153 research outputs found

    b Quark Tagging Performance and Higgs Detection via Top Production Using the ATLAS Detector

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    The single particle response of the ATLAS Inner Detector has been simulated. The impact parameter resolution was parameterised as sigma (d0) = 11 ⊕ 59/pT mum and sigma(z0) = 85 ⊕ 94/pT mum with pT in GeV. The b-tagging performance was evaluated, for a b-tagging efficency eb = 0.5, the light quark rejection Ru = 83 +/- 6 for 97% silicon microstrip and pixel detector efficiency and Ru = 61 +/- 4 for 90% detector efficiency for 200 GeV jets. The viability for a Higgs boson search using the channel ttH → bW+bW-bb was examined. For a total integrated luminosity of 3 . 10e4pb-1 and a Higgs boson of mass mH = 80 GeV the signal significance was 11.7, for MH = 100 GeV 6.5, above mH = 110 GeV the signal significance fell below the 5sigma level


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    ABSTRACT Road user charging (RUC) is a relatively new term that embraces all policies that charge for road space. In popular literature the term 'tolling' is often used as a generalisation to cover demand management as well as funding the development and operation of new infrastructure. This confusion extends to the measures by which the performance of charging schemes is assessed. Applying the same measures to schemes that have different policy objectives for the purposes of comparison or to develop a business case for the scheme risks introducing large errors and consequently suboptimal decisions on scheme design and operation. This paper describes the different policy options, their respective strategic objectives and introduces performance measures for each. Common misconceptions are explored and alternative suggestions are made to improve the accuracy by which some performance measures can be compared even if the underlying objectives are different. The techniques are applicable to RUC scheme designers and organisations that wish to assess scheme efficiency and value for money

    Use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for mark-resight nesting population estimation of adult female green sea turtles at Raine Island

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    Nester abundance is a key measure of the performance of the world's largest green turtle rookery at Raine Island, Australia, and has been estimated by mark-resight counts since 1984. Nesters are first marked by painting their carapace with a longitudinal white stripe. Painted and unpainted turtles are then counted by a surface observer on a small boat in waters adjacent to the reef. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and underwater video may provide more cost-effective and less biased alternatives to this approach, but estimates must be comparable with historical estimates. Here we compare and evaluate the three methods. We found comparatively little variation in resighting probabilities between consecutive days of sampling or time of day, which supports an underlying assumption of the method (i.e. demographic closure during sampling). This lack of bias in the location availability for detection of painted versus unpainted turtles and further supported by a parallel satellite tracking study of 40 turtles at Raine Island. Our results demonstrated that surface observers consistently reported higher proportions of marked turtles than either the UAV or underwater video method. This in turn yielded higher population estimates with UAV or underwater video compared to the historical surface observer method, which suggested correction factors of 1.53 and 1.73 respectively. We attributed this to observer search error because a white marked turtle is easier to spot than the non-marked turtle. In contrast, the UAV and underwater video methods allowed subsequent frame-by-frame review, thus reducing observer search error. UAVs were the most efficient in terms of survey time, personnel commitment and weather tolerance compared to the other methods. However, underwater video may also be a useful alternative for in-water mark-resight surveys of turtles

    On-plot sanitation in low-income urban communities: a review of the literature

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    More than three hundred documents were examined in this review and material relevant to on-plot urban sanitation has been summarized in sections dealing with technical, health and social, and management matters. Alternative technologies are critically reviewed, with special attention given to the relative advantages and disadvantages of each option

    The Therapeutic Potential of the Stem Cell Secretome for Spinal Cord Repair : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Drs Ya-Tzu Chen (Taipei Veterans General Hospital), May-Jywan Tsai (Taipei Veterans General Hospital), Kenji Kanekiyo (Aino University) and Yi Ren (Florida State University) for responding to our requests for clarification on their studies. We would also like to thank Dr Jack Rivers-Auty (University of Tasmania) for his advice on statistical analysis. Funding: This work was supported by Graham and Pam Dixon and the Scottish Rugby Union.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Two total syntheses of trigoxyphins K and L

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    Two total syntheses are presented for trigoxyphins K and L, tricyclic terpenoids from Trigonostemon xyphophylloides. The first proceeds via electrophlic cyclization in A/C-ring substrates to close the B-ring at C4–C5 then 1 O2-mediated hydroxybutenolide formation to trigoxyphin L, with Luche reduction leading to trigoxyphin K. The second route develops from tetralone ring expansion to a B/C-ring intermediate that, by one-step O-demethylation-lactonization-isomerization, affords trigoxyphin K, then trigoxyphin L following enolate oxygenation

    High-density functional-RNA arrays as a versatile platform for studying RNA-based interactions

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    We are just beginning to unravel the myriad of interactions in which non-coding RNAs participate. The intricate RNA interactome is the foundation of many biological processes, including bacterial virulence and human disease, and represents unexploited resources for the development of potential therapeutic interventions. However, identifying specific associations of a given RNA from the multitude of possible binding partners within the cell requires robust high-throughput systems for their rapid screening. Here, we present the first demonstration of functional-RNA arrays as a novel platform technology designed for the study of such interactions using immobilized, active RNAs. We have generated high-density RNA arrays by an innovative method involving surface-capture of in vitro transcribed RNAs. This approach has significant advantages over existing technologies, particularly in its versatility in regards to binding partner character. Indeed, proof-of-principle application of RNA arrays to both RNA-small molecule and RNA-RNA pairings is demonstrated, highlighting their potential as a platform technology for mapping RNA-based networks and for pharmaceutical screening. Furthermore, the simplicity of the method supports greater user-accessibility over currently available technologies. We anticipate that functional-RNA arrays will find broad utility in the expanding field of RNA characterization

    Overcoming the barriers to implementing urban road user charging schemes

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    Urban road user charging offers the potential to achieve significant improvements in urban transport, but is notoriously difficult to implement. Cities need guidance on the range of factors to be considered in planning and implementing such schemes. This paper summarises the results of a 3 year programme which has collated evidence on the issues of most concern to cities. A state of the art report has provided evidence on 14 themes, ranging from objectives and design to implementation and evaluation. A set of 16 case studies has reviewed experience in design and implementation across Europe. The paper summarises their findings, provides references to more detailed information, presents the resulting policy recommendations to European, national and local government, and outlines the areas in which further research is needed
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