434 research outputs found

    Nanoindentation of functionally graded hybrid polymer/metal thin films

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    Hybrid functionally graded coatings (2D-FGC) were deposited by magnetron co-sputtering from poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) and AISI 316L stainless steel (316L) targets. The carbon and fluorine content varied from 7.3 to 23.7 at.% and from 0 to 57 at.%, respectively. The surface modification was developed to change the surface of 316L vascular stents in order to improve the biocompatibility of the outmost layer of the metallic biomaterial. In-depth XPS analysis revealed the presence of a graded chemical composition accompanied by the variation of the film structure. These results were complemented by those of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis that highlighted the nanocomposite nature of the coatings. The nanomechanical characterization of 2D-FGC was performed by nanoindentation at several loads on the thin films deposited onto two different steel substrates: 316L and AISI M2. The study allowed establishing 0.7 mN as the load that characterized the coatings without substrate influence. Both hardness and Young modulus decrease with the increase of fluorine content due to the evolution in chemical composition, chemical bonds and structure

    Silvicultura urbana em municípios brasileiros e]com maior concentração populacional.

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    A boa gestão da arborização urbana é um dos principais requisitos para propiciar qualidade de vida à população. Para o manejo e planejamento da silvicultura urbana é importante um diagnóstico detalhado. O diagnóstico da silvicultura urbana é obtido principalmente por inventário arbóreo e serve como subsídio para o planejamento urbano. As cidades brasileiras tem estrutura precária de gerenciamento da arborização e não há um plano nacional de inventário urbano. Objetivou-se identificar dentre os municípios mais populosos do Brasil, aqueles que contam com inventários e manejo da silvicultura urbana para futuras políticas públicas da área

    Electrochemical detection of in situ adriamycin oxidative damage to DNA

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    Adriamycin intercalation and in situ interaction with double helix DNA was investigated using a voltammetric DNA-biosensor. Oxidation and reduction of adriamycin molecules intercalated in double helix DNA were investigated in order to understand the in vivo mechanism of action with this anti-neoplasic drug. The results showed that the interaction of adriamycin with DNA is potential-dependent causing contact between DNA guanine and adenine bases and the electrode surface such that their oxidation is easily detected. A mechanism for adriamycin reduction and oxidation in situ when intercalated in double helix DNA immobilised onto the glassy carbon electrode surface is presented and the formation of the mutagenic 8-oxoguanine explained.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6THP-44PVS7R-M/1/1474d369a4b1d556b84d548d2df2543

    Development of an HPLC method with electrochemical detection of femtomoles of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine in the presence of uric acid

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    A selective method based on high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (HPLC-ECD) was developed to enable simultaneous detection of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoGua) and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodGuo), products of DNA oxidative damage, in the presence of uric acid (UA), a strong interferent in their electrochemical detection. The method developed consists of HPLC isocratic elution with amperometric detection on a glassy carbon electrode, enabling a detection limit for 8-oxoGua and 8-oxodGuo lower than 1 nM in standard mixtures. Detection of low concentrations up to 25 nM of 8-oxoGua and 8-oxodGuo in the presence of UA in a 104-fold higher concentration was achieved after one-step solid phase extraction (SPE). The method was tested with urine samples and it was possible to detect and quantify the presence of 8-oxoGua, and to confirm that UA was eliminated after uricase degradation and SPE. The LOD found in urine samples was about 80 nM, a value higher than in standard mixtures, due to the increase of background current in the urine matrix. The results presented here contribute to the development of a methodological approach to simultaneous determination of 8-oxoGua and 8-oxodGuo in urine samples.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6THP-4BG45K9-1/1/203c0cf340998db82825488fecf36e4

