrukcji hal 艂ukowych stosowanych w budownictwie rolniczym.  Cienko艣cienne 艂ukowe blachy stalowe s膮 proste w monta偶u, 艂atwe w eksploatacji i ta艅sze od tradycyjnych konstrukcji budynk贸w rolniczych. Specyfika zadasze艅 z cienko艣ciennych blach 艂ukowych nastr臋cza jednak wiele problem贸w projektowych. Rozwi膮zanie tych problem贸w pozwoli na wznoszenie tanich i bezpiecznych  budynk贸w. W artykule przedstawiono normatywne metody projektowania, najcz臋stsze b艂臋dy projektowe oraz kierunki rozwoju metod projektowania wspomaganych badaniami

    Modern solutions of arch-shaped construction for agricultural building halls

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    The paper presents evaluation methods of arch-shaped corrugated steel roof capacity used in an agricultural construction. The arch-shaped corrugated steel roof is easy to install, to use and less expensive than the traditional construction of agricultural buildings. The specific of structure poses many design problems related to the local buckling of profiled sheets. The article presents normative design methods, the most common design errors, trends research methods and numerical calculations

    Experimental Investigation of Adhesion Failure between Waterproof Coatings and Terrace Tiles under Usage Loads

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    This paper analyses the mechanism of the loss of functional properties of water-impermeable products used under ceramic tiles bonded with adhesives. Recorded damages were caused by selected ageing factors and were measured by the loss of adhesion of individual layers of the set. The analyzed phenomenon is found mainly on terraces and balconies located in a mid-European transitional climate, i.e., exposed to temperatures passing through 0 °C for three seasons a year. The tests reflected the action of three main functional factors, i.e., temperatures, water and freeze/thaw cycles. Tested waterproof coatings were grouped into three types, i.e., dispersion, cementitious and reaction resin-based products. Research kits consisted of liquid-applied water-impermeable products laid on a concrete substrate, adhesives and tiles. Comparing the effects of the action of the above-mentioned ageing factors revealed that water has the greatest impact on the reduction of the tensile adhesion strength of such sets. The adhesion of waterproof coatings to the concrete substrate showed higher values than the adhesion between the waterproof coating and the tile adhesive layers, regardless of the coating material. Both for samples not exposed to ageing factors, and for those exposed to such impacts, failure usually occurred in the adhesive layer or between the tile adhesive and the waterproof coating, without damaging the waterproof layer. The loss of adhesion of finishing layers to the substrate was not accompanied by a loss of tightness of the waterproof coating. The impact of negative water ageing was particularly destructive on the adhesion of cement-based tile adhesives to waterproof coatings made of polymer with a water dispersion of absorbability above 7% (V/V). There was no correlation among the results of adhesion of the finishing layers to the waterproofing layer after the action of the three ageing factors, i.e., water contact, elevated temperature and freeze/thaw cycles

    Numerical Prediction of Local Instability in Double Corrugated Profiles

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    The technological process of forming the double-corrugated structures of the K-span system causes deep transverse embossing on the surface of the profiles. Such profile geometry makes it difficult to apply classical theories related to plastic failure mechanisms to identify the formation of local instabilities. This article presents an original method for the prediction of local instabilities of double-corrugated structures. The method was developed on the basis of a hierarchical validated FEM model. The geometrically and materially nonlinear analysis method was adopted to perform numerical calculations. The results of calculations enabled the determination of reference equilibrium paths for the eccentrically compressed shell element. Based on the analysis of nonlinear equilibrium paths, a method for predicting the beginning and the end of the appearance of local instabilities in the elastoplastic pre-buckling range was developed

    Efficiency assessment of horizontal damp proof courses made by chemical injection in wall tests

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    This paper discusses one method of prevention of capillary water rising through the walls, i.e., making horizontal damp-proof courses by chemical injection. The aim of the tests was to find out which materials and groups of injection methods give the opportunity to create the most effective secondary horizontal damp proof course of underground parts of walls. The tests were carried out on large samples, i.e., walls built under ideal laboratory conditions of water capillary rise, i.e., with the repetitive properties of the materials used to build the test鈥檚 walls, without its additional salinity. The nine randomly selected injection products were tested as two product groups: silanes and silicates. Tested silanes and/or siloxanes products were in the form of cream or paste, silicates were in the form of emulsions or dispersions. They were injected into walls with both methods, i.e. gravity and low pressure. Visible effects of the action of the damp-proof courses usually occur after 90聽days after injection of products into the wall. A faster increase in efficiency was found for single-row injection than for double-row injection but with higher values after the end of the study for double injection. According to the density of injection products, the highest efficiency was found for products with a density range of 0.92聽kg/dm3 up to 0.96聽kg/dm3, for silanes products and with a density less than 1.2聽kg/dm3 for silicate products

    Do艣wiadczalne i obliczeniowe podej艣cie do oceny struktur 艂ukowych z blach podw贸jnie gi臋tych. Przegl膮d najnowszych osi膮gni臋膰

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    Double corrugated, self-supporting K-span arch structures are now commonly used globally to make roofs for building structures, as an alternative to traditional solutions. The K-span system has become popular mainly due to the simple and cheap method of its manufacturing and quick installation. Nowadays, new versions of the system are created but still there is no valid design method. Design difficulties are among the causes of failures or even collapses of such structures. Back in the 1970s, the first studies were developed concerning computational analyses of double corrugated arch roofs. They laid grounds for the development of contemporary K-span system technology but have since lost their practical advantages due to changing engineering conditions. The paper presents a review of research and computational methods concerning double corrugated arch structures. The paper discusses selected scientific studies, which were used as the basis for the development of research and computational methods, and their contemporary continuation. Directions for further research and analyses are also presented which could contribute to the future development of science and engineering in the area and could provide inspiration for future studies.Podw贸jnie gi臋te, samono艣ne struktury 艂ukowe systemu K-span, stosowane s膮 obecnie na runku 艣wiatowym do wykonywania zadasze艅 obiekt贸w budowlanych jako alternatywna technologia w odniesieniu do tradycyjnych rozwi膮za艅. System konstrukcyjny K-span zyska艂 popularno艣膰 g艂贸wnie z powodu prostej i taniej metody wytwarzania oraz szybkiego monta偶u. Obecnie powstaj膮 nowe odmiany tego sytemu, jednak nadal brak jest odpowiedniego sposobu projektowania. Trudno艣ci w projektowaniu s膮 jedn膮 z przyczyn awarii a nawet katastrof tego typu struktur. W latach osiemdziesi膮tych ubieg艂ego stulecia powsta艂y pierwsze opracowania studialne dotycz膮ce analiz badawczych i obliczeniowych zadasze艅 艂ukowych z blach podw贸jnie gi臋tych. Stanowi艂y one podstawy rozwoju dzisiejszej technologii systemu K-span, jednak straci艂y walory praktyczne z uwagi na zmieniaj膮ce si臋 uwarunkowania techniczne. Artyku艂 stanowi przegl膮d rozwoju technik badawczych i obliczeniowych dotycz膮cych struktur 艂ukowych z blach podw贸jnie gi臋tych. W artykule przedstawiono wybrane prace naukowe, kt贸re by艂y podstaw膮 rozwoju technik badawczych i metod obliczeniowych a tak偶e ich wsp贸艂czesn膮 kontynuacj臋

    Ammonia in Fly Ashes from Flue Gas Denitrification Process and its Impact on the Properties of Cement Composites

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    The paper presents the results of research on the properties of fly ashes from the process of flue gas denitrification by selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR), consisting of dosing urea into the coal combustion chamber. The research was carried out on two types of fly ash: Silica fly ash from flue gas denitrification and ash from a traditional boiler without the flue gas denitrification process. The scope of comparative studies included physicochemical and structural features of ashes, as well as slurries and mortars with the addition of ashes. Fly ash from denitrification, whose ammonia content at the time of sampling was 75 mg/kg at the maximum, was examined. Our own research has shown that fly ash from flue gas denitrification is characterized by a higher value of losses on ignition and ammonia content in comparison to ashes without denitrification. It was shown that the ammonia content in the analyzed range does not limit the use of fly ash as an additive to cement and concrete

    Application of 3D Digital Image Correlation for Development and Validation of FEM Model of Self-Supporting Arch Structures

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    Many building structures, due to a complex geometry and non-linear material properties, are cumbersome to analyze with finite element method (FEM). A good example is a self-supporting arch-shaped steel sheets. Considering the uncommon geometry and material profile of an arch (due to plastic deformations, cross section of a trough, a goffer pattern), the local loss of stability can occur in unexpected regions. Therefore, the hybrid experimental-numerical methodology of analysis and optimization of arch structures have been proposed. The methodology is based on three steps of development and validation of a FEM with utilization of a digital image correlation (DIC) method. The experiments are performed by means of 3D DIC systems adopted sequentially for each measurement step conditions from small size sections, through few segment constructions up to full scale in situ objects

    Analysis of Resistance to Wind Suction of Flat Roof Coverings Glued with Polyurethane Adhesives

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    The article analyses the impact of wind suction on roof coverings glued with polyurethane adhesives to flat roofs, i.e., roofs with an up to 20% slope. The impact of the cyclical wind was simulated in fatigue tests, gradually increasing the test pressure in repeated sequences until the first delamination occurred. The tests were carried out for eight test sets, with concrete and trapezoidal sheets used as a construction substrate, on whose surface thermal insulation layers were glued with polyurethane adhesive; the thermal insulation layers were EPS (expanded polystyrene) and PIR (polymer mainly of polyisocyanurate groups), respectively, followed by flexible sheets, i.e., a laminated PVC membrane (polyvinylchloride) and an EPDM (terpolymer of ethylene, propylene and a diene with a residual unsaturated portion of diene in the side chain)-type rubber-based membrane. The test results were compared with the functional requirements determined with computational simulation methods for the maximum wind load values on the example of wind loads for Poland. The tests confirmed that some polyurethane adhesives could ensure the operation of flexible sheets used as flat roof coverings that are failure-free from the point of view of resistance to wind suction