8 research outputs found

    Human Papillomavirus (HPV) seroprevalence, cervical HPV prevalence, genotype distribution and cytological lesions in solid organ transplant recipients and immunocompetent women in Sao Paulo, Brazil

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    INTRODUCTION: Solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients are at increased risk of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) persistent infection and disease. This study aimed to evaluate HPV seroprevalence, cervical HPV prevalence, genotype distribution, and frequency of HPV-related cervical lesions in SOT recipients in comparison to immunocompetent women. METHODS: Cross-sectional study including SOT and immunocompetent women aged 18 to 45 years who denied previous HPV-related lesions. Cervical samples were screened for HPV-DNA by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based DNA microarray system (PapilloCheck®) and squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL) by liquid-based cytology. A multiplexed pseudovirion-based serology assay (PsV-Luminex) was used to measure HPV serum antibodies. RESULTS: 125 SOT and 132 immunocompetent women were enrolled. Cervical samples were collected from 113 SOT and 127 immunocompetent women who had initiated sexual activity. HPV-DNA prevalence was higher in SOT than in immunocompetent women (29.6% vs. 20.2%, p = 0.112), but this difference was not statistically significant. High-risk (HR)-HPV was significantly more frequent in SOT than in immunocompetent women (19.4% vs. 7.9%, p = 0.014). Simultaneous infection with ≥2 HR-HPV types was found in 3.1% of SOT and 0.9% of immunocompetent women. HPV seropositivity for at least one HPV type was high in both groups: 63.8% of 105 SOT and 69.7% of 119 immunocompetent women (p = 0.524). Low-grade (LSIL) and high-grade SIL (HSIL) were significantly more frequent in SOT (9.7% and 5.3%, respectively) than in immunocompetent women (1.6% and 0.8%, respectively) (p = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: These results may reflect the increased risk of HPV persistent infection and disease progression in SOT women due to chronic immunosuppression

    Evaluation of the rate of access to prescription of preventive treatment of tuberculosis with isoniazid in a specialized HIV/AIDS outpatient clinic