    Electron microprobe analysis of cryolite

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    Comunicação apresentada em: EMAS 2013 : 13th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis, Centro de Congressos da Alfândega do Porto, Portugal, 12 to 16 May 2013A sample of cryolite was studied with a JEOL JXA 8500-F electron microprobe under several operating conditions. A TAP crystal was used to analyse Na and Al and a LDE1 crystal to analyse F. As F and Na are both highly "volatile" elements, special care must be taken during analysis. The measurement order of Na, F and Al is not irrelevant and optimum conditions may also result in different combinations of accelerating voltage, beam current, beam size or counting times. Relevant X-ray signals were recorded in order to investigate the behaviour of the Na Ka and F Ka counts with elapsed time. The incident beam current was also recorded at the same time. In a clear contrast to what has normally been reported in the EPMA analysis of aluminosilicates and silicate glasses, we found that the Na X-ray counts increase with time. This increment of X-rays intensities for sodium in cryolite depends on the operating conditions and is accompanied by a strong migration of fluorine from the beam excitation volume, leading to a decrease in F X-ray counting rates. It was also observed that higher incident beam currents induce higher radiation damage in the mineral. The current instability is consistent with possible electron induced dissociation in the cryolite structure. An analytical protocol was achieved for 6 kV and 15kV accelerating voltage for the correct EPMA analysis of cryolite

    Frequência da Anafilaxia Induzida pelo Exercício numa Consulta de Imunoalergologia

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    Introdução: A anafilaxia induzida pelo exercício (AIE) é uma forma rara de alergia física que ocorre na sequência de esforços físicos. A verdadeira incidência e prevalência da AIE permanecem por esclarecer, não existindo até à data dados publicados a nível nacional. Objectivos: Estimar a frequência da AIE no ambulatório de um serviço de Imunoalergologia e incrementar o conhecimento em relação a esta patologia. Métodos: De 7699 doentes observados na consulta de Imunoalergologia durante o período de um ano, incluímos os correspondentes a quadros de anafilaxia notificados pelo corpo clínico (“pelo menos um episódio de reacção sistémica grave”). Resultados: A AIE foi reportada em 5 de 103 doentes com história de anafilaxia; correspondendo a uma frequência de 0,06% na população observada na consulta. A média etária destes doentes era de 20,2 ± 10,3 anos (entre 10 e 37 anos) e a distribuição por sexo masculino/feminino de 4:1. Todos tinham história pessoal de atopia e de rinite alérgica; dois doentes (40%) tinham asma. As actividades desencadeantes das crises foram a corrida, o futebol, a natação e a dança. Todos os doentes tinham sintomas com o exercício dependente da ingestão prévia de alimentos: cereais em três doentes (trigo – dois, cevada – um), leguminosas em dois (amendoim – um, feijão -frade e feijão -verde – um); com teste cutâneo por picada positivo para os referidos alimentos. Conclusões: A AIE representa 5% dos casos de anafi laxia reportados. Todos os casos identifi cados apresentavam AIE dependente de alimentos, encontrando-se os doentes controlados com a evicção dos alimentos referidos 6 horas antes da prática de exercício e sendo portadores de dispositivo para autoadministração de adrenalina

    Using assistive robots to promote inclusive education

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    Purpose: This paper describes the development and test of physical and virtual integrated augmentative manipulation and communication assistive technologies (IAMCATs) that enable children with motor and speech impairments to manipulate educational items by controlling a robot with a gripper, while communicating through a speech generating device. Method: Nine children with disabilities, nine regular and nine special education teachers participated in the study. Teachers adapted academic activities so they could also be performed by the children with disabilities using the IAMCAT. An inductive content analysis of the teachers’ interviews before and after the intervention was performed. Results: Teachers considered the IAMCAT to be a useful resource that can be integrated into the regular class dynamics respecting their curricular planning. It had a positive impact on children with disabilities and on the educational community. However, teachers pointed out the difficulties in managing the class, even with another adult present, due to the extra time required by children with disabilities to complete the activities. Conclusions: The developed assistive technologies enable children with disabilities to participate in academic activities but full inclusion would require another adult in class and strategies to deal with the additional time required by children to complete the activities. IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATION - Integrated augmentative manipulation and communication assistive technologies are useful resources to promote the participation of children with motor and speech impairments in classroom activities. - Virtual tools, running on a computer screen, may be easier to use but further research is needed in order to evaluate its effectiveness when compared to physical tools. - Full participation of children with motor and speech impairments in academic activities using these technologies requires another adult in class and adequate strategies to manage the extra time the child with disabilities may require to complete the activities