1,014,357 research outputs found

    Assessment of bacteriological quality of ready to eat food (Meat pie) in Benin City metropolis, Nigeria

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    Eight triplicate samples of meat pie were randomly sampled from standard eatery and local kiosk in Benin City and analyzed microbiologically for the rates of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The mean microbial load on the fresh meat pie from the standard eatery ranged from 3x103 – 5x103cfu/g while the air preserved and refrigerated meat pie for (2 days) ranged between 2.3 x104 -3.8 x104 cfu/g and 8x 103-1.5 x104 cfu/g respectively. The mean microbial load of the fresh meat pie from the local kiosk ranged between 7x103-2.8x104 cfu/g while the air preserved and refrigerated meat pie for 2days ranged between 3x10-4 to too numerous to count (TNTC) and 1.3 x104 -2.8x104 cfu/g respectively. Six genera of the isolated bacteria include Staphylococcus, E. coli, klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Enterococcus. Statistical analysis of the mean microbial load showed a significant difference (P<0.05) between control and air preserved meat pie and no significant difference in the mean microbial load between control and refrigerated meat pie were (P>0.05)


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk : 1) Menentukan formula dan teknik pengolahan yang tepat pada produk pie dengan substitusi pati garut. 2) Mengembangkan produk pie yang disubstitusi pati garut dengan isian brownies, buah-buahan dengan saus vla dan ragout sayur. 3) Mengetahui tingkat penerimaan masyarakat terhadap produk pie yang disubstitusi pati garut dengan variasi isian. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan produk ini adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan model ADDIE melalui beberapa tahap yaitu 1) Analisis Resep dari beberapa referensi, 2) Perancangan produk (Design) merancang formula dan resep pengembangan menggunakan bahan potensi lokal yang dipilih yaitu pati garut, 3)Pembuatan dan pengujian produk (Develop) melakukan eksperimen atau percobaan untuk membuat produk yang telah dirancang, 4) Pengujian produk validasi I dan II, hasil eksperimen produk baru diujicobakan kepada orang yang lebih ahli (tim dosen pembimbing) untuk mendapatkan umpan balik. 5) Uji penerimaan produk dilakukan dari evaluasi produk dan perbaikan produk kemudian dilakukan uji panelis. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: 1) Formula yang tepat untuk membuat kulit pie dengan bahan subsitusi pati garut menggunakan perbandingan formula 40% pati garut dan 60% tepung terigu dengan komposisi bahan sebagai berikut: 60% tepung terigu, 40% pati garut, 50% margarin, 15% kuning telur, 0,8% garam, 10% air es. Proses pembuatan kulit pie dengan menggunakan teknik mealy pie dough, pencampuran adonan dengan menggunakan tangan hingga adonan berbentuk seperti pasir. 2) Pengembangan produk pie dengan subsitusi pati garut berupa variasi isian brownies dengan rasa manis, isian buah dengan potongan buah kiwi, jeruk, strawberry dengan vla dan isian ragout sayur dengan rasa asin. 3) Hasil uji penerimaan oleh 30 orang panelis terlatih terhadap produk pie yang disubsitusi pati garut dengan variasi isian dapat diterima dengan tingkat prosentase masing-masing produk untuk pie isi buah 93%, pie brownies 87%, dan isian ragout sayur 80%

    Consumers' perceptions of sustainably produced food - a focus group study

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    The purpose of this study is to provide information on consumers' perceptions of sustainably produced food products and the main product attributes that influence consumer's buying behaviour in the case of organic, Fair Trade and locally produced food. The paper draws on data from four focus groups. The results provide empirical insight into the motivating as well as the restricting factors which influence consumers' purchasing behaviour in the case of sustainably produced food and introduce the emerging key themes associated with the attributes of sustainably produced food products

    Policies to promote sustainable consumption: framework for a future-oriented evaluation

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    Governments are today developing policies to promote sustainable consumption, yet policy makers face many uncertainties about policy impacts. These include uncertainties about how policy instruments influence consumption patterns and about the impact of changes in consumption patterns on ecological, social and economic sustainability. An assessment of such impacts must account for the fact that consumer action is interlinked with the dynamic activities of other market players and the path-creating effects of technologies and systems of consumption and provision

    Spread and establishment of Aedes albopictus in southern Switzerland between 2003 and 2014 : an analysis of oviposition data and weather conditions

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    The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, is a highly invasive mosquito species of public health importance. In the wake of its arrival in neighbouring Italy the authorities of the canton of Ticino in southern Switzerland initiated a surveillance programme in 2000 that is still on-going. Here we explored the unique data set, compiled from 2003 to 2014, to analyse the local dynamic of introduction and establishment of Ae. albopictus, its relative density in relation to precipitation and temperature, and its potential distribution at the passage from southern to northern Europe.; The presence of Ae. albopictus was recorded by ovitraps placed across Ticino. In addition to presence-absence, the relationship between relative egg densities and year, month, temperature and precipitation was analysed by a generalised linear mixed model.; Since its first detection in 2003 at Ticino's border with Italy Ae. albopictus has continuously spread north across the lower valleys, mainly along the trans-European motorway, E35. Detailed local analysis showed that industrial areas were colonised by the mosquito before residential areas and that, afterwards, the mosquito was more present in residential than in industrial areas. Ae. albopictus appeared sporadically and then became more present in the same places the following years, suggesting gradual establishment of locally reproducing populations that manage to overwinter. This trend continues as witnessed by both a growing area being infested and increasing egg counts in the ovitraps. There was a clear South-North gradient with more traps being repeatedly positive in the South and fewer eggs laid during periods of intensive precipitation. In the North, the mosquito appeared repeatedly through the years, but never managed to establish, probably because of unfavourable weather conditions and low road traffic.; Given the present results we assume that additional areas may still become infested. While the current study provides good estimates of relative egg densities and shows the local and regional dynamics of Ae. albopictus invasion, additional parameters ought to be measured to make an objective risk assessment for epidemic disease transmission. The likelihood of Ae. albopictus to further spread and increase in densities calls for continued surveillance

    Pengembangan Produk Pie Chocolate Cake, Cheese Straw, dan Sus Buah dengan Subtitusi Tepung Jagung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1)Mengembangkan produk pie chocolate cake, cheese straw, dan sus buah dengan penambahan tepung jagung dilihat dari formula dan teknik olah 2)Mengetahui pengembangan tampilan produk pie chocolate cake, cheese straw, dan sus buah dengan orientasi 3)Mengetahui daya terima masyarakat terhadap pie chocolate cake, cheese straw, dan sus buah dengan bahan tepung jagung. Metode yang digunakan dalam Penelitian dan Pengembangan Produk (R & D) dengan tahapan-tahapan: 1)Menganalisis resep 2)Merancang formula baru pengembangan produk pastry tepung jagung 3)Pengujian produk menggunakan Expert Judsment (Tenaga Ahli) dilakukan 2(dua) kali dan melalui uji panelis terlatih dengan instrument yang diujikan rasa, tekstur, warna, aroma, dan penyajian serta uji daya terima produk. Analisis data secara deskriptif, kualitatif, dan kuantitatif. Hasil pengembangan diperoleh : 1)Formula yang tepat pie chocolate cake dan cheese straw dengan subtitusi tepung jagung adalah 80:20(tepung terigu:tepung jagung) sedangkan formula yang tepat sus buah adalah 70:30(tepung terigu:tepung jagung). Teknik olah pembuatan produk pastry tepung jagung adalah baking atau memanggang untuk pie chocolate cake dan cheese straw, boiling atau merebus dan baking atau memanggang untuk produk sus buah 2)Pengembangan tampilan produk pie chocolate cake kombinasi pie dengan sponge cake hiasan topping butter cream, potongan cokelat blok, dan cherry merah. Produk cheese straw dikembangkan dengan 3(tiga) variasi rasa dihidangkan dengan gelas panjang dan diberi hiasan peterseli. Produk sus buah dikembangkan bentuk seperti keranjang yang diisi dengan vanilla sauce dan potongan buah 3)Tingkat penerimaan masyarakat terhadap produk pie chocolate cake adalah 100%, cheese straw tepung jagung adalah 97%, dan produk sus buah adalah 90% panelis menerima produk tersebut

    On Approaching the Ultimate Limits of Photon-Efficient and Bandwidth-Efficient Optical Communication

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    It is well known that ideal free-space optical communication at the quantum limit can have unbounded photon information efficiency (PIE), measured in bits per photon. High PIE comes at a price of low dimensional information efficiency (DIE), measured in bits per spatio-temporal-polarization mode. If only temporal modes are used, then DIE translates directly to bandwidth efficiency. In this paper, the DIE vs. PIE tradeoffs for known modulations and receiver structures are compared to the ultimate quantum limit, and analytic approximations are found in the limit of high PIE. This analysis shows that known structures fall short of the maximum attainable DIE by a factor that increases linearly with PIE for high PIE. The capacity of the Dolinar receiver is derived for binary coherent-state modulations and computed for the case of on-off keying (OOK). The DIE vs. PIE tradeoff for this case is improved only slightly compared to OOK with photon counting. An adaptive rule is derived for an additive local oscillator that maximizes the mutual information between a receiver and a transmitter that selects from a set of coherent states. For binary phase-shift keying (BPSK), this is shown to be equivalent to the operation of the Dolinar receiver. The Dolinar receiver is extended to make adaptive measurements on a coded sequence of coherent state symbols. Information from previous measurements is used to adjust the a priori probabilities of the next symbols. The adaptive Dolinar receiver does not improve the DIE vs. PIE tradeoff compared to independent transmission and Dolinar reception of each symbol.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; corrected a typo in equation 3

    Pemanfaatan Pati Garut pada Pembuatan Produk Cookies sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Bahan Pangan Lokal”(Erut Cheese Pie Cookies, Erut Ginger Nut Cookies, dan Erut Peanut Honey Cookies)”

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Menemukan formula produk Erut cheese pie cookies, Erut ginger nut cookies dan Erut peanut honey cookies yang tepat, 2) Mengembangkan teknik olah produk Erut chesse pie cookies, Erut ginger nut cookies dan Erut peanut honey cookies dengan bahan pati garut, 3) Menemukan teknik kemasan yang tepat cookies pati garut, 4) Mengetahui daya terima konsumen terhadap produk Erut cheese pie cookies, Erut ginger nut cookies dan Erut peanut honey cookies. Penelitian dilakukan secara ekperimen di laboratorium Teknik Boga Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Boga dan Busana Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta pada bulan Maret hingga Juni 2012. Metode R & D yang digunakan dalam pembuatan produk ini adalah model ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development or Production, Implementation or Delivery, and Evaluation), melalui beberapa tahap yaitu, 1) Analisis Resep, 2) Desain Resep Baru, 3) Eksperimen Formula, 4) Validasi Produk I, 5) Validasi Produk II, 6) Validasi Produk III, 7) Uji Penerimaan Produk dan 8) Publikasi (Pameran). Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh : 1) Formula yang tepat pada pembuatan Erut cheese pie cookies adalah subtitusi 40:60 (pati garut : tepung terigu) untuk kulit pie dan 100% (pati garut) pada pembuatan Erut cheese cookies, Erut ginger nut cookies dan Erut peanut honey cookies, 2) Teknik pengolahan Erut cheese cookies adalah mixing method dan pie adalah teknik flaky, Erut ginger nut cookies menggunakan mixing method dan Erut peanut honey cookies menggunakan all in method, 3) Kemasan yang digunakan untuk semua cookies pati garut adalah plastik PP, mika kotak kecil seperti kemasan truffle dan stoples, 4) Daya terima konsumen terhadap produk Erut cheese pie cookies sebanyak 90%, produk Erut ginger nut cookies sebanyak 83,3% dan produk Erut peanut honey cookies sebanyak 76,7%

    Dividing the Pie

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    We examine the consequences of transparency in an experimentalmultiple-dealer market with asymmetrically informed dealers. Fiveprofessional securities traders make a market for a single security.In each trading round, one of the dealers (the "insider") is told thesecurity's true value. We vary both pre-trade and post-tradetransparency by changing the way quote and trade information ispublished. The insider's profits are greatest when price efficiency islowest. Price efficiency, in turn, is reduced by pre-tradetransparency and increased by posttrade transparency. Marketliquidity, measured by dealers' bid-ask spreads, is improved bypre-trade transparency and reduced by post-trade transparency.financial markets;information asymmetry;market microstructure;experimental economics