660 research outputs found

    Regulation of food intake by astrocytes in the brainstem dorsal vagal complex

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordA role for glial cells in brain circuits controlling feeding has begun to be identified with hypothalamic astrocyte signaling implicated in regulating energy homeostasis. The nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS), within the brainstem dorsal vagal complex (DVC), integrates vagal afferent information from the viscera and plays a role in regulating food intake. We hypothesized that astrocytes in this nucleus respond to, and influence, food intake. Mice fed high‐fat chow for 12 hr during the dark phase showed NTS astrocyte activation, reflected in an increase in the number (65%) and morphological complexity of glial‐fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)‐immunoreactive cells adjacent to the area postrema (AP), compared to control chow fed mice. To measure the impact of astrocyte activation on food intake, we delivered designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADDs) to DVC astrocytes (encompassing NTS, AP, and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus) using an adeno‐associated viral (AAV) vector (AAV‐GFAP‐hM3Dq_mCherry). Chemogenetic activation with clozapine‐N‐oxide (0.3 mg/kg) produced in greater morphological complexity in astrocytes and reduced dark‐phase feeding by 84% at 4 hr postinjection compared with vehicle treatment. hM3Dq‐activation of DVC astrocytes also reduced refeeding after an overnight fast (71% lower, 4 hr postinjection) when compared to AAV‐GFAP‐mCherry expressing control mice. DREADD‐mediated astrocyte activation did not impact locomotion. hM3Dq activation of DVC astrocytes induced c‐FOS in neighboring neuronal feeding circuits (including in the parabrachial nucleus). This indicates that NTS astrocytes respond to acute nutritional excess, are involved in the integration of peripheral satiety signals, and can reduce food intake when activated.Diabetes UKMedical Research Council (MRC

    Divergence in Dialogue

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    Copyright: 2014 Healey et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.This work was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC; http://www.esrc.ac.uk/) through the DynDial project (Dynamics of Conversational Dialogue, RES-062-23-0962) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC; http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/) through the RISER project (Robust Incremental Semantic Resources for Dialogue, EP/J010383/1). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Towards precision medicine for hypertension: a review of genomic, epigenomic, and microbiomic effects on blood pressure in experimental rat models and humans

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    Compelling evidence for the inherited nature of essential hypertension has led to extensive research in rats and humans. Rats have served as the primary model for research on the genetics of hypertension resulting in identification of genomic regions that are causally associated with hypertension. In more recent times, genome-wide studies in humans have also begun to improve our understanding of the inheritance of polygenic forms of hypertension. Based on the chronological progression of research into the genetics of hypertension as the "structural backbone," this review catalogs and discusses the rat and human genetic elements mapped and implicated in blood pressure regulation. Furthermore, the knowledge gained from these genetic studies that provide evidence to suggest that much of the genetic influence on hypertension residing within noncoding elements of our DNA and operating through pervasive epistasis or gene-gene interactions is highlighted. Lastly, perspectives on current thinking that the more complex "triad" of the genome, epigenome, and the microbiome operating to influence the inheritance of hypertension, is documented. Overall, the collective knowledge gained from rats and humans is disappointing in the sense that major hypertension-causing genes as targets for clinical management of essential hypertension may not be a clinical reality. On the other hand, the realization that the polygenic nature of hypertension prevents any single locus from being a relevant clinical target for all humans directs future studies on the genetics of hypertension towards an individualized genomic approach

    Whole-genome sequencing of ocular Chlamydia trachomatis isolates from Gadarif State, Sudan

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    Background: Trachoma, caused by ocular Chlamydia trachomatis, is the leading infectious cause of blindness worldwide. Sudan first reported trachoma in the 1930s and has since been consistently endemic. Ocular C. trachomatis previously isolated from trachoma patients in Sudan in 1963 was antigenically identical to an isolate from Saudi Arabia (A/SA1). No contemporary ocular C. trachomatis whole genome sequences have been reported from Sudan. Methods: This study sequenced twenty ocular C. trachomatis isolates to improve understanding of pathogen diversity in North-East Africa and examine for genomic variation specific to Sudan, possibly related to the persistence of trachoma in surveyed communities. High quality, whole genome sequences were obtained from 12/20 isolates. Results: All isolates were serovar A and had tarP and trpA sequences typical of classical, ocular C. trachomatis isolates. The Sudanese isolates formed a closely related subclade within the T2-trachoma clade of C. trachomatis phylogeny distinct from geographically disparate ocular isolates, with little intra-population diversity. We found 333 SNPs that were conserved in Sudanese ocular isolates but rare compared to other ocular C. trachomatis populations, which were focused in two genomic loci (CTA0172-CTA0173 and CTA0482). Conclusions: Limited intra-population diversity and geographical clustering of ocular C. trachomatis suggests minimal transmission between and slow diversification within trachoma-endemic communities. However, diversity may have been higher pre-treatment in these communities. Over-representation of Sudan-specific SNPs in three genes suggests they may have an impact on C. trachomatis growth and transmission in this population

    Characterization of mouse neuro-urological dynamics in a novel decerebrate arterially perfused mouse (DAPM) preparation

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    Aim: To develop the decerebrate arterially perfused mouse (DAPM) preparation, a novel voiding model of the lower urinary tract (LUT) that enables in vitro-like access with in vivo-like neural connectivity. Methods: Adult male mice were decerebrated and arterially perfused with a carbogenated, Ringer’s solution to establish the DAPM. To allow distinction between central and peripheral actions of interventions, experiments were conducted in both the DAPM and in a “pithed” DAPM which has no brainstem or spinal cord control. Results: Functional micturition cycles were observed in response to bladder filling. During each void, the bladder showed strong contractions and the external urethral sphincter (EUS) showed bursting activity. Both the frequency and amplitude of non-voiding contractions (NVCs) in DAPM and putative micromotions (pMM) in pithed DAPM increased with bladder filling. Vasopressin (>400 pM) caused dyssynergy of the LUT resulting in retention in DAPM as it increased tonic EUS activity and basal bladder pressure in a dose-dependent manner (basal pressure increase also noted in pithed DAPM). Both neuromuscular blockade (vecuronium) and autonomic ganglion blockade (hexamethonium), initially caused incomplete voiding, and both drugs eventually stopped voiding in DAPM. Intravesical acetic acid (0.2%) decreased the micturition interval. Recordings from the pelvic nerve in the pithed DAPM showed bladder distention-induced activity in the non-noxious range which was associated with pMM. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the utility of the DAPM which allows a detailed characterization of LUT function in mice

    Probabilistic, spinally-gated control of bladder pressure and autonomous micturition by Barrington’s nucleus CRH neurons

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    Micturition requires precise control of bladder and urethral sphincter via parasympathetic, sympathetic and somatic motoneurons. This involves a spino-bulbospinal control circuit incorporating Barrington’s nucleus in the pons (Barr). Ponto-spinal glutamatergic neurons that express corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) form one of the largest Barr cell populations. BarrCRH neurons can generate bladder contractions, but it is unknown whether they act as a simple switch or provide a high-fidelity pre-parasympathetic motor drive and whether their activation can actually trigger voids. Combined opto- and chemo-genetic manipulations along with multisite extracellular recordings in urethane anaesthetised CRHCre mice show that BarrCRH neurons provide a probabilistic drive that generates co-ordinated voids or non-voiding contractions depending on the phase of the micturition cycle. CRH itself provides negative feedback regulation of this process. These findings inform a new inferential model of autonomous micturition and emphasise the importance of the state of the spinal gating circuit in the generation of voiding

    Pathogen burden, inflammation, proliferation and apoptosis in human in-stent restenosis - Tissue characteristics compared to primary atherosclerosis

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    Pathogenic events leading to in-stent restenosis (ISR) are still incompletely understood. Among others, inflammation, immune reactions, deregulated cell death and growth have been suggested. Therefore, atherectomy probes from 21 patients with symptomatic ISR were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for pathogen burden and compared to primary target lesions from 20 stable angina patients. While cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, Epstein-Barr virus and Helicobacter pylori were not found in ISR, acute and/or persistent chlamydial infection were present in 6/21 of these lesions (29%). Expression of human heat shock protein 60 was found in 8/21 of probes (38%). Indicated by distinct signals of CD68, CD40 and CRP, inflammation was present in 5/21 (24%), 3/21 (14%) and 2/21 (10%) of ISR cases. Cell density of ISR was significantly higher than that of primary lesions ( 977 +/- 315 vs. 431 +/- 148 cells/mm(2); p < 0.001). There was no replicating cell as shown by Ki67 or PCNA. TUNEL+ cells indicating apoptosis were seen in 6/21 of ISR specimens (29%). Quantitative analysis revealed lower expression levels for each intimal determinant in ISR compared to primary atheroma (all p < 0.05). In summary, human ISR at the time of clinical presentation is characterized by low frequency of pathogen burden and inflammation, but pronounced hypercellularity, low apoptosis and absence of proliferation. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    The development of path integration: combining estimations of distance and heading

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    Efficient daily navigation is underpinned by path integration, the mechanism by which we use self-movement information to update our position in space. This process is well-understood in adulthood, but there has been relatively little study of path integration in childhood, leading to an underrepresentation in accounts of navigational development. Previous research has shown that calculation of distance and heading both tend to be less accurate in children as they are in adults, although there have been no studies of the combined calculation of distance and heading that typifies naturalistic path integration. In the present study 5-year-olds and 7-year-olds took part in a triangle-completion task, where they were required to return to the startpoint of a multi-element path using only idiothetic information. Performance was compared to a sample of adult participants, who were found to be more accurate than children on measures of landing error, heading error, and distance error. 7-year-olds were significantly more accurate than 5-year-olds on measures of landing error and heading error, although the difference between groups was much smaller for distance error. All measures were reliably correlated with age, demonstrating a clear development of path integration abilities within the age range tested. Taken together, these data make a strong case for the inclusion of path integration within developmental models of spatial navigational processing

    Human embryonic stem cells from aneuploid blastocysts identified by pre-implantation genetic screening

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    Human embryonic stem cells are derived from the inner cell mass of pre-implantation embryos. The cells have unlimited proliferation potential and capacity to differentiate into the cells of the three germ layers. Human embryonic stem cells are used to study human embryogenesis and disease modeling and may in the future serve as cells for cell therapy and drug screening. Human embryonic stem cells are usually isolated from surplus normal frozen embryos and were suggested to be isolated from diseased embryos detected by pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. Here we report the isolation of 12 human embryonic stem cell lines and their thorough characterization. The lines were derived from embryos detected to have aneuploidy by pre-implantation genetic screening. Karyotype analysis of these cell lines showed that they are euploid, having 46 chromosomes. Our interpretation is that the euploid cells originated from mosaic embryos, and in vitro selection favored the euploid cells. The undifferentiated cells exhibited long-term proliferation and expressed markers typical for embryonic stem cells such as OCT4, NANOG, and TRA-1-60. The cells manifested pluripotent differentiation both in vivo and in vitro. To further characterize the different lines, we have analyzed their ethnic origin and the family relatedness among them. The above results led us to conclude that the aneuploid mosaic embryos that are destined to be discarded can serve as source for normal euploid human embryonic stem cell lines. These lines represent various ethnic groups; more lines are needed to represent all populations