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    Introdução: O Tratamento Preventivo com Isoniazida (TPI) é indicado para os pacientes com HIV/aids e infecção latente por Micobacterium tuberculosis (ILMTb) para os quais não haja contraindicação à Isoniazida. Entretanto, barreiras de acesso podem impedir que os pacientes realizem este tratamento. Objetivos: O presente estudo avaliou a taxa de acesso à prescrição médica do TPI em sujeitos com HIV/aids e ILMTb em seguimento em um serviço especializado de HIV/aids no período de fevereiro de 2005 a dezembro de 2009. Para os sujeitos que não tiveram acesso à prescrição do TPI, buscou-se, em prontuário, justificativas para esta conduta. Também foi identificado o perfil epidemiológico, clínico e demográfico dos sujeitos com HIV/aids e ILMTb e foi descrita a característica do médico que solicitou o teste tuberculínico (TT) e do que prescreveu o TPI. Métodos: No período de 02 de fevereiro de 2005 a 31 de dezembro de 2009 que estavam em seguimento no SEAP HIV/Aids foram incluídos sujeitos com HIV/Aids e ILMTB, diagnosticada através do Teste Tuberculínico (TT). Informações referentes às variáveis analisadas foram coletadas nos prontuários médicos e através de consulta ao Sistema de Informação e Gestão Hospitalar (SIGH) - Módulo Farmácia. Resultados: Foram incluídos 238 sujeitos dentre os 310 que tiveram TT > 5 mm no período do estudo. Destes, 70,6% (168) eram do sexo masculino; a média de idade foi de 42,6 anos; 88,2% (210) dos sujeitos tiveram acesso à prescrição do TPI. O acesso à prescrição do TPI foi associado à idade, ao tamanho da resposta ao TT, ao nadir de Linfócitos TCD4+ dos sujeitos em TARV e à presença de cicatriz de BCG. Sujeitos mais jovens, com resposta ao TT igual ou maior do que 10 mm e com cicatriz de BCG tiveram maior acesso à prescrição do TPI. Uma das questões a ser explorada em futuros estudos se refere aos fatores que influenciam, ou não, a decisão do profissional de introduzir este tratamento na situação em que o mesmo está recomendado tecnicamente. Conclusão: Os sujeitos mais jovens, com melhor situação imunológica de base, maior valor de resposta ao TT e com presença da cicatriz de BCG, tiveram maior acesso ao TPI. Neste estudo foi evidenciada a necessidade de que as instituições de saúde invistam em educação continuada de seus profissionais para elevarem a cobertura de ações programáticas, como é o tratamento da ILMTB, previsto nos programas nacionais de tuberculose e de HIV/aids. Além disso, é necessário que as equipes interdisciplinares atuem de forma integrada e harmônica, para garantir o acesso às ações de saúde. É possível identificar, porém muitas barreiras que restam para a serem rompidas de modo que os cidadãos que vivem com HIV/aids tenham acesso a este e aos demais tratamentos de que tenham necessidadeBackground: Isoniazid Preventive Treatment (IPT) is recommended for patients with HIV/AIDS and Latent Infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (ILMTb) and no contraindication to isoniazid. However, access barriers may prevent patients to undergo to this treatment. Objectives: This study evaluated the rate of access to the prescription of IPT in subjects with HIV/aids and ILMTb followed up in a specialized HIV/aids from February 2005 to December 2009. For subjects who did not have access to the prescription of IPT, we sought, on records, justification for this conduct. Also, the epidemiological, clinical and demographic profile of individuals with HIV/AIDS and ILMTb and the characteristic of the doctor who requested the tuberculin skin test (TST) and prescribed IPT were identified. Methods: from 02 February 2005 to 31 December 2009 subjects followed up at SEAP HIV/aids with HIV/aids and ILMTB, diagnosed by Tuberculin Test (TST) were included. Information was collected from the medical records and from the Hospital Information and Management System (SIGH) - Pharmacy Module. Results: 238 subjects were included, among the 310 who had TST > 5 mm during the study period. Of these, 70.6 % (168) were male and the average age was 42.6 years, 88.2 % (210) had access to the prescription of IPT. Access to IPT prescription was associated with age , size of response to TST, nadir of lymphocytes CD4 + in subjects on ART and presence of BCG scar: younger subjects with response to TST equal to or greater than 10 mm and BCG scar had higher access rate to IPT prescription. An issue to be explored in the future refers to variables that influence the professional\'s decision to prescribe this treatment when it is technically recommended. Conclusion: younger subjects with better immune status at baseline, greater response to TST and presence of BCG scar, had more access to IPT. This study highlighted the need of educational programs for health professionals, in order to improve the coverage of activities devoted to reduce morbidity and mortality in HIV/aids patients, as is the treatment of ILMTB, recommended in national tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS programs. Furthermore, it is crucial, for interdisciplinary health teams, to operate in an integrated and harmonious way, to ensure, for HIV/aids patients, a healthy and longer lif

    Multicomponent physical activity program to prevent body changes and metabolic disturbances associated with antiretroviral therapy and improve quality of life of people living with HIV: a pragmatic trial

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    OBJECTIVES: Comprehensive care for people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (PLH) includes the promotion of healthier habits, including physical activity (PA). This study aimed to describe a multicomponent pragmatic trial protocol to assess the effect of PA in preventing body changes and metabolic disturbances, improving the quality of life of PLH starting antiretroviral therapy (ART) and present cohort characteristics. METHODS: PLH undergoing ART for p4 months were recruited for a randomized trial. The intervention comprised three cardiorespiratory and/or strength training sessions per week at the clinic or in public spaces for 6 months under on-site or remote supervision, and educational sessions. Participants’ PA levels, cardiorespiratory fitness, anthropometric measures, strength, flexibility, quality of life, and laboratory monitoring (blood glucose and lipids, CD4 counts) at baseline and post-intervention will be compared. The pragmatic design aims to enable the assessment of intervention effectiveness in real-life conditions. RESULTS: At baseline, our cohort of 38 recently diagnosed patients (mean time since HIV diagnosis and duration of ART were 3 and 2.58 months, respectively) were predominantly male, young, with high schooling and good immune status (median CD4 count=498 cells/mm3 ). Twenty-two (57.9%) patients reported a PA below the World Health Organization recommendations. We found baseline normal anthropometric measures and metabolic parameters: below-average trunk flexion and elbow extension strength, poor handgrip strength and flexibility, and high quality of life scores in all except the physical domain. CONCLUSIONS: Understanding how effective PA is in preventing body changes and metabolic disturbances, and in improving the quality of PLH starting ART may help establish guidelines to better incorporate PA in HIV care

    Facilitando o acesso à vacina pneumocócica para pessoas vivendo com HIV: relato de experiência

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    The article describes a strategy to facilitate access to pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 13 (PCV-13) for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: report on the experience regarding the organization of a care service for PLHIV in the city of São Paulo to facilitate access to PCV-13 in the framework of the 2020 influenza vaccination campaign during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: through the integration between a PLHIV care service and an Immunization Center (CRIE in Portuguese), it was possible to offer PCV-13 to PLHIV at the point of care, reducing physical barriers to access to immunization. Thus, of the 1,906 PLHIV who passed through the service during the period March 23-July 31, 2020, 84.4% (1,609) received the influenza vaccine, PCV-13 or both. Of the 1609 vaccinated, 50.6% (814) were eligible and received PCV-13. Conclusion: offering the vaccine at the point of care and orienting PLHIV on the importance of vaccination as a disease prevention strategy, identifying those eligible to receive it, was an important action carried out by the institution together with the nursing team, as a strategy to facilitate access to vaccination.Descrever uma estratégia para facilitar o acesso à vacina conjugada pneumocócica 13-valente (PCV-13) para pessoas vivendo com HIV (PVHIV), durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Método: relato de experiência sobre a organização de um serviço de atendimento para PVHIV na cidade de São Paulo, para facilitar o acesso à PCV-13 no decorrer da campanha de vacinação de influenza de 2020, durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Resultados: por meio da integração entre um serviço de atendimento para PVHIV e um Centro de Imunizações (CRIE) foi possível oferecer a PCV-13 para as PVHIV em seu local de atendimento, diminuindo barreiras físicas de acesso à imunização. Dessa forma, das 1906 PVHIV que passaram pelo serviço durante o período de 23 de março a 31 de julho de 2020, 84,4% (1609) receberam a vacina influenza, PCV-13 ou ambas. Dos 1609 vacinados, 50,6% (814) foram elegíveis e receberam a PCV-13. Conclusão: oferecer a vacina em seu local de tratamento e orientar as PVHIV sobre a importância da vacinação como estratégia de prevenção de doenças, identificando os elegíveis a recebê-las, foi uma importante ação realizada pela instituição em conjunto com a equipe de enfermagem, como estratégia de facilitar o acesso à vacinação.El artículo describe una estrategia para facilitar el acceso a la vacuna neumocócica conjugada 13 (PCV-13) a las personas que viven con VIH/SIDA (PVVS) durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Método: relato de experiencia sobre la organización de un servicio de atención a las PVVS en la ciudad de São Paulo, para facilitar el acceso a la PCV-13 en el marco de la campaña de vacunación contra la gripe de 2020, durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Resultados: a través de la integración entre un servicio de atención a las PVVS y un Centro de Inmunización (CRIE), fue posible ofrecer la PCV-13 a las PVVS en su punto de atención, reduciendo las barreras físicas para el acceso a la inmunización. Así, de las 1.906 PVVS que pasaron por el servicio durante el periodo comprendido entre el 23 de marzo y el 31 de julio de 2020, el 84,4% (1.609) recibieron la vacuna de la gripe, la PCV-13 o ambas. De los 1609 vacunados, el 50,6% (814) eran elegibles y recibieron la PCV-13. Conclusión: ofrecer la vacuna en el lugar de atención y orientar a las PVVS sobre la importancia de la vacunación como estrategia de prevención de enfermedades, identificando a las personas elegibles para recibirlas, fue una acción importante realizada por la institución junto con el equipo de enfermería, como estrategia para facilitar el acceso a la vacunación

    Measuring Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment: The Role of Pharmacy Records of Drug Withdrawals

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    This study aimed to evaluate adherence to anti-retroviral treatment (ART) among HIV + adults, assess its association with HIV viral load (VL) and identify factors associated to adherence. A survey involving a random sample of adults followed at a HIV/AIDS reference center in Sao Paulo city, Brazil, from 2007 to 2009 was done. A questionnaire was applied and data were retrieved from the pharmacy and medical records. The study involved 292 subjects: 70.2% men; median age: 43 years; median duration of ART: 8 years. 89.3% self-reported taken all prescribed pills in the last 3 days but only 39.3% picked up >= 95% of the prescribed ART from the pharmacy in the last 12 months. At the multivariate analysis having symptoms prior to ART, taking fewer ART pills, and not missing medical appointments were independently associated to higher adherence. Adherence was strongly associated with undetectable HIV VL. Rates of undetectable HIV VL did not differ from 80 to >= 95% of adherence

    Prevalence and Associated Factors of Cryptococcal Antigenemia in HIV-Infected Patients with CD4 < 200 Cells/µL in São Paulo, Brazil: A Bayesian Analysis

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    Cryptococcosis is a severe life-threatening disease and a major cause of mortality in people with advanced AIDS and CD4 ≤ 100 cells/µL. Considering the knowledge gap regarding the benefits of routine application of antigenemia tests in HIV-infected patients with 100–200 CD4 cells/µL for the prevention of cryptococcal meningitis (CM), we aimed to evaluate the prevalence of positive antigenemia through lateral flow assay (LFA) and associated factors in HIV-infected patients with CD4 < 200 cells/µL. Our findings of 3.49% of positive LFA (LFA+) patients with CD4 < 100 cells/µL and 2.24% with CD4 between 100–200 cells/µL have been included in a Bayesian analysis with 12 other studies containing similar samples worldwide. This analysis showed a proportion of 3.6% LFA+ patients (95% credible interval-Ci [2.5–5.7%]) with CD4 < 100 cells/µL and 1.1% (95%Ci [0.5–4.3%]) with CD4 between 100–200 cells/µL, without statistical difference between these groups. The difference between mortality rates in LFA+ and negative LFA groups was e = 0.05013. Cryptococcoma and CM were observed in the LFA+ group with 100–200 and <100 CD4 cells/µL, respectively. Considering the benefits of antifungal therapy for LFA+ patients, our data reinforced the recommendation to apply LFA as a routine test in patients with 100–200 CD4 cells/µL aiming to expand cost-effectiveness studies in this group

    Effects of hospital facilities on patient outcomes after cancer surgery: an international, prospective, observational study

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    © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY 4.0 licenseBackground: Early death after cancer surgery is higher in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) compared with in high-income countries, yet the impact of facility characteristics on early postoperative outcomes is unknown. The aim of this study was to examine the association between hospital infrastructure, resource availability, and processes on early outcomes after cancer surgery worldwide. Methods: A multimethods analysis was performed as part of the GlobalSurg 3 study—a multicentre, international, prospective cohort study of patients who had surgery for breast, colorectal, or gastric cancer. The primary outcomes were 30-day mortality and 30-day major complication rates. Potentially beneficial hospital facilities were identified by variable selection to select those associated with 30-day mortality. Adjusted outcomes were determined using generalised estimating equations to account for patient characteristics and country-income group, with population stratification by hospital. Findings: Between April 1, 2018, and April 23, 2019, facility-level data were collected for 9685 patients across 238 hospitals in 66 countries (91 hospitals in 20 high-income countries; 57 hospitals in 19 upper-middle-income countries; and 90 hospitals in 27 low-income to lower-middle-income countries). The availability of five hospital facilities was inversely associated with mortality: ultrasound, CT scanner, critical care unit, opioid analgesia, and oncologist. After adjustment for case-mix and country income group, hospitals with three or fewer of these facilities (62 hospitals, 1294 patients) had higher mortality compared with those with four or five (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 3·85 [95% CI 2·58–5·75]; p<0·0001), with excess mortality predominantly explained by a limited capacity to rescue following the development of major complications (63·0% vs 82·7%; OR 0·35 [0·23–0·53]; p<0·0001). Across LMICs, improvements in hospital facilities would prevent one to three deaths for every 100 patients undergoing surgery for cancer. Interpretation: Hospitals with higher levels of infrastructure and resources have better outcomes after cancer surgery, independent of country income. Without urgent strengthening of hospital infrastructure and resources, the reductions in cancer-associated mortality associated with improved access will not be realised. Funding: National Institute for Health and Care Research